Real Pod


Victoria Garrick Browne hosts an unfiltered and eye-opening podcast that dives into the heart-to-heart conversations we’re all craving. Known for her refreshing vulnerability and relatable candor, the Forbes 30 Under 30 entrepreneur and TEDxTalk speaker has inspired millions to embrace their authentic selves and feel confident doing it. Are you ready to look at yourself, your relationships, and your life in a new way? Tune into Real Pod! Follow @realpod on Instagram for more.

Produced by Dear Media

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  • Judy12728282&282
    I love you but I can’t sit by and watch Allison and Issac make a woman who uses her kid in 90% of her videos the spokeswoman for Husband PSA. I am hoping you can gently remind her of what she said on the episode and it comes across as you shouldn’t exploit your kid unless it’s for one of my or my husband’s brands and we get a cut of the money generated from the videos as the FACE of HPSA with her child in it, which she already has. Very curious if they will address it or ask people to remove their podcast episodes where they(mostly Allie but she always says Issac and I feel, think, etc when she talks about it. The mom was already exploiting her child and if they are so against that why did they give the mom much much much larger platform than she already had to continue to exploit her child on the internet. If Allison and Issac ever address this I will go back and leave 5 star reviews to all the podcasts they talk about this. The one star review is for the guests not because of you. We all have to keep these kids safe in our country and posting kids online even just with an regular smeugalr account with people you know on it is dangerous nowadays.
  • liv5657
    Love this pod and this girl!
    Victoria is so real and refreshing to listen to and follow. I always learn something from her episodes and so appreciate the work she does!
  • Coconutmeg
    1st timer
    This is fun to listen I’m getting into the conversation but so far there’s an ad every 4 mins. I’m 12 minutes in and I’ve heard 3 ads already.
  • dolly patron
    Real Pod, Real Review #realpost
    Vic and Real Pod are the most refreshing episodes and chats! She keeps it honest, opens up, and invites you to look inward lots of time to reflect on ourselves. She encourages self care and finding deeper meaning through our relationships with our loved ones and ourself. Not to mention, she’s building a community and keeping us entertained weekly! I’m so thankful for Vic’s work on Real Pod and her journey of slowing down, which she mentions in the latest ep! :)
  • Mackenzie790
    big fan !!! Latest episode was so fun
    Loved your last episode… the whole introvert/extrovert thing IS literally made up! Sasha was spot on
  • gabbbbbbiethom
    love the pod! especially the last one
    loved the last ep and loved your assistant! your dynamic seems great let’s get a reveal!!
  • Eliza20000000009
    Love this pod and the latest ep!
    Just finished listening to the latest chaotic life update and I’m obsessed — so refreshing hearing her talk authentically and openly about experiences we’re all too familiar with. I thought Sasha’s point re introversion and extroversion existing on a spectrum was spot on; I’ve never even thought about it that way since I’ve always viewed it as more of a binary labeling system. Super interesting. Would love to hear more of her takes!
  • Jelly.Jane
    Loved this most recent ep!!
    Loved the chaotic life updates style of the most recent ep - and totally agreed with what Sasha said! I feel the same way. Want more of her on the pod :))
  • Dani Sesini
    Your words are healing
    This is my first time listening to the podcast and everything you said in your most recent podcast was so healing. Everything you were saying about highs and lows with anxiety fit perfectly with how Sasha described the spectrum of extroverts/introverts. I feel like this episode really speaks to a lot of people who feel trapped in labels. It was very freeing to listen to this new perspective!
  • kyra.hersh
    Big sis energy
    I have never found a podcast I relate to so much. Victoria is unabashedly honest in every episode, talking about the joys and struggles in real life. Listening truly feels like chatting with your best friend, big sis, and greatest life coach all in one. Thank you for doing this work and changing so many lives 🩷
  • Greta Maeve
    Thank you Victoria❤️
    Though I have been an avid real pod listener for about 4 years, I have put off writing a review because there is honestly just so much to say(😉). I struggled a lot throughout college dealing with anxiety, depression, and undiagnosed ADHD and Real Pod has helped me so much. The amazing guests that Vic brings on the podcast in addition to the honest discussions of mental health make it truly special. I often put on real pod when I’m feeling lonely or down because I always feel safe and okay to show up as I am when Victoria has the mic. I especially love her solo episodes, and am forever grateful for her continued vulnerability. Thank you for cultivating such an honest and loving space, Victoria!!
