Heaven's Gate

History #149

In 1997, thirty-nine people took their own lives in an apparent mass suicide. The events captivated the media and had people across the planet asking the same question... ‘Why?’ 20 years later, those who lost loved ones and those who still believe - tell their story. Hosted by Glynn Washington of Snap Judgment. "Heaven's Gate: The Cult of Cults," is now a four-part docuseries inspired by this podcast, streaming on HBO Max.

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  • Twin Cam Akiko
    This is in response to the review that mentions Jones Town
    Jones Town wasn’t suicide. Jones Town was homicide. They were forced to drink the poison, and those who didn’t were killed. No one was forced to do anything in Heaven’s Gate.
  • jhexp0727
    Great but slightly inaccurate
    This is a great series but the narrator keeps referring to 39 people dying as “the worst mass suicide in American history” and that is simply false. Maybe the worst on American soil, but Jonestown killed 918 Americans. It may seem pedantic but facts matter.
  • conaninspace
    Anyone who’s listened to his NPR program will realize Mr. Washington’s narratives are never impersonal and that he knows how to sustain a dramatic edge which places the listener within the story; if he must be blamed for anything, it’s for refusing to be dull and dry. This is a well researched look at existential dread and the search for some sort of meaning—whether misguided or not—in our increasingly vapid society. This is our story… So, might it not be more fruitful to consider the implications of our common dilemma rather than quibble over the host’s perceived faults?
  • oldjohnhall
    Ugh the host is trash
    UNLISTENABLE Glyn Washington is an insufferable nerd. The worst type of nerd, one that thinks he’s cool. Just awful
  • HPLsppr
    Just perfect
    I love the interviews with people close to the victims, the surviving members, the daughter of one of the leaders (!), a never-before heard tape to this daughter, etc. Also, I deeply appreciate the empathetic approach the host takes. So easy for podcasts to become disdainful of people who would fall into the trap of a cult. This is so much more, and takes all views into account in a compassionate manner. Thank you!
  • vAsOunder
    Where’d you get your facts?!?
    First episode, few minutes in, podcaster calls this the “largest mass suicide in American history.” Have you ever read any history?Jonestown, Guyana. November 18, 1978.
  • emmylou1212
    Fascinating, great interviews
    My favorite thing about this podcast is how the host treats everyone with so much respect. It really bothers me, especially with “cult” podcasts or docs, when the interviewer comes from a place of condescension. This is an awful thing that happened and is absolutely fascinating, but there are real people and real families behind this story who are still grieving and trying to figure out how something like this could have happened. Glynn approaches every person with curiosity and respect, and I think that allows the listener to come to their own understanding of the danger of what happened here and why this is such an important cautionary tale.
  • alzop666
    Narration is so bad it’s hysterical
    Is this a joke? Truly laughing at loud at this sorry attempt for narration and presenting a story line.
  • SadieMCB
    Thought provoking, and respectful.
    I have always been interested in the story of Heavens Gate. I have never heard the story shared in such depth, and more importantly to me, more respectfully of the people rather than the final act. I enjoyed each episode and the host had wonderful cadence that made listening to this podcast engaging. The interviews with family and past/current followers were so heartfelt. This was fantastic and I will recommend this to everyone.
  • Penderworth
    Fascinating story, distracting narrator
    The story is fascinating, but the narrator tries way too hard to make it more dramatic. His tone is just exhausting.
  • Ó_Ò
    Great subject matter. Horrifically narrated
    Just talk normally guy. I’d rather listen to an AI Gilbert gottfried narrate
  • dill333333444
    Narrators voice is brutal
    The story is amazing, but the narrator was hard to deal with. Way too much emotion in his voice, over-dramatic voice made the story hard to follow. Just speak normally and let the listener formulate the emotion. His voice made the story seem like a fiction story. Will not be listening to this narrator ever again.
  • Carolina c:
    Enjoyed it!!
    Love how the host has some back ground and can relate to the cult mentality, gives real emotion to the members that are deceased. It’s respectful, which is something you don’t find with a lot of other podcast/host. Love his voice and listening it’s smooth and reassuring.
  • Cosmo B
    Amazing podcast
    I couldn’t stop listening. Some great details in here if you’re obsessed with HG, like me. You will love every minute
  • makeda42
    I remember when Heaven's Gate happened. I even remember the comet that triggered them to hasten their departure via suicide. (I think I was at a retreat and several of us asked the Rabbi what was the proper blessing for such a phenomena) It was interesting to hear the full biographies of these young people and remove them from the class of fanatics like Koresh and Jim Jones. Nevertheless, I don't believe that they are on the next level on a spaceship. At this point, I don't think it really matters what my opinion of their belief was. They are not here to defend it or admit their mistake. Their story can only serve as a warning in our own lives. Religious fanatics still exist. Depression takes people to strange places. We can not always save the ones we love. But we have to try. After years of hearing Glenn Washington proclaim "this is not the news", it was good to see him exercise new reporting muscles.
