The Daily

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This is what the news should sound like. The biggest stories of our time, told by the best journalists in the world. Hosted by Michael Barbaro and Sabrina Tavernise. Twenty minutes a day, five days a week, ready by 6 a.m.Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at

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Recent Reviews
  • Eytan Magen
    Falling short on the Israel - Hamas conflict
    While the NYT hoists the banner of getting all sides of the story I am saddened to say that it has fallen short, not to say flat on its face, regarding the Israel - Palestinian conflict in its last cycle of the Gaza War. If your only point of view is body counts and never ideology motivations and intent, you are missing the essence of the war story, and more importantly you are aiding and abetting the defamers of the only Jewish state on earth. While the israel government and its prime minister are far from perfect they are getting most of their criticism from within israel and are being protested to try to topple it. This in no way means that israel is culpable for this war or its results. Hamas is. Serious journalism trying to protect civil and human rights and liberties would be able to see through it. A progressive bundled outlook sees Zionism as the occupier, and aggressor when in face it is israel and the Jewish people that is under the threat of annihilation, again. Sorry but this is the truth if you ever want to hear it.
  • Boilingrug
    3 “undecided” voters
    I don’t understand. These aren’t “undecided,” yet the story keeps referring to them as such…the author even says this…these are Republicans, they just can’t quite be certain blah blah garbage. Stop with the dishonest framing/how can we keep conservatives from yelling at us nonsense. Edit: They sound like true baby boomers…”what’s in it for me?”
  • Just read the book
    The presenter needs to drop that nasal snort!
    It's insufferable - as is his attempt to "enact" interest or surprise. These American news podacasts just can't get much worse or much more parochial. But that snort! Jeez!
  • gunsnroses50
    Getting tired of all Trump hating! I’m out!
    Very biased... if it wasn’t for Trump this podcast wouldn’t exist!!!
  • DrDK2
    Absurd Omission of the Role of Guns
    I’m quite puzzled how a discussion of “political violence” focused on Trump can discuss every aspect of violence except guns. Both attempts involved assault rifles. Yet you don’t even discuss an assault weapons ban. The only problems according to you are the Secret Service and political polarization. No mention of guns is extremely cowardly and irresponsible.
  • frankwhitenyking
    Left Wing Media Brainwashing 🧠
    We gotta be honest people….. I voted against Trump, twice. I bought the “Threat to Democracy” nonsense. Ya’ll (Mainstream & Left Wing Media) has radicalized Progressives. Two attempts on DT just in the summer? You call DT the second coming of Hitter every day for 8 years, what do you expect? In their minds, it’s heroic. The Mainstream Media needs to look itself in the mirror. Self Awareness is needed 💯
  • C.D.R. Poet
    Let your journalists read their articles
    Their Sunday features begin with a journalist introducing their long-form article, but then that article is read by the most robotic voice imaginable. Meanwhile, the journalists, being close to the issue, are very animated speakers. Forgoing having them read their own articles in favor of a contract with an audio narration company is the stupidest decision. It makes these stories nearly unlistenable and underutilizes NYT's best asset, their reporters. Change this already!
  • jcl111111111111
    Used to like this podcast but something about their bias has turned me away recently. I’m a former dem turned independent. I know this isn’t a politics pod, I am just very tuned into to politics rn. Same with the run up. Info like the journalists but all of seems a bit biased.
  • Media Buff03
    “She Used to be Friends with JD Vance”
    This episode is a piece of garbage. As listeners (and voters) we’re supposed to take this account seriously? Maybe the reason why JD Vance changed his positions is because the left has become so radical Donald Trump appears to be the “moderate” choice for 2024. Legislators are stripping parental rights away in order to ‘protect’ trans people. Honestly, I respect what any adult wants to do with their life and how they identify themselves. As soon as the government starts hiding information to parents, pushing trans procedures/puberty blockers to confused kids (which had been outlawed in Europe due to overwhelming evidence of harm), I’m out. Stay away from the kids and let them be kids. Stop pushing your radical ideology to kids. I wish the NYT would ask Kamela ONE question instead of continuing to persecute the GOP and push false narratives (abortion will never be outlawed in the US, stop scaring people). The amount to coverage on Trump while Kamela continues to hide from the Biden/Harris failed polices is astonishing. Talk about “saving democracy”…not a single vote was cast for Kamela Harris and the media had the audacity to claim that Trump is a threat to democracy? As a lifelong democrat (who recently changed her voter registration to Republican), I can no longer support the radically dishonest media. Please do some deep dives on Kamela Harris, we all know she has things to answer for!
