Rock N Roll Archaeology


Rock N Roll Archaeology (RNRA) is more than a podcast; it’s an immersive, carefully researched and produced audio documentary. RNRA explores the history of Rock Music, and then goes a step further. We contextualize Rock N Roll; we place it within the cultural, political, and technological landscapes of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. With storytelling, commentary, and a dash of musicology, we explore how music, culture, and technology interact and affect each other—how they ARE each other.

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Recent Reviews
  • GivethepeopleKeith
    The Rise and Fall of Prog Rock was an excellent Sunday Morning companion. Love this podcast!
  • lovebeutj
    Best music history podcast and host
    This podcast reminds me of my favorite college professor who taught history. I was entranced with every lesson because he obviously loved what he was doing and made me love it too. Listening to Rock and Roll Archeology is a reminder that THIS is how history should be relayed: by an expert who tells the stories of rock and roll as if he had been there. Bravo to this excellent production. I constantly look forward to the next installment. Endless thanks to all who are involved!
  • JackZDrive
    Seldom have I enjoyed a podcast as much as this one!
  • luckiesanddice
    Best Podcast Best Host !
    This podcast is a complete, amazing history of Rock and its impact on culture and visa versa. No one does it better ! Christian’s method of conveying the information is dead on. The podcast’s commentary on the music, the artists and no punches pulled views on both. I look forward to each episode and have listened to the podcast episodes numerous times and because it is packed with so much information, I pick up on something new each time. My favorite episode is Slouching Towards Bethlehem. It is a great story told perfectly ! Keep the podcasts coming ! I can’t wait to hear more !
  • Joebernoli
    Amazing Rock N Roll History
    Wow, what an awesome journey into the history of rock music! For anyone who has even a little bite of curiosity about who and how Rock N Roll music emerged and transformed into one of the most influential aspects of human culture then this is what you have been looking for. Cheers to Christian and the RNRA staff for putting together this amazing series. Keep up the GREAT WORK! I’m looking forward to the TV series !
  • Bo Ninja
    Outstanding rock show!
    We need more episodes!
  • Heath The Awesome One
    Rock n Roll
    The best podcast on RocknRoll… period!
  • ads too long
    Need more.
    Best friend led school Rock and Roll pod out there!
  • Fintrain
    Really Brought me Back
    Thanks, well done, when are you continuing? Either go back and do a similar twist on it , or keep on with a good bit of time on Southern Rock!
  • la cheesery
    Cant wait for more
    I agree with all these positive reviews!! I know it takes slot of time and effort to make such an intransitive informative podcast but I CANT WAIT FOR MORE thanks Christian
  • Downtown Stevie Brown
    My favorite podcast
    By far the best podcast on rock and roll!
  • F'in Frank
    70s,80s, beyond
    Really enjoying this podcast...bringing back childhood memories of me playing my dad’s 45s...I’m hoping this show will extend into the 1970s birth of heavy metal, punk and disco. Then lead into fabulous 80s which contained so many genres like heavy metal, glam and Prog rock, pop, new wave, “old school” rap and freestyle
  • msrosie4
    Thank you !!!
    My favorite Podcast by far. Such great story telling. Christian, I love your soothing voice and expertise. I know a lot of music history, but I always learn more listening to you. I love how you weave the issues in society and politics at the time in with the musicians . My only sadness is that there are only 19 or so episodes.
  • Jon frm Mansfield
    Excellent Podcast
    This is a great podcast. Just listened to 5 summers in LA, felt like I was actually there.
  • Hoedogg
    Amazing show
    Amazing show I’m hooked
  • Aljasper
    Fantastic podcast!
    I absolutely love this podcast. It is so informative and well-researched. I enjoy that the narrator is a passionate fan and a great storyteller. I only recently discovered this podcast and am having to pace myself so I don’t listen to every episode in two days then I’ll be sad that I have to wait for more episodes.
  • ofe1818
    If you love music, you’ll love this podcast.
    And if you don’t, you will after you listen. This show is so amazingly researched and produced. The host paints pictures with his words that help a younger generation visualize the impact of the music he talks about. Touching on society, culture and even going beyond the US borders to give a broader depth, no stone is left on turned. Only 2 episodes in, but can’t wait to keep going.
  • Rockansawyer
    Favorite music pod
    Love the extensive research done for this podcast and the fact they involved the music. Clearly a labor of love by dedicated, talented people.
  • CBGB64
    So Great!
    Rock & Roll history deep dive! So engaging, compelling. Just the right balance of history and commentary...truly a must for any fan of music. Thank you for making our covid isolation so much better! I’m recommending it to everyone. Cheers
  • ForceHill
    Awesome series
    Great research excellent episodes
  • T Hootman
    A fascinating history lesson
    Growing up in the 60s and 70s you were along for the ride of rock n roll and experienced it as an expression of what was going on in the world. This podcast tells the deeper story that many fans maybe just scratched the surface of. I really love this podcast and how it brings new life to the music I love and a new appreciation for its connection to our cultural history. If you love rock n roll this is the podcast for you!
  • Phishbeat
    So far so good
    I’m 3 episodes in and hooked! I’m excited to keep listening!
  • LouAnn103
    Thank God, it’s back!
    I have waited ever so patiently for the next episode (for about six moths). Now that I have heard it, I might have to start over and listen to all the previous ones again because it is so good. The clarity of the music on these clips astonishes me. I presume some fancy compression work is going on. Thank you for coming back!
  • bigsloth
    Great music history resource
    I found this podcast for my History of Rock class that I started teaching this semester and have found it to be very helpful and entertaining. Well done!
  • Honey Nuts
    Jumps around quite a bit but if you can handle a little whiplash this podcast is very informative and entertaining. Great job! I’m looking forward to many more episodes. Congratulations!
  • Neb Ygak
    Music and history combined
    Very well done. Great storytelling and well researched.
  • bstheriot
    Great Podcast
    If you have any interest in the history of Rock music, this is essential listening. Just really well done!!! I like the way the episodes are structured and the way the information is delivered.
  • Em4885
    Great podcast so far...
    I’m only on episode 4, but I’m really enjoying it so far! It seems very well researched and well produced. Five stars!
  • gary bechtel
    Love it
    I discovered this podcast looking for history podcasts and have been impressed w the facts and the background info that the hosts bring to the stories. Love it!
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