Business Made Simple Podcast


Welcome to the Business Made Simple Podcast where we are obsessed with helping you become a better business owner by coaching you to build your business like an airplane. The cockpit is your leadership. The body is your management and operations. The right engine is your marketing. The left engine is your sales. The wings are your products and the fuel tanks are your cash flow. If you build the six parts of your business correctly it will fly far and fast.

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Recent Reviews
  • LilSof
    Reviews Changed My Rating
    I’ve enjoyed Business Made Simple for its practical business advice, but I’ve had some reservations. The podcast leans noticeably to the right, and I’ve found the frequent religious content a bit overbearing. While I appreciate when successful individuals share how their faith guided them, some episodes felt excessive. And it’s almost always Christian perspectives, with little representation from non-Christian business leaders. Curious to see if others felt the same, I checked the comments—and wow. The reaction from some listeners was surprising. For a group that often calls liberals “sensitive,” the defensiveness from Trump supporters over any slight criticism was hard to miss. Were we even listening to the same podcast? Don’s political stance is clear—he’s openly stated that social issues don’t influence his vote, which typically aligns with a more conservative, profit-driven mindset. I personally disagree with this approach, but I stuck with the podcast for the value it provides. So, here I am, giving a 5-star review on principle. I don’t align with Don’s politics (it’s puzzling that he can have a gay cohost and a daughter yet remain unmoved by social issues), and I wish there was more religious diversity in the content. But at the end of the day, the podcast delivers on its promise: solid advice, great storytelling, and it's free. They’ve earned the right to throw in as many ads as needed to keep producing this valuable content week after week.
  • Don’t Gaslight Us
    Emotional Manipulation of employees to Boost Revenue
    ….made me ill. More than once it was strongly suggested that you treat your employees “as if” they’re family in order to trigger loyalty and dedication in them to strengthen their dedication to the “mission” of making money. This episode sounded like a tent revival of a cult where the leader’s biggest brownnosers regurgitate the lessons (and and the leader’s name repeatedly to his face) to garner praise and…mashed potatoes. I have purchased courses from major online businesspeople who are Donald Miller customers and proponents who have had to apologize publicly to their students and followers for using this cringingly fake “family” language in business. When it comes down to it, your employees and coworkers are not your family (unless they happen to also be your family). You’re not emotionally, financially, psychologically, and in every other way connected to AND INVESTED IN them in the same way and to pretend that you are selflessly interested in their dreams and goals and that as someone’s manager you are a source of no-strings-attached unconditional support is to be dishonest and frankly emotionally and psychologically abusive.
  • Cholita2012
    Donald is inspiring!
    I love listening to this podcast, I learn something new each time. Thank you for your insights and wisdom.
  • AnneLutz
    Why: a lightbulb moment
    This post probably won’t be interesting unless you own a business or are in marketing, but I want to create it because it is a major thinking shift for me as a UX designer, designing apps and websites. In business, we commonly hear: to sell, you need to talk about the customer’s problem. And that is true. There is a place for that. But a lightbulb went off when I realized: you need to speak to your customer’s WHY in design and then dig deeper to get their core WHY, their core reason for buying your product. For example, for your target market- if you are selling your product to a small business, you figure out why the small business owner would buy from you. The first obvious WHY is that the business owner can make money if they buy your product. But it goes deeper when you continue to ask why. Why do you want to make money? Because I want to be able to provide for my family. Why do you want to provide for your family? Because I didn’t have a lot of money growing up and I want to start a new life. Why do you want to start a new life? They then say an answer like: because I did drugs when I was younger and I want to have a happy family and mother who is proud of me. There. We got to his emotional why. What do we do with that? We design a website that shows pictures of a happy, healthy father with a happy family. We have written copy that speaks to the life the customer really strives for. This why is the greatest motivational factor that moves a customer to buying your product.
  • Mischa-Z
    Master of your craft!
    I just listened to your episode How to Tell Your Story Without Playing the Hero. And I love the insight that if you talk “empathy and authority”, “empathy and authority”, you can tell your story AS THE GUIDE all day long! And second, how you helped Edie with his “story” on the fly...It was awesome and inspirational on all accounts.
  • Dumb nickname request
    It’s hard to believe in the knowledge of this podcaster when he defines EBITDA, arguably one of the most basic financial buyout terms, completely wrong. And not only wrong, but dangerously wrong if you acted using his definition.
  • KayleighCollier
    Small business Bestie
    This is hands-down, one of the best business podcast out there! I find myself pausing every episode to complete an action, take notes record something because everything that is shared is a suggestion or strategy you can take action on. This show has helped me get clear on my goals, my mission, and my vision for my small business. Thank you for this content!
  • Biltred
    Well done!
    Don has been at the forefront of biz and marketing thought since he decided to dive in.
  • ro blox
    Great advice for small businesses!
    Thanks! I always end up sharing episodes with my small biz accountability partner!
