What Next | Daily News and Analysis

News #218Daily News #30

The problem with the news right now? It’s everywhere. And each day, it can feel like we’re all just mindlessly scrolling. It’s why we created What Next. This short daily show is here to help you make sense of things. When the news feels overwhelming, we’re here to help you answer: What next? Look for new episodes every weekday morning.

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Recent Reviews
  • bebebebef
    Episode on crypto
    I’m not a big crypto zealot but consider myself well informed. The recent episode with Zeke Faux was unbelievably biased and very poorly researched. He was mistaken on many points (e.g., stated there are virtually no serious crypto projects anymore, just meme coins). He provided little fact-based information (e.g., didn’t give a direct answer when asked what percentage of Americans have crypto). I learned nothing at all and came away annoyed. Holy cow. How did Slate decide that this guy is their crypto expert?!
  • NE Steph in SoCal
    Both sides nonsense
    I swear these weirdos want Trump to be elected.
  • bull&$it
    If ANYONE actually needs to ask that question, there’s something terribly wrong. Although I believe your question was: what MAKES a woman. Which is actually deranged. Woman aren’t MADE!! They are BORN that way. I’m sick of men stealing and invading women’s spaces. This is not a “controversial” subject. It should be criminalized. Are we waiting for a young woman to be killed in the ring? What will it take?
  • elrach32
    Tried to get into it but it’s just cliche after cliche. No thought goes into this.
  • midwestBlue
    Propublica just broke this story of their investigation: Trump is using his media company to allow rich donors to buy a piece of Trump and reap the benefits in the form of government contracts and tax breaks if he gets elected again. The investigative reporting connects the new “Trump TV” to a streaming technology company in Melania’s home country (Slovenia) and to a rich Republican donor who had made millions off his relationship with Trump already.
  • J. Sims, Jr.
    new host, please
    Please take Mary Harris off the host mic.
  • Fugitive hedgehog
    Weak, woke journalism
    CC is an amazingly talented writer, I will give her that, but she’s fully bought in on queer over gay, which has already started to undermine all of the strides that LGBs have made. This is definitely the least insightful most hackneyed season of Slow Burn- a previously excellent, standout series.
  • elf presley
    love the podcast, hate the 'AI is great!' ads.
    I want to follow the show, listen to episodes, and learn more about the topics but i won't because of the incessant AI ads. AI is bad.
  • lindseym395
    love mary
    i listen to a lot of news podcasts and mary harris is hands down the best interviewer in the podcast business. i really appreciate her pushing back with facts in the latest abortion episode
  • LaLa home
    Mary, The way you handled todays interview with the anti-choice doctor was beautifully navigated! I wish more journalists had your ability to speak truth without antagonizing. Bravo 👏
  • Lele NY
    Love the show
    Love the show. Could you please do an episode on the Amazon Flex drivers who are filing claims over worker classification?
  • Isaac J.S.
    Ads too repetitive
    Had to unsubscribe
  • Amadeo Bordiga
    Inexcusable Choice to Platform Hate
    The episode for the week of May 27th, which came out two days after Israel launched a missile attack that burned more than 30 displaced people living in tents alive in Rafah, features an interview with a young, sympathetic IDF reservist who casually drops lines like “They [Palestinians] started this, so why should I care?” She gets no *meaningful* pushback from Mary Harris, the host (someone who knows perfectly well what the Nakba is and when it happened). You could do this interview if you were critical, called out the Hasbara, and also chose to platform Palestinian victims of genocide. But Mary Harris did none of that, which suggests to me she feels a connection to one side and not the other. I don’t want to keep listening to a podcast that supports settler colonialism and genocide.
