Stay Tuned with Preet

News #69Politics #25

Join former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara as he breaks down legal topics in the news and engages thought leaders in a podcast about power, policy, and justice.From CAFE and the Vox Media Podcast Network.

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Recent Reviews
  • VioletMeadows
    Preet please have an episode with Palestinian voices. Please.
  • Chance42
    A Wonderful Conversation
    Absolutely loved the informative and natural flow of conversation on Aug 23 Podcast with David Axelrod and then Michael Beschloss. Being an MSNBC politics junkie, I knew everyone well, but Preet beautifully elevated the conversation and then, unexpected cherry on top, closing with his produced Zeshan B. song “Change (Is On the Way);” wow, beautiful. #DefendDemocracy 💙
  • Surf Safe
    More in-depth more with Preet
    I am constantly looking forward to Preet’s analysis on CNN. I find his knowledge and experience fascinating and of great value to the coverage of current legal affairs covered by CNN. I am finally getting around to listening to more of what Preet has to say and I love it! Thank You, NRS California, USA
  • Rober66
    Introducing Elliot Abrams
    Love your show and your even-keeled measured approach. Sometimes, however, not providing background info can mislead an audience if they are not well-versed in a given topic. Many listeners may not have known of Abrams’ conviction in the Iran-Contra affair or his support for the Iraq wars. Knowing these, I listened to the interview and took the opposite of everything Abrams said yo be true, especially on the perils of nationalizing industries.
  • midwestBlue
    ezra klein = dope of the year. no, he isn’t dope, he is a dope and mr klein, you aren’t helping. perhaps you and another irrelevant white male axelrod should step down off and away from your mics because you are both out of date, expired and out of step.
  • KathyDunwoody
    Love hearing Joanne’s laughter again!
  • tmccaffr
    Wow! Great show. Loved listening Doug Emhoff. He’s great and down to earth 💙
  • Eves in Texas
    Forgot to rate with 5 stars Love your podcast! Eva
  • Walkabolic
    A little disappointed with Ezra today!
    I found Ezra’s take on the ideological shift in the Republican party in general and JDVance in particular, to be a little naive today. This championing of Trump as the man of the people, which “speaks to Vance’s humble background and ideological shift” gives far too much weight to ideology and not nearly enough weight to expediency and power brokering. Trump is an ideological void and the idea that his gold toilet upbringing gives him an understanding of the alienation of the working class is, sadly, a cruel joke that only a true grifter and conman can make. There is nothing ideological to it. Trumps appeal to the working man is his crassness and the absence of any ideology other than a history of bigotry, xenophobia, racism, anti/semitism and a host of other grievances. These have given the white aging working glass an excuse to publicly air long help ideological beliefs regarding people of color, immigrants and the usual suspects that have fed their grievances and left them in the dust of immigrants who have done everything possible to succeed. Grievance, if anything, is Trumps ideology and JD’s appropriation of that and his ability to translate that into a pseudo/quasi-academic platform, is more scary than noble. Blaming the loss of manufacturing jobs on some form of global elite is preposterous and has far more to do with American workers demand for higher salaries than it does with any segment of this population or political party that has forgotten the working class in Ohio. The fact that this fiction is the basis for any political platform, smells a lot more like Germany in the 1930’s than 2024 America. Populists are populist because their grievance politics is popular. And that is why JD Vance shifted to the dark side. Not because he found some new born ideological intellect, but instead, found a quick ride to power. Although i take my hat off to him. He’s very good at what he does. And that’s even scarier.
  • Nick Nam3!!!!!
    Used to be excellent. Now seems resigned that the rule of law is a precious memory.
  • Doodlebug '58
    LOVE this podcast!
    I had to write to let you know that the podcast with John Miller was the BEST. He has ALWAYS presented as calm, intelligent and informative. He is non-judgmental and presents THE FACTS; just what I truly appreciate during these conflicted times! Keep up the good work all of you!
  • PatriciaNeal
    Love Preet and Joyce!!
    Terrific stuff. Can’t wait for the newest ones each time. Re: Election (Preet asked for comments), I / we are loyal Democrats but furious with Biden. We do not believe he can win and see his current behavior as selfish and arrogant. Enthusiastically support an open convention. Thanks for all you do!! Patricia Neal Jensen
  • sfncar
    Preet has really lost it and Bremmer did his usual. Ugh!! On my way to not bothering anymore. I sure don’t need the irritating know it all men.
  • A UK fan
    Donald Trump is a dangerous man
    Wake up America - ALL of your attention must be on this man and the fascist movement which is marching on all of you highways. If he gets back into power - you shall reap what you sow and it wont be a happy ending
  • walkingspanishdownthehall
    Your interview was with a reactionary writer who admitted to taking Ritalin before writing his article about Biden for The Atlantic is weird! Who knows how much Ritalin he took before being interviewed by you and being out of touch with the American people. You are a fair person but you interviewed a privileged white guy that needs speed to write to get an audience. You can do better than that! :)
  • Tayvallich
    More Trevor Morrison!
