

Are you afraid to be alone with your own thoughts? Would you rather hear stories and conversations from three idiots stumbling through womanhood? Well, you’re in the right place! From the minds and mouths of Keltie Knight, Jac Vanek, and Becca Tobin, the LADYGANG podcast intends to make women feel less alone. Each week the ladies welcome celebrity guests, experts, or chat amongst themselves about all things lady.

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Recent Reviews
  • 888sadsexey
    OK, I just know how there’s so much people in there, but it could also be more better but I also like the questions and stuff
  • patriarchysmusher195
    Favorite episodes are just them!
  • SonomaTeacher
    Loved hearing your opinions!
    First review I have ever left for a podcast! I had to write to say I absolutely LOVE that you all express your honest opinions! It’s what keeps me coming back every week! Keep keeping it real!
  • Waitingon#2
    Great episode!
    Love hearing Andrea on your podcast, such a great episode!!
  • Lasercatstakeover
    Meh, could be worse I guess.
    Boom-yeah in Budapest
    Hey ladies, I’m a LG husband and we just got to Hungary…had some jet lag and enjoyed a couple episodes at 4am to put us to sleep…sorry? I’m not wearing sparkles to the tour stop in PHX, but we’re pumped and trying to get the new catch phrase to catch on here in Budapest! You guys rock, see you in Dec! Ps- Now, this is his wife, and I approve this review. PSS-he’s surprised me and flew us out to Dallas to catch your last show! He knows how much I enjoy listening to your podcast! He knows I’m (5-star, senseless)….. and as I’m writing this, he just said you’re saying too much like Keltie Knight….
  • lainslo
    Trolls Be Gone
    Love this podcast! People leaving negative reviews is wild. If you don’t like something, move on to a podcast that works for you. Lady Gang is hilarious and real. I love Keltie! I was SO excited the first time I heard her say she loves Matt Nathanson… same!! Keep doing what you’re doing and trolls be gone!
  • funkyrbs
    PLEASE stop saying “I love it”
    The constant use of this phrase after an interviewee finishes such a thoughtful statement seems so mindless & comes off as the interviewer just trying to move on as opposed to a thoughtful response or to put a button on the discussion. I am a lifetime listener and invest a lot in your brand! I am loyal and love this podcast (of course the ladies as well!) just food for thought.
  • keetums
    Negative reviews
    I just stumbled upon you guys and I am addicted! You guys are all excellent and those people that write negative comments are just ignorant. Yes you have different personalities but that is what makes you guys podcast so good! The chemistry of the three of you together is the perfect combination in my opinion, ignore those haters and keep up the great work!! look at it this way, a BLT sandwich has bacon, lettuce, and tomato. Without one of those ingredients the sandwich is just not the same.And I’m not saying one of you is a piece of bacon lol, I’m saying the three of you as a group are perfect together.
  • candicelynn88
    Now-stalgia: When you know a time in your life is gonna last forever even before the moment is over. Every episode reminds me of the first time I ever received and opened a caboodle and put so many scrunchies in it that it would barely close. Love each and every one of you in a way that may have prevented me from passing all of the tests that Prince Derek had to take to become Keltie’s assistant. ❤️ from the east coast.
  • hannah turley
    appreciation review
    i have been listening since lady gang tv, ive watch becca on glee and just have found such a special place in my life for lady gang! when im feeling down or happy i always have new or old episodes to listen too! the ladies of ladygang create a safe space for everyone to be welcomed feel seen and most importantly loved what y’all do is amazing! i’ve gotten so many of my friends to listen to you even if they aren’t a regular podcast listener and it is something my partner and i bond over (we even listened to lady gang from nevada to connecticut) thank you for being your true authentic self’s happy, excited, sad, negative pmsing and all
  • Mary Kate :):)
    LadyGang: A Perfect Blend of Humor, Honesty, and Female Empowerment
    If you're on the lookout for a podcast that blends humor, honesty, and a touch of irreverence, LadyGang should be at the top of your list. Hosted by the dynamic trio of Keltie Knight, Jac Vanek, and Becca Tobin, this show offers a refreshing take on the realities of modern womanhood. Keltie, the undeniable chatterbox of the group, keeps the energy high with her enthusiastic and often hilarious commentary. Her stories and observations are endlessly entertaining, making each episode a rollercoaster of laughs and surprises. Becca, known affectionately as the straight forward one brings a sharp wit and no-nonsense attitude to the table. Her candidness, coupled with insights from her life as a mom, adds depth and relatability to the discussions. Becca's ability to cut through the fluff with her straightforward approach is a standout aspect of the show. Jac, the creative force and resident elder emo, adds a unique flavor with her artistic sensibilities and alternative perspective. Her contributions are always thought-provoking, and her creativity shines through in every episode. Jac's presence balances the group dynamic perfectly, making for a well-rounded listening experience. Together, these three women create a space where listeners can laugh, learn, and feel understood. Whether they're tackling serious topics or indulging in lighthearted banter, Keltie, Jac, and Becca ensure that "Ladygang" is never a dull moment. Tune in for a podcast that's as entertaining as it is empowering.
