The Birth Hour - A Birth Story Podcast


Whether you are pregnant and looking for inspirational birth stories through your pregnancy, trying to conceive, breastfeeding, or postpartum; if you're a first time mom or a veteran parent of multiple children, you can learn, laugh and maybe even cry a little at these moving childbirth stories from those willing to share one of the most intimate moments of their lives.

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  • Annakate93
    Have been listening to Brynn’s interviews for years now. I come from a medical background and have had lots of medical interventions for my own births with positive results, and I am fascinated by all the different experiences of the women on this show!! I love how even though Brynn loved her own home birth experiences, she welcomes all birth stories and experiences with a calm, supportive hosting style. Hearing about alllll the different stories has been so helpful for me in understanding others better, understanding how different/unexpected/unpredictable birth can be, feeling acknowledged/heard about my own experiences around birth, and having better insight for the “why” behind why people have different preferences than I do! Thank you so much for all you do, Brynn!!
  • Beckster 121
    Somewhat classist vibes, disappointing
    I’m a nurse and planning to have an unmedicated birth at a birth center in a few weeks, and I wanted to listen to the birth stories of other women who had done the same. I listened to three episodes of this podcast so far and have been pretty turned off by the ads for the patreon and $395 online birth prep class during the first 5 minutes, then the wealthy mom guests who have all these support people that most pregnant women won’t be able to afford unless it’s covered by their insurance (multiple doulas, massage therapists, pelvic floor PT, craniosacral therapists to name a few), then the five minute ad for some unnecessary pregnancy or postpartum business at the end. Listen to The Great Birth Rebellion or watch Pregnancy and Postpartum TV’s content on YouTube instead, at least they don’t make you feel as if you’re missing out by not buying tons of supplements and hiring multiple different support personnel, while still providing educational information about unmedicated/natural birth.
  • Carba222
    Wanted to love it, but I can’t
    I wanted to love this podcast because I am expecting my first child and I’ve gotten really into birth stories. Unfortunately the host ruined it for me. She sounds bored and almost annoyed by every guest she has on the show, and she expresses zero curiosity toward them. It’s bizarre and difficult to listen to. I recommend All About Pregnancy and Birth instead.
  • Sweetling💕
    I am hooked
    Thank you Brynn for allowing women to simply speak the truth of how their birth stories unfolded. It is a real amazing resource and I have learned so much and am now a north junkie. It isn’t a missed profession necessarily but maybe when I retire I will be a helper pp doula or nanny. Highly recommend to any pregnant person or husband of one. Will keep listening, even when this season of life comes to and end my curiosity and interest will most likely stay
  • Tate TG
    Love this!
    Brynn! So happy you changed the mix of stories. It started out very pro-natural birth and anti-intervention which I was all about until I had a traumatic and birth injury. I was shocked after hearing all these vanilla, positive stories when I had a birth that was so different. Now back listening during my 3rd pregnancy and so happy with the variety of stories being told. Glad more types of women, perspectives and type of births being shared.
  • LaurenMasterson
    L&D Nurse - Avid Listener for Years
    I have been listening since 2018 while in nursing school, as I wanted to be an L&D nurse and also a mother one day. I’m such a birth nerd and listen several times a week for the past few years. I wanted to hear women’s perspectives, not just what is taught medically, to better serve my patients. I just recently was pregnant and had a baby in Jan 2023 and continued to find the podcast so high quality and wonderful, and focused more on positive stories. It was so comforting to hear stories especially during that time. It inspires me to be the best possible nurse for my labor patients and try to give them their ideal experience as much as possible, with as many choices as possible. I truly cannot thank Bryn enough. My favorite podcast by far.
  • EagerTravelleralaArgentina
    Fantastic Resource for Unmedicated Birth Stories
    Many of the stories I hear from my friends and family involve multiple hospital interventions and/or pain medication. For someone who has wanted the courage to go pain med-free and be as intervention-free as possible, I have found that courage with this podcast’s help! I so appreciate that I can find unmedicated stories via the episode titles. I love hearing birthing mother’s unique descriptions of what the stages of labor feel like to them, and also hear the random tricks they and their partners used throughout the laboring process to make it through. Thanks to all the contributors for tracking so many useful details!
