Real Crime Profile

True Crime #162

Join Jim Clemente (former FBI profiler), Laura Richards (criminal behavioral analyst, former New Scotland Yard) and Lisa Zambetti (Casting director for CBS' Criminal Minds) as they profile behavior from real criminal cases.

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  • Herrow herrow how low
    This is not the same podcast. 2/3 of the hosts are gone — no explanation whatsoever. There is no Real Crime Profile without Laura. Period. Lisa was obnoxious because she had zero filter + spoke on really sensitive issues she knows nothing about — but the current iteration and this apparent new co-host, another former-FBI agent, Kathy, even makes the Jim-Lisa period look ok. WHERE IS LAURA?? Thank God for Crime Analyst, but still this was one of my favorites for YEARS. I really liked the cases covered on Real Crime Profile! Tell your listeners what’s going on!!! Incoherent, ignorant, zero research, zero sensitivity, no care about truth and ensuring not to spread disinfo. How is THIS different from “Best Case Worst Case”?? Jim’s now got TWO podcasts he cohosts (but dominates) with female anti-“PC” former-Feds, same format: no research, no prep, no analysis, just recording reactions to topic (usually cross-promoting some true crime series or covering trending crimes for that SEO), & rambling off-topic. Kathy’s just a more subdued & monotone than Francey — and I’m no fan of Francey or I’d just listen to Best Case Worst Case. Kathy’s comes off cold, with nothing of substance to add, comes with a lot of bias and offensive stances, and equally loves to tangent like Jim. Jim’s going further down the right-wing rabbit hole, promoting certain true crime “documentaries,” the way he’s handling the “Unmasking Spacey” as a “cancelling” — completely ignoring all the severe CRIMES committed against Netflix PA’s (not just extras) on set, and Netflix ignoring it!! Instead just Jim name-dropping all the times he’s run into Spacey in LA, and backing-up the false narrative that he was just “repressed” and “feeling guilt and shame” (new clueless former Fed #2 co-host, Kathy). I’m concerned about the bad info being spread by this pod now.
  • KDD2021
    Please think about this
    I wish someone in the description of an episode has multiple parts it would be listed. For instance the sanya massey appears to be 3 parts? It would be helpful as a listener if we knew how many parts before hand so we could decide if we want to wait for all episode to come out before listening
  • Fran Glodt
    Sonya Massey
    Thank you for delving into this sad case. I can already feel for her Mom. I too have a daughter with a mental illness. And I have seen her during an episode. She tries to function but can be very parinoid and afraid. This has happened when her meds are off or not being regulated by her doctors. She faithfully takes her meds. I have seen how patients are treated in ER and the physic ward at the hospital. Compassion can be lacking even from professionals. So thank you for taking this on. The more we are educated the better for those who can’t help themselves. We were very fortunate to have CHP, California Highway Patrol, officers who understood when there was an occasion that we needed help from.
  • JM7775
    Redhead Murders
    Part 1 episode started out super interesting and the guest is compelling and sounds like a great social studies teacher. Talk about an awesome class project! But the whole episode went completely off the rails from midway while Jim just went off on a whole long and winding tangent and they never talked about the case. What a waste of time for the guest and the listener.
  • Teon77
    Longtime lister no more
    Bob Ruff? Urg
  • Hellocolie
    Where's Laura?
  • Ms Soles
    Julie and Lollie
    Thank you so much for all of your coverage of the murders of Julie and Lollie in the Shenandoah National Park. I live in Minneapolis, and in May, 1996, my best friend was employed with the organization Woodswoman. She knew both Julie and Lollie very well. Their murders were absolutely shocking and devastating to the people who knew them and loved them. I also remember how the Woodswoman organization felt so much guilt and responsibility for what happened to these two incredible young women. Additionally, their murders put extreme fear into the lesbian community that my friend and I were part of. I have so appreciated your podcast, as I have been a listener since the very beginning. Laura: I have learned so, so much from listening to you. Your information on coercive control has changed both my personal life and relationships, as well as my occupation as a licensed marriage and family therapist who specializes in treating PTSD and trauma. Thank you all so much for showing respect for victims!!!
  • CMelc123
    Jim is unbearable
    All of the hosts seemed like they couldn’t handle criticism or push back, even when presented with hard evidence, but Jim is completely unbearable. Could barely get through listening to him mansplain over experts in the field that they had invited to be part of the show.
  • mrgkay
    Bob Ruff?
    Please don’t lower yourself to Bob Ruff’s slimy level. You’re better than that.
