Sports #91

Lance Armstrong presents a singular perspective on the world’s most iconic cycling races, including the Tour de France and the Classics, as well as the broader endurance sports scene. Not your typical cycling or sports podcast, THEMOVE brings listeners deep inside the racing action, imparting insights from someone who knows the suffering and splendor like no one else. In addition to  course previews and timely race analysis from Armstrong’s distinct point of view, the audience also gets to hear from featured guests, who regularly swing by the THEMOVE studio to join the always-lively conversation. Guests have included former teammates like George Hincapie during the Tour de France, and Mark Allen and Dave Scott in advance of the IRONMAN World Championship. THEMOVE is an audio-video experience that transforms every listener from fan and spectator into the ultimate insider.

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Recent Reviews
  • Colts r ahmazin
    Spencer and Johan are awesome, with quick episodes that are straight to the point. Only thing I wish is that they were longer! Easy to follow as an American cycling fan, and great betting insights you won’t find anywhere else.
  • Camyado
    False advertising!!!
    I came here looking for tips on how to use illegal drugs and get away with it. False advertising!!!! 😤🤬
  • GRhaines
    How you say Pogacar
    What is with the way you pronounce Pogacar. It’s like you butcher his name on purpose calling him “Po-go Char”. Its Po Gatchar. Are you telling me that after 52 years of commentating, Phil Liggett, along with many others who cover the race, don’t pronounce it correctly? They sure don’t pronounce it like you do. Maybe you should Google it because they clearly pronounce it for you, and it’s not the way you state it. Then episode covering Stage 19, don’t give them a reason to hate you?? Really?? As you did state on Stage 20 episode, you were too hard on Tadej. I assume you felt you put your foot in your mouth since you have sooo many beloved fans. Outside of your cockiness, you do have good insights. I guess interjecting your personality (which is that of a type A a**hole) makes the show a bit more interesting. Thanks for your perspectives.
  • 8348438e39
    What’s up with the gambling oriented episodes?
    Despite the “we are not a gambling show” disclaimer at the beginning of the episodes, it’s obviously a betting oriented program every few episodes. Putting tour predictions in terms of weird betting numbers is unhelpful and confusing - maybe spin those off into another show.
  • jwise111
    Too many ads
    Between the ads, machismo, and mispronunciations, I’m kinda over it. Liked it at first but found better options.
  • Gooodlee
    There are many better options
    So many other options for cycling analysis, why go to an unrepentant cheater who shouldn’t even have a platform? On a more practical level, the guy can’t go three sentences without saying something out-of-touch, ignorant, or just d***ish. You can do better.
  • MDT65
    Hosted by a bully and a fraud
    How anyone can give this guy a platform after what he did to so many people with the bullying, threats, and setting out to destroy people’s livelihood. Should be relegated to the dust bin of history.
  • Derek NJ 34
    Please don’t put stage results as the episode title!
    These guys have a large US audience where many of us watch the Tour stage at night. It’s unbelievable that they put the winner of the days stage in the title early afternoon so you can’t avoid knowing the result if you scan you podcast feed for other content. Unfollowed the show.
  • AProudDadTo
    Mr Armstrong, I to have been at the top of my game & knocked down by my decisions. I struggle daily to recover. I'm inspired by the fact you have been able to put the past in the past & emerge (continue to be) as a leading authority. Plus your commitment to your fitness is amazing (follow you on Strava as well). To you & sponsors! Peloton went on market yesterday. Zwift Ride on order!
  • z3mcoupe92
    Top cycling podcast
    It doesn’t matter how you feel about the U.S. Postal era. Armstrong and Bruyneel are the most dominant ones there ever was and their insight and knowledge is second to none. If you’re bitter about Lance, then you should honestly still listen if you care about cycling. Thank You for everything you’ve done for Jan, Lance.
  • frustrated millenial
    Get the rambling advertisements under control
    It’s great when the crew is actually talking cycling. But you guys have to get the advertisements under control. Way too many and WAY too long for that short of a podcast. It is honestly like 25% of the pod sometimes. Take a page out of the top pods out there. Just load up the ads at the beginning so people can zip through them. Don’t ramble through them. Just give the ad and move on.
