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Sri11aAwesome Content DeliveryI listened a podcasts related to tech, this is best I felt. This is my go to option. I really like the clarity of explaining in simple way. English is not my native language, still i can able to follow every second of the podcast, which is missing in others.
brochachofyGrab a Cup!This podcast is just what I was looking to consume in nugget sized portions. It’s a great cup of tea length format with plenty of useful information to help drive you in your career as a developer.
Carlos_craigPerfect timing for something this incredibleI just randomly came across this, but it was just at the perfect time and these have me really thinking and for the better. Truly amazing
GrfxGuruEvery episode gives you something to think aboutJonathan always chooses topics that leave me with something to take away and think about. Taking into account the topics he brings up has helped me see my development approach from different perspectives and I think made me better for it.
30 NinjasGreatAwesome
jjcruz27Makes you thinkThis podcast is unlike any other I’ve listened to. I’m a new software developer and these short, digestible episodes are excellent for helping me think more deeply about my career. I’m intrigued by how each episode is geared towards helping developers navigate the world of software developing in a novel way-by serving the mindset of anyone who wants to be a more aware developer. So glad I found this!
GearheadGurliePerfect Podcast to Start Your DayI love starting my day with this podcast! It’s short on time but BIG on value. It gives me something to think about and work on for the day, it helps me be more mindful, and gets my brain going before I sit down to work. I’m not an engineer (though I do work with them), but I find that this podcast is so much more than engineering.
Christopher K.46Practical anectdotes to make you a better technologistDoes the narrator have a soothing, easy listening voice.. yes. However that is not the real value here. Developer Tea is filled with snack sized anecdotes that leave you with simple, tactical ways to improve your communication related to software centric business environments. Thanks for making these and wanted to share that I really enjoy leaving a listen with a single thing I try to bring into practice.
gracevocadoThis should aka. “Developer Therapy” 🧘🏻♀️💕I typically haven’t found myself consistently going back to a tech podcast, but I keep going back for more with Developer Tea. The content isn’t really about technical tech stuff as much as it about how to reframe our thinking and shift perspectives as a developer. I have found each clean and concise episode has helped me think and manage my efforts more efficiently, in and outside development. Thank you, Jonathan Cutrell 🙏!!!
jumpShotMgeeVery usefulI find the podcast very insightful. It is helpful as a developer, and a lot of the content can be useful for anyone.
ASoberingPerfect for Developers and Non-Developers Alike!It’s obvious Jonathan puts extraordinary effort into each and every episode of Developer Tea. Even as someone who doesn’t work as a developer, I’ve found extraordinary value in his insights and advice. No matter the topic, I gain something from every episode - keep up the great work!! PS - HUGE congrats on 7 years, what an incredible milestone! 🙌
Sir PicassoUsed to be much betterWhen I started listening to this show about 5 years ago, it was a huge help to me as a developer. But now, most episodes have turned into some pop-science level discussion of metaphysics that I can no longer relate to. It has become so high-minded and abstracted that it doesn’t even feel like a podcast about development anymore. It just sounds like Jon read the headline of an article that morning and spent 15 repeating the same idea over and over and trying to find a way to connect it to development. Frankly, the show has become unlistenable for me. 98% of the episodes just sit in my queue anymore. And when I do listen to an episode, it feels like I’ve listened nothing. It’s like white noise with some ads. Jon has done a great job over the years keeping to a consistent schedule and putting out new content every week. But I think that schedule has caused the quality of this podcast to suffer for it. I love Jon, really I do. He’s a great guy who was extremely helpful for me when I first started out. This show may have very well been what had gotten me into podcasts, which makes seeing the state of it now that much harder for me. I hope that it can one day get back to where it was, but for now think I have to set it aside.
I'm sorry?Amazing podcast, not just for developersThis is easily one of my favorite podcasts to listen to regularly. The concepts and mental models are applicable to almost any industry and I’ve shared many specific episodes with friends who are not developers because it applied to things they were dealing with in other industries. Can’t recommend this podcast enough.