  • LadyGang member 4
    The real gals
    I love the LadyGang! I have been a long time listener and will continue to listen. They get real each week and talk about topics so many women stay away from. Becca and Jac are great but so is Keltie!! We love you Keltie, you are such an amazing friend and that showed more than ever during the beginning of the “Bravo+Giggly Squad” episode. I feel the most in line with Becca but it’s so easy to see how the three of them work together. Funny, real and sincere. This is my favorite podcast <3
  • Ernynwithay
    Appreciation review❤️
    I look forward to listening to these lovely idiots every week! I’m a long time listener and even though occasionally an episode isn’t for me I still like to hear their opinions. Good week bad week is still my favorite and I was very invested in Jac’s house hunt. I found out the good news on Insta and nearly cried🙃 I’m not a mother and don’t want to be but I can still appreciate the journey Becca is on. The toddler content is a different avenue of conversation than normal and mixes things up in a good way. I identify most with Keltie and hope she knows that for every hater/troll there are TWO super fans😉 also thank you to the person who clarified that for the dress code in England vest=wife beater/tank, I’m not English but it was driving me crazy during the episode. Will continue to listen/go to shows for as long as these fantastic women want to do it!! Long love the LadyGang!!
  • Megan Sherwin
    Advice and conversations you didn’t know you needed
    The girls are great. The conversations they have and guests they have may not always apply to me today but it will one day. I have learned so much and share what I hear with my family. Love all three girls and really enjoy. Have listened to all back logged episodes.
  • RachelLauren11
    Like talking with your best friends
    I love the LadyGang! It feels like talking with my best friends, without the energy of contributing to the conversation. They’re so authentic and real, I feel like I really know them. And I love how they’re all so different, but compliment each other so well.
  • RAS9512
    Lady Gang is Brat
    I started listening to the Lady Gang back when COVID hit when I heard them on another podcast and immediately fell in love with their banter and very different (yet equally charming) personalities. As a gay man, I will admit, the majority of the things they speak about are not entirely applicable to my life… HOWEVER, I have found their podcast to be akin to getting brunch and catching up with my three closest girlfriends. The ladies came into my life at the beginning of my med school journey, and it sounds crazy to say, but the Tuesday and Thursday morning episodes, during what is truly the most stressful time in my life, have given me the most welcomed break from reality. The podcast is truly a light at the end of a dark tunnel. Also Becca’s a Marietta girl, and you have to root for your hometown.
  • SydYoungberg
    Perfect for the millennial pop culture lovers
    I love keeping up with this trio! It’s so fun hearing about Jac’s elder emo life, Keltie is so entertaining in the best way and brings such great energy to the show! I didn’t grow up watching Glee, and actually never have haha but I have loved getting to know about Becca from this pod! They’re relatable, funny, have such cool connections within pop culture and insight that most other shows don’t. I would say I’m on the younger side of “millennial”, and these 3 feel like the cool older sister I always wanted 🖤 I appreciate the realistic take they always have, and while their life is much more glamorous than mine lol they make me feel empowered as a single woman to do really cool things by sharing how they have gotten to where they are and how they keep grinding to go even further. Big fan :)
  • Mlrhas3
    Everyone needs a dose of The Lady Gang in their life!
    I started listening to the lady gang podcast in 2020. I was so hooked that I went back and started from the beginning….. yes the beginning. I have listened to every single episode and I have discovered we all need a little lady gang in our lives. When u think of a friend group, these three ladies are it! Jac, the music lovin, crop top wearing, hot girl. Becca, the ride or die and has zero f’s to give. Keltie, the one who could single handedly rule the world with her crazy / brilliant brain. The lady gang brings it every single episode. Consider it the most hilarious, entertaining free therapy you will ever need. I so enjoy doing “ life” with these amazing ladies!
  • Mlm4hawks
    Honestly, I love this you all!!
