Opposing Bases: Air Traffic Talk

Leisure #40Aviation #2

RH and AG are two experienced air traffic controllers and pilots that host a weekly show answering listener questions, breaking down complex aviation topics, and relating their experiences to everyday occurrences in the national airspace system. The hosts and guests do not represent the FAA or NATCA and express their own views and opinions.

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Recent Reviews
  • Dirty_bippy05
    Penguins as soon as practicable
    Whether it’s mowing the lawn, at work, or on a long drive, these penguin dealers are in my ear. And the product they produce each week is unmatched. From managing to sound like they’re in the same room to providing potentially lifesaving advice (like to not fly 1000 feet over a bravo, which I have totally not done), this show keeps me coming back every week, and listening through the nearly endless backlog of shows. The hosts and the aviation community they have built around it are unmatched. After two years of listening, they have inspired me to go back to school for ATC this fall, meaning this show is quite literally life changing. They have rightfully earned 5 stars.
  • B. Straughn
    Awesome Mix Of Education and Entertainment
    Unfortunately nobody told me about these NAS holes until after my IR checkride, but they're still teaching me new tricks I use almost every time I fly. For example, to save time, I used to key the mic before switching frequencies to contact the next controller, but I now know it's preferable to wait a few seconds before going into my TED talk. The show is great and I use it in lieu of a cat. Give it a listen and enjoy! -Bravo Sierra
  • culver props
    5 stars only
    I send this podcast to all my aviation acquaintances, if they reply “I love that podcast”, then I know we can be friends. If they give it a less than 5 star review, well, it was nice knowing them. It is my aviation friend test, 5 stars only.
  • CharlieBravo10£
    A Service to Aviation
    Welcome to a wonderful world of air traffic controllers telling pilots what we as pilots are doing wrong. It is a very informative show that also manages to be amusing but, not in a forced way. This is also a show that is full of monosyllabic words as the hosts do not know what a thesaurus is. They are however a very important part of a healthy aviation diet. I started listening when I was a student pilot and didn’t understand everything that they said. Now I am a CFI, CFII, and MEI and still don’t understand everything but will go and look it up. No longer being involved in flight training every day this show is a great way to keep your aeronautical knowledge and thinking up to date.
  • Crofrog
    Say no to Kilo
    By listening to this podcast I’ve learned extremely important things that you can not learn any where else for instance: Birds live near the planet earth, the dangers of unlit towers that are 8 miles from the airport at 200ft, and how to handle a code brown emergency in a helicopter under NVGs. I continue, this show is funny and light hearted 90% of the time, but 10% of the time AG’s voice changes and you can tell a very serious subject is about to be discussed and it’s time to listen up, some of the conversations on flight into icing, the dangers of fatigue, wake turbulence, and the close calls that they’ve shared have made me a safer pilot, and the last 2 episodes on mental health are boosting a much needed converstation. -CS
  • Cierra alpha
    Pilot zoo
    This podcast is truly wonderful, I am a fairly listener and a couple episodes I had my self giggling and wondering what in the world are penguins. Then that got me thinking if AG and RH are handing these free pure breed penguins to us then that must mean us pilots are zoo’s. Then that means that y’all are pushing the lesser pure penguins off the iceburg for other clueless pilot to pick up and be brashered for it. This a truly amazing podcast with nuggets of information that you can apply and impress all of the other penguins. #penguinlivesmatter #PLM
  • Hot garbage 2.9
    They aren’t Car Talk.
    You will often hear AG and RH compared to the guys on car talk. This isn’t true, as there can only be one grandaddy of podcasts, click and clack the tappit brothers. However, he continues…. AG and RH are a tremendous resource for any user of the NAS, from student pilots to airline captains, the information they disseminate is useful to all. My humble suggestion is to listen to about 50-100 episodes, then go back to number one and start there. So you find out about life before the TERPs elf, how SGACs are made, (or are they born?) and a host of things that AG and RH have said “yeah we talked about that on episode 143”. Or the all important reminder that “Tower has to take what approach feeds them, even if it’s hot garbage.” I can’t wait to find out when the CA segment becomes a deal.
  • Gonzo100010101
    Tremendously helpful
    A.G. (Which I assume stands for Army Guy) and R.H. (Really Handsome?) have been instrumental in my mid-life journey from non-aviator to commercial pilot. Their insights into the system have made me confident flying and talking to ATC in the complex DC airspace. Actual conversation when my 9 year-old got in the car while Opposing Bases was playing: “Daddy, I thought you always listen to podcasts at double speed.” “I do.” “Why aren’t you listening to this one at double speed?” “It is at double speed.” “No it isn’t. “ [plays at x1 speed] (Lots of laughing) I always look forward to the next episode and I hope you find as much value in the show as I have.
