Allure: The Science of Beauty


Join Allure as we explore the inextricable link between science and beauty — and don't be surprised if you discover your next favorite serum, hair mask, or scalp treatment along the way. Jenny Bailly, executive beauty director, and Dianna Mazzone, senior beauty editor, are asking the tough questions and getting the straight answers from dermatologists, cosmetic chemists, and at least one expert on climate change (we said the questions were tough). So if you’ve always wondered what a wrinkle actually is (and how retinol can make it go away), or why your hair is curly (and which polymers will give it the most spring), come get nerdy with us!

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Recent Reviews
  • frdim
    No more podcast?
    There’s an ad in may allure for these podcasts But you haven’t had any since December
  • Sgkyv
    Med Spa Approved!
    I work for a small Med spa, and a very science-y dermatologist/boss, and I love that this podcast is based in science and the facts! Thank you for spreading the basics in a very easy, understandable format. THANK YOU and keep it up!
  • Livgacks
    Love the content, hate the sound quality.
    First let me say, I love this podcast for its content & the breadth and depth of the subject matter. I’ve learned so much and for months looked forward to listening to each new episode. So I hate saying anything bad about it but unfortunately I have to, because it has become unlistenable. I love less that there are sponsors this season (which, I understand that you need to monetize, but could you do it in a way that it doesn’t feel like you’re tailoring your content to reflect what Pantene wants you to say?) but the thing I can’t stand, this season even more than the last, is the variation in sound quality. I’ve had to stop listening to this podcast because of the insane variations in sound quality and volume between each speaker. Even between the two hosts, every time someone talks I either have to turn my sound all the way up or all the way down and it’s exhausting. Whether I’m in my car, walking to work, doing the dishes, etc, I don’t have the ability to keep up with the sound levels of what I’m listening to like it’s a game of high speed Tetris. My partner is a sound designer & podcast sound engineer so I know that this is something that is deeply fixable, whether through equipment or a dedicated sound person, which is what makes it all the more frustrating coming from a place like Allure and not from two people in their garage (where a budgetary constraint that significantly prohibits sound quality would be understandable).
  • Seakitteh
    Changing my review- bad format, poorly researched
    Bring back the original hosts! The interviews were way better and the longer format really dove into the topic. The new short format gives very little detail and is an accurate. For example the CBD episode said to steer clear of THC, even though it’s been shown time and again that THC enables CBD to be more efficacious. Way to give into your mainstream brands.
  • A Yods
    My favorite podcast ever
    I never thought I would be so in a love with a beauty podcast, but I was wrong!!! I am in love with this podcast. It’s not just beauty it’s got history, self care and it makes science exciting!. I hope there are more of these coming!!
  • kelmcveagh
    My Fav Podcast
    I love this! So much information is shared along with great questions. I have learned so much. I actually appreciate when they recommend products too.
  • Karennls
    Great podcast for skincare information
    I was so impressed with the information that this podcast provided. The doctors were terrific and the material covered was so relevant. The women were very prepared. I have to admit to being very pleasantly surprised. I had just let my Allure subscription run out. Reading the last issue, I found out about this podcast. And, because of this great podcast, I just resubscribed. Great job!
  • kvart1215
    Face Masks
    The Face Mask podcast was a flop. David didn’t seem certain of the things he was ‘informing’ us about. He answered “I think so” for numerous questions, and at one point recommended peel-off masks?! Yikes! I would’ve like to listen to a more knowledgeable dermatologist.
  • NoFBorT4me
    Great info!
    Loving the podcast! Great balance of science and product recommendations. Any chance we could get an episode on microcurrent devices like the NuFACE? Thanks so much!
  • fraudpatrol
    This is an infomercial so know that up front.
  • hmick20
    Great for beauty/skin care lovers
    Love these short, sweet, yet informative episodes. Definitely for those of us who love consuming anything about beauty and skin care
  • iceberri99
    Love! Gaining even more expertise in skincare.
    What else to do during quarantine but spend time on skincare? This podcast is both fun and educational. The hosts ask great questions. Request to do an episode on at home devices like micro current (eg NuFace) and microneedling rollers.
