Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update


Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you find out the real reason why and get you a Second Date. Low success rate...high entertainment for the rest of us.

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  • assphalt cowboy
    Love it.
    Love this segment of your radio show. I listened to the bumble bro episode and that guy was a total douche bag. I wanted to reach through my iPad and punch him in the jaw.
  • Amba_d_best
    Great show!!!!
    I’ve always watched them! Since I got to the United States of course! It is amazing, funny , entertaining, and dramatic! Perfect to hear in the gym or running! I listen in the car!
  • Kaypickeral
    New episodes
    I’ve been listening since 2018. I love you guys. I just wish we had some new episodes ❤️
  • SteveDolo
    Need New Episodes Please !
    Can’t get enough of the show, have binged it nonstop since finding it on here ( all of the segments really ) but why are there so many repeats for the last year ? We need new stuff you guys ! You are my favorite podcast and I even got my fiancée into you too, he loves the loser line especially, but I hate having to find a different show because it now takes me so long to find any non-repeats especially with all the ads in the beginning and end it makes it tedious. I get needing ads but at least make the content newer than the ads running, it shows a warped priority to your fans. Especially because sometimes some of the voices sound the same on the second dates as well. We need more phone taps and second dates that aren’t repeats I know so many people that would want to do one with you if you need people or need more employees reach out ! Please and thank you, I truly love you all, Brooke is hilarious and insightful, Jeff is a talented song writer and so funny with his dry wit him and Brooke work so well together, Jose is so upbeat and his laugh makes me laugh it’s so full of joy it lightens the mood and Alexis is self-deprecating and so authentically herself she’s a fun addition. Keep up the amazing work ! <3
  • jdm1335
    Brooke ruins show!!!!
    Brooke has done everything, Brooke knows everyone, Brooke has all kinds of friends who have done all kinds of things, Brooke interrupts everything because she thinks what she has to say is more important!!! Love the rest of the show!!!! Now she has commercials where I have to hear her even more, I’m sure that it’s not just me even though I see people really like her, I just don’t see it!!!
  • Ukiyo25
    Great podcast; reused episodes
    Please give us NEW episodes. Love these, just tired of hearing repeat episodes 😔.
  • אוהבת סושי
    The guy with the car & Louis - Fonzie scam !!!
    Fonzie Fonzie
  • MariaLada
    COVID episodes
    Jubal and Brooke are hilarious. However, why do none of the episodes from 2020, 2021 and even 2022 revolve around zoom dates? All dates were virtual during those years and yet listening to episodes from those years, it’s as if lockdown and zoom dates never happened.
  • Rach_oxo
    Love from Dallas
    I listen to you guys everyday at work, I had to go all the way back to 2022 to hear new episodes instead of repeats. PLEASE give us new content, I LOVE you guys!!! 😅
  • Bribe the court
    I listen to it a lot at work
    There have been a lot of repeat episodes lately but it’s still fun to listen to while I’m working. Just wish we could comment on episodes
  • Dco123987
    Great show!
    Love this podcast. Brooks and Jeffrey make such a great radio host pair and perfectly compliment each other. I listen to second date update shows from various radio stations across the country. Many are great but I feel this is the best because of the natural flow, the directness, care to keep it as family friendly as possible and a few seconds of host talks after the bit is done. Love it.
  • Lneal1087
    Obsessed but stop with the repeats
    Obsessed with these and this whole morning show. Just not a fan that there’s repeat episodes.
  • Enter your mom
    I 3 month olds
    I se no approprate epesod and tahts not good. But it good podcost.
  • Curt5.3
    Repeat episodes
    Love listening to these guys show at work but there are so many repeat episodes it’s not even interesting to listen to anymore
  • madamdami
    Brooke and Jeffrey
    Always hilarious and witty all four of them
  • sjtlovesmlt
    Long time follower
    I have loved Brooke and Jeffery before it was Jeffery. We love this on air group. It is so enjoyable to listen to and you feel like you are there with them- you laugh with them, you just get them. Every show piece is great, I have always loved the 2nd date updates.
  • aoi♡
    I love this show so much. I started listening a while back, and I’ve laughed a lot! I feel so bad for Jose, though, people keep calling him the guy in the back- he has a name!! He adds so much comedic value and I love to wake up to you guys everyday. Thank you!
  • qtskysdalimit
    Fake People
    … These Interview Are FAKE… I Can Hear Couple Interview With Same Person Voice……. Like Common!!!
  • gratatattatatatata
    Love the show but make the guy stop laughing
    I love listening to this show and it’s very entertaining but the guy in the back (not the main male host) makes it incredibly hard to keep listening because of his ear splitting laugh. It’s so shrill and sounds like some kind of Batman villain laugh. His comments in general feel unnecessary and really the laugh is so grating. Idk why you guys would have this guy on the show when it’s specifically an audio format. Love Brooke and Jeffrey though
  • A_Badd
    I wonder why everyone is saying they don’t like Jose’s laugh! It literally makes the podcast even funnier and I have listened to every single episode! Keep up the great work guys!
  • Lgbb2
    I love this show
    I love this show, especially when jubal was in the show. So glad I get to hear those old shows with jubal in it. Thanks for the good laughs 💜
  • Lovvveeej
    Sooo happy?!!