  • Leeabe51
    Sometimes over does it on ads
    During the Tour de France it has far too many ads. Outside of that month, when Lance isn’t on it, the amount of ads is reasonable and there is a lot of good discussion.
  • Klolomick
    Just unsubscribed, Spoilers in episode title
    Own goal by the podcast. I don’t want spoilers from todays stage of a grand tour when I open a podcast app. Most people cannot watch every stage of a grand tour live.
  • Miss Caked
    When you understand that this life here is short!
    Greg LeMond rode CLEAN. My inspiration. Watch The last rider in theatre's now.
  • avg_ppl
    Good podcast to keep up with the cycling races. The ads are entertaining segments if you take it with a grain of salt
  • tucson69
    C’mon come clean guys
    “I was never one of those I’m shocked simply shocked” that’s there’s doping going on. Lance Johann and George are engaging characters and are truly victims of their own making. Am I excusing their behavior and tactics especially the abject ruthlessness of Lance Armstrong (which in my opinion was the main reason for his downfall not the systemic doping that “forced” every pro cyclist worth his weight to partake accordingly ) no I’m not but all factors have to be considered to look at this calmly without reverting to a puritanical view of cycling and elite sport in general which up to this point is unrealistic sadly. Today’s wrap up had the American JB crediting Belgian JB with having the most grand tour victories as a DS. Depending on your perspective this is entirely false or true with an asterisk. What I and many fans would love to hear or see would be a true mea culpa episode from Bruyneel , George and Lance it would an amazingly cathartic moment and no it probably wouldn’t sway the detractors but from what I understand based on the popularity of the podcasts show a sincere effort at redemption through a self imposed truth and reconciliation round table that would perhaps lay to rest the dragons that continue to torment the guilty ones.
  • 16Briglou
    JB squared is excellent. Johan is the best. We’re lucky to have him.
  • CPB 1966
    Big fan
    If you like cycling, The Move is great. Special shout out to Johan B., his commentary is outstanding!
  • Kevin B123
    One long advertisement
    JB2 is good, substantive. The MOVE is wandering with sidebars and overwhelmed by ads. There are a lot of good cycling podcasts now and they are making it hard to want to keep listening. If the show expanded on what it offers substantively it could be the best out there.
  • OzzieDNelson
    Like a fast downhill descent in the Sagan position
    This show has gone downhill. It is ~15 minutes of TdF discussion and ~15 minutes of shilling for the sponsors. MOVEing on to better coverage.
  • Yung Slom
    Best Quality Cycling podcast hands down
    I started following cycling this year during the Giro and I was so pumped when I found the king himself had a podcast. Since then I’ve found a lot of great content creators in the cycling world. I love them all but this podcast is on another level completely. The quality is Grade A.
  • wwboy1
    So Long, Lance
    Incredibly disappointed by your charade of a good-faith conversation about fairness, which really was a transphobic screed against a tiny marginalized community. Your lack of humility in taking on this project is only surpassed by your moral vacancy in being any sort of judge of “fairness”. Hope those checks you cash are sweet. You’ve lost me.
  • Just another mol Eliza
    Living breathing toilet lance armstrong continues to exist for some reason. Okay
  • cmdm
    lies…lies…lies…a liar…
    why listen to a liar and a cheat? just don’t do it…
  • yoga.aha
    Johan Bruyneel is a pretty interesting commentator
    Johan Bruyneel is a pretty interesting commentator. Armstrong is a narcissistic idiot that ought to be in jail for all his white collar fraud. In fact, Armstrong should be in prison for fraud; if he was black, he would be. #imprisonarmstrong Lance was stripped of his yellow jerseys for one reason and one reason only. He was a bombastic, bully, a-hole who couldn’t keep his belligerent mouth shut. He kept hounding and publicly berating anyone who would dare not bow down: including Racing and Testing officials. This went on for years, and someone finally had enough. It’s 100% Lance’s own fault. It’s as if he couldn’t stand only being revered and respected… but had to have unquestioned fealty on top of that (while he alone was allowed to spew his belligerent ire with impunity). If he would’a kept his mouth shut and behaved like a champion, not a miserable punk, he’d still be “THE” Champion.