    I love all of the convos and topics…I am in my 40’s - older than all of you - but the topics are so very relatable! And, I love the diversity of topics…I look forward to the daily check-ins, the reality of life, connection to pop culture balanced with really informative topics…the balance is perfect! Also, I had a hysterectomy in 2022 and my cuff broke too (aka: my vagina broke!!🤷🏻‍♀️) and it was absolutely the worst pain I could ever imagine and went into emergency surgery! I have never heard of anyone else going through it! You guys really are great! Thank you for the virtual connection and support!!
  • Kristen F.💁🏼‍♀️
    DJ Lil Bujo
    I LOVE listening to these girls every week! It is a guaranteed laugh every time! Keep being YOU and being authentic🤍🤍🤍 Also, I am such a fan of the DJ Lil Bujo episode, lol - I was cracking up so hard…”I’m Peggy” is the best 😂
  • Ladygangwasmyfirstreviewever
    5 star bad reviews
    Well, your bad reviews episode had me laughing out loud walking around Nordstrom. Keltie, I love you!!! Giggles always with this crew. Love the unfiltered life updates. Love that you all support each other *and the gang* and challenge each other. It’s awesome. Keltie is the backbone of the ladygang, Becca is my twin and Jack’s the sweetheart who makes me want to find a giant long haired ginger man to be my second husband. I hope I can make it to one of the life shows this this time around! I wish we could be here for a longer time because we’re always here for a good time! lol see what I did there 🤣
  • JaneFromKC
    Trust me, you’ll love them all.
    At different times of my life, I’ve identified best with Jac, Keltie or Becca. I promise, you’ll do the same when you allow these women into your life (one listen turned to eight years for me.) I’ve learned important lessons of relationships, careers, friendship and motherhood from these ladies and their awesome guests. And most of all, learning to laugh and take it all less seriously along the way (but we learned that together after a few years 😂)
  • Em C Rose
    Ladygang Love
    These girls have been with me every week since they started as part of my commute and daily life. While some are die hard Keltie, Jac or Becca - I feel like I see a little of myself in each of them. Hearing their takes on pop culture events, friends, embarrassing situations and life makes me feel less alone in my own feelings. We are all just doing life together!!!
  • Amandamsanchez8
    I found this podcast through idk how when I was like 20 and you guys have truly ushered me into adulthood!!! Thank you for always being so open and honest. This podcast is anything but senseless and the people that think that are prob the most boring people and everyone hates them bc they can’t see all the beautiful pieces of wisdom we learn thru all of those little stories. Love you guys!!!!!!!!!! Whenever something bad happens to me I think about you guys saying how bad your 20s are hahahaha I would have been in such a worse place without you guys.
  • Msmollysunshine
    Relatable, comedic and entertaining
    The LadyGang was the first podcast I ever listened to. They are relatable, make me laugh and even if it’s a guest I’ve never heard of topic I’m not particularly interested in, I always enjoy and get something out of each episode. There have been many times where something has been addressed that I had previously felt embarrassed or “othered” by, and listening to the three of you talk about whatever that is made me feel like I wasn’t crazy or weird or naive. I truly enjoy and appreciate this podcast and am hoping I can finally make attending the tour happen. Also my husband LOVES LadyGang TV and constantly asks me when it’s coming back
  • thatonemom5
    When I first started listening I remember being alarmed because I thought Becca & Jac were so mean to Keltie. I felt bad for her- lol! The more I have listened, I’ve learned that it’s the perfect dynamic. I love how each of their personalities are so different and add a fun spice to this show that you can’t find on other shows. It quickly became one of my favs & I love all the girls!
  • Hlryblry
    Besties forever
    I’m a 37 year old single mom to four kids- ages 18, 14, 13 and 12. I work a corporate job remotely from home so I can do all the stay at home mom things while trying to make a few bucks and survive in this world. I share all of this because I don’t have much space for “me time” or “girl time”. But every week (twice a week), I get to turn you ladies on and for a brief moment, I’m just hanging out with my besties, sharing a laugh. So thanks. You three always know how to make me smile. PS. Keltie, you are not annoying lol.
  • Kbyoulios
    Brightens my day
    I’ve had quite the tough past year Going through a breakup and cancer and moving across county … Listening to this podcast weekly brings light to my life as well as a great distraction Keltie you are the funniest Jac I want your style And Becca you are the realist Thank you for making me smile every week!!!! Xoxox
  • Lau Church
    The Senselessness Everyone Needs in Their Day
    Keltie, Jac, and Becca talking, ranting, sharing their opinions, and making recommendations feels like having a catch-up conversation with your best friend. Their honesty makes me feel less weird, isolated, evil and/or judgmental. I’ve used a few products upon their recommendation and all are super legit (Nutrafol saved my hair! Thank you Keltie!) I need at least thirty minutes a week of these girls in my life and you do too.