    I’m so excited you put all the old episodes and the new ones up! Never take them down please
  • MotherOfCatsAndAKid
    WHY so many freaking repeats dude? I’ve seen the same episode posted more than twice in multiple cases. STOP! You’re RUINING your podcast channel. Is that not obvious? That people don’t wanna hear the same episode three freaking times??
  • hippienippie5
    Moved to Seattle 1 year ago. And was hard to find a radio station I would actually listen to. Til one day going to school I heard Brook And Jeff! Have been listening since!!! Awesome show and awesome segment! Makes me and my husband laugh!
  • Molina4545
    Best podcast on here
    Best podcast ever
  • Bdnskdkjfsksu
    Brook and Jeffery’s 1 fan
    You guys make me and my mom laugh but my favorite thing on brook and Jeffery is Jeffery’s Friday song it was funny when you did pumpkin spice
  • dtfsgc23422
    This is Funniest
    Radio show I’ve ever heard. if you like funny things they are really fun. I love there second date update. l love Jose’s laugh and Jeffery’s jokes. And I love Brooke she is so funny
  • Deezycakes27
    Favorite Radio Hosts!
    So I live in AZ and I just randomly found these guys on my podcast app. I love listening to their Second Date Update and Phone Taps. Not gonna lie but Jose’s laugh used to annoy me but he has seriously grown on me very quickly and he actually adds comedic value. I know that Jeff and Jose are comedians but Brooke and Alexis know how to riff off them and also make me laugh. I love that I found you guys and my husband and I love listening to y’all when we’re on road trips and we just spend the whole time laughing. Much love from AZ 💜🌵
  • ekershaw3
    Love it
    Is it totally authentic? Questionable. But it’s still highly entertaining. I’ve been listening to these for years and I’m still enjoying it.
  • MahoganyMix
    Love the show
    I have listen to all the episodes. Just wishing they won’t play old episodes that I’ve already heard but with a new date.
  • star gurl 🙃
    Puppy lover 24
    Your show is the highlight of my day and makes me laugh
  • AcOwbOyKiLLer_wildWestMAn
    My daily entertainment
    I listen to you guys in the way to work every morning! You guys are hilarious 😂
  • JO something
    I love this show! The guy in the back, his laugh is contagious. I’m in Texas and listening haha I listen every single day
  • leah.t.h
    Religious Cindy episode
    The episode about Cindy just rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t think it was right to make fun of her for being religious. Maybe rethink some of the jokes before saying them?
  • LittleG7
    Growth Needed
    I absolutely love this show and every single host in it. It has been my daily dose of laughter and kept the day going. However, on Friday the hosts absolutely roasted a girl and the guy calling in for having/defending different religious beliefs than their own. They were unkind and even though the guy calling in wasn’t a strong Christian like his date, he was kind, respected her, and stood up for her. All of the hosts were incredibly insulting and it was uncalled for. We should be able to have conversations with others that don’t carry the same values and that think differently than we do and still wish them well in life. There’s no reason to be so unkind and unloving.
  • beausilkmom
    Avid to obsessive
    Highly recommend!! Listening to this radio station is becoming a part of my joy in life. They make me laugh and put a smile on my face on the way to work and home. Their humor and wit are definitely something special that you will get to appreciate when you have a bad or stressful day in life. And love their voices, especially Jeffrey’s, so soothing!
  • 2022CJC
    Not sure why you have to be so rude to people with different religious beliefs.
  • Guichin956
    Show Rocks
    Jose bro you make the show 10x funnier with your laugh
  • matman fan
    Sometimes you guys can be so rude to the person who is calling for help. I understand that some of them are weird and I totally get why you roast them, but some are actually just getting rejected and you guys play the second card and it is so rude.
  • Jiubreyn
    What’s with the laugh track?
    Is that dude okay?
  • Dontgothr
    Where’s the new episodes?
    This is one of my favorite segments and I want more!!!
  • rock&rollruinedmylife
    Not even close to being real
    I listened to one episode and thought the premise was funny and the set up seemed promising, but as soon as the guy gave his reason I was just like oh… this was clearly thought up by a writer, and it’s not even funny. I wasn’t even suspecting it to be fake but yeah there’s no room for doubt. I just deleted the other episodes I had downloaded. How stupid do you take us for? This is just beyond lazy.
  • brooke and jeffry is the best
    His intros are funny and I can’t stop laughing and this is the best radio show ever.
  • Alli_87
    One thing ruins it
    The guy laughing in the background is soooo annoying. Literally the only reason why I don’t listen
  • Hlafl31
    He makes it so much better with his back ground comments and laughs. It’s like sitting next to the troublemaker in class
  • ndjdhdhdhdhh
    Stop reposting old episodes !!
  • jessikay11
    Stop re runs
    The re-runs are killing my enjoyment of this podcast slowly. Why?
  • StaceyP85
    5 star entertainment
    Jeffrey is hilarious 😂 brook is who brings balance and Jose is me,🤣😂 just there to listen and laugh! LOVE YALL
  • elimicahandtheirchickens
    So many bad reviews about Jose so I’m just here to say Jose MAKES THIS SHOW SO GOOD. I love his commentary and his laugh too.
  • jay.marie1317
    Can he be left off just ONE episode… please
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