  • laurieonWARM
    Thank you
    Thank you for your amazing insights today! Even the pre show “chit chat” so helpful! When victims return to their abuser everyone around is furious. They don’t understand d then the victim is revitalized by those who love them. It’s a fine line often so hard to break the ties.
  • Deewighthcgdghici
    Tell me you’re out of touch without telling me…
    Weirdly out of touch with the way that a lot of systems work for such long resumes. Especially local law enforcement or state child/welfare/ systems. A lot of things said about abuse cases and the way things are supposed to be done that I’ve never seen happen in real life. Also they don’t seem to be able to deal with any disagreement. A lot of personal projection and stories about “well my nephew once…” to change takes on stories.
  • CoolioHahahaha
    Can’t take the arrogant hosts any more. Maybe you could add a few more accolades to your introductions. Lame. Unfollowed.
  • CarrieTeacherK
    Chatting but good
    I wish that the pre-case chit chat would have a minute marker so it’s easier to fast forward to- but amazing content!!!
  • olivia804
    Awesome podcast!
    So interesting and such great insight into the crimes and the psychology behind them! I feel honored to be able to get this information for free! I adore Laura - she is at the top of her game and dominating! Lisa adds humor to what is essentially the worst human behavior. Keep it up guys. We appreciate your vast knowledge and expertise. Kudos Lisa for addressing the exhaustion you feel and for the need to take a break. We love you and appreciate you 🩷
  • Cadennme
    Gloria Lofton Case
    Gloria Lofton - i’m local & know the details of this case as reported in info. allowed for public consumption. I’ve always felt that the male “cousin” & Gloria’s sister colluded w/the serial killer to murder Gloria. The sister was going to take the deed to the house & sell it for her profit; and split the $$ between the cousin & the murderer. That is why the Cousin & Aunt went thru her house looking for the deed AND did not call 911- while her body lay dead feet from them both. The house was very small & obviously a terrible crime had taken place within. The APD is to blame for not immediately identifying Gloria’s death as a murder, not collecting the evidence, and therefore not bring able to identify that this was a murder for hire .. 3 people should have been charged in this terrible crime. I wonder exactly what Gloria’s sister & Cousin told the APD upon their arrival at the house to have turned them so far left that they believed them; that the death was from natural causes - when nothing could be further from the truth.
  • Aileen Dawn
    Inside voices please
    Just listened to the two part series about Take Care of Mya. Jim needs to learn how to act like a big boy and use his inside voice. Listening to him yell at and interrupt Andrea for two full episodes was almost unbearable. Someone needs to tell him that when you’re having a debate the loudest person doesn’t necessarily win. Big kudos to Andrea for not sinking to his level and maintaining a professional and calm demeanor during this barrage from Jim.
  • adele57
    I love this program and everyone in it
  • John ofMalta
    Jim Lemente
    How about you learn to control yourself. Either treat Lisa Zambetti with respect or fire her. It’s obvious you think she’s beneath you. Says everyone listening uncontrollably.
  • Disheveledblonde
    So good!
    I found this podcast when checking Reddit pages for good sources and critiques on some true crime documentaries I’d been watching. So many times when I watch a true crime documentary, I question whether I’m getting the whole story or I want to hear opinions to see if what I am thinking is valid. I find the three of you are a great balance. Your expertise is very helpful in weighing the evidence.
  • ss from TX
    Favorite True Crime Pod
    You guys are great! I’ve listened from the beginning. It is great to have 2 law enforcement professionals and a lay person take. I also love that both Laura and Jim will call out law enforcement behavior and criminal behavior and have the victim as the focus! I also love Laura’s passion and hard work for survivors of male violence. Lisa, I love your passion and just how mad you get sometimes. Really appreciate Jim’s insight as former FBI and a prosecutor. Please keep it up!
  • Wena641
    Great Show my go to always
    I can not get enough of RCP. Lisa, Jim and Laura are amazing and so very passionate about the rights of people and victims. I love the real aspect of these crimes. I love hearing about the federal part from Jim, and the New Scotland Yard aspect of the crimes from Laura. I love hearing Lisa and her what the F/ck. If you need to hear the real part of these crimes listen to These 3 and all their other shows, they are all positive real crime conversations. Let’s head to the next 500 episode. Thanks for all your hard work keep up the amazing work.
  • Lus Holly
    Real Crime Experts
    I, like many, craved true crime podcasts after I listened to Serial so many years ago. I found many that I enjoyed, but once I found Real Crime Profile, I realized what was missing in these podcasts - expert analysis of the crimes. This podcast has insights & professional analysis that can be gleaned only by experts like Jim Clemente & Laura Richards. These are law enforcement professionals who have worked thousands of cases & are the only people, in my opinion, that should discuss crimes. They even help the victims of crimes to understand what & how these crimes occurred. Likewise Lisa Zambetti balances out this podcast as she is an excellent voice for the people who are not in law enforcement. This podcast is invaluable & I am forever grateful for it. Congratulations on your 500th episode!!