  • Flyingparks
    The Best Pilot Podcast
    For me this is the best one of them. It’s entertaining, funny, and most importantly educational. I am a recently minted commercial pilot and I use knowledge from this podcast every week. The guys are hilarious which makes the hour and half go buy too fast.
  • TXPilot69
    How Nice
    If you’ve ever found yourself wondering what goes on in the mysterious realm of air traffic control or simply have a penchant for aviation banter, "Opposing Bases" is the podcast you never knew you needed. RH and AG, our gallant guides through the labyrinth of the skies, deliver an auditory feast that is both enlightening and hilariously entertaining. Imagine having a front-row seat to a comedy show where the punchlines are wrapped in aviation jargon and the occasional penguin metaphor - it's an absolute delight for both avgeeks and curious novices alike. Every episode is a masterclass in turning complex aviation topics into easily digestible and often laugh-out-loud funny content. Whether they're delving deep into the 7110 or discussing the finer points of single-pilot instrument flight, RH and AG manage to keep you hanging on their every word. Their witty repartee and seamless chemistry make you feel like you're part of an exclusive club of aviation insiders, even if your closest experience with flying is a paper airplane. Trust me, by the end of each episode, you'll be tossing around terms like "Pro Pilot Move" and "Bad Bad Bad" like a pro, in robot voices if you choose, all while chuckling at their hilarious anecdotes and spot-on impressions. But perhaps the true magic of "Opposing Bases" lies in its community-centered content. The hosts’ interactions with listeners make the show feel personal and interactive. They take listener questions and feedback to heart, creating episodes that are as informative as they are responsive to their audience's needs. So, if you’re looking to expand your iceberg with some high-flying penguin knowledge or simply need a good laugh, this podcast is your go-to. Clear skies and radar contact await! <insert wrong sound effect> #MustGoFaster Patreon Tango Whiskey
  • golls17
    The Podcast of Your Dreams
    Last night, I had a dream that AG and RH came to my home airport to record the latest episode of Opposing Bases. After finishing the show, RH left for his airline job but AG wandered over to the hangar to see my new plane. AG climbed up on the wing, settled into the pilot seat, and began to violently bounce up and down like a sugared up kid riding a coin operated horse at the grocery store, because that’s how you check the structural integrity of a Chinook. After spewing hydraulic fluid all over the hangar floor and slamming the struts down to the stops, AG exited the dilapidated plane, gave a nod of approval, and walked away satisfied that it had good bones. I don’t know what the dream meant, but rest assured this podcast is as educational as my dream was confusing and as entertaining as my plane was thrashed. I now know I’ll never go to an OB fly in solely to keep AG as far away from my plane as possible. -Patron The Badger Pilot
  • Delta Golf Lima
    It really is that good
    For pilots who love the skies, gone are the days of wondering “who was that masked man (or woman) uttering ‘radar contact’ to me?” “What must the dark cave that they live in look like?” “How do they know where I am?” “Are they really as sultry as they sound?” These fine podcast hosts manage to drop knowledge, answer questions (called “timely feedback”), debunk myths, and more, all while regaling listeners with laughter, wit, and friendly banter between 2 guys who have a unique understanding of both sides of the radio. If you are a patron, you can even see their faces. (Which they claim to be a benefit.) The one word that best describes this podcast for me is: enlightening. So many penguins have vacated my iceberg for good, making way for penguins of a finer breed. Thanks RH and AG.
  • JRxc183
    Fantastic aviation podcast!