Raulrd3Great for life at & away from the keyboardThis is great content no matter your profession. I’ve been listening for years. Definitely worth a listen. You won’t be disappointed. This review has def been a long time coming and is incredibly well deserved.
t53335677543Fantastic PodcastDeveloper Tea has been a really fun podcast to have on when I’m working, and when I’m just hanging out. The topics are very diverse, and yet all tie together really well. Definitely worth listening to.
DaphneWiReally usefulI’m a college student and I’ve only listened to two episodes so far but it’s already useful. I am also learning more about the tech community and trying to be a bigger part of it so this podcast seems like it would very good for that.
ksj_Awesome podcastGreat range of topics + interviews. Also host, Jonathan Cutrell, has a nice voice :) Thanks for the great podcast!
aaronjsuttonVery insightfulExcellent podcast with relevant information delivered in a very effective manner
ejeroFeels like your friend is talking to youGreat podcast. It’s like an experienced developer siting right next to you , who understands human behavior giving you great advice.
intothesunHighly recommended.I learn a lot from this podcast. Highly recommended.
AcBkpOddhSDeliver most value by minuteThis podcast consistently delivers high quality information in a very efficient manner.
2SnowboardAlways contains concepts worth journalingThis podcast never fails to share ideas that I have to stop my dog walk and capture via dictation because they apply to my life as a developer-entrepreneur. I deeply appreciate how different this is from nearly all other podcast of any genre- in that it has no riffing/live radio types of filler- it’s as concise as it is relevant. Would like to get his thoughts in some episode on when conceptually one has pushed too hard debugging and needs to move on, vs when it’s best to stay disciplined and keep pushing oneself at a big they aren’t figuring out.
Oz-someNice chunks of wisdom and thoughtfulnessThis podcast is like one of those books that you go back and reread bits and pieces from time to time, because those bits and pieces remain valuable at various points in life. I recommend.
RollTheRsBurnoutGood episode on burnout. Thanks.
audiospherenice showGives me food for work related thought every time. The host has a soothing voice to boot. nice!
nick778887Technology meets mindfulness or psychologyI love the nodes of wisdom the host offers his suggestions make you look at coding/ building in a human relatable way that any background can follow
Dmg1336000Great podcast for all developersI started listening to the podcast about 2 months ago and look forward to listening every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The podcast really helps me frame my mindset and gives me new ways to think about problems and overcome challenges. I highly recommend to programmers of all skill levels
Drewster1971Much better thanHi Jonathan, I’ve owed you a 5-star review for awhile now. When I first listened to your podcast a couple of years ago, my first reaction was that it was some guy saying a bunch of obvious stuff, while acting like it was profound. Fast-forwarding to today, I am still here listening. In most episodes I am finding nuggets of real wisdom which have helped me in keeping the right perspectives or have helped me to look at things from another direction. Anyone who is a developer or considering being one — even a seasoned developer — can benefit by subscribing and listening to Developer Tea. Thank you for the podcast and please keep up the excellent work! Best wishes!
kevin_peterA Good Compliment to Other Tech PodcastsJonathan talks about interesting ideas, ranging from technology and communication to human psychology and the workings of organizations. In addition, he occasionally interviews interesting people. I started off listening to a few shows and then started listening to every show. Then I started working my way through all the episodes that I had missed. I strongly recommend listening. The episodes are usually fairly short (10-20 minutes) and are usually thought-provoking
RenddslowHelped me get my first dev jobThis show was fundamental to helping me get into the tech industry and land my first dev job. The advice and lessons learned in this show are invaluable. I highly recommend it.
quartertonality_It’s about so much moreThis has quickly become one of my favorite podcasts, and it’s about so much more than coding. It’s about learning, and philosophy, and productivity. In fact, if you aren’t even a coder at all I’m sure you’ll still get a ton out of this podcast. They’re brief, with a lot of insight packed into each episode. Worth subscribing, most definitely.
Thulasi82Wonderful podcastReally an awesome podcast. Great content and I like how the speaker’s voice sounds meditational.
MgnovelloOver the top advertisingAnd on and on and on about .tech domain names. Who cares! Stop trying to convince me I need a .tech name just so you can sell something. Brief shoutouts are fine, but this was over the top. It also feels manipulative when you don’t start out your endorsement by disclosing your personal interest in it. If you want your name to mean something, knock it off. Thanks!
fyodorioThe best non-technical podcast for developersI found it recently. So motivating and inspirational! It supports me a lot on my developer way.