  • Katielam616
    Love this podcast - do JonBenet Ramsey!
    Love listening to the podcast. I was captivated by the Laci Peterson case. I love hearing the tells that people give when they are lying but are so narcissistic they think no one will ever figure it out. I had never heard of coercive control before this podcast (and Crime Analyst) so that has been fascinating. I’m a big lover of true crime and learning the different perspectives of the most high profile cases. I would love to hear your thoughts about JonBenet Ramsey. Such a fascinating case with so many different opinions. I would love to hear you deconstruct that situation. I know we will never know who did it, but that’s why it’s so fascinating. Thanks for all the work you do! I listen all the time and enjoy learning what to look for in my own life and the lives of family and friends.
  • MegCinBuffalo
    Tired of Jim’s Self Righteous Soapbox
    Jim just gets worse- yelling, talking over people, he’s so rude. There’s no analysis, he just shouts and degrades other people who don’t agree with him. I don’t know how the other two hosts put up with him. He also thinks he’s an expert on everything and is incredibly dismissive. His alignment with Natalia Grace’s “parents” is an interesting tell- I’m sure he feels a sense of camaraderie with the narcissist father.
  • Aby7298
    The Title Says It All
    I have no idea why me and so many others are drawn to the tragedies we listen to in true crime podcast. I have a laundry list I listen to regularly. This one though, it’s just different in the most amazing way. They make you feel the victim impact, the humanity, the heartbreak…… We must not lose sight of the human side of the tragedies if we as a society want to do better and be better. Thank you for that. I will add this, Josiah Hildebrands mother touched my mom heart in a big way. I hate Mr Jim was not on the show because he would have maybe added more to help me understand why and how a mom can not only be victimized once but twice. 💔
  • tb987533689
    Amazing show
    This is by far my new favorite podcast! I would love for you to cover the Casey Anthony tell all on Peacock and whether it changes how you view the case.
  • Tedsinbed
    The Best Real Crime Podcast!
    5 Stars for Laura Lisa and Jim! An amazing podcast where we learn about the Victims, Survivors and Perpetrators. Their depth of knowledge in all aspects is incredible and the compassion you feel from Laura and Lisa is genuine and heartfelt. Thank you for all you do to get these stories out. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Michelle
  • Sigkapoli
    Great insight
    I enjoy listening for the insight into the cases presented. There are some episodes that I have to skip because I cannot listen to Jum screaming at me. I understand you’re passionate about the work and that cases make your blood boil, but I cannot take you seriously when you cannot have a discussion.
  • moos1020
    Love this show
    I have been a long time listener. I love the expertise that Jim, Lisa and Laura bring to each topic they cover. Love them!
  • Tashmartin
    Please listen to learn more about domestic violence in particular. #hernameis
    The Real Crime Profile team’s wealth of knowledge, compassion, and effort to help society needs to be recognized. Individually Lisa, Laura, and Jim are incredible advocates in their fight for the voices of victims. Together they bring humanity to the cases we have heard about. Jim Clemente “They are human beings. They lost their lives in horrific ways…. And they didn’t deserve that. And … What we can do is give them back their stories. Talk about their lives and give them the respect that they didn’t get in the first place.” Episode “Her Name Was Meredith.” Real Crime Podcast
  • reviewer of tiny fax
    I love this podcast
    A really amazing awareness and understanding of domestic violence
  • another granny 66
    Great show
    This podcast is so important for educating the public. Love their passion.
  • NappyDresser
    Stellar Podcast!
    Stop Femicide! Always have psych autopsy in fishy DV murder cases! Broward County had a doozy back in ‘90’s. That smart lady DA became a Judge.
  • knowledgeaholic
    Hosts are experienced and passionate
    I find the shows interesting, but I’m also impressed with how passionate you all are in protecting the victims and showcasing their point of view.