  • Msrien
    Podcast Flying Nearer and Slower
    Prior to 2022 this was hands down the best business podcast available. Donald and JJ were a witty duo who introduced us to different guests on a wide variety of topics that effect businesses and us as leaders. Some of my biggest, life altering, thoughts came from here. Definitely go back and listen to the pre-2022 episodes! Now it is one of the same six podcasts week after week. Great information and I appreciate Donald’s take on marketing and business, but I don’t need to hear the SAME thing on repeat. I now listen on 2x in the off chance they’ll provide something different.
  • ItsAllCulture
    Penelope fluffiergin
    That was personal message to me. I have 2 accounts. And I knowwwwee I make money, but the business is always broke. I see why. Thank you
  • jessgiff
    Best podcast for entrepreneurs!
    I have listened to A LOT of business and entrepreneurship podcasts. Many are interesting and inspiring, but often they leave me more confused and overwhelmed about how to grow my business. There are seemingly 1000 things I should be doing! Business Made Simple is the only one that clarifies my direction. This is incredibly helpful! Donald Miller is a genius at simplifying and creating a clear, compelling message to cut through the noise and connect with customers.
  • Savdog01
    Seriously, almost 6 minutes into the show before the content starts? Not for me.
  • jillizbizi
    Simply the best!
    This is simply the best business podcast there is. Simple is the operative word. Simple works!
    Two words
    Informative & witty!
  • Heidi 224
    Everything you need as a business owner
    This podcast is everything you NEED as a business owner. I love that don interviews others who have questions in their businesses. He really simplifies every business to have a clear plan & action steps. Highly recommend
  • shmueliFan
    Best simple business show!
    This is so so cool!!
  • Drew0604
    Amazing Content
    Donald Miller’s creative and tactical advice is a must listen. Every episode has valuable information that helps move the needle. He also does a great job hitting on multiple aspects of business growth. Great podcast!
  • Ifgjdsvbsw
    Wow! Donald Miller is a Rock Star!
    By far my most valued podcast… & book. Every episode is jam jacked full of golden nuggets. Just completed free assessment… Oh, we have work to do, 😊 but Business Made Simple philosophy is going to take my co. to soaring heights!
  • Rerye1
    Real-world cases applying to so many
    So important to learn all this — will save me years of major wrong-turns!
  • David The Bull
    Levels up my thinking
    As I was listening to today's episode, Donald Miller was doing some amazing coaching and consulting. His creativity and strategic thinking - all for free o this podcast - really levels up my thinking. It’s like my own personal mastermind. Love it!
  • L.Hewitt.
    New format is overproduced
    I’ve been listening for years and I agree with a lot of the other reviewers. This was my favorite podcast the new format is cringey and overproduced. I had to stop listening because it feels like a trip to Disney world rather than listening to a mentor. (Also being called a “hero maker” all of the time is like pebbles in my shoes)
  • GusBouari
    Donald Miller helped change my life
    In all my years of marketing, I never really understood marketing as much as I did when I finally listened to Donald Miller explain it from the StoryBrand perspective.
  • kenkeven
    My favorite business podcast!
    If you struggle understanding business, marketing, and communication this podcast will change you business life. Check it out and join Business Made Simple University. For under $300 you will get an Entrepreneural degree that is worth millions!
  • kamanda2
    The best bang for your buck
    If you have only 30 minutes a day, this is the podcast you must listen to. Donald is a phenomenal interviewer, and leaves out the filler words that leaves you scrambling to understand what is being taught. He is concise and drives home necessary points. Further, I appreciate how his language is clean, he acts professional, and yet still very real. I have completely changed my business model due to his teachings. Thank you Donald Miller!!
  • AD Reach
    Invaluable and straight forward!
    Thank you!
  • Samuel512
    People who are bad at marketing teaching…marketing.
  • GoDuke4458
    So Practical
    I love all the content Miller and his team put out! Very practical and actionable. The five checking accounts tip for how to manage your money is amazing.
  • Leigh J.
    Good Info
    While I hate the new format, I still love Don, JJ, and Koula. If you can get past the announcer, it’s a great listen.
  • Sheep Farm Felt
    If Gaston, LeFou, and Belle had a marketing podcast....
    If Gaston, LeFou, and Belle had a marketing podcast, this what it would sound like. :) Love the content and I look forward to it every week. The outro music is a little off-putting, but besides that, I love everything about it!
  • Jryskamp
    100% Incredible
    This content and coaching is worth more than the college degree I got. Start listening today and see better results in your business!
  • Drmike914
    I’m out!
    Unfortunate to hear a business podcast commenting on a pro vaccination stance re an experimental potentially dangerous COVID-19 vaccine. Utterly irrelevant and irresponsible.
  • Newt B.
    The only business podcast you need
    Get an MBA lesson in every episode to help grow your business!
  • Bridget Salys
    Bridget Salys
    my favorite business podcast
  • Schiffenshu
    Great info, terrible music
    I would love to give this podcast 5 stars. I can’t, though, because the off-pitch music is so off-putting. It is supposed to be like an LP that isn’t played at the right speed so the pitch keeps going in and out. It is awful. Please change it. Please.