  • banandalorian
    Unbiased and informative.
    It is amazing to hear so many stories!
  • bpresley00
    Love love love!
    I love love love hearing the mothers and their stories on this podcast! The host has also made changes in the new year to her role in the stories and is more interactive which I think has been a really great change!
  • Nalaninokaoi
    The best!
    Pregnant with my first and this has been my number one resource because it's interesting, easy to listen to, and hearing so many stories and points of view helped me to prepare for all the crazy scenarios that can arise in birth. If I heard a term or concept I was unfamiliar with I'd do my own research, but just the exposure really helped me learn about things I might not have thought to look into. It also has really good trigger warnings, something I struggled with in other resources. Over all I've listened to over a hundred episodes while on walks or cleaning my house and it's the best!
  • crg10028
    Amazing podcast!
    I love this podcast! It’s super informative to learn about birth through hearing women’s stories. It also feels way more personal and engaging then just reading generic information about birth. I also love how it is structured as a personal narrative :) Love that they recently added more inclusive language in the intro and am so happy Bryn is vocal about reproductive justice
  • dreamchord45
    I love birth stories, but this doesn’t really feel like an “interview” podcast because the host hardly responds to the women sharing their stories, no matter what details they’re giving. This also leads to blatant misinformation being parroted without any recourse. Anyone listening to this without the education to know better could be getting frankly dangerous ideas from what is shared without any type of response or clarification. It also gets more and more politicized as the episodes go on. I’m not interested in being called “a birthing person.” I am a mother.
  • annamariaaaaaaaaaaa
    Absolutely love this podcast
    I really can’t get enough of this podcast. I’ve learned so much from all of the stories shared here, and I really feel like I’ll be going into my own birth armed with so much wisdom! I love that I get to hear from people of all sorts of backgrounds, including those very different from my own. I don’t know what other reviewers are talking about with the show being “biased”… I feel like I hear so many different viewpoints! I also don’t mind Bryn’s “hands off” approach - she actually explained at sone point that she intentionally takes a back seat to allow people to tell their story in their own way.
  • NatleeSue
    Could use some more direction/disclaimers
    I really enjoy this podcast however recently I’ve noticed some stories that caused me alarm with the stories told with mothers blatantly lying to providers or sharing misinformation without any intervention or disclosing at the beginning that these practices could be dangerous.
  • gemmajayne96
    Used to love this podcast
    I used to love this podcast because I learned so much. I also just love listening to anyone’s birth story. However, it’s clear that Brynn is pretty much just focused on pushing her political/moral agendas. For a while now, she has only been interviewing moms who promote her woke opinions (racial division, abortion, etc.) I don’t mind hearing from different points of view but I greatly dislike it when every interview is coming from the same world view (which is pretty radical.) Feels like gaslighting…
  • leahcatd
    My comfort show <3
    Brynn, I began listening to your podcast 4 years ago with my first pregnancy and I’m still here loving it in 2022. Never change your intro either. Your voice, the music, and the stories from this podcast bring me so much peace and joy and always puts me in a happy place during my pre and post natal seasons. Thank you :)
  • handmaidbirth
    Some helpful stories but mostly normalizing trauma and abuse
    I can’t recommend this to clients or mothers looking to learn more about birth. Yes, the format of the show is to allow women to share their stories from their perspective. However, the host doesn’t intervene or ask many questions and this causes a lot of inaccuracies or fears to be shared without clarification. So many stories straight up normalize abuse. Many pass along terrible recommendations and promulgate common scare tactics or blatantly inaccurate info about “big babies”, nuchal cords, advanced maternal age, breech birth, infertility, and without accurate information to counter them. It also gets awkward when a guest shares something incredibly traumatic or even very funny and there is no response from the host, just silence. The recent change in language also feels demeaning and dehumanizing. Overall, some helpful and empowering stories but the amount of misinformation and fear outweigh the benefit.