  • Nodatax0
    Excellent podcast
    Loved every minute of it.
  • bonzi74
    Such a shame
    Such a shame that they used this narrator for this podcast. Almost like it’s two different shows...the change in his accent from professional to street is distracting. I wanted to learn more abt this group but can’t finish.
  • Mountainmermaid7
    As a former “cult” person, who was a member of the United Pentecostal church for 5 yrs when I was in my 20s, I could empathize with members and the families. If it weren’t fir the loving arms of my family that I somewhat cut myself off from, I wouldn’t be the therapist that I am today. This series was presented brilliantly and gave much food for thought and discussion with my husband who is a religious major but decided not to be a pastor because he didn’t really “believe”. I’m not sure what I believe in now besides the power of love. Thank you!
  • rbpooches21
    So so good
    Extremely well done podcast. Heartfelt and really well researched. I truly enjoyed it.
  • Jaycgirl18
    Perfectly told podcast
    This podcast was so respectfully told of what happened inside this cult and to the families of the members. Even the creators of the cults were spoken of, if only to understand how they may have gotten to those points in life. It was fascinating and Glen was an excellent host. I wish I could go back and re-listen all over again. Thank you for making this podcast! Keeping my fingers crossed that you do more on other cults!! 🤞
  • slp000000
    Well done!
    Glenn is an enthralling host, and this story is told very respectfully. Couldn’t stop listening until the very end!
  • Food admirer
    I can’t stop listening. Next I’m watching the documentary on HBO. Love Glenn Washington’s voice and storytelling. He has so much credibility as a former cult follower.
  • amyyjoyy
    Loved it
    Riveting and sensitive. Gripping, chilling and full of humanity.
  • Adam Mala
    Overproduced, spoon-fed
    The good: The interviews are great. I’d rather they had aired the entire interviews they conducted rather than bouncing around for five-second snippets, but that’s taste. The bad: It’s over-produced like an NPR show. Obtrusive background music is one but not the only example of this. It’s spoon fed: The host takes too long to get from interesting point to interesting point. It’s a lot of “coming up” and other teasers designed for, I suppose, commercial radio. It makes no sense in a podcast, particularly an ad-free one.
  • Therearenonicknamesleft12345
    Glynn Washington is a phenomenal host
    The story of the Heaven’s Gate cult and the family contributions were incredible. BUT, this podcast would not have been the same without Glynn’s delivery. The way that he was able to evoke empathy for both sides of the story — the cult members who felt this was their calling and the families who were left dealing with the fallout — was amazing. Really well done.
  • coldkooli
    Glynn Washington Is Amazing!
    I came for the stories -- but I stayed for the host. Well done.
  • Gypsy743
    It’s pretty good
    This podcast does provide some info that I didn’t already know about Heaven’s Gate which is nice. My main complaint would be that the host, Glen Washington, randomly and frequently speeds his rate of speech. He runs syllables and words together in a messy jumbled fashion that impacts intelligibility; sounding more like a high school level production. Not something I’m used to hearing on an otherwise well-produced podcast.
  • Lizwells
    Excellent Narrator and story telling!
    Absolutely love the narrator of this podcast. He does an excellent job telling this sensitive story. During one episode, he empathizes with the followers of Heaven’s Gate sharing his experience with an organization he was once a part of. The narrator is so endearing, I could listen to him talk about paint chipping off a wall. Want more!!!!!!!
  • MinnesotanPodcaster
    Difficult to Stay Interested Towards End
    Great story. Drawn out. Unfortunately, another podcast when the host interjects themselves way to much into the story. These stories should be shared as bonus episodes, and in this podcast the stories of the listeners would be a great bonus, not smack dab in the middle of the episodes (episode 4 was completely out of place and unnecessary).
  • FrancoBidd
    Gimmicky narration
    Couldn’t get through even the first episode because of the really over-theatrical, overbearing, distracting narration. Just give us the facts, and allow the story to speak for itself. This isn’t about you, it’s about the folks you’re reporting on.
  • wotmi
    Very good, but...
    There are some really great interviews and insights in this series. You also get to hear the Heaven’s Gate leaders speak on rare recordings. However, there are a few elements that are really distracting for me. All the radio play-type sound effects have got to go. You told us they woke up early. I don’t need to hear an alarm clock. You told us they drove around a lot. I don’t need to hear a car horn. A lot of the background music was distracting as well. It’s a fascinating topic. Let the content speak for itself.
  • WileyGeeshie
    This is fantastic storytelling. Glynn Washington is an incredible host.
  • Mememememme000
    Thank you
    One if the best storytellers and podcasts on this subject I’ve heard. Excellent stuff.
