Get Your Teach On


Great teachers don’t just come from the classroom - they can be found almost anywhere in your life! Hosted by authors and educators Hope and Wade King, Get Your Teach On is a weekly podcast meant to help you light your classroom on fire! Featuring tips and tricks to create an engaging, empowering classroom, real honest conversations with educators, and questions from listeners like you - this podcast has everything you need to take your teaching to the next level! Looking for more? Check out our new podcast, The Flip Side, now streaming every Monday on YouTube and your favorite podcast platform!

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Recent Reviews
  • #parentingishard
    Best podcast yet!!!!
    As a teacher, mom, and just human being trying to navigate through this world… SO helpful! Everyone can relate to these podcasts!!!
  • 702K!
    Thanks for this episode! I came home and took a few minutes to be present...I ended up falling asleep for an hour 😂 guess I needed that! Love listening every week!
  • Rpepin
    Thank you so much for this! I needed this!
  • Heidilynn918
    Love x Infinity
    I am LOVING this podcast and find myself trying to hit the “like” button during the episodes. I just listened to the episode about having a GUILT FREE winter break. Wade, I am SO with you and will be watching Wonder Woman 1984 on Christmas Day. I love how honest both Hope & Wade are about teaching, parenting, and just LIFE. I highly recommend the episode about learning to say NO too. I am glad I’m not the only one who locks my door and turns my classroom lights off during breaks. Lol. Thank you both so much for sharing your insights with us. I am going to unplug with some Netflix and books during my introvert recharge time and spend time with my kids and husband before the madness starts up again.
  • juliabruyn
    Relatable and real
    Every week, I look forward to listening to Hope and Wade King’s new podcast! They are remarkable presenters at the GYTO conference. They present relatable topics and speak the truth about them. These two individuals are amazing educators and I am so thrilled that they started this podcast! This year has been so difficult in the teaching profession, and this podcast helps me keep my head high and it inspires me to keep being strong and to ignore negativity. Thank you for preaching truth and offering us teachers weekly advice. I appreciate you both!
  • GA89My
    Vulnerable Truths!
    So I feel as though this is officially the greatest podcast I have ever subscribed to! The topics that have been covered thus far are usually not mentioned out loud in a public education setting because teachers usually (and silently are required) to just have to continue with only self-affirmation as a token to continue! People often misconstrue our truest intentions when we speak vulnerably. Hope and Wade, I want you to know I am officially your AMEN corner. Also, I am a youth pastor and a public school teacher so I am LOVING the additions of you adding your faith as well! This teacher has been validated by you! My ship is rising in your tide!
  • OhSnapItsDerek
    For Everyone
    Love the way Hope and Wade are bringing us into the real life of an educator, but at the same time speaking truths that are relevant to educators and non-educators alike. Teachers are people too! Thanks for bringing that to light.
  • ASharos
    I’m so glad I found this podcast and took it on a long car ride with me today. As a fellow DBC author I am really happy to connect with Wade and Hope and of course our captain Dave. I appreciate everyone’s perspective and a motivated beyond what I can describe to be a better professional because of the conversation in this podcast. Wade and Hope are so down to earth and speak to you just like a couple of friends coming over for dinner and drinks. Love it! @andrewsharosAP
  • k80 Rabbit
    Must listen for educators and parents alike
    I’ve been following these two for the last 4 years of my teaching career and their energy and passion are unparalleled. I’ve been listening to this podcast in my classroom in the early morning with my coffee and it always helps me start my day right.
  • SarahinHK
    The Kings get it!
    I love how the Kings really GET what it means to be a teacher. Their podcast “More Than a Teacher” really got me! I’m so thankful for their voices and the advocacy of teacher, especially in this day and age. Thank you Wade and Hope! 🙌🏻
  • Jp simple
    Love, love, love, this!!!
    I’ve attended your GYTO conferences and they have energized me and helped me fall in love with teaching again!! I love the fact you’re reaching out in another format!! Thank you for your HONESTY with your conversations 🥰 !!
  • btyree!
    What everyone needs right now.
    I love listening to these two (and guests) during my planning period. Such real, honest, and uplifting info to help any teacher process through this crazy year. Resets my mood and energy back to my WHY. Love you guys!
  • Kayla Guyer
    Intern student
    So I am a parent and I am an intern the semester before I start student teaching next semester. Thank you for your amazing points!!!! Everyone needs to listen to them
  • Honesty here
    Cannot support someone backed by Rachel Hollis
    Cannot, in good conscience- support anyone backed by Rachel’s Brand.
  • Shirley Jones nickname
    School is a lot of fun with your friends
    It is awesome
  • Anu Jhamb
    Parents and teachers, THIS IS FOR YOU
    Hope and Wade are so amazing in this podcast. They let you in on their lives, sharing their experiences and offering insights along the way. If you are a parent or a teacher, you have to listen to them. They offer you simple suggestions to live by, to make this time of global pandemic an experience for your child. They are full of energy and you will feel like you are in conversation with your friends. I listen to them on my morning run and wish they would create more podcasts. Love love love them.
  • Nicolette Pisani
    The hype is real!
