Oprah's Super Soul

by Oprah

Awaken, discover and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you with Oprah's Super Soul. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews with thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, as well as health and wellness experts. All designed to light you up, guide you through life’s big questions and help bring you one step closer to your best self.

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Recent Reviews
  • hitfh8
    Good content but WHY THE ADS
    Oprah is a multi billionaire—why does she have so many dang ads?? Interrupting a 20 minute conversation 4 times with 2-4 ads??? Ridiculous. You wanna give back? Make a podcast with no ads.
  • 5eeeeeeee
    A new fan
    Just started listening after hearing Oprah’s excellent speech at the DNC. Great podcast here!
  • croofener
    You continue to bring the message that is needed in my soul! To rise up and listen to my soul, to the purpose of my life! To say “blow my mind” god and follow!
  • Mrlnmrlnmrln
    OMG the commercials!
    Three commercials before the podcast begins and then six minutes in, more loud commercials. Turned it off at that point because the ratio between content and advertising is absurd. Does not matter how interesting the show may be, it’s just not worth the ordeal.
  • bean.view
    Invasive obnoxious ads. No excuse for poor advertisement etiquette.
  • Cleiteln
    Just found this podcast and WOW!
    Incredible! I am only in the middle of listening to my first episode (not episode 1 today) and I am so appreciative of how much this helps me understand and comprehend something I did not personally experience in my life, but am aware of. Thank you! :)
  • WhitInAustin
    Please make the transition to ads better
    Love the content but the advertising editing is very jolting.
  • A Must-Listen Poscast
    A Don’t Miss Podcast
    Thank you for every episode.
  • Deogred
    Helped to process
    I just finished the interview with Tara Westover. I had many analogous experiences. The interview inspired a lengthy journal entry while comparing experiences in an attempt to understand our growth processes. Was/is there a better way to process & accept what happened? It’s challenging to tear down the facade of reality we were forced to accept by nature of dependence on our caregivers. Thank you both for the courage it took to write the book and the awareness to conduct a thoughtful, empathetic interview that facilitates compassionate awareness.
  • Steve Golob
    Great content
    Truly love the content, thank you! But on some episodes, the transition to commercials is abrupt. Having a gentle transition or even consider front loading the commercials is preferred. Thank you
  • NiaEdwards
    Such a great podcast
    Really enjoy listening to this thought provoking and positive podcast. It often feels like it is speaking to the very issue I am dealing with at the time.
  • Cynthia-Lakyne
    Devon Franklin
    This show came in the time when I could not sleep because of a call that I took on the job the previous night. I had never lost a call. I lost the important hospital call. Hearing this broadcast help me to overcome the pain of making a huge mistake. And turn the page. Thank you thank you.
  • DirectTV Customer
    Thankful for her platform to continue
    Thankful that Oprah has a place to continue inspiring us, and introducing us to others who can inspire us. Love the podcast!
  • That602
    Hot garbage
    Just read the title
  • funnygirlgnv
    Love the interviews, the the volume of ads
    So many ads ruin this otherwise amazing experience. I can’t listen to SS for long, sadly.
  • elikqitie
    Another fabulous Oprah production!
    Oprah is one of my favorite A-listers. Her insightful questions and curiosity create valuable insights on her interviews. The topics are relevant and timely, her interview style is thoughtful, and her delivery is on the mark. You’ll garnish another vital piece of information listening to each episode.
  • meowmwo
    I adore Oprah, however there are ads every 30 seconds to a minute in this podcast. Over and over and over. It’s kinda disgusting actually so unfortunately I am unable to partake of Oprah through this media.
    Mixed feelings
    Love all of the messages & good intentions to help others. I find myself getting annoyed at times because it seems easy for someone who has access to everything to give advice. Not everyone has the resources to help them at their disposal. I hope she shares more about when she had very little how she made things happen
  • sumofabiatches
    In tears.
    I didn’t know what to expect but I don’t know why I ever doubted that Oprah would deliver an amazing podcast. Broken Open found me in a very low point in my life. So many powerful words to guide my vision. I’m so grateful to have found this episode. I can’t wait to listen to more. But best of all, I can’t wait to live my life and learn what it’s teaching me, especially in the painful moments that have truly helped me grow. Every time.
  • Keissia?
    Amazing Revelations!
    Dr. Phillips was spotted on in so many areas. Starting from today, I will implement many of these valuable tools in my own life. Thank you for letting God inspire you to write this book 🙌🏾🙌🏾
  • Kelle8700
    Dr. Anita Phillip’s interview… 🙌🏾👏🏽
    This interview was so enlightening! It really shifted my thinking around emotions! Oprah asked incredible, thought provoking questions that I know will continue to move me towards inner peace with my emotions.
  • mc lite
    Too many commercials
    I love the content, when I am able to listen to it. But the amount of commercials just gets me out of the content discussed.
  • Christi lee19
    Insane amount of ads that hinder the listening experience and she keeps interrupting her guests. Let them finish their thought instead of trying to prove you know how to say it better than them by overtaking the conversation.
    Too many commercials
    I really couldn’t get into this podcast because there are so many commercials. I feel like 75% of the episode is commercials so to have to listen through all of that just to hear the content I came here for is painful. It makes it not worth the listen.
  • Joy in movement
    Reruns and commercials
