Fearless Fred Presents: Mud 79 - A Fan Made Star Wars Story


Star Wars meets Platoon. Fearless Fred Presents: Mud79 - is a fan made Star Wars story that takes place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.Solomon Kwai is one of countless youths from across the galaxy who find themselves in the Imperial Army four years after the Clone Wars and before the rise of The Empire, because the battle is not over. Kwai and the rest of the 79th platoon are stationed on a remote planet in the Outer Rim. The days are brutal and filled with ever present danger under the Imperial Flag.  Tensions rise, and soon there's blaster fire. Suddenly Kwai and his comrades are embroiled in a bloody conflict, one the Empire cannot afford to lose as they become part of the galactic war machine… will they survive?

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Recent Reviews
  • tacocat the greatest
    love this podcast
    i love this podcast it’s amazing and i can’t wait for season three !!!!!(if there is one)
  • Project2day
    So happy a friend told me to listen to this. I can’t wait for next season. This is the best Star Wars universe fan fix I’ve heard ever!!!
  • pin.cl
    Love the story Wonderful narrative The background level foley work is brilliant Cheers!
  • MTwolf04
    Love this story!
    Just one question, is there going to be a season three?
  • Moelightsound
    Best Star Wars New Story Adaptation
    Characters that feel like your buddies from episode one. I know it’s fiction, but the skills of the writers, editors, cast, and crew are applied so effectively, that I can’t help but care. I’m absolutely, and instantly, carried away into the action of each episode. This is a genius- level production, aimed at all us ordinary, unsuspecting speculative fiction fans. Highest art, talent, and craft brilliantly revealed in every respect. Narrator’s voice makes me grin in anticipation of the story to come. Always, and in all ways, Mud 79 delivers the goods.
  • Culv4282
    Gritty, Positive, and Thrilling
    A great narrative driven story, throwing in lots of colorful details, to paint a compelling first hand account of a combat veteran. While it takes place in the Star Wars universe, it feels most like listening to a guy reminiscing about his time in the military, and does a good job capturing the highs and lows of the game experience.
  • reg from NH
    Great show.
    Excellent podcast. Voice actors, story, and production are top notch.
  • Twiner78
    Must Follow
    This is by far the best sci-fi podcast yet!
  • Nickname taken? I’m logged in
    Best SciFi Podcast Ever!
    Have listened to scores of various sci-fi fiction podcasts and this is by far the best. Amazing writing. Outstanding narration, voice of narrator was destined for this. I eagerly await every episode on my drive to work. And you don’t have to be a star wars fan start listening either, only need to start at episode 1. I hope this will not only continue but to listen others shows from this same group.
  • Just got lost
    Great story
    Not even a Star Wars fan but I look forward to this each week .
  • jmrende
    This is fantastic. I’m hooked, can’t stop listening. Better production and writing than a lot of the official SW audio books that I usually listen to!
  • Sonic8400
    Fantastic audio drama!
    Better story telling and production value than the stuff put out by Disney!
  • need a new nicname
    Very very realistic
    This is a incredible podcast it feels like an old legends novel however lots and lots of profanity
  • TrueDeathAlchemist
    Hidden Gem
    The narration is addictive. The immersion that you are granted thru his diction is like magic. This is on par with high budget professional actor lead stories.
  • GudmestadRC3
    Just what you need.
    This is the perfect story to listen to if you have a long commute or just like to check out while you work. I look forward to every new episode each week. 👍🏻👍🏻
  • Vic man 52
    Mud 79
    Absolutely addictive, can’t wait till Thursday mornings 👍👍👍👍
  • (SITH)Storm Trooper Pilot
    Great !
    This is beyond great.....great story and I can’t wait for new episodes.
  • IrishCoyote
    Just awesome
    I *love* this podcast; this is really well written and has an engaging protagonist. I look forward to each episode
  • camo.jewell
    Good stuff
    I really like the host, Fred, and the normal episodes are fun. I'd listen just for that, but then the MUD 79 episodes started and I really got hooked. I do recommend listening. The only complaint I could have is that I want Fred to release more episodes but he's actually doing well for himself in other things so I can't blame him. I will wait patiently.
  • cooljkid
    Star Trek
    I’m hey I just started listening and I think I might just love your pod cast but are you going to add Star Trek content
  • Buck 221
    I love the story radio play it’s a great idea and the story is EPIC. So keep it going please it’s the best
  • 209Ultimate
    Star Wars original content! Please more.
    Please more of MUD. I started to listen to the thron trilogy on audible. It is so good. Two chapters a week please!
  • Strator71
    Love it!
    Ive ripped through the first 13 episodes in a few days. And eagerly awaiting more. I love the deep dive into some of my geeky loves, and presented in a well researched and entertaining listen! Thanks!
  • c1992j
    Pretty good
    Content is great, but the editing isn't great. Pretty sure I heard his phone go off in the background and the same clip repeated multiple times. Clean up the editing and it will be better
  • TechSupport84
    I’ll Be Back....
    Ongoing History of New Music podcast brought me here & I have Zero Issue with that!
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