    I’m an A&P (aka knuckle dragging grease monkey mechanic that aircraft owners absolutely despise) and also a private pilot working on an instrument rating. Having spent 20 years and counting in general aviation, I’ve had an unusual benefit of having CFI’s as coworkers. Although handy for random questions, still nothing compared to the wealth of knowledge and situations that are covered here. ATC has always been a bit of a mystery, and study material lacks real world pilot-controller interactions, hearing the host’s explanations of what’s going on their side of the mic has been tremendously helpful. Fantastic podcast! Keep up the good work!! Juliet Romeo
  • TheHallowed1
    Opposing Bases the Movie
    If you are like me and are an avid aviation enjoyer and avgeek, then this is the show for you. Not only is opposing bases a great source of iceberg-expanding knowledge and experience from fellow penguins, but the show host have a great comedy routine that they perform weekly. It almost makes me wonder what the show would look like is AG and RH decided to become the directors of their own movie, allow me to help kickstart their creative juices. The movie would obviously be a musical, and feature many dancing penguins like in the movie “Happy Feet.” This could in essence be the trequel. I’ll see the scene for them: We start in the magical land of Iceburgia, a place where the majority of ice-mass is taken up by the penguin governed Triad airport. When a penguin travels to this airport they will be greeted by RH, who bestows the gift of magical fairy dust to the penguins who wish to see the world from above. When they get to their gate they would proceed out to the runway and be handed their bags by Santa’s elves, where they would thank the Sky Gods for the gift of flight, activating their magical flying powers. To begin their flight they will initiate a psychic connection with AG whose domain is upon a 10 story pillar of ice where he stands honking at the penguins who don’t listen to him after being asked nicely. After receiving their psychic connection they are cleared for takeoff and can go on their journey. In all seriousness this show is fantastic, and appropriate for all ages. Great show guys, keep up the amazing content that I currently receive for free.
  • jonlow6991
    My Wife Has a Bone to Pick with You
    First of all, I love the show. So much so that hosts AG and RH literally inspired a career change and I’m now a controller at a Class D south of the Mile High Bravo. Without exaggeration, this show changed my life. I love getting the perspective of controllers and pilots from across the world and hearing about experiences that I might eventually be able to apply to my own work. The aviation industry is already cool, but this show makes it cooler and it is - as much as any NAVAID, control tower, or pilot - an integral part of the NAS. Conversely, my wife blames the hosts for uprooting our lives in Southern California and forcing her to trade warmth for snow for a while (she’s actually incredibly supportive of the big change, just wishes it was warmer). She’s at least looking for help with the moving costs. It only seems fair. To any potential listener, do yourself a favor and give an hour a week to these guys. It’s definitely time well spent.
  • Whiskey Juliet Sierra
    A Plethora of Penguins
    I’m just an avgeek, not a pilot or controller. Listening to OB has added so many penguins to the iceberg and I hope someday I can actually utilize them!
  • Acerodney
    I slogged through three episodes, and while there are nuggets of solid info to be mined, one must suffer the haughty, disdainful tone of the hosts (not unlike the controllers you dread getting on the other end of the radio), the inside banter they do that reeks of SNL’s “Nick Burns, Your Company’s Computer Guy”, and their snoozy, punchless delivery style. To be fair, there IS worthwhile content to extract from this podcast — the hosts are uniquely experienced as both controllers AND professional pilots, after all — but I simply couldn’t get past their snarky, rambling presentation style to want to keep this particular podcast in my aviation-listening arsenal.
  • Whiskey Echo Romeo
    The Rosetta Stone of the National Aerospace System
    Opposing Bases, where the cool kids are nerds and there are cancellation cookies for everyone. 5 penguins. I mean- 5 stars. When I first heard about Opposing Bases, I thought that it was for all the cool-kid airline pilots and part 135 guys, not something geared toward a lowly middle-aged private pilot student. I didn’t jump in to listening to the podcast until I started working on my Instrument rating, and boy am I sorry I waited. Right from the get-go I was smiling and nodding, gaining comprehension of all kinds of IFR procedural knowledge, and excited to have found such an awesome resource full of humor and flying facts (and manual transmission facts, and bathroom remodeling facts, and things about someone named Talkative Timmy, and what getting Brashered means). This podcast has increased my understanding about Instrument flying and improved the quality of my Instrument training by giving me confidence in comminucating with ATC. Imagine my delight when I learned there were also penguins involved. (I have loved the silly flightless waterfowl since I was a kid, and may or may not have once tried to steal a penguin from Sea World when I was 12 years old, but I digress…) If you want to joyfully immerse yourself in understanding what it really means to operate in the National Aerospace System from both sides of the mic, give this podcast a listen. It’s better than watching a bunch of Italian movies with subtitles and coming away feeling like you know how to speak Italian. Because you will realize that you do understand the secret language of aviation, you’ve been speaking it all along but now you have a stronger frame of reference. It’s like Rosetta Stone, but for communicating in the NAS. You can feel confident that even if you do go out, key up, and transmit a bowl of word salad, the guys in the tower are on your team and want you to have a successful flight. You’re not alone, or an annoyance, (though possibly a puzzling amusement) they DO want to talk to you. They are just people after all, even if they are also omniscient, all-powerful sky gods. And they have cookies. Please do not tell the FAA about the penguin stealing incident, I was only 12, I put the bird back (he smelled) and I was never caught, nor any charges pressed. Sincerely, Whiskey Romeo, from the Tiny Two Trees Airpark, near the Intel Nike Delta, near the Keepin’ It Weird with a Bird on It Charlie.