  • SarahPempathy
    Value packed with heart and action
    I just started listening to this podcast and I’m hooked! I’m a brand storytelling strategist myself and find incredible value with each episode I’ve been listening to. I really love the new coaching episodes too. Great chance to learn from each other and talk about real-life things people are experiencing. Finding myself looking for excuses to go for a walk or drive somewhere so I can listen in private away from work/family distractions. Thanks for sharing all your wisdom with us!
  • Lisa P PharmD
    Helpful even in healthcare!
    This is one of my favorite podcasts! I am a pharmacy professional development practitioner and I use this information all the time to build my program. As a pharmacist, we don’t learn business skills but as an entrepreneur at heart, I find this abundantly useful!
  • JordanKa
    Practical and Useful.
    I love the new format with Don Miller as host. Don has a fantastic wealth of knowledge. I learn useful tips about building character, solving problems in my business, and marketing tips. I really enjoy all the interviews especially this weeks JJ Peterson’s one liner with Kelly Sjol about energizing clients and working with their team. Keep up the great work!
  • TlcYoung
    Used to be my fav
    Really prefer the previous format.
  • MartianMartin
    Awesome podcast!
    This business made simple team is the business! I can feel their genuine intentions in every episode and am implementing everything in my own business. Thank you for all the work you guys do!
  • Ima listener
    Don is a fantastic host and wealth of knowledge! He brings on incredible guests! Highly recommend the listen!
  • Dleikenb
    Used to love the show but now it’s weakened
    Opening is awful—a waste of my time and not professional. Get back to the other format.
  • KittyKat12384
    Please bring the old format back!!
    I used to LOVE this podcast and I recommended it to everyone. There was so much value in it. But is thing happened when they kicked off the new path for their business. They broke their own rule of being known for “one thing” and are now giving advice on the entire world of business. And it’s not even all good advice - Profit First as an example. Envelope budgeting with bank accounts for businesses is a terrible, terrible idea (opens a can of worms for fraud)! Donald (and I know your mother called you that when you were in trouble - that’s how much I listen to your content), please don’t do this to your podcast and to your business! You were amazing at the marketing framework and I can’t say enough about how that helped me in my own business, but this branching out to other areas and overly produced podcast - it just sounds as noise. Please go back to the old days. It was organic, insightful, and to the point.
  • The Dalbinator
    New format is cringey
    This podcast used to be so good. Some of the content is still good but you have to listen to a lot of trying to hard to be cool
  • Word lover in CO
    Love StoryBrand and Business Made Simple
    The new podcast intro is cheesy. I feel like I went from professional host to high school emcee. Love the new Business Made Simple and the metaphor of the airplane. I am one who has a useless degree in business. I only have used accounting. I have learned way more by reading.
  • Elegant Warrior
    It’s not too late to go back...
    I loved your podcast. I’m a huge reader and would buy almost every book you discussed. Now the show just feels like an infomercial. I looked at the reviews and see I’m not alone in thinking this. It’s not to late to return to what made you so successful!
  • Goobertron
    New Podcast is Noisy! Get back to Clarity!
    In a great stroke of irony, the new business made simple podcast is now over-produced, riddled with ads, and more confusing than ever. New announcer does not fit the brand as he completely derails the podcast’s former professionalism and simplicity that once made it so great. Time to clarify your message, and get back to your original mission. Blame the curse of knowledge if you must. But, if you truly believe in your product and marketing practices, you’ll recognize it’s time for a change. Just do it quickly, as I and most of my colleagues are dropping this new Podcast fast. Koula is great though. (I used a lot of commas throughout my review to piss of Don, and also because I like commas & he’s wrong about their usage,)
  • No. 9th
    Bridge for sale.
    I heard Don on another podcast, I was impressed, bought the book (worth its weight in gold). Then I went to the website to watch videos on the book. Read a page and a half watch a video a day. I read/comprehend too fast for that pace. Have to pay (too much) to see videos at faster pace. Figured ohh pod cast that is based on the book... wrong. It’s an INFOMERCIAL to buy more from the website. Felt like they were selling me timeshare properties not teaching me.
  • Tom R. S.
    New podcast is over-produced and fake sounding.
    What I loved about the old podcast was how natural and “real” it was. I would laugh out loud at Donald and JJ making random comments about business and life. The new show seems so over produced with a cheesy announcer who literally makes me cringe every time he speaks. A cheesy fake announcer is the opposite of why I love storybrand and BMSU products. Please.... drop the script and the cheesy announcer and just be yourselves again! (I do love the addition of Koula as a co-host though!)
  • nice cute doggy girl
    Bring back old format
    I listened for years and this was my favorite podcast. Donald did a great job interviewing authors. He took his own advice and was the guide, not the hero. Now it seems very redundant and less interesting. He is trying to be the hero, taking on redefining university education. Hopefully after first 7 episodes, old format comes back.
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