  • Stayfido
    Great insight from JB 1
    Love the show, but Lance needs to hand over the reigns to JB squared and Spencer (and George). He can jet set around the world instead, as it’s obvious he’s not up on cycling like the rest. And the intro song kills my ears every time I push play. Every time. Change it up. Please.
  • EC Mark
    Best in class for true cycling fans
    For those looking for strategy, analysis, and insight, it’s hard to find anything better. Johann Bruyneel has an encyclopedic knowledge of the sport, and for new or long term cycling fans, you’ll learn a lot and appreciate the sport more. When George, JB, and Lance chat together, the show takes on the flavor of friends at the local pub sharing a few laughs. Big thumbs up and keep up the great work!
  • Tom from Durango
    Growing Old
    I am so tired of having to listen to Lance cut down George. Grow up will you, it detracts from an otherwise good show.
  • K-Sable
    Entertaining but some issues
    Still listening but advertising is getting onerous. Also LA being more interested in golf than cycling is not endearing.
  • Calmante
    Just disappointing analysis
    If there's a bad take on a topic, this podcast will find it.
  • ChargingDC
    A Once Great Podcast Turned Infomercial
    I really used to like this podcast. I especially enjoyed it during the TDF. Unfortunately, what probably started out as a simple idea has now been commercialized and monetized to an extreme. Literally the beginning of every show is like an infomercial, with even more of it is spaced throughout the episodes. George seems like a nice guy, but listening to him and Lance reminiscing about the “old days” gets....well...old. Sorry guys. Turn the page. We don’t care. And Johan on the show makes it all even worse. He does nothing but offer details that no one outside the sport would care about. I feel sorry for JB. He used to do a wonderful job and now he can barely get a word in. I hope they’re back in form for the TDF. Maybe it would be a better show if it went back to just Lance and JB. Unfortunately, since settling his lawsuit, Lance seems less humble and appears to have regained some of the cockiness that made him the most hated cyclist in the sport. So maybe it’s a confluence of events, but this podcast isn’t working as well anymore.
  • washido
    From Alaska
    Absolutely love lance armstrong . Who he is , who he has become .👍👍👍👍
  • Marcus517
    Great analysis
    This is the analysis I’ve been missing from the TDF. No criticism of Bob Roll, Phil and the gang; I love the coverage. But sometimes the depth isn’t there. This show filled the gap.
  • Litespeed rider
    Go to Cycling Podcast
    The Move is my go to podcast for cycling year round and especially Le Tour. I love the interactions between Lance and George. The episode I just listened to included the Mark Cavendish interview which was outstanding. You may have your opinion on the past but these guys are the best and remind me that cycling is fun!
  • chadinga
    I used to enjoy The Move. What happened?
    Update (7/16/22) THEMOVE is 50% ad read. Analysis is lacking for retired professional cyclists. However, JB2 with Johan Bruyneel is very good analysis. Check out The Lanterne Rouge Podcast for top shelf analysis. Today’s (9/4/20) episode. 54 minutes long. Didn’t talk about TdF stage 7 until minute 31. Compared to circa 2018-19, the 2020 version has too many ads (half seemingly for companies LA has invested financially), and too many pointlessly boring conversations having nothing to do with the TdF or professional cycling. LA version 2.0 has left this year’s show. Hincapie is great.
  • Randy in Georgia
    Need more race content
    Lance needs to stop talking about himself or referring to his past. Ditto the whole crew. No one cares anymore and it’s very old news. What he and the team can do is to share their excellent insight on the racing now. Secondly, stop with the incessant ads and absolutely kill that awful intro music. I know a musician friend did it for you but it’s the worst possible intro music I’ve ever heard on any podcast, ever!
  • Mustachestaff
    In between ad reads and Lance asserting his alpha male dominance over George, they sometimes talk about bicycling.
  • Antikmusic
    All Ads no race break down
    Just like other listeners I’ve been following this show sense the beginning. And feel the same. 30 min show 25 mins of ads. Disappointing as this was a truly great show that has been ruined
  • Extremely happy app-er.