  • ╭∩╮(ಠتಠ)╭∩╮
    V good for social studies
    My social studies teacher has us bring in a new current event to class every day, and this is useful, as well as very fun to listen to, too. Great for a teenaged Marxist with no awareness, like ever! It helps me to figure out what’s happening in this got mess of a country. It’s very nice to have this entertaining thing to listen to, especially because ADHD makes it hard to focus on reading sometimes, though. Also, for all the guys in the comments complaining about ads, you can skip them when you got to the transcript and click through them (unless I’m so disconnected from other people that I don’t even realize that’s a feature exclusive to premium or Apple plus or whatever it’s called). Thank you to Slate Media for producing this! Love and hugs, -Sebastian Moon ☆
  • DonJuanCasinova
    State sponsored propaganda
    State sponsored Marxist propaganda. Enjoy being lied to!
  • wanttofind
    Thank you so much for the Columbia story
    I was deeply moved listening to the interview with Columbia classics professor Joe Howley. My daughter - apolitical and a student at Barnard- has been drawn into these debates reluctantly as a result of the courageous action of students and faculty. Thank you so much for lifting up Howleys voice. There is so much more to education than classes, exams and graduation ceremonies. 🙏🏼
  • NameTakenNameTaken89
    Great show
    Incredible show today about the Columbia student protests
  • JessAndre
    Bring on a Zionist in response to all the interviews supporting Hamas
    I’ve listened to this show for years and I often disagree but now it has become downright despicable. Protestors were chanting “We are hamas”, “Hamas make us proud, kill another soldier now” They are echoing the rhetoric of terrorist organizations. One Jewish Columbia University student was kicked in the stomach during the protests, and was told to "kill yourself." Jewish students have a right to learn in an environment free from harassment and violence. Where is the interview with a Jewish Columbia student? And I don’t mean a member of Jewish voices for peace. A Zionist in support of Israel who wants to get rid of Hamas, the ACTUAL people putting civilians in harms way, taking hostages and using all the aid on themselves. Bring on a knowledgeable Zionist. You should be ashamed. I am utterly disgusted.
  • asc135711
  • K Bombers
    Left Bias is too too much
    I’m a very conservative voter and I’ve Been a listener for over 1 year so far. I like the moderate tone of this podcast even though I often disagree with its conclusions. This has been a go to for me to help understand the views of the Politcal Left. While I agree with the capitalist idea of charging what the market will bear, I need to inform the producers of this podcast that MY market about is about to move elsewhere. 2 ads per 30 mins is my limit. This one is pushing 6 or even more at times. Advice? Back it off and keep your standards high! Update: 28 July 2022; when one dances with the Devil, the Devil doesn’t change. Update: these so called reporters are totally 💯 biased to the left. No way they are honest about the reality. Only their zero tolerance view of the world. Super sad 😞
  • Phototoaster lover
    Find a new topic
    Is there any other topic than bashing Trump? The ominous music you play in the background when talking about him is great too😎
  • Mme Blink
    Trash audio quality
    Good topics, but the audio on this podcast is too often unacceptable. There is no excuse for poor and inconsistent audio quality on a PODCAST.
  • Jill-lyn
    Too many ads
    I’m torn on this because I love the in depth content but the ads are long, far too frequent and so darn repetitive. Five stars if this problem is fixed!
  • ÜberСаша
    Too many ads
    It’s not just the number of ads but the placement is f*ing intolerable
  • AKA Queen Mab
    Zero stars... do NOT recommend
    This is a waste-if-space pod that's not even trying to be good... I subscribed to this on the strength of Slate's rep, and gave it a chance. That was a mistake. It seems to be aimed at people who just awoke from a coma and don't like thinking. The warmed-over, tired, "Is Biden Too Old?" episode was the last straw.
  • Stinamarie84
    Decent show but…
    I always looked forward to listening to this show, but was completely turned off by the Fani Willis episode. The dismissive way the host and guest discussed her experiences with racism left a bad taste in my mouth. As a Black woman, it’s always disappointing to hear those that are not act like it’s not a serious issue, and didn’t remotely come into play in this particular case. Usually Mary doesn’t seem to take a side, but this time was different. Won’t be listening as much as I used to.
  • Mile$666
    Many many ads.
    I’d rate this show higher but ads seem to have equal time to the content of this podcast. And no, I’m not subscribing to Slate+.