  • VTlars
    Some funny stuff
    I listen while getting things done around the house with my earbuds in and I laugh out loud so much that my husband and 3year old think I’m nuts. Ps all three ladies make the podcast work <3
  • Courttees
    Top Tier Senseless-ness (is that a word?)
    I know I’m a few days late to the writing a review party, but my town was busy getting hit with a tornado. 🙃have power back and got to listen to the episode! ANYWHO- I’ve been an OG Ladyganger and if you like listening to stories about things you wish you could afford, the ins and outs of entertainment biz, polarizing guests from A list to Z list, this is the podcast for you! I truly love listening to all three of you, and how you always engage with your listeners. Whether it be through Instagram, FB, or Tik Tok you ALWAYS take the time. Please don’t ever stop because then I’ll quite literally be like Keltie and have nothing to do with my life. THANKS
  • Boone920
    OG listener here!
    I’ve been listening for a long a time! THE SHOW HAS NEVER BEEN BETTER! This show makes my week! Keltie, as a nurse, I love when you talk about your health issues. It brings awareness to women’s health so you talk on about what ever you want to talk about! I love Becca and Jac! I can’t wait for Jac’s house talk and I love hearing about Ford from Becca! You ladies are the best!
  • bex_kel
    Thank you!
    Love listening to the podcast. You guys always make me laugh (which is hard to do). Thank you for being exactly who you are and sharing it with us. Best 🤍
  • Laatsyrc
    Favorite POD
    If laughter were a matcha latte, The Lady Gang podcast would be the frothy top. Waking up to their episodes is like discovering a new flavor of weird in your morning routine—Keltie's off-pitch serenades, Becca's humor as dark as her soul, Jac’s commentary about constipation, and the delightful sounds of chewing and occasional burps. These ladies make my Tuesdays and Thursdays brighter and I really don’t know what I’d do without them. Can't wait to see them live! Thanks ladies.
  • Lindst1235
    Great podcast
    Relatable, funny, and a great listen!!
  • Vouellette
    The best there is!
    I’ve been an avid listener for many years and it is the best podcast for all things! Becca, Jac, and Keltie each bring something unique that you can’t get anywhere else. You really feel like they are your best friends! If you like witty banter, celebrity news(allegedly), unfiltered chat about lady bits, interviews with amazing guests, then you’ve come to the right place! 10/10 would recommend!
  • JojoB1223
    5 Star Review
    I’d have to say that it’s your “senselessness” that keeps me coming back for more every week! In all seriousness, Ive been listening for years and I truly feel like you three are my friends ( which idk what that says about me but) I love the way you bring us into your lives. From planning Jac’s wedding, welcoming baby Ford, and going on Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride that is Keltie’s health journey! Haters are gonna hate but sprinkles are for winners!! Xoxo
  • shaunajc
    OG favorite podcast
    Love the LG, a lot of podcasts have fallen off my list over time but the ladygang holds strong. I’m so happy to get to watch on YouTube now. Pros: girly swirly chit chat, self deprecating humor, realness, balanced topics, and always good for some laughs. Cons: Honestly my only complaint is it seems like they are recorded a bit in advance I wish they were a more real time. Feedback: the more unhinged the better 🤣 keep it coming ladies.
  • lgaddict
    I solemnly swear I was WRONG
    I was a day 1 lady gang listener until about 2 years ago when I felt angry at the world and consequently - the lady gang. I felt like the show and the hosts were shallow and ignoring all the chaos that was happening in the world. Well I’m here to tell you, after some much much needed therapy and what I swear is a result of my full frontal lobe development… I was a moron. I started listening again a few months ago and it was like reconnecting with an old friend. I don’t want overly serious topics and dramatic content about the world and frankly I don’t know why I ever thought I did. I blame the Covid years of getting wrapped up in other peoples opinions too easily. Sometimes all you want to hear is girl talk.. that’s what this podcast is, true and authentic girl talk. They brought together three completely different personalities and women who are experiencing three different directions of life and created an environment that feels so unique and honestly just fun. I love listening to their thoughts and stories. Even the opinions I disagree with are still incredibly fun to listen to because of the way they banter with each other. I’m so happy I found my way back to this podcast. I can truly say I had the best time catching up with what I missed and can’t wait to see what they continue to do moving forward.