  • Shewillnotfail
    Victoria (cowboys cheerleader) episode not playing (not available)
    Hi I am trying to watch Victoria Kalinas episode through apple podcast. The other podcast are playing but this episode and your podcast says temporarily unavailable and when you press play there’s silence.
  • Jules Sev T
    Refreshing + motivating!
    Victoria clearly walks the walk of caring for her mental health and it shows! She’s constantly sharing her wise beyond her years takeaways and reflections, and considering all she has on her plate, is a shining example of what we can do when we work hard AND take care of ourselves. She proves that perfection isn’t the goal and that the in between growth moments are where the juicy parts of life are. She provides incredible advice & is an amazing interviewer! Thanks for all you do Vic!!
  • maggieeem
    Saved my life
    Truly this podcast saved & changed my life. I found this pod 4 years ago when I was in treatment for an ED, and ever since I have been a dedicated listener. Of course the journey of my healing has been largely due to my desire to work hard, but I wouldn’t be close to where I am today without this show. You have taught me so much about what it means to be alive, to be your own best friend, to have abundance even in a time of scarcity, and to be fulfilled even if you have less than someone else. You taught me to accept my body, and to treat it well because it allows me to live this beautiful life. Thank you Vic, please never stop being you. 🫶🏻
  • B161128
    The Best!
    Real Pod has the best topics/guests and always puts me in a better mood when I need a little uplift. It feels like I’m chatting with a best friend ❤️
  • Skelentmdificienbtjkeiehe
    One of my favs!🩷
    I love Victoria because she talks about real life problems and insecurities we face as women and how to navigate negative feelings towards ourselves. I’m always inspired by her and look forward to hearing what she has to talk/post about next! 🫶🏼
  • Chloe Nicole G
    Real Pod is something I listen to at the gym, in car, at work, and really where ever I can! I love the deep and meaningful conversations Vic has! As a former athlete this has really help find what I enjoy after quitting! Thank you Vic!
  • kendallehiggins
    Great podcast!
    Can’t say enough good things about this podcast!
  • Dannnnnnnnnniiiii:)
    Love my Wednesday mornings with Vic!!
    Love me a real pod Wednesday filled with honesty hours, amazing guests, and solo episodes. I feel as though I’ve grown up with Vic from the student athlete days to now finding her palette and self confidence that comes with dressing what works best for you! I love feeling a part of her life and how she makes her interviews feel like you’re having a chat with the gals 🫶🏼
  • Meesh Elle
    Well Rounded Podcast
    Victoria covers a variety of topics relevant to multiple generations. Although I’m in my 40’s with kids, I can still relate to a lot of what she discusses. I love her podcasts about her relationship with Max, her body positivity and honesty about her own struggles with food and her body, and frankly her voice is so soothing and sweet. She has the perfect podcast voice!
  • Emy25!
    Realest Pod
    I love how Victoria always shows up and puts out desirable and authentic content. Through out any episode I find myself saying “yep I can relate” or “exactly what happened to me too”. As a former college swimmer, I am so grateful for all the work she is doing for current and past student athletes. This is truly the Realest Pod out there.❤️
  • Ugh ugh hate
    Wise beyond her years
    I am a good 25 years older than Victoria but she is comparable, spot on with her advice and her topics. So “real” just like the title of her podcast.