    Hope and Wade have done it again! One episode in and I am already hooked! Listening in made me feel like I was having a conversation with some of my best friends. They speak the truth and bring such insight into the field of education for both parents and educators. I am so excited to tune in every Monday!
  • Melody Greene
    Breath of Fresh Air!
    I have been fans of this couple for years and find it such a treat to listen. They are a breath of fresh air- offering tips, shooting straight, and being so real about life and teaching.
  • Liz_Sherman
    The podcast we need right now
    In just their first episode Hope & Wade King shine a light on what we need to hear, understand, and embrace, whether we are a teacher or a parent, as we move into this school year during a pandemic. These two individuals have empowered and inspired over the years through their conferences, books, and social media and now we are fortunate to hear their words to continue encouraging us. Thrilled for Mondays to hear what they will be sharing with all!
  • kmarkuss
    The New Edu
    Hope and Wade are educational gurus! They have inspired teachers around the world and have sparked innovation that is changing the face of education. This podcast is the weekly inspiration and motivation that I need to make it through another week of doing the impossible (teaching during a pandemic). Hope and Wade constantly remind me of my why and give me the courage to keep moving forward.
  • Lavon Sierra
    SAY WHAT?!
    Hope and Wade King have done it again! I love that this podcast isn’t just for educators, but for parents/guardians, too. Parents/guardians have really stepped up to the plate during these uncertain times and they deserve the inspo, too. I mean, they are our students’ first teachers anyway - right? Parents/guardians and educators have so much to grow through, TOGETHER! I’m most excited to hear new ways to spark exciting and engaging learning experiences for students, no matter what learning looks like these days. If you’re looking for some inspiration to navigate student/child learning in whatever capacity you’re in, then The New EDU is for YOU! Make sure to subscribe, because you won’t want to miss out on new episodes every Monday!
  • Patterson Perspective
    Approachable and authentic: must listen
    Teachers, parents (all humans for that matter) will benefit from this series! Hope and Wade’s transparency & humility invite the listener in as a participant, a colleague, an equal. Listening feels like dialogue not a monologue, like having coffee and getting real. Worth your listen for sure!
  • ashely e
    Just the type of medicine I needed
    This prodcast started my morning off on such a great foot as a teacher and mom of two young girls in school. This time right now is so hard for all of us and this podcast was just what the doctor ordered for me. Even though it’s my 10th year teaching, it honestly feels like my first year all over again, not mention now having both my kids in school too! Thank you Hope and Wade for giving me some life back, grace towards toward myself, and excitement for what is to come!
  • StraightOutofKindergarten
    These two continue to inspire me every time I listen to them. You would think they would run out of advice by now but the continue to make me want to strive to be the best educator I could be. They are also so real making us all realize we are humans and it’s okay to not have your “stuff” together all the time!
  • kbb1016
    So thankful for these two! Always full of advice and so real. The authenticity of their work and dedication to teachers is unmatched! We are living in unprecedented times and we need to all lean on each other. I can’t wait to get advice and just be completely uplifted every week from both Hope and Wade. Thank you both! This was much needed!
  • Jana L C
    So much goodness!!
    Hope and Wade King are speaking so much truth into our lives! This pandemic is so hard...for EVERYONE...and they are giving us great advice and practical tips for keeping it simple!! Love it!!
  • learningwithmissluca
    The Kings Have Done it Again!
    Hope & Wade have done it again! They have found a way to help teachers support parents & parents support teachers during this unprecedented time! They continue to amaze me in their abilities to impact education in such a positive manner! This podcast was the PERFECT way to start my Monday morning & such a positive light during my morning commute. My wheels were instantly turning with the many ways I can help support my students’ parents during this time! Well done, Hope & Wade!
  • akdrury
    King +,Hollis = MAGIC!
    Combining the inspiration and knowledge of two mentor educators in Hope & Wade King, with the practical tips and motivation synonymous with the Hollis Company brand is just what this educator needed in a podcast! I love how Hope + Wade have expanded the conversation to include parents and teachers as “first year educators” as we all navigate the new school year. So much goodness in just the first episode- I can’t wait for more!
  • br2liv4him
    Great views for this new time!
    This is just what every educator and parent needs to hear!!! It’s a fresh perspective on our current situation in education and helpful tools to move through teaching and learning in a pandemic. They offer great advice for parents and teachers for ways to make virtual school a little less overwhelming and how to find what works best for you! I needed these words to remind myself I’m headed in the right direction.
  • amyelizabeth007
    Hope and Wade have done it again! This is exactly what my teacher heart and brain needed to hear. Thank you both for sharing! I can’t wait to start my week with you every Monday!
  • Ryne Gammon
    Amazing Content from Amazing Educators!!
    Hope and Wade King have done it again! This podcast will give you so much knowledge into the world of education, whether you are a teacher or a parent. Not only will they share about education, but it’s impact on families, parents, and educators. It left me with chills this morning as I listened to their inspirational words on my way to teach. Especially during this time, it’s so helpful to hear such amazing positivity from these two! You definitely want to check out this podcast!
  • N. Creekmore
    Super excited!!
    I cannot wait to hear the amazing content that Hope & Wade are going to bring us! They are amazing and I know that this podcast will be a blessing to all.
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