  • cantreviewcuzallnamestaken
    Enough with the undecided voters.
    The latest episode is painful and upsetting to listen to. Stop interviewing these fools who can’t decide between a revenge fueled narcissist and an educated, experienced politician who has actually expressed plans. These people don’t deserve airtime for being fence sitters. It’s time to focus on whether each party will be able to get their likely voters out on Election Day. THAT is what will decide the race!
  • hey_now24
    Love it. However…
    I wish this podcast concentrates more in topics that are forgotten or little known. I’m tired of hearing about Trump, and the election. Please more episodes like “Why we tip”, or the one about Air Conditioning
  • altitude k
    A professional and nuanced discussion of the news that hits, every day
    I’m revising my longstanding and probably petty review. The Daily is one of the best podcasts available. The professional, methodical, and insightful approach to the news takes hard words rk, and the Daily delivers over and over again. Todays nuanced discussion on the issues in Springfield, OH (16 Sep 2024) highlighted real issues, and gave voice to both sides of a political issue that is really just about people feeling left behind. And my favorite element is the professional discussion and examination of issues. It’s the content I want to listen to, not another chummy discussion among friends where it’s inside jokes, unstructured discussion, and short on substance.
  • Andiobe
    Stupid Clickbait title
    Demi Moore said nothing about being done with the male gaze, contrary to the title of this podcast. And despite Lulu Garcia Navarro’s several attempts to make make Moore feel the victim, she was was having none of it. Demi Moore really impressed me with her poise and grace. Brava! But please, left media, stop with the endless resentment
  • newsjunqui
    Eating pets
    Ah - I get it now. Thank u for this episode that gives the context of Trump’s accusation that immigrants are eating cats, dogs, people’s pets. How unfortunate that he said that. Inflaming an already sensitive situation.
  • GottahLuvDhisKhidd
    Quality of content has decreased on The Daily
    NYT should be ashamed of themselves. The stories are just fueling bipartisanism at this point and sewing doubt in voters’ minds with CNN-like opinion pieces, rather than pure news…
  • Masaccio99
    Sabrina is terrible!
    She sounds like she’s reading a story to a small child. Anyone else would be an improvement.
  • Kimmy512
    The Daily
    Yes, I kinda want to hear election stuff. And some international news. But then I listen to an episode like the one today — explaining the story behind “they’re eating the dogs” — and The Daily hits it out of the park. This is the insightful reporting we want to hear from The New York Times.
  • CarolineGrace18
    this is not a politically neutral podcast
    I gave this show a shot at listening to it after the presidential debate because it was #1 on the charts. Shortly into the podcast they spoke about being neutral and unbiased, providing only the facts on politics. However it became very obvious that their underlying objective is to sway voters to Kamala. They continuously fact checked trump and made sure they told us his lies but when Kamala mentions project 2025, there is ZERO fact checking about how Trump has nothing to do with this. Which we all know is true. Project 2025 has even issued a statement that Trump has no involvement. This is unfortunate because people who can’t see through the blurred lines wouldn't know that they were being falsely swayed toward the Democratic Party. Shame on you New York Times.
  • AMZ1203
    Expecting the NYT/Fox News collab to be dropping soon
    You have lost all credibility. Your pro-Trump agenda is beyond transparent.
  • jabbles4
    I really hate that I’m having to even leave this review right now but I feel like I have to now. First I’ll start by saying it’s a real shame because the work and reporting you guys do on basically anything that’s not political is fantastic you guys can make anything interesting I’ve listened to the podcast everyday for 2-3 years even stuff I think I won’t want to listen to I enjoy, but then you guys talk about politics and it’s like you totally forget that your journalists and your supposed to be unbiased twisters of the news. Now you can probably guess listen to the New York Times I’m definitely not a conservative and it’s even to much for me if you listen to 2 minutes of you guys talking about politics it’s abundantly clear who you support and who you don’t which in its self it not so bad but you guys call out everything single thing one side does wrong and completely ignore the other. It’s honestly getting ridiculous and you have lost a loyal listener and supporter.
  • RoseCityDweller
    Both sideism will be the death of us
    Continuing to treat Trump as a normal candidate is just irresponsible. Did we even watch the same debate?