    Bring Back Race Content
    I’ve been listening to the pod since the first year - and loved the race insights. It seems this year the show is now an avenue for ads. Two thirds of the content is now ad reads, or product promo, Lance schtick (which has grown tired after 4 years) and emails. There’s really only about ten minutes of content that focuses on discussing the previous stage and/or previewing the next stage.
  • modcyclist57
    Dope podcast
    Old dopers still have a job. Boring people to death about their old doping feats . 0 TDF wins . Had doping friend George on today , in between commercials
  • EW1617
    Used to be good, JB2 is still great.
    I used to love listening to the Move for race insights, etc. I appreciated George & Lance’s insights on the big races but now Lance just goes off on unrelated topics or does ad reads anytime one of the co-hosts begins to make an interesting point or he goes off on putting others down to build his ego. I’ve gotten where I just tune in for JB2 because they stay on topic & we get to hear real insights from Johan without so many interruptions. Lanterne Rouge has replaced The Move. JB2 is still very valuable. I am working on my Spanish because I bet La Movida is also better than The Move at this point
  • Parlee
    JB & JB
    I’m working on my Spanish now. It’s the only way you learn anything from this podcast. johann and JB should go solo.
  • marv Suria
    Most candid and best cycling podcast!!
    Lance and the boy’s have rewritten how cycling should be presented. It’s a combination of knowledge and a combo of laughter while presenting current cycling events!!! I love hearing these guys discuss and goof on each other. The best cycling podcast by one of the best cyclists ever, keep it up my dudes!!
  • Pastor Jeff
    Best cycling podcast
    Lance, George and JB2 bring it every episode. Look forward to the insight and laughs each time.
  • JimV 1
    JB2 Whiner
    When it comes to doping STF up! Don’t whine about the police, you guys are the reason we need the police to help catch cheats
  • JPC182
    The new Tour routine
    The new super fan routine: watch Tour stage, listen to JB2, listen to The Move. See you in the douches!
  • MHinGA
    Edit: JB2 is better than the main show!
    My original review appears below and is still applicable; perhaps even more so as the ad reads and ads clothed in conversation have become interminable. BUT there is -- or at least was -- a redeeming factor: the JB2 podcast! JB2 is really the only one I listen to now, and my coworkers in the bike shop agree that JB2 is better than the main show with Lance and George, even though we still respect their views when they're not schilling something. So naturally, they didn't give us a JB2 after Stage 13 (2021) and I'm wondering whether we'll get a JB2 after today's Stage 14. Sigh. Here's my original review: I really enjoyed this podcast last year (2017) during Le Tour; this year not so much. It seems that Lance, having settled his legal liabilities, is now free to monetize everything without fear of losing it all- and he is doing so aggressively. I still enjoy Lance’s take on things, but the show is mostly commercials now. I do not blame anybody for making a buck, but in this case it does make the podcast choppier and less enjoyable.
  • The Big 0
    It’s changed
    I’ve switched to Johan. Too many ads and other things that aren’t talking about the actual Tour. I think they need a set agenda to discuss the race cuz they go all over the place. Just when they get rolling with something interesting Lance has to talk about himself or we hear another ad.
  • BobM:-)
    9:45 of commercials and chatter ...
    Guys - I am an original listener back to the streamliner in Lance’s driveway. This is my 1st comment ever to any show. Today I am listening to Stage 3 with Lance, JB and George. I enjoy the racing insights and comments but today it is 9 minutes and 45 seconds of commercials and banter before you really start to talk about a stage full of drama and significant impacts to riders, the GC and more. Let’s get back to what attracted listeners like me to this podcast - focus the talk on TDF and cycling and limited the repetitive (same spiel every day) commercials. Right now if I only have time for one cycling podcast it would be JB Squared which is a nod to JB’s hosting and directing the conversation and Johan Bruyneel’s straight forward approach, depth of knowledge, active connections within the riding community and thoughtful insights. Decide to make The Move back to what made it great at the start!
  • CaityC
    Fantastic podcast - thank you, JB & Johann
    One of my favorite post-race podcasts. I really appreciate hearing Johann’s thoughts and analysis. I have so much appreciation for the whole crew of both this & the move pod. (Still loving this pod in 2021!)
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