  • Archie34424
    Jim and Laura are overly confident without appropriate knowledge
    Wow. I am extremely disturbed by Jim and Laura’s interview with Andrea Dunlop about the Maya Kowalski case. Jim is inappropriately confident about his knowledge of the medical aspect of suspecting, reporting, and diagnosing medical child abuse/factitious disorder by proxy. It is a clear example of the Dunning-Kruger effect - Jim and Laura know a little about something and now believe that they know enough to assert an opinion when in fact, there are serious holes in their knowledge. Jim is assuming that a doctor is the sole person responsible for determining whether or not to remove a child from parents in cases of child abuse. This is simply not true. The doctor (a trained specialist in child abuse medicine) completes a clinical evaluation based on interviews with the patient and the patient’s family and the notes and medical records written by other doctors (AKA medical history) and then makes a recommendation based on this knowledge. It is not the responsibility of the doctor to perform a criminal investigation or to determine what actions need to be taken in regards to custody. This, in fact, is the job of law enforcement and DFS/DCS/CPS. The blame placed on Dr. Smith is horrifyingly inappropriate. I also find it interesting that Jim and Laura as SO ready to only believe the words and opinions of two doctors - Dr. Kirkpatrick and Dr. Wassenaaw - which is odd since they seem to think that doctors are the problem here. These two doctors’ opinions are at odds with every other doctor who ever cared for Maya (which was a LOT given her abnormal number of hospitalizations). Dr. Kirkpatrick is not a board certified physician in any specialty, let alone one that credentials him to diagnose and treat CRPS (or children for that matter). He runs a pain clinic. He also has done at least one study with Dr. Cantù evaluating the treatment of CRPS with ketamine in which patients and/or patients’ families are required to pay upwards of $20K (out of pocket) to participate in the study and receive treatment. While I cannot know for sure, but this is more suggestive of a possible financial incentive to diagnose CRPS and quickly recommend such a high risk treatment (especially since this is not the standard of care for CRPS). Laura seems to believe that Dr. Wassenaaw is the only doctor qualified to determine the “standard of care” for CRPS and all of medicine apparently. He is a board certified pediatrician (at least he is qualified to treat children) and while he seems to think that this gives him the expertise to diagnose medical child abuse, his training isn’t in child abuse medicine and he has no specific qualifications which place his clinical opinion above that of a trained specialist in child abuse medicine (like Dr. Sally Smith). Also, I find his statement problematic in that he confidently rules out factitious disorder by proxy because he “assessed Beata.” Was Beata his patient? Was he an internal medicine/adult medicine doctor too? Or a psychiatrist? Or a psychologist? The answer is no. He is not qualified to make such assertions. Jim and Laura are so easily swayed by the documentary - which is clearly biased and created with an agenda. I would expect a more thorough and unbiased presentation from two people who are supposed to be experienced in criminal investigations. Do better, Jim and Laura. And be more respectful to people who know more than you do. Listen more, talk less when you have a guest to interview. And really?!?! is it appropriate to tell someone that they are wrong about their own experience with their own sister? Why does Maya deserve to be believed but Andrea doesn’t? That was below the belt and honestly, disgusting.
  • Twochihuhuas
    I Love Lisa, Laura, and Jim
    Very few in the world equal the experience and knowledge of Laura and Jim. Lisa equates to most of us in the audience who want to learn from Laura and Jim’s expertise and brings a good balance. I listen every week and look forward to new episodes. I’ve learned so much about safety, how to use my voice for myself, my child, and how we deserve to be treated in the world. Also how others, specifically women, victims of crimes should be treated and I’m thankful for the information.
  • KimberleeD
    I find the commentary interesting and enveloping. I listen on another app for no commercials but I can’t find where to review there. Anyway, I like that they don’t scare around their differing opinions. I find Jim’s directness and tactful honestly refreshing and and appreciate his view on situations. I appreciate Laura’s soft voice and helpful advice. Lisa adds a lot to the conversation by asking really good questions I think those not in the profession are asking in our heads. I’ve learned a lot from the show and about myself.
  • Tilly210
    Jim and Laura are great; Lisa is a MORON
    Jim and Laura are fantastic, but Lisa is overwhelmingly stupid. You can hear Jim’s frustration with Lisa’s moronic comments in his voice constantly, and it’s hilarious. Jim—I couldn’t agree more with you. I find Lisa frustrating too. This is a great podcast, but only because of Jim and Laura. Please drop Lisa from this show.
  • Hipsterdofus
    Great Pod focusing on the details
    I enjoy this pod very much. I don’t feel like it’s copaganda nor does lift up the perpetrators. This pod helps the listener discern a well done documentary vs an exploitative documentary. I know this pod focuses on diving into documentaries but I would love to have this team do a deep dive into the shooting/murder case Christie Downs, Cheryl-Ann, and Daniel Downs. While I do believe their mother committed this crime, I also know that the portrayal of female perpetrators are usually fraught with misogyny.