  • Ramses does not dance
    Overall I like it
    Good show with reasonably thorough coverage of one thing per day. It is annoying to have all the ads for the NYT making it sound like a nonprofit, not a company making over $200 million profit last year.
  • Boy Birdman
    “Harris Honeymoon is Over” 🙄
    This is exactly the type of horse race reporting that has made Americans feel crazy. In a week where essentially nothing has happened when it comes to the standing of the candidates, ONE New York Times poll of 400 people over landlines (aka old people) causes Nate Silver to come on here and say this MIGHT show a shift!!! Harris continues to lead in most swing states, 3x out raised Trump in August, and yet HER HONEYMOON JUST MIGHT BE OVER.
  • RealRiojas
    Very biased
    Very biased. Use a lot of unfair and decisive rhetoric.
  • New York Democrat
    Horrible Spin
    Absolutely disgraceful debate spin. Disgraceful to have an Australian bloke on to talk about American politics. Just say no to Jonathan Swan.
  • Totallytomato
    Used to be a fan
    The bias in favor of the Republican nominee for president is apparent and shocking No honest assessment of his fitness to lead. It saddens me since I used to trust the podcast and the paper that sponsors it.
  • megerrrrrs
    Totally skewed and not unbiased
    Used to listen daily, can’t anymore
  • PortlandKat
    Shame on you for letting down American Jews
    Do we not matter to you, NYT? You want to talk about technology and Phil Donahue instead of addressing the mourning of Hersh Goldberg Polin and the other hostages? Does it matter that campuses are openly cheering on Hamas and Hezbollah? Jews in the US deserve more from you.
  • Snaggletooth21
    Irresponsible Reporting
    I was a loyal consumer of The Daily until their episode on “The Harris Honeymoon” being over. I suspect that this episode was born out of the NYT’s desire to make some hay from their election poll results, which were largely inconclusive and not newsworthy. To spin those results into a episode full of unsupported extrapolation and speculation is irresponsible. Sabrina and Nate were critical of Kamala Harris (under the guise of what Americans “might” be thinking), but they did not hold Donald Trump to the same standard of scrutiny. Especially in today’s divided times, we need reliable journalism delivered with integrity. I’d rather it be non-partisan than left-leaning, but at an absolute minimum it should focus on facts and objectivity.
  • Anonymous4455
    Weird conservative tilt
    I’ve been an avid Daily listener for years but lately the episodes have taken on a notable conservative tilt. A recent episode suggested Donald Trump is a centrist on abortion rights (despite promising and then appointing the justices who overturned Roe). This is simply not true and it’s dangerous to inform voters that it is. The episodes need not have any political bias but this one is just odd.
  • IsThisAsGoodAsItGets?
    What happened to non-bias journalism?
    The show the posted yesterday 8/9/24 was my limit. Based on one poll, that they conducted and was not shown to be true anywhere else, they decided that Kamala Harris was losing, not tied. They claim she is “far-left and radical” and Trump is somehow the moderate center. The man who tried to overturn a fair election, the man with project 2025 as his playbook. I’m offended deeply that this is their message and how they are trying to influence an election. I knew that no newspaper can be completely unbiased, but this is now a Fox News-type pro-Trump podcast. So disappointing to see it. Shame on you for deciding that helping to save democracy wasn’t lucrative enough.
  • Putt putt addict
    Obsessed with Trump
    Could be so much better if they weren’t obsessed w Trump. I wish they would cover more current events and investigative reporting. You have missed some big opportunities to cover great stories.
  • Tkotoo
    Judge Delay Trump Sentencing
    I firmly believe that this delay - as much as I personally disapprove of it - may be necessary, due mainly to the position of the Presidential Race and the complexity it will nonetheless add to that vacancy after so many close calls and a country that is being SO tested with its patience in lieu of it all. - s.jxn - GA
  • ( Creek Mama )
    Biased Sane Washing
    I’m so disappointed in the New York Times and this podcast what a misleading and horrible title. You just want ratings I’m unfollowing your show.
