SOC 282: The Sociology of UFOs and NDEs (Near Death Experiences)


This course presents a sociological study of UFOs, aliens, and the afterlife. What is sociology? What is the sociological perspective? What are the social characteristics (e.g., age, sex, and race) of witnesses to UFOs, aliens, and the afterlife? Do alien planets and the afterlife have societies? If so, do they have institutions, such as marriage, family, education, and government? Do they have norms (i.e., social rules) and values? How are their societies similar and different from societies on Earth? The purpose of this course is to provide sociological insights into the make-up of societies in these worlds beyond Earth.
Students and the public may use this course in two ways: (1) as in introduction into the sociological perspective and (2) as an introduction into two exotic phenomena, UFOs and the afterlife. (If you have feedback for me, please email me.)

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