  • RachelSpika
    Thank You
    Really needed this one this week. I’m deep in the thick of negative body image thoughts and they’re taking my joy. So comforting to know I’m not alone and we always come out better on the other side. Thank you, Vic 🩷
  • Sammi 🫶🏼
    Real Pod is My Peace
    I was always so intimidated by podcasts. There are so many out there nowadays and I was worried about the type of content or discussions that I would come across. As soon as I discovered Vic’s content and Real Pod, I knew that I had found a safe space in every single episode. This is so comforting when we live in a society that is often deeply rooted in diet culture and mental health stigmas. I look forward to Real Pod every week and am so grateful to have gained peace knowing it will always be a safe place to listen 🤍
  • kayla_eckie_<3
    My spirit is good bc new real pod episode just dropped!
    started listening to the kaitlyn bristowe episode the second it dropped and LOVED it! thank you both for emphasizing how social media only shows a “highlight reel” of our full daily life. Vic, you have reshaped my view of social media and helped me develop a healthy relationship with my body and eating. I only spend a few minutes a day on IG, but I always check your stories bc they make me so happy and appreciative of your realness. love you, max, and your podcast!!!
  • Pooping queen
    Instant confidence boost!
    Just finished listening to the episode with Ella and I instantly *feel* sexier! Vic and Ella really helped me realize that confidence is an inside job and that living my life authentically is the most important and sexiest thing I can do and be! 💖🥹 Thank you queens!
  • Rowan-M
    Best Way To Start The Day
    Vic and Aubs what am I going to do without So Much To Say?! I loved reading the chapters and then listening to you guys say basically everything I was thinking. Those episodes honestly got me out of bed for my morning runs in the dark it was amazing!! Everything else about RealPod has also improved my life but the New Earth sections sent me over the edge to say something thank you for everything you do!
  • Eth215
    A podcast seemingly made just for me, but also for all people ready to grow and change their lives.
    As an ex-competitive volleyball player, I found Vic on YouTube many years ago then started listening to the pod when—as a wedding photographer—I just had to get all the tea on her wedding planning. According to Spotify Wrapped, I listened to Real Pod for 3,800 minutes in 2022, which makes sense because Vic and her guests then helped me through some of the toughest parts of my life in regards to mental health, finding myself and my purpose again, and healing my relationship to my body and food. This podcast is perfect for any other ex-competitive-volleyball-player-wedding-photographer-late-20s-girlies with a binge-eating disorder, but honestly it’s worth a listen for anyone with a heartbeat looking to improve their lives. It’s been so fun watching Real Pod and Vic grow and change, as she has even had super celebrity guests like Rainn Wilson more recently. If I’m being honest though, yeah, Rainn Wilson was cool, but Vic interviewing Kerri Walsh Jennings will forever be my Roman Empire. -Emily
  • Maranda Taylor
    Real Pod is Really My Favorite
    I found Victoria a few years ago on TikTok and I have been following along ever since. As a former volleyball player and someone who struggles with mental health and body image, Victoria and Real Pod have constantly felt like a safe space and I love listening every week!
  • sydneypark
    Victoria, can we be besties?
    I found Victoria through the algorithm (probably TikTok in 2020?) and have followed on every platform since! I look forward to listening to this podcast each week. I’ve been loving the solo episodes lately and hearing your thoughts on loneliness, your sexiness journey, and Taylor Swift analysis as a fellow Swiftie! I enjoy your insight on relationships, mental health, and life. She’s so fun, easy to listen to, and has great interview questions with guests. She always keeps it real!
  • Rokylovesthis
    You’re not alone in this 💞
    Hey Vic, just listened to your loneliness episode. As always you are just so relatable and in you sharing how you feel I already felt less lonely Becuz one more person understands. I don’t live in LA so I can’t offer to be your in person friend. But I want to thank you for always sharing your feelings and realness with us. You’ve inspired me to also make that extra effort to hang out with people and give it a shot ❤️ ~rebekah
  • AF🌸🌙
    “A New Earth” for basic girlies
    The New Earth series is soooo relatable. I read this book when I was in college 5 years ago but I “got busy” and didn’t prioritize the practice, and I let it slip from my mind. This podcast inspired me to reread! Now that I’m 26, the message is much more salient. And the podcast’s anecdotes and analyses shed light on the book’s principles.