  • Pinkygen18
    Tired of the Israel Bashing
    I used to be a regular listener, but every single guest on the Israel/Hamas war is anti-Israel and in many cases is obviously so. Just typical/caricature leftie talk, where Jews dying doesn’t matter.
  • Learner A.
    The interview with Mari Cohen of Jewish Currents was most appreciated. It makes one ask why when interviewing Jonathan Greenblatt, the NPR news hour does not offer a disclaimer. He is not the fair and unbiased executive he purports to be!
  • 十七的大宝贝
    Biased reporting regarding pandas in the U.S.
    I was glad that an episode was made to talk about the panda diplomacy and its history. However, I’m disappointed at how the mistreatment of pandas at Memphis was only mentioned lightly, and the interviewer was blaming the entire incident on the Chinese netizens. If you have done enough research, you would know that Yaya did not just suffer a serious skin condition but that was a direct result of suffering from unclean environment and not enough food. Similar case for Lele as well - his death of heart disease at this young age is not a coincidence. I do understand that you are an American media and naturally are biased, but please do enough research on these kind animals before making comments on them.
  • newsjunqui
    Israeli life
    Podcast shines the light on the people affected, traumatized. Not just about numbers. Zaki’s perspective much appreciated.
  • Bob T 82
    One sided
    Couldn’t be more biased
    No Mary C. Curtis, fewer ads
    Mary Harris is great. But Mary C. Curtis is not. Please find a better fill-in for when Mary Harris not available. Curtis is not cut out for podcasting. I am sure she is a nice lady but she sounds like she is reading from a script, which has the effect of sounding like reading a children's book. Also why is every episode titled as a question? Stop that. Finally, the number of ads in this podcast is egregious. If I never hear another Progressive ad in my life, it will be too soon. It is having the opposite effect of preferring any brand. Please do better.
  • 1234567777!!!
    The Best Podcast Ever
    I mean it. I could go on and on about why. Just take a look at the list episodes. I love all the different things I’m learning about & I love this podcast.
  • Sagely Warrior ML
    The 9/20 “WI show”
    Wow, EXCELLENT, THOROUGH coverage of the gist of the many issues going on currently here in WI. I’m very involved with the Dems and essentially PRO DEMOCRACY efforts and organizations and my goodness-it’s hard to stay as current as possibly because things are so in flux right now….so, as an activist of sorts, I really appreciate this succinct reporting. Our state motto has been “Forward WI”, partly due to Gov. Bob “Fighting Bob” Lafollette and we have been woefully regressive over these last 10-15 yrs due to our previously VERY corrupt WI State Supreme Court. The GOP legislators are awful, highly corrupt and this current power grab they are attempting is one of the WORST actions done by any state legislature (& that’s saying a lot, given the state of things around the country) and certainly is THE WORST ever in the history of WI state politics. That is why we need an all hands on deck call for help to defend justice by going to DefendJustice.com and/or WisDems.org to sign up for a phone bank shift, canvas or all of the above! We are a swing battleground state and the situation that happens here can very well happen elsewhere around the country if we don’t fight back!!
  • AdelFelixJo
    Love the content and Mary Harris’s voice
    I read another comment stating the Mary’s voice is annoying. For me, it’s the complete opposite. I found Mary’s voice extremely pleasurable; it’s warm and elegant, with great musicality and rhythm. You have a beautiful voice Mary! Keep up the excellent work!
  • shero98
    I love TBD! I’m not a huge fan of Mary Harris.
  • Savvy.k52
    i listen to this podcast because it provides quality information and guests, but i cannot get over how annoying the host is (mary). please find someone new. i beg of you. her voice is annoying & idk how y’all even decided on her in the first place. additionally, it sounds like she’s reading off a teleprompter in every episode! and if i have to hear another progressive ad i’m going to off myself. get more sponsors or play fewer ads.
  • Briard girl
    Rabbi Dan
    The Rabbi was extraordinary. This piece was disturbing. I actually looked up his synagogue, called and left a message about how touched I was by the episode, his articulation and kindness.