  • 29733alg
    Senseless 😘
    I so appreciate this podcast. Thank you all! I’ve been listening from the beginning and (I know we’re not) but it’s sad how much I start a sentence with “well, one of my friends said” and it’s something one of you said 😬. My dad is currently going through brain cancer and can I say how much I appreciate the ability to sometimes tune life out and listen to your ‘senseless’ podcast. Please never change. Thank you guys ❤️
  • Amanda_DoodleMama
    Great conversations!
    Always love catching up with the Lady Gang. I enjoy listening to life updates, the ladies opinions on things and stories they share. The quickie episodes are great when I don’t have to much time to listen to a full episode. Keltie, my fellow Canadian… love when you share stories about the great white north, reminds me of home as I am in OC, California now. Keep up the great work!! You guys rock!
  • ktnhuse
    The Trio You Love to Hate
    I started listening to the LadyGang years ago. I for sure fell off the wagon four years ago, and in the last two years have actively been back with my girls each week. Keltie, Becca, and Jac make me laugh out loud with all of their senseless conversation. For real, I wouldn’t have gotten through my back to back pregnancies and postpartum period without them. Some days, when things are hard, I turn an old episode on. Life is hard, and the more I listen the less hard it seems. Thank you 💗 P.S. I hate all of you - Keltie, your annoying drive always makes me feel bad about myself and gets me off the couch to get something done, Becca, you can be negative, but it’s such a breath of fresh air from the sometimes toxic positivity that is all around us, sometimes it’s okay to not be positive and I like that reminder, and Jac, I hate you because I ain’t you (come on - marrying Jared??). I went to Warped Tour, and contrary to what I thought was going to happen I am not married to a singer or band member. Love the show and I lied above, I actually love you guys too 😊
  • Emmykins25
    Long live the ladygang!!
    I love the ladygang. My friends know who Keltie, Jac, and Becca are because I talk about them like they are my friends! My favorite episodes are when it’s just you three just shooting the breeze. I just listened to the episode where they read negative reviews and it was whack. Keltie, you are hilarious and seem so genuine. As someone who has struggled with women’s health issues, I think it’s so important to share your story and the journey it took to get healthy. Please don’t stop sharing. Love you guys!
  • Mandies23
    My First!
    Lady Gang is the podcast that changed my mind about podcasts. Before the Gang I swear I thought I would never be a podcast listener but listening to these ladies taught me podcast can be just like chatting with my girls. Keltie is type A intense and can be a little annoying. Beca is dark/morbid. Jac is weird creative one. I swear they all represent a part of my personality which is why I adore them and keep them tuned in every week.
  • HannahSmithG
    Evolving but staying consistent - obsessed
    I’ve been a listener since 2015 and love how I’ve evolved over the years (graduated college, got married, bought a house) and being able to also see how y’all have grown over the years, but somehow remain exactly the same in the best way possible. individually you all have something unique to bring to the table, but together you’re such a fun powerful force of women that I look up to so much! it’s so special that this show has remained a constant break from the real world where I can laugh, smile, and just let myself have a moment to listen to my fave podcast. Keep doing what you’re doing - guests, good week bad week, it’s all amazing!!
  • hd0382&
    Love you Lady Gang!
    I’ve listened from day 1 and love you all! Keep staying true to yourselves!
  • Linsie399
    This is a positive review for July 18!!! VIP baby!
    Can we just pretend I wrote this on 7/18?! I’m just listening to the episode because I’m late to everything! Except I wouldn’t be late to 2 free VIP tickets for my identical twin sister and myself! Idk what grammar is, but hopefully you’re picking up what I’m throwing down! The LadyGang is THE best!!! The point of the first 20 minutes is to chat & share good week/bad week which is the best!!! So whoever complained about that can eat a fart! I’m a Keltie! My identical twin sister says she’s Becca! And Jac you mix with everyone! 👏🏼 I literally LOL at every episode! So relatable!! PLEASE PICK US FOR YOUR VIP TICKETS TO CHICAGO BABY! We will be the loudest in the audience obviously 😂 and we will knock it out of the park with our prom attire! And if anyone comes alone I will befriend every single one of those awesome ladies! Don’t ever change, LadyGang! 🤍
  • Ginny B24
    Thanks for making my commute to work great ❤️
    I love listening tot he Lady Gang on my drive to work. In a world that is heavy, stressful, and full of things to think about this is a welcome escape. Thanks ladies for always making my drive into work fun, and lighthearted. Cheers!
  • KelsFL
    Only started listening because I thought her name was Kelsey
    I thought her name was Kelsey like mine… once I realized it was Keltie I was already hooked! 8 years later I still listen every week! Thanks for all the laughs!
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