  • Carly Cord
    Love this!! 💚🎗️
    Victoria, we are so glad that you did an episode on Embracing Your Sexuality, Sexism In The NCAA, & Shining A Light On Women’s Sports on the Real Pod. We really enjoyed listening to an NCAA student athlete, Sedona Prince, like us talk about all of the inequalities between men and women in the NCAA. Not only did she shine some much needed light on the inequalities, but she also talked about mental health while playing. We also loved how you talked about your struggles with mental health to show your listeners like us how to learn from your mental health struggles. As a group of female athletes from different sports like basketball, field hockey, and softball we have dealt with similar struggles. As a result of listening to this podcast, we have been inspired to prioritize our well-being and advocate for ourselves. Thank you!
  • Brooke from Iowa :)
    PCOS sisters unite
    Hey- I’m so glad you did an episode on PCOS. I have been on this journey for the past year now and the healing JOURNEY is real. It is so good to hear more stories about this and help others/ feel seen. I never regret trying to get to the bottom of my hormones. A great resource is The Hormone Genius podcast- they have a few episodes on this topic through more of a functional medicine/ wholistic viewpoint. Seek answers. Your body is beautifully and wonderfully made.
  • Carly Hines
    VGB is the best! This pod warms my heart weakly 💕
  • Eliza Holy
    I love how the speakers all want to spread awareness. No matter what it may be. They also all share their personal experiences so people know they aren’t alone. I would recommend Real Pod to anyone!!!!
  • Oh ifxrxtcoh vh
    Learning, Growing, and Changing with Vic!
    I absolutely LOVE this pod. Every week I look forward to the new episodes as they all teach me something new about myself or life. They push me to challenge my thinking and look at the world in a different way. I can’t decide if I like solo episodes or guests more - I truly feel like Vic and I are best friends when she does solo episodes but her guests are always INCREDIBLE and she does such a thoughtful job interviewing them. If you are a woman (young or old) there is so much you can learn from these episodes!! I recommend this pod to all my friends and family - 100/10!!!
  • Jmoly37
    Love this show!!!
    Victoria is such a fun follow and I love listening to her podcast! As a fellow college volleyball player I find her content super relatable. Victoria is such a good interviewer and the topics she talks about are so important and insightful!
  • KaylaSmith21
    One of my fav podcasts! Shoutout to Vic for always keeping it real 🫶🏻 Xoxo Kayla
  • chels sump
    Relatable, Fun, and Informative
    I have been following Victoria from another pod / on Instagram. And I’m so happy she has her own show! So relatable, great guests, and just a great overall podcast. 💜
  • Alexad21
    VGB and the Real Pod is comfy cozy, like you’re on the couch with her having important and meaningful conversation!
  • Callista14
    It’s so refreshing to hear such an honest raw perspective from someone I can relate to. Love this podcast!
  • blakekass
    Obsessed w/ RealPod
    I absolutely loveeee following Victoria on instagram & the extra dose of her you get with this podcast is the best! She talks about such important stuff & as a therapist I love hearing someone with her platform using it in this way!!!
  • Toasty1469
    Favorite podcast ever!
    Love how honest, positive and unique this podcast is. I love listening to it on morning walks with my son. It helps my mental health post partum immensely. I used to struggle so much with body image and this podcast has made me a better version of myself.
  • bbmm19
    5 stars!
    Love this podcast! Always such great authentic conversations
  • Sushi2947360
    A great podcast!
    I love this podcast—it’s a perfect listen when you want to listen to unfiltered conversations related to some of todays most popular topics. Interviews are real, honest, and entertaining. It feels more like a sit down with friends than a podcast, which is so refreshing. 10/10 would recommend.
  • rcweldon
    A safe space
    Real Pod is one my go to podcasts. Victoria has the best interviews because she is willing to meet people where they are at and create a safe space for everyone to be themselves. Her interview style reminds me of Dax Shepard on Armchair Expert.
  • jb1air87
    So relatable
    Really enjoy listening!! 🩷🩷
  • Esignor22
    I love listening to these podcasts!!! Victoria has been an inspiration in my life since her original videos about volleyball and college era…love to be able to listen to her podcasts!!
  • rileym710
    As a retired collegiate athlete, i was drawn to this podcast after following on social media for so long. It’s just what is says!! REAL
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