Sound-Dr.Full Stack Mobile DeveloperThis is the podcast I look forward to ever day on the way to work 👌🏼
DiegoNTMucho más que un Podcast para desarrolladoresNo solamente aprenderás cosas para desarrolladores si no que también aprenderás a desarrollar tu mente y ser más eficiente con todo lo que hagas. Es en inglés pero el locutor tiene una dicción perfecta y te será muy fácil entenderlo. Lo más que me gusta es como trae temas diferentes de auto mejoramiento como persona que te ayudarán en la vida para ser un profesional. The Best Podcast!
Curb AlertGreat for developers but applicable to non-developersDeveloper Tea is by far my favorite podcast and most listened to. The subject matter is primarily targeted towards developers and aspiring devs like myself, but some of the advice and topics are applicable to life in general which makes it valuable and worthwhile even for non-developer types.
andcamNot just for software developersI’ve been listening to this podcast for a few months now. As a former developer and now manager of devs, this podcast is helpful for more than just devs. Quite a few episodes deal with other aspects of ‘work’, life, and balance that have nothing to do with the industry. Now, the context is about improving the life and focus of a developer, so if you aren’t in the industry, you’ll need to take a step back and listen with the bigger picture in mind. It do give a listen.
shauravrajHelpful showGood content for all developers.
pineapplesodaUnique and essential for codersIf you write code for a living - or aspire to - this podcast will give you career-building advice not easily found elsewhere. As coders we are accustomed to focusing on the trees, but Jonathan will make you pull back and appreciate the forest.
_j_b_i_r_dGreat podcastI really appreciate developer tea because although it’s not talking about technical details of software, it teaches about useful practices needed in a developer workplace.
MedslimVery well done.I realize that the way you put/present simple ideas and simplify big problems makes huge difference! Love this podcast
ZoranS.Great podcastReally great podcast. I really like that episodes are short, and full of usefull information. Great work Jonathan.
4!!enProfessional. Interesting. Concise.Developer tea is one of the first podcast I listened to, however I still enjoy like the first day. This show not only encompass a wide variety of development topics, but inspire me to continue learning and researching as a junior programmer. Keep up the great work.
Avant GourdBeautifulDeveloper Tea accomplishes what few other things in existence do or even try to do; it effectively communicates a transcendental message solely for the purpose of good, and carefully chooses to do so in the context of a platform that has more potential than any other known. Restated- it packages the message of love and humility and explains precisely how to integrate that with technology as a means to spread that completely simple, and beautiful message. Something I feel very lucky to have the privilege of finding outside of myself. A must listen!
R1zzo23The Name Speaks VolumesI enjoy drinking tea. I enjoy developing. I now do both with more enjoyment thanks to this podcast. When I need a break from programming, I get the kettle screaming and pop on the next episode of this fantastic podcast. While I'm new to programming, this podcast has already helped me develop new habits in ways that I never thought I was capable of!
Ashley AndersenLovely Perspective and Eye Opening for what's NewI'm still back in the 2015 archives, but developing for the past ~5 years (PHP + frontend haha), I find this refreshing and interesting conversation on what was then new, from many perspectives and types of programming. I am sure this will continue in newer episodes. The production is great, never bored, great sound and good about being digestibly on topic with a little bend. :) I've only held one job at one company so far in this industry so I appreciate hearing about what it is like elsewhere and what our world is buzzed about.
Nikola KantarFun and Short FormDeveloper Tea is pretty interesting, and most of the guests have worthwhile things to say. The short format is different from most podcasts I'm used to, but is balanced out by a frequent release schedule.
tayl_rbryantOne of my favorite podcastsI absolutely love this podcast. I have learned an incredible amount about web development from the host and his guests.
seyjaibaoGreat Value Per MinuteEven though this podcast is ususally only 15 minutes - 25 minutes long INCLUDING sponsor messages, I still feel like the amount of value I get out of each individual is sometimes equal to if not greater than other podcasts of greater length.
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