    Love Stay Tuned - listen to every episode. You have great guests, but Trevor Morrison was the best! Please have him on again soon. A Loyal Listener
  • Mick03051
    This should be your first listen...
    ...every Thursday. Mr. Bharara is reasoned in his selection of current news stories, has a clear eyed and pragmatic approach to topics and how the law applies, and is a pretty keen observer of law and politics. Somewhat self-effacing, he has a good sense of humor, irony, and satire and blends well with his guests in such a way as to make you feel you’re listening in to a very interesting conversation between two old friends. I know Preet is destined for bigger and better things, so I am already bracing for what will undoubtedly be a sharp and painful withdrawal when I can no longer tap into his opinion and explanations.
  • Kimberlys003
    New podcasts
    Totally agree with Joyce and Preet!
  • FemmeFutbol
    Elie Honig Has Lost All Credibility
    I’ve been a Cafe Insider since it launched and every host and guest *except* Elie Honig deserves 5 stars. I largely quit listening to Elie’s notes and any pod he’s featured on at least a year ago, but listened to today's episode to hear from Mimi, Joyce, and Preet. It only confirmed my opinion that Elie has lost all credibility. His “takes” have devolved to the point where they lack logical consistency with the prior opinions and analysis he provided for years — and, frankly, this change appears to follow the publication of his first book. Since then, Elie seems to have developed a thirst for the fame, money, and prestige of a best-selling author that can only be satisfied by chasing the literary dragon. But the only way to get that fix is to offer publishers and thirsty media producers “takes” that are deeply unserious, logically inconsistent, and crafted to be intentionally inflammatory. His constant denigratation by implication of professional women, Southerners, and the judicial system (to name but a few subjects) in what I can only assume is an effort to obtain new book deals is loathsome. In addition, his opinions on the law are inconsistent and aren't always accurate (I’m a lawyer.) The public doesn't need yet another lawyer shill who is willing to sell their credibility for fame and fortune. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
  • DebF1507
    Hot takes on Trump conviction
    Glad there was pushback on Elie Honig’s “friend’s” position on Trump. Good to hear Mimi Rocah’s voice again.
  • AndresBaja
    Vance v. Honig
    You tell him, Joyce!
  • kacey 20 w
    Joyce rocks!!!
    Love this podcast. Thank God for Joyce and her unending patience and common sense. She shuts down nonsense and that is so appreciated by this very stressed voter.
  • lucanana
    Righteous pushback on him. He sounded super defensive
  • Thisisnothere
    Elie Honig is awful
    I’m sorry I wasted a free trial listening to the garbage pour out of Elie Honig’s mouth. I highly recommend not having him appear again. For me, I’ll never bother tuning in again. Disgusted.
  • happyfuzhou
    Not Wegman’s Sushi!!
    Please check out Osakana East Village on instagram. For a story of corporate theft perpetrated by Wegmans. Love the show. Upset to hear Wegmans sushi ad. Updated 5/9… please please please for the love of justice stop airing Wegman sushi ads
  • cassidy525
    Galloway episode
    Confused. How can one person with a huge platform had such differing opinions and philosophies? I really like Galloways views on our aging government/social security/youth in society. His views on billionaires are laughable. Preet should have challenged him more. Billionaires are wealth hoarders and a product on capitalism gone wrong. The ones I know aren’t these benevolent saints with huge teams of “allies”. Disappointing (and strange) that he has an issue with certain aspects of Social Security, but doesn’t have any issues with the accumulation of money of billionaires?
  • Eastsidepeg
    Very Clear and Informative
    I love your show. It educates me and informs me in a fair, intelligent way. With humor as well. Great. Today you stated how very tired you are of talking about DT. I couldn’t agree with you more. Your guests are really thoughtful, intelligent, inspiring and more. But, the constant talk of DT is tiresome and we all need relief. I can’t wait for the chatter to die down. I can’t wait to talk about others, the arts, food, law w/o it being attached to the little orange DT. Hopeful that day will come. Thank you. PRS
  • Ruralife
    I learn so much.
    Preet educates me, helps me navigate the world on topics I might not have encountered and on the ones stumbled upon everyday. He is a real human being, the good kind; keeping his ego in check and with a delightful sense of humor. He is also easy on the ears. A soft voice and tone that does not annoy. Unlike other podcasters he is masterful at guiding the conversation without going off the rails. I look forward every week to this show. It’s rated number one in my book.
  • WAPOd
    Outstanding always
    I am so appreciative for the thoughtful conversations with compelling guests. And for Preet’s words of wisdom at the end - no matter the topic, they are inspiring, affecting and relevant and often remind us we can do better. Outstanding always. Please keep episodes coming!