  • emroses_
    Thank you Brynn
    My favorite podcast! Thank you, Brynn for making space for all birthing people to share their stories. There is room for all of us. I love that you give the interviewer the space to share without interrupting them with questions or comments. I will forever be a listener! 💖
  • cLeArY<3
    Room for improvement, Bryn please read!
    I am a new listener and I thoroughly enjoy hearing mother’s open up about their pregnancy, birth, PP and motherhood journeys. I have noticed that the host does not speak much or show much interest in the mother, so much so that at first I thought the moms recorded themselves telling their birth story and sent it in to Bryn. As a host I think it should be more of an interview style with added questions and remarks. Bryn sounds very “blah” as if she could be doing something better. It’s odd. Also the audio quality and breathiness of some of the guests makes certain episodes hard to get through. Hoping some improvements will be made in the audio department too.
  • jkwatkins
    Favorite birth podcast
    I love this podcast! I’ve learned so much about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum through listening to these stories. This podcast is diverse and inclusive and showcases a variety of perspectives and experiences. I also appreciate that the host Bryn gives each guest space to share their story with minimal commentary, it keeps the focus on the birthing person’s experience. The Birth Hour is a real gem!
  • csschiff
    Great stories but the host isn’t great
    I love the concept of this podcast and I love hearing women’s birth stories, but the host, Brynn, always sounds like she absolutely couldn’t care less. She really should try to work on that it’s very off putting to hear these women pour out their hearts with their stories and she’ll be like “yeaaaaaa” in terrible vocal fry and then not say anything else. She’s the only host of a podcast about pregnancy or birth that seems like she couldn’t care less
  • RoseMiller98765
    Virtue signaling
    It’s such a shame, this podcast used to be so great. Now it’s all about being progressive. It shouldn’t matter what color your skin is, or your religious, political beliefs. But now she only interviews women who will get her woke points. Also super disturbed to see how much Brinn posts on Instagram in support of abortion. Used to recommend this podcast to everyone, now I’m embarrassed I did.
  • fst22592
    Enjoyable stories, room for improvement
    I love listening to birth stories but am unable to listen to this podcast. The host is a great person with a lot of knowledge, but I highly recommend they invest in a mic screen or barrier (along with other methods) to filter out mouth noises from the host’s dry mouth. It is difficult to listen to.
  • xoperfectlypink
    Wide Variety of Guests
    Love the content of this podcast. Pregnant with my second and recently started listening again. I love binging all types of birth stories and hearing parent journey stories! Bryn can seem dry and uninterested at times but when you listen to enough episodes you’ll see that isn’t the case. I’ve only been turned off by one episode and that was 689.. the mother in that story had such a victim mentality and blamed so many things on so many people. I had to quit 40 minutes in because of her constant complaining and holier than thou attitude, but otherwise I really enjoy these stories!
  • Germanologist
    Respect that this podcasts supports all stories
    I respect that this podcast supports the sharing of birth stories from a diverse group, including trans and non-binary individuals. Thank you for creating an inclusive space for story-telling!
  • eehhi808
    Omg y’all calm down
    No one is trying to erase women. Trans men and non-binary people get pregnant, give birth and feed their babies with their bodies, just like women. Just like you, they deserve to be able to tell their stories. They deserve a space to be heard. You can’t be “all up for inclusion” and then deliberately exclude trans people and non-binary people. I am a cisgendered woman, and I think it is really great that this podcast is taking steps to honor all pregnant and birthing people. If you feel like you are being erased because people who have been historically excluded are finally getting included, that’s a you problem and you need to check your self.
  • christeng87
    Not a fan of the direction the show is going
    I have really appreciated this podcast, it was so nice to listen to stories of different birth experiences throughout my pregnancies and even beyond! But I have recently just been really saddened by the direction the show is going. I know they can’t control everything their guests share/say, but using the phrase “pregnant people” is so demeaning to all of the pregnant moms out there. I also had to turn off the latest podcast pushing the Covid vaccine on pregnant women. I just don’t think guests should be pushing that.