  • Sam Rated
    Best aviation show
    Do you like planes? Do you fly planes? Have you ever listened to air traffic control? Have you ever used the services of air traffic control? Do you have hundreds of hours to burn listening to a podcast? Do you love ATC? Woah!!!! maybe I’m getting carried away with that last one 😉, but if you answered yes to any of the rest of these questions, you need to listen to Opposing Bases. You’ll fill your iceberg with flying penguins (ok, maybe I’m stretching this analogy?); you’ll be a better user of the NAS; you’ll laugh; you’ll cry (errr, well, maybe); and you’ll definitely end up going all the way back to the beginning, ignoring RH’s peas that you not, and you’ll listen to every last minute of the ABSOLUTE BEST podcast ever made. Signed, SKF. Hopefully a future patron.
  • Pap Abravo
    FIFE STARs….? No…. Five STARS!!
    I’m celebrating 350 days of aviation sobriety with the Opposing Bases podcast! Hi…. I’m Pap Abravo & I was addicted to ignorance (pausing while the group replies “Hiiiii Pap!”)… I first obtained a pilot certificate around the turn of the century (this century, not last century). Like many others, I was addicted to (and often intoxicated by) my own ignorance & didn’t know it…. After years of flying occasionally, and without much thought to my lack of knowledge, a friend (we’ll call him Romeo Mike) asked me if I’d heard of the Opposing Bases Podcast. Sighing to myself, I gave a half-hearted reply “ummm, I don’t think I have.” With a sense of denial, I thought to myself “I don’t have time for another podcast in my life, but that nagging feeling that I should follow the advice of a trusted friend & fellow aviator persisted……. So, I took a chance & listened to an episode. Immediately, something like scales fell from my eyes… My ears were opened & my awareness awakened! Colors seemed brighter & more brilliant! Sounds were crisp & clear! Fragrances filled the atmosphere!!! What was happening to me!? I began to see, hear & feel things pertaining to aviation that I had never observed!!! It was ignorance leaving my body! I was being HEALED!! My iceberg began to build at a dramatic rate, and penguins started to populate the previously nonexistent and unoccupied spaces! I owe a debt gratitude to my sponsors, Mr. Hotel & Mr. Phagolf (in meetings we refer to them as RH & AG). These two are bastions of aviation!!! A dynamic duo of the NAS, they use humor, intuition, knowledge, practical experience & something called the Sven Dee Jaun Tin (or maybe it’s 7110…?) to eradicate the toxins of ignorance, and bolster their listeners census of spheniscidaes (flightless aquatic birds)! With my new found insight, I have even been able to sponsor another fellow aviator (DZ)!!! So, whether you’re a flyer or not…, If you’re not sure whether you TOO, are afflicted by ignorance, come on in & behold a life change! And, possibly even a life-SAVING experience! Don’t be fearful! We change our identities (Pap is not my real name)…. We use our initials, so no one will know who we really are! You’ll hear about EFB’s and FMS’s… LPV’s and ILS’s…. No one will be “with you”…. We don’t use “fish finders” or the letter “K”…. And, we all have the obvious awareness that birds exist “on and in the vicinity of planet Earth”, so there’s no need to say it…. You’ll quickly be put to ease in this community. You’ll be recovering while not even knowing you were sick! This informative podcast is filled with details presented in a thoughtful & engaging way, that hijack the listener’s interest (be sure to squak 7500). Regardless of your skill or experience level, regardless of your depth of interest in aviation, these guys will capture your attention more efficiently than the localizer! You’ll find yourself reprioritizing your day to catch the latest musings. To AG & RH…. A sincere thank you for an incredible source of weekly education! Sincerely, SGAC Patron PB P.S. Want to know what an SGAC is….? You’ll have to listen.
  • Fliteam
    If you *like* aviation then turn to someone else
    This show is for the pilots done in a way that any die hard aviation geek can enjoy. They have somehow taken the absurd world of abbreviations and acronyms and made it even more enjoyably absurd. RH and AG are wildly amusing, brutally hilarious, and you will get the zoomies as you prepare to jump into your bug smashers, fast movers, or screensavers. If you dream of growing wings, being an airborne DJ or wowing your friends with useless information about the NAS then this is a show for you. -Patron GNR-
  • Proctor12
    Pilots and Penguins
    Did you know penguins mate for life? Neither did I! Until I started looking up fun penguin facts to write a review about an aviation podcast……. shortly followed by an in depth evaluation of my life and what lead me to this point. Hosts AG and RH’s crooning, robotic voices deliver in-depth and important aviation knowledge on a weekly basis that makes everyone safer, more knowledgeable pilots. The hosts’ humor is perfectly paced and keeps some of the less enthralling topics from being coma inducing. The information I gleaned from the podcast was invaluable to my instrument rating, made me more comfortable talking to controllers for my private, and has helped me have a much greater understanding of the NAS overall for commercial onward. Wether you are a 0 time student pilot or 20,000 hour airline pilot, you have something to gain by giving this podcast a listen. Thank you AG and RH for being assets to the aviation community. Your contributions are appreciated more than you know. Patron JP
  • Juliet Kilo...