  • Bill Merchant
    Clarity in thinking and elucidation
    Preet has a keen analytical mind, as shown by his prowess in law. He is a great observer, and commentator, on our current circumstances. Couple this with his outstanding selection of insightful guests and this is one podcast everyone should listen to for thought provoking understanding of today’s America.
  • Aldo Hoff
    Top Notch
    Great combination of politics and law. Peter is a smart guy who asks the questions we all have.
  • simondarren
    Hit or miss
    A program on civility and we told Larry David is a good example? Respect for the host but I could not continue.
  • Ed Pouchet
    E J Carroll - Trump’s slandering
    Has Trump paid the $5 million judgement from last year? If not, why not? On appeal, can judges INCREASE the penalty against Trump? Thanks, Edward Pouchet, Fairfax, VA P.S. For only the second time, I have agreed with Donald Trump - This is America!! Someone like him will pay for his disgusting actions. The first time was when he asked - why were these prosecutions not started two years ago? This was the same question I asked myself all during 2021. He would have been in prison by now.
  • Whootler
    Easy question
    The answer to your easy question is “Nobody”.
  • thegeekofcairo
    Liberal war hawk 🗑️
    Expect zero criticism for liberals/democrats and the standard pov thatI suppose a former cop and establishment darling would have. Latest episode on Yemen is literally an interview with a CIA director that advocates for bombing the poorest country on earth because they delayed some ships. Unsubscribed.
  • Jerry Starbuck
    Very helpful summary of the conflict
  • KyleLiburd
    Best in the business
    Good humors with down the line reporting. When things are outrageous, he calls them outrageous. When things are blown out of proportion, he describes the missing context.
  • Qrrvjkgxhjlkvg
    Not what it used to be
  • LB passenger
    Thanks for your voice of reason
    So appreciate the digestible legal analysis, and the calm, intelligent tone to this podcast. Preet’s interviewing skills are remarkable (is anybody keeping track of how often his guests say “that’s a really good question“?). I even like hearing about his family – – so happy that he is molding additional humans who will hopefully carry on his bright and curious manner.
  • Nickname1792804
    A Difficult Balance
    Preet does a good job of balancing objective hosting with subjective guests and topics. I would be interested in hearing from more guests with a politically conservative background (this need not mean platforming ill conceived ideas).
  • Richie P301
    Newfound negativity
    Some of the last few episodes with Kara Swisher have been absolutely brutal listens. Particularly when she's talking to an actual expert on the climate issues and she tramples all over what he's trying to tell her.
  • Gaby's Pizza
    Usually love Preet, his analysis and his content on this pod but… really disappointed that a man of Punjabi descent mispronouncing Punjab - it’s ok Preet, the majority non-Punjabi audience will not implode if you pronounce the name correctly. They’ve likely never heard of the region before so best to start out saying it properly.
  • Gabor Muse
    Political hack
    This is a partisan hack who is a leftist and very anti-American. This is the Hamasing of our government, study his history and look at his behavior. A band news person with serious demons in the closet that will come out one day.
  • NYCnewshound
    Luke Russert
    Preet and Café team, Thank you for another amazing production/interview. The interview with Luke Russert, and the backgrounds of how Preet and his father served our legislators were fascinating and intriguing. Preet, thank you for your service in the Southern District. Kind regards, I. Weiss
  • xmastm42
    Sean Carroll
    First, I love your podcast, and am grateful that you had Sean Carroll on. I’m now also a fan of his! Not sure if you did this on purpose, but it seemed that you were pushing aside any mention of his podcast. We can all use more great ones to listen to. Again. Thanks for the wonderful work you do with Stay Tuned.
  • SanAnton Rose
    Nov 6
    Great episode Re: Mike Johnson with Annie Karni.
  • Nada R
    Another pro Israel guest
    When will you present the whole picture? The Palestinian people’s view? How they have been oppressed, starved and many of them wrongfully imprisoned over the decades — do not just start reporting on October 7. Shameful. I expect more from Preet!
  • MilwaukeeADA
    It’s Pled!
    Thank you, Preet, for being #TeamPled — 30 years as a State prosecutor, and when I hear someone say a defendant “pleaded guilty”, my ears bleed. Please inform your wonderful chicken loving partner “The defendant pleaded his case to the judge, but when his defense was rejected, he pled guilty.”
  • Houston 66
    Well rounded information
    Interviews an array of interesting and informative people. I’m always getting new perspectives.
  • Punkysaur
    The best set of podcasts
    I only pay for two sets of podcasts: Planet Money and Cafe Insider. Preet and all his Cafe colleagues are to the law as Planet Money is to the economy. If you want to understand the world, I recommend knowing about those two disciplines in a deep way. And if it’s accessible to you, I recommend paying for news and information that is worth consuming so it keeps being available for consumption.
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