  • nickname54672
    So helpful
    I am 30 w pregnant with my first baby right now, prepping for an unmedicated birth and this podcast is so helpful. I feel much more prepared for the work ahead knowing that nearly all parents who go through with unmedicated feel like it was worth it in the end. I also really appreciate how open and nonjudgmental they are and that you can find such a variety of stories. I have chosen to really focus on natural birth stories just to get myself pumped up, but it’s really great that the podcast highlights all methods of birth. Definitely recommend to any pregnant person, birth worker, or anyone curious about the details of pregnancy, L&D, and postpartum. Lastly, I personally love the stories from LGBTQIA+ families. Such a beautiful celebration of diversity 🖤
  • racelma
    Love love love!
    This podcast has really helped me throughout my pregnancy. Even though I’m straight and in a heterosexual relationship, I really enjoy hearing the birth stories of queer couples, trans, etc. It’s so nice to be part of a community that supports all births!
  • emilywarren
    Erasing Women | So sad
    I listened to this podcast a few years ago before it went completely downhill. It used to be such an empowering and great place for mothers and mothers to be to listen to other women’s stories. Unfortunately, with the change in the intro and other comments made - this is no longer a place that truly supports women as being a woman allows for the unique experience of birth. I won’t be listening again.
  • SanniGP
    Favorite Podcast
    This is easily my favorite podcast! It is a such a beautiful space for people to share their journey. It is also an incredible resource for those trying to conceive, currently pregnant, and even postpartum. I’m also part of the patreon Facebook group and I’ve never seen a more supportive group of women. I highly recommend!
  • Mommy logic
    Erasing Women
    I use to love this podcast and have used it as a constant resource during my seasons of pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing. However this new jargon about who births a baby is a delusion that I cannot stand for. Only women give birth. Biological women are the ONLY humans that can grow a baby inside, birth that baby, and feed that baby with her own body. A man cannot do that. If a woman wants to present as a man, let’s call that what it is, but saying men can give birth is incredibly delusional.
  • ChelleScarb
    Erasing women
    Sad to hear the opening of the podcast change and now omitting the word “women.” This is a podcast about women doing what women do. Bringing forth new life! We are able to do amazing things as women but we are being erased at the behest of “trans ideology.” I’m sick over it. Do better.
  • SES1005
    Love the podcast; disappointed in changes
    I love this podcast! It is such a wonderful resource! I have listened regularly for 2+ years. However, I am disappointed in the new intro and some other changes removing the word “women.” My desire is not to make anyone feel excluded, but scientifically, biological women are the only ones capable of giving birth. I am troubled by the movement to erase women and am disappointed that this podcast is adopting more of that type of language. Women should be encouraged to celebrate their unique ability to nurture, carry, and birth new life into the world.
  • SternliJ
    Great birth podcast
    I’ve been listening to The Birth Hour for years — even before getting pregnant. It is an amazing podcast where so many people get to tell their birth stories. It’s brought me a lot of reassurance that every pregnancy is different and the host is very intentional in being inclusive. I’ve recommended it to many friends.
  • Bluegenes71
    Best podcast ever!
    Absolutely the best podcast ever. Brynn is an excellent listener and the story telling format is captivating. I love the diversity of the guests. Thank you, Brynn!
  • Chefmar90
    Favorite podcast, hands down!
    This is my absolute favorite podcast! I listen to it non-stop, pregnant or not. It’s full of so much great information, from so many different peoples’ experiences. Bryn does a phenomenal job of listening to her guests and giving input when necessary. Everything flows so smoothly. I can’t recommend this podcast more and I tell anyone who is interested about this podcast. Thank you for all you do, Bryn!!
  • EllieG10
    Love that this podcast is becoming more inclusive! The pregnancy, birth, and raising of a child can be done by tons of different caregivers regardless of how they identify. Bravo!