  • BarAddict
    Great Pod Until It Became Sponsored by AHC
    I really enjoyed this podcast, with the hosts and all the different guests’ perspectives, but it is now sponsored by a Korean beauty company, AHC, and I don’t trust the advice or product recommendations any more as a result. Feels like listening to a 45 minute long advertisement. I’ll probably stick around for one or two more episodes to see if the content goes back to where it was at the beginning, but if it doesn’t. this is for sure an unsubscribe for me.
  • jillybeanlynn
    Hit and miss
    Some good info, but there’s a lot of misinformation. Which does a disservice to people who are going to the hosts for help. I suggest listeners fact-check any advice given, and make sure what’s being stated is true rather than just anecdotal.
  • mollyben10
    Well researched and interesting topics
    I was absolutely blown away by this podcasts. I just finished listening to the sunscreen episode and I really enjoyed the amount of experts interviewed and interesting information. The podcast really discusses the science behind why we should be protecting our skin more than our parents and I feel like I learned so much! It is a really well produced and polished podcast that was a joy to listen to.
  • 808kct
    Seems pretty good so far
    I’m left wondering if this podcast is paid for by Pantene because the hosts seem to like expensive brands of products but always say how much they like Pantene first.
  • jenniferconnolly
    Amazing information
    I love your in-depth coverage of things we need to know about skin care. The laser podcast is outstanding!
  • kallymama
    Where is the info for brown girls?
    I listened to the podcast about lasers and no mention about how to treat skin of darker tones. Lasers are notoriously sketchy for darker skin tones and I was disappointed to not hear more about what lasers would work our skin tone and melasma
  • Mollsta
    Good content, weird mixing
    I really enjoy the guest interviews, but it always feels like the hosts are rushing them off at the end. Music comes in like it’s the Oscars and while the guest thanks them the hosts are just like uh huh bye! Not a dealbreaker, just awkward. Also, would appreciate you sharing the recommended products in the episode description!
  • fannie4
    Hosts are lacking
    I love the concept of the podcast, the hosts whoever sound sooo boring. They need to drink something that can help them come alive when speaking.
  • Smizz0106
    Great podcast!
    This is such a great podcast! I love the structure with a journalistic approach. The hosts are informed, and also really inquisitive, and they let the guests/experts shine. Really a great job of communicating the science in an easy to understand way.
  • Gabby McClusky
    Super smart ladies & creative content. It’s produced in a story telling way and really is so captivating.
    Body hair episode - why wasn’t this covered?
    Though comprehensive, a frustrating and glaring absence... no (permanent) options offered for non pigmented facial hair removal. What about electrolysis? Or anything else that wd work since lasers don’t work on light or white hair. Please revisit
  • Jaf_7
    What I’ve been looking for
    Perfect beauty podcast. The hosts are smart, sharp, knowledgeable and stay out of the guest’s way. The topics are exactly what I’ve wanted explained in plain English for a long time. There are countless beauty/skincare topics to explore so I hope this podcast continues for a long time!
  • Molly394
    Love it
    Great hosts and super interesting content, love hearing about products with great results.
  • vicstrom
    Love this podcast! Super interesting and very engaging. I am all about skin care and a huge science nerd. Please keep them coming.
  • kcmunga
    The podcast I’ve been waiting for!
    I love skincare and also am a scientist - this is an amazing fusion of the two, but you definitely don’t need a science background to listen. They do a great job of breaking down the science and make it so interesting!
  • aocutiepi07
    As a recent student of skincare prompted by getting into my mid-30s and noticing changes in my skin (start learning younger people!), I’ve been really trying to educate myself on skincare and anti-aging. There is so much information and opinions out there, it’s so overwhelming. I truly appreciate this podcast’s accessible, scientific, and well rounded approach to skincare/beauty education.
  • mesm1
    I’m learning so much! Plus the hosts have nice podcast voices to listen to :).
  • Sidewalkvocals
    Allure for the win!
    Smart. Expert-backed. Everything you want in a science podcast!
  • PBS711
    Love this!
    Wow! I learned SO much in episode 1 alone...can’t wait for the rest of the season! This podcast is just what I was looking for!
  • Caitie O 75
    So informative
    One episode in and can’t wait for more!
  • _________Tessa__________
    Can’t wait
    Science AND beauty?? YAS!
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