  • Alex Lasota
    Not worth your time
    If I could give you a zero star I would. Your credibility has crashed. Thanks for showing us who’s side you really stand on
  • jbraaxx
    Descent into Fascism
    Used to really love this podcast and have been a listener for years, but it is clear that what the NYT editor said about the Times not being here to preserve democracy is true. You all aren’t even trying to hide the fact that you’re trying to get Trump re-elected anymore. Calling him a moderate and bashing Harris and Biden every other episode is disingenuous and so disgustingly skewed, I don’t know how you guys sleep at night at this point. Glad you get to sell lots of papers or subscriptions or ads or whatever, though. Capitalism wins again, but I’ll be pulling my monthly subscription. The coverage of Gaza and Israel is equally as horrid. I’ve side-eyed some of your other bad takes, like return to office policies and hot takes about schools and teachers, but it’s gotten so unbearably horrible and out of touch over time. Can’t wait to see your future collaborations with Fox News.
  • JennGreenhall
    NY Times is now a tool of right-wing extremists. Nepo babies--the multimillionaire owner and the--CEO clearly support Trump.
  • ggrtist
    NYT & Daily on track to become like faux news
    Title says it all
  • KRansom
    Biased news in the name of “balance”
    This show used to be great. However, over the last several years there has been a shift away from reporting facts. They now make insane claims, like calling Trump a centrist, in the name of balanced reporting. It’s misleading, inaccurate and dangerous. I’m canceling my NYTimes subscription and unsubscribing from all their content. I hope other people will too.
  • Daniel_0149
    It’s a Donold Trump propaganda outlet. Unsubscribed.
  • BluCrayons
    The bias is becoming more apparent.
    Latest episode Sept 9th about the latest Sienna poll was just insane.
  • MaI00n
    Shilling for the deranged republican candidate
    This once respected podcast is now a shill for the Republican Party. It’s just absolute garbage.
    “News for Profit” in the truest form
    The days of the NYT providing unbiased news reporting are long gone. The content is now written and delivered to generate clicks and maximize their profit & loss statement. You did have a good run.
  • Porcupineluvr28
    disturbed by biased coverage of US election
    Just unsubscribed from the Daily and cancelled my NYT subscription after hearing the most recent Daily ep. I have been unsettled for a few months now by what has increasingly become blatant pro-DJT bias in this podcast’s coverage of the US election. Describing Trump as a moderate centrist and Kamala as an extremist???? You must think your audience is dumb and/or unable to think critically or independently??? Recommend switching over to the Breaking Points podcast if you, like me, are also in search for a more balanced independent news source after waking up to the Daily’s continued and tragic abdication of journalistic integrity.
  • katrjnajs
    What happened to The Daily?
    What happened to your coverage? I used to love this show, but it’s moved to a biased, right leaning stance.
  • alinabeena
    Right wing misinformation
    Sadly this podcast has become right wing propoganda
  • Lola1016
    The Daily has taken a turn
    Unsubscribed. I’ll be honest I’ve been holding off for a long time. This podcast use to bring data driven conversations and used the voice of the NYT to discuss and share the reality of this country in a people focused manner. It has now turned into corporate America driven media where the stock market rules and the people don’t matter.
  • likesgoodreads
    What Has Become of the NYT?
    The NYT has fallen so far. The institution has become so preoccupied with appearing unbiased that they’ve abandoned their duty to the truth. It’s a tragedy for the nation and for democracy itself.
  • westonrose1
    The Daily is on a Mission to Elect Trump
    I’ve been extremely disappointed with The Daily’s coverage over the presidential election. They are determined to present Trump as a centrist and have presented biased and uneven coverage of Trump versus Biden and Harris. Why did they focus so much on Biden’s age, but now that he’s dropped out, they never mention Trump’s advanced age? Why do they present Trump as a centrist when it is painfully clear he is a dangerous extremist? My guess is that those in charge at The New Times are Trump loyalists who are pushing a false narrative. I know this - I certainly will not be listening to The Daily anymore and will encourage everyone I know to avoid it and The New York Times.
  • pnw24climber
    Overtly biased to the right
    You all want to say this is a progressive left leaning news source but it’s not. Listen to any recent episode of The Daily or pick up the latest NYT and you’ll find a bunch of pandering to the right. This podcast in particular does its best to give legitimacy to the lunatics on the right as though any of what they say or do is normal or decent. Then they turn to the left and scrutinize every millimeter of their policy. That’s not fair and unbiased. That is inherently biased. To give an unserious and insane group of people legitimacy is joining in on the problem, not reporting on it. It’s really disgusting how these once legitimate news source has decided to become a legitimacy machine for the right. This podcast is trash.
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