  • Handleitnow
    Good content
    Glen Washington is the perfect person to host this podcast. Makes it so real. Ty
  • Scrabblerunner
    Mr. Washington at his best
    An excellent storyteller, Glen Washington leads the listener through this story we all thought we knew with his trademark in-depth compassion that helps us understand how something so strange can happen.
  • listeningok
    Love Glynn!
    Was excited to hear Glynn’s voice on another podcast! Can’t wait to start this series!
  • mmmsophisticatedmama
    The same thing that happens to others
    Glynn, I like you. I really do. But, just because you left a religion and lost your religious faith (like so many Catholics I know) doesn’t mean you should belittle Christian faiths. To say that killing yourselves in order to ride a spaceship hiding in a comet is just as plausible as the basis of the Christian faith or one of the huge Jewish faith miracles of old is unfounded. Please be more respectful and leave your personal feelings out of such otherwise great reporting and hosting. That’s why I insubbed from Snap Judgement.
  • ABClemons
    Honest and Empathetic
    I didn’t grow up in a cult, but my experience as an Evangelical during the 90s really makes this resonate. The host is respectful. He’s empathetic. This is “err by the grace of god” territory, and he knows it. It’s well put together, and the story that the narrative tells is gripping.
  • ED DR.
    Insightful podcast
    Glynn Washington does a terrific job narrating this insightful and educational podcast about the dangers and mysticism of cult life. He brings it to a level that is understandable for those of us taken aback by the concept. It reminds us that anyone of us could be affected by this or lose a loved one to it and I think it’s important to be educated so we can watch for the signs in the people we love. Thank you for putting this out.
  • ILoveYouAlready
    Moving. Fascinating. Kind.
    Thank you all for this marvelous podcast. I was gripped from beginning to end; mentally and emotionally. Wow a crazy tale you’ve told, through a balanced and heart-felt lens. And Glen Washington’s personal story of growing up in a cult added a mother layer entirely. Loved it. Thanks!
  • lbeck312
    Really enjoyed it for the most part
    I listened to this in the span of a weekend while running errands and cleaning. Loved the personal stories & interviews from former members and families—really pulls at the heartstrings. I didn’t mind the host’s dramatic style, & was free of the weird ad issues others complained about. I do wish they had gotten into the theology of Heaven’s Gate a bit more, (spaceships & UFOs & Jesus & Do & Ti...that’s really it) because I still feel under-informed on WHAT the group’s actual beliefs are. Additionally, the episode completely devoted to the host’s background growing up in a cult was off-topic, had zero to do with heaven’s gate, and was boring...it honestly felt like I was listening to someone’s venting/ therapy session rather than a Heaven’s Gate podcast. He claims it was due to a lot of listeners asking about his background, but honestly it felt like “let me get this off my chest...” It did have a lot of filler content, but also a lot of quality content, and was worth the weekend listen.
  • Renfrod
    Best host
    Glynn Washington is the best host out there. With his voice and spirit mixed with the high production quality and interesting stories, it makes for an extremely easy and captivating listen
  • Bottleworks
    I learned so much. I started on episode 1 and didn’t stop until I was through them all. Thanks for making this series!
  • BugTrainer
    Empathetic and well produced
    I definitely appreciate Glynn Washington’s approach to the material and the real people’s stories he’s telling. Love his voice as well. Great show
  • emsheree
    Really a great listen.
    What a thought provoking, sensitively yet accurately portrayed insight into Heaven’s Gate. I can’t think of a single thing I didn’t like about this podcast. Thank you for all the hard work that went into this!
  • Jfubdyj
    Powerful, fascinating and profound
    This is a slow burn, but the stories are wrenching and deep and worth sticking with until the end. The host’s empathy, intelligence, and storytelling chops take what could be a sensationalized tale about “wackos” and give us instead a profoundly relatable and thought-provoking deep dive into the human search for meaning and connection in the context of late 20th century America. Recommended.
  • LeonChestnut
    For people interested in Heaven's Gate
    Really great podcast with more information and interviews with those closest to the Heaven's Gate cult members and leaders. Presented in an almost laughable cliche podcast style, but don't let that detract you from its overall content. If you have an interest in the Heaven's Gate cult, do give it a listen.
  • tiny8987
    Hard to Finish
    The story itself is interesting. However I found the host to be over the top. He was narrating the podcast as if he was in the middle of a dramatic play.
  • Anvill777
    Jesus In Space!!!!
    What a great inside look at Heavens Gate. This podcast was an awesome inside look into their lives and beliefs. I definitely recommend listening and sharing.
  • blairbear876
    Glynn, stop trying to relate everything back to your personal life
    Decent podcast, it’s interesting hearing from so many people that were in or adjacent to Heaven’s Gate. However, Glynn has this annoying habit of interjecting his own personal stories (he does it way too much in Spooked too) and no one cares. This is about Heaven’s Gate, not you, Glynn. I always fast forward over his long-winded and dull anecdotes.
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