  • itssabuck
    Best pregnant and childbirth resource
    Absolutely love this podcast. I have listened religiously through both my pregnancies and after. Love hearing the diversity of experiences and learning from other mamas/parents.
  • kartushj
    The best.
    This podcast is the BEST podcast if you are having a baby, thinking about maybe having a baby, if your partner is having a baby, or if you just like hearing people’s birth stories. There is a huge array of stories from vaginal deliveries to c-sections, things going to plan and not going to plan (some car births!), and lots of conditions during pregnancy and post partum that you maybe never heard of. Bryn is a non-judgmental listener and great host.
  • Avocado Toast 5.0
    Listening to these birth stories was incredibly empowering as I prepared for the birth of my 2 babies. I recommend this to every expecting person I know. I love that Brynn gives the birther the space to share without interruption. Keep them coming!
  • kbt914
    Love it!
    I have been listening to the Birth Hour for a couple years now (before and after giving birth). It is powerful and informative to hear other’s experiences with conception, pregnancy, birth and postpartum. I always recommend expecting friends and family to listen to the podcast to help become more aware of challenges that can arise at all stages of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Thank you for bringing these stories to us!
  • Elise85212
    One of the best podcasts for birthing people. Hosted by a kind, inclusive, supportive person. Variety of stories, interventions, birthing places, care providers - even if you know something is not right for you, it’s so helpful to hear others reasons for their decisions. Such a beneficial listen for learning, choosing, and growing as a human and a birthing person.
  • PearlGuidi
    We are so lucky to have this podcast!
    Amazing place to hear very diverse birth stories and gain new resources. Bryn hosts in a warm, open and respectful way that encourages honest, vulnerable and empowered storytelling.
  • LaurieWBart
    Great for birth junkies!
    I absolutely love hearing and devouring anything to do with childbirth! This podcast got me through my 2nd pregnancy, inspired me, and taught me a lot about acceptance for my own labors, and for all births, whatever they look like. It’s broken down a lot of my misconceptions of what birth SHOULD be. Love love love!
  • esterification
    Wonderful podcast and resource!
    I’ve been listening to the birth hour for a year or so now, and I’m 100% hooked. The raw, real stories shared about births, pregnancies, and postpartum recovery have been incredibly helpful and the raw emotions and vulnerability of those who shared is a real treat. This is a wonderful listen for anyone TTC, enjoying the pregnancy journey, or postpartum and reminiscing about their, or their partners, fertility journeys!
  • Lex Beach
    My favorite podcast
    I have loved listening to this podcast for the past 5 years while trying to conceive, gestating, and raising my youngest child. I just never get tired of birth stories, and I especially love how Bryn incorporates stories from all different kinds of people, birthing in every possible way, all over the world.
  • Brookelyn07
    So glad I found this podcast!
    I absolutely love this podcast, you get to hear so many different types of birth stories -hospital, home, c-section- and it’s very informative without making you feel as though there’s only one “correct” way to do it. It empowers you to make the right choices for yourself.
  • anni_rld
    Best pregnancy resource
    The Birth Hour was the #1 resource I used during my pregnancy. The diversity of stories helped educate and prepare me more than any book I read. What makes this podcast unique is how the host really steps aside and lets the guest tell their story without a lot of commentary, which allows for a truly authentic storytelling experience, rather than an interview or dialogue which can sometimes derail the narrative. It’s the best birth podcast out there!
  • mcjmom
    Best Podcast Ever
    Bryn is the best advocate for anyone preparing for childbirth! I listened to every episode before both of my births and felt so informed and empowered for my births. This podcast is so invaluable and I am so glad Bryn has kept up this great work. She is an awesome host too. She gives her guests the stage for sharing their stories, doesn’t interrupt, or lead or bias any story. Her style allows listeners to become engrossed in the birth story narratives which is so powerful to listen to. I’ve also enjoyed being apart of the online Patreon communities for discussion about childbirth, parenting, postpartum and beyond. Thank you Bryn.
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