  • kealili
    I really love this team. Their broad proven expertise and knowledge makes it so credible. Their ability to profile criminals and give voice to the victim with very eye opening language, really catches my ear every time to what is obvious to the eye, but not every person in law enforcement wants to see. Once seeing, it is impossible to unsee. It gives me hope that they will change the justice system.
  • readingrenee
    Listened for several episodes and stopped at About Mariah’s. I can say that the hosts begin by making excuses for Melissa, she had her 2 year old taken away when they both test positive for cocaine That’s really the nail in her coffin. Then the pathologist, just to be clear a pathologist isn’t going to interview anyone. A pathologist job is to examine the physical. Nobody said punch or kick and then the pathologist used likely. Well she can’t say for sure so she will/does use likely. I read a lot, watched the documentary and I believe with everything in me that Melissa is guilty. She was an abuser in more than one way, drug addict and had 14 kids. To go with the popular opinion and site Kardashian is lame. I’m no longer listening The three of you lost me
  • 4spd69
    So much education here!
    I have learned so much about what to look for what to watch out for in my everyday activities.
  • JanKayDay
    One of my favorite real crime podcasts. Jim and Laura are amazing. They bring a humanity to the victims. I can’t say enough about how thoughtful they are in their analysis.
  • ElSando88
    Brilliant show with top notch analysts
    Jim and Laura are fantastic. Their discussions and the dynamic between them make for excellent listening. You learn a lot from this podcast as they walk you through each case and its technicalities. Their voices are very calming and perfect for broadcast as well.
  • Sophi4_kitten
    Lazy and shallow reviews of document TV
    The show has been reduced to a casting director, a bloviating narcissist, and a previously incisive and responsible professional analyst of dynamics of narcissistic & patriarchal indoctrination completely abandoning credibility. They appear to sit and passively watch documentaries with a notebook focused exclusively on who’s making money and the quality of the production. I turn to podcasts from professionals to contribute their specific expertise. To contribute aspects that the public may not be aware of and apply critical analysis and additional information and insight. I’m appalled at the coverage of Natalia’s story and of the family that was empowered by a system that didn’t see Natalia as human. You never even mention that there are two young boys still in Kathrine’s care. Coincidentally, one with the same alleged disorder as Maya Kowaslki. Jim, you said, listen to the experts. You are not an expert. You are a former prosecutor. What’s your record on believing victims and getting convictions? How many cases involving pediatric medicine have you encountered? How many women and children died at the hands of abusers you failed to prosecute or convict? Why are you biased against medical and child abuse examples expertise? You’re clearly suspicious of childless women and their expertise if opinion conflicts with yours. Your lazy reviews are damaging victims and harming the professionals that seek to protect them. Only Laura has an ounce of credibility to begin with. Jim needs to realize he’s a profited off the backs of victims, aggrandizing patriarchal ideas of a white male savior in a blue costume. If he’s going to continue in this work, I suggest a refresher on ethics and continuing education on the dynamics of abuse in the medical arena, and updated information on the dynamics and culture of abuse in present day America. It’s lazy and irresponsible. Laura, quit this show. It’s rotting your brain for a quick paycheck. Do better. Women and children need facts and allies, not shallow thoughts on documentaries I can get from rotten tomatoes. “NYC prosecutor”? Try Bronx family court and for what years? You don’t have any ideas or insight into how these abuses were allowed to happen or decide they didn’t. Profiler has no ideas about what might be the motivations, history, background of what happens in corrupt and biased family court. Lazy sensationalism without an ounce of effort or critical thought.
  • mst3kaddict
    I really respect what they do, but they need to get on the same page before they record. Too much arguing during the show about what exactly happened and what their viewpoint is. Talk it through before you hit “record”.
  • John Door Smithinstein
    Well I have to say that I feel bad for how I have to review this
    But it’s awful. I wanted to like it. It should work. It just has all been done before by others and better.
  • kr_chloe
    True crusaders for justice.
    I love this podcast. They speak for victims and they don’t stop. It’s important work.
  • Newton-MA-Democrat
    Knox Apologists
    Why was Amanda Knox’ bedroom lamp under the bed of Meredith Kercher?? Why was Amanda’s blood mixed with Meredith’s blood?? Why did Amanda falsely accuse her boss as the perpetrator of this heinous crime?? Amanda was present during Meredith’s death. Jim Clemente, please stop extolling this evil narcissist’s innocence! She’s guilty…guilty of what…only Amanda knows.
  • listeningok
    Thank you guys for always advocating for the victims, even the unborn victims! It’s so refreshing to hear from experts who boldly acknowledge that unborn babies are human and have life and when their lives are taken, it is actually murder! Thank you! Thank you!
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