  • Andante'
    Just Heard on the News: “The IRS goes after the workers who are in poverty, lower class income and middle class, because it’s easier.” “But, they rarely go after the very wealthy.” “If you make $200,000 to a zillion annually, the paperwork is too much and too difficult thus they’re okay if anything goes wrong, deliberately or not.” “If you make $27,000 annually, then you are basically screwed if you’ve made an error.” *** *** How much of that is the truth? The Tipping Episode My thoughts: Always Tip your beauticians, Food and/or Beverage Cocktail servers, Casino Dealers etc. Oh, Is it 15%/20% of the gross or the net? About each State/Store/Restaurant etc have different requirements or policies regarding how much money the employees are paid especially when they receive tips or tokes. I AM GLAD I LIVE WHERE I DO, BECAUSE SOME OTHER STATES ARE GOOFY. The Federal minimum wage for a tipped employee is $2.13 an hour or less in some states. States / Places may boost it up but then some don’t. It’s been $2.13 for how long? Exactly. Minimum Wage including tips isn’t a much of a living. And it gets worse: Lowering the OVERHEAD by extracting employees to make the executives proud 💴 . Why? “””Manipulation, Greed and that’s how its always been done.””” ie., “”Unfortunately people had to be laid off due to some positive changes via corporate or whatever.”” ie., in a restaurant, The Manager says to the staff during a “FREE LUNCH Meeting.” after the terminations, “It’s a sad day for them but let’s think positive — Having the best servers in the restaurant YEAH YEH, YES, BRAVO, CONGRATULATIONS etc., and the best can handle taking 8 tables in lieu of 4. To basically double tips. Does not work that way. Going home tired and sore. It’s crazy. That’s some hypothetical scenarios of what happens. I need to get off the phone. Crazy
  • gdojo
    My favorite daily news podcast
    I love this show and listen every day. It’s a much better, less condescending alternative to “The Daily” from the NYT. Mary Harris is a joy to listen to and the show offers great analysis based in looking at the structural root causes of today’s problems.
  • manayunk wall
    would you like some podcast content with your ads?
    However good this is (and of what little content there is in the podcast it is good), there is ABSOLUTELY NO justification for the EXTREME number of advertisements!!! Completely unlistenable!!! There is a tipping point, a line as to how many ads I would put up with but you stepped over it BIG time!! Unsubscribed!
  • Kadence404
    One of my favorite daily pods
    Interesting stories presented well. One of my daily staples.
  • Beldar88
    Confusing nonsense
    Can I listen? Can I not? Who knows? Free, subscription? It’s all a mystery. I’m out. Don’t have time to play games.
  • DukeM\\\3
    I just can’t handle the fry and the gimmicks
    Tried, listened for many years. Just can’t handle the vocal fry in my headphones where I listen most. In the car it’s not as bad but I’m going to unsubscribe anyway. The gimmicks/style the host uses when interviewing are tiring for me as well. If I could just get a version where I had an informed interviewer asking questions in order to lead a conversation, rather than one feigning ignorance of the topic. I should be the uninformed person, not the host.
  • Loganfool
    Great listen! She asks all the right questions right when you’re wrapping your brain around it.
  • CR_Bell
    Impossible to listen to
    Mary Harris somehow manages to combine the snotty, condescending tone of a wealthy east coast liberal with the pacing and delivery of William Shatner.
  • Mary Rothschild
    I always learn something…
    …this is a “must listen.” Deeply researched and accessible.
  • Honest&Real&Thoughtfuk
    Audio mixing
    When listening on our car stereo, the voices come in at all different volumes. I find myself turning the volume down when the host is speaking and during commercials and back up when other audio clips / speakers come on. I love the reporting but I wish the levels were even across all recordings/speakers for an easier and more enjoyable listening experience.
  • my thoughths
    A lot of the topics are interesting. I want to listen. But, when the guest and then the host continually say “Right?” after making a point, then I have to stop listening. If you constantly need validation that someone is listening or understanding, we’ll, then, maybe you are not the expert needed for this discussion. I understand that it is just a phrase. But, this podcast has professional editors and producers. Cut the unnecessary (and annoying) filler. Make your production sound professional and confident.
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