    I enjoy Oprah’s work very much but, wonder why there is no new material on this podcast these days, or very infrequently. And I have to agree with others about the introduction of commercials, in the last year or two. I know we need to balance the reality of living in a modern day world that is dominated by commercialism, with possibilities of moving toward the creation of “ A New Earth”, but it seems commercial breaks could be much more balanced with the content, if played at the same volume level as the interview, and not so frequently interrupting, or as PBS does , with its sponsors acknowledged at the beginning and end of programming, vs the current injecting of commercials, in a way that dominates the program vs coexisting in balance with it.
  • x2315
    Panache Desai
    So inspiring - will change my life - will release my suffering
  • Amy”s iTunes
    Best Content Ever!!!
    Oprah never ceases to amaze me. By listening to these podcasts I learned so much and broaden my horizon. The topics Oprah covers and the specialists she brings in are just so interesting. I love everything about these podcasts. I’m excited to learn that Oprah is starting her own TV Nettwerk. these podcasts were a nice way to continue the Oprah show and I look forward to more from Oprah.
  • ukulelemaven
    B. J. Miller
    He’s someone who has so much to impart. I heard his advice about forgiveness and it helped me. Since that interview was 2018, 5 years ago, please do another interview with him. Thanks Oprah P. S. I just finished Cutting For Stone and I thought it was another masterpiece.
  • Di Davis
    French fry devil
    Phony b
  • Magy123
    Topics that really matter.
    What about Maui??? What really happened there?
  • fghhiffvhhj
    I was expecting more from Oprah
    I love Oprah. But this Podcast sounds so scripted! It does not sound natural. So chopped up in pieces vs a regular talk or interview with more flow. Sounds like she pre-records the questions, like reading from a script, then the person she interviews, responds on their own, the. Somebody edits the whole thing…. Weird I hope they fixed it. 🙏
  • Lindabrammer
    Time with Abraham Verghese
    Thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to re-live the glorious experience of reading The Covenant of Water. I added to my collection of wise sayings from the book. I cried. I basked in the beautiful prose once more. This is a book for the ages. I’m glad to know there will be a cinematic production in the future, I’m only sorry that David Lean is not around bring his brilliant mind to the daunting task at hand. Thank you, Oprah. Thank you, Dr. Verghese.
  • deraild77
    Kid toucher
    You’re a fat hog and a pedofile
  • UsedToListenButDon’tNow
    Commercial breaks interruptions are completely disruptive
    I will be listening hard, into the flow when WHAM..”are you ashamed of your teeth” or some such booming ad disrupts, Can you find SOME WAY to lead into a break with grace????
  • kaylalp98765
    Packed with Ads
    The insane amount of ads packed in each episode is disruptive…pulls the listener out of the conversation.
  • LizafromMS
    Each episode contains simple yet profound truths. “The best gift you can give yourself is time” Oprah.
  • kmabj
    The Covenant of water
    I love listening to the books podcasts review. It helped me so much understand by explaining the language, meaning and period it comes from. Hearing the words read aloud and discussions after brought a greater understanding wanting me to read the book all over again. Loved it!!!!
  • 4328644789
    Why are they all old?
  • bws7
    Oprah, always outstanding
    Oprah‘s podcast enriches our lives every time
  • AliRu717
    Mother of The World
    Thank you Oprah. Ever so grateful for the energy you put out to the Universe. Although loving a Human so much hurts so badly in the end. You make the pain from the fall a bit softer as I know my Oprah safety net will always be present! You are the best tool I have on my train of grief. I know I can never get off the train, now I may choose the story I play while I ride. Xo
  • natandshane
    Super soul
    I have been a Oprah girl since my adult children were in elementary school. This podcast is so impactful. Thank you Oprah for all that you give from your core for others. I love and adore everything about you. Xoxo, Natalia
  • patcave13
    I miss this podcast so much! I’ve learned so much here. Truly super SOUL! Please make new episodes? ♥️♥️♥️♥️
  • Lovelybrinaf
    Life changing.
    Thank you so much for creating a much need space for women who want more out of life! This is what I’ve been needing to move me a bit more on my journey in this thing called life.
  • Cewelsch89
    The ads are atrocious
    PLEASE give some kind of lead-in to the ads. I love the content of this podcast, but I hate having a spiritual moment and then getting an ad for key bank or something. It feels very contrary to what this podcast is about and it makes me want to not listen to it anymore.
  • USAD777
    We all need this podcast!
    Oprah changed my life! I’m so great full for this podcast and the wisdom she brings to us! THANK YOU!
  • leatri
    Love it
    I listen to a lot of podcasts and Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations is one of my favorite. She is so real and transparent with her audience as well as the many guests she have on her show. I can just feel her enthusiasm when she sits down and talk with them. She makes you feel like you’re right there in the room. Thanks Oprah for a fantastic view. Keep Being Fabulous!
  • love but not that much
    This is the only podcast I look forward listening to, It’s helped me with childhood Trauma and helped me learn things I don’t think I would’ve learn if I haven’t listened to this podcast.Oprah you have changed my life tremendously, I love you and your show/podcast. I hope to see you in person❤️ Have a wonderful day!
  • communitynewspodcast
    I love Oprah
    Please talk to mental heath and suicide prevention/ multiple family suicides survivor/ tv producer and writer/comedian and podcaster Bari Alyse. She is great and I've seen her public speaking. She helped me save my daughter's life. With all the pain she's lived through and survived, she still makes people laugh and brings joy as xo host of funny podcast Community News by Paul and Sasha. She would be an amazing guest.
  • Indyeche
    Great podcast
    Is wonderful to heard good, interested, uplifting guests
  • Evergreen6672
    This is such a great podcast!
    I love every episode I have listened to. I always learn something new! I have purchased books to learn more about the person or topic covered,. This is truly a feel-good podcast!
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