    Prepare to get hooked…
    I waited way too long before I started listening to this podcast and like many others, wish I had found out about it sooner. I know it certainly would have been a huge asset during my Instrument training in 2022, but can guarantee I will take full advantage of it while working on future certificates & ratings. Many CFI and CFII listeners have noted they will be integrating this show as required listening, and I can certainly see why. The only benefit which getting a late start has provided is having a large catalog of unplayed episodes to binge during the week while also keeping current with the weekly releases. The interactive nature of the show is one of several aspects that make it so great, and have gotten to hear many questions answered that I didn't even know I had. You will subconsciously start to pick up vocabulary not usually taught in a standard flight training curriculum, but will undoubtedly be helpful in understanding the other side of the mic. One of my favorite episodes to date has been "OB 275: Ice Cold Vectors" where the mechanics of how Vectors to Final for an ILS approach are discussed, limitations on the controller side, as well as terminology such as "Approach Gates" introduced that were not taught during flight training (nevertheless great to know for a more thorough understanding of the NAS). I'll step back and get my Round Up though before I get too into the weeds…Still working backwards from OB 246. Thanks both for all you do, and keep up the great work. Huge fan of the show. Patron JK based at TTA
  • Zippie12
    Opposing Bases
    Hey dad From: Zippy
  • ezrsf
    Come fly the penguin skies
    Because AG and RH read these reviews aloud on their show, I'm going to make them work for this 5 star rating by including a selection of difficult words for them to stumble over: Onomatopoeia Sesquipedalian Schadenfreude Anathema Ignominious All jokes aside, I have learned so much from this show, and these guys have been at my side (or at least in my ears) as I worked my way through my private pilot and instrument ratings. Thank you so much for the laughs, groans, and eye rolls over the years, and looking forward to the next 300 episodes! RT, from underneath the sourdough bravo
  • Zam_Gordell
    Nothing but the Best
    I was convinced I didn’t like podcasts… until I gave Opposing Bases a listen. Hosts RH and AG manage to strike the perfect blend of education, humor, and the occasional soap-box tirade, taking the often sleep-inducing lessons found in the endless books of rules and regulations and transforming them into the highlights of my week. As a private pilot working on my instrument rating, OB has helped me become a substantially more competent, safe, and confident pilot. They give invaluable insight into what’s happening on the other side of the mic, and always manage to teach me things about myself I never knew, such as the lives and habits of the “penguins” in my brain… I implore you to support them in whatever way you can, through your listenership and Patronage, so we can keep this show running and ourselves learning from our gracious hosts’ experiences and perspectives. With many thanks, Patron SDC from heart of the Big Apple Bravo
  • atimetofly
    Confessions of a serial moocher
    Please forgive me aviation fathers for I have sinned. I have enjoyed opposing bases for well over a year now I've yet to become a Patreon. I have said 50 hail FAR's and paid my Pentance via PayPal. This show hands down in the best /aka most entertaining aka informative aviation show in the podcast space. I am slowly (at least 2 episodes a day) working my way through the catalog. I have gained valuable knowledge through listening to the podcast and am no longer intimidated to ask/ question ATC. The hosts have brought a common sense approach to the faa regulations and a peek behind the curtains in the mythical world of triad. which I'm guessing, is nestled between Narnia and the lost city of Atlas. Thank you again for the informative podcast. AT
  • Jetmandan
    Just Awesome
    I’ve been listening to the OB podcast for better than two years now. I’m an aviation business owner and ATP that does regular contract work. I learned about OB from another pilot when at recurrent training. The hosts are knowledgeable and entertaining. I am constantly picking up new information and the podcast makes my airport commute fly by. If you’re looking for the best aviation podcast available right now, you’ve found it!
  • ImprezLover
    Hilariously Informative
    Embark on a whimsical journey through the mythical Triad where tower dwellers launch short term memory penguins at humans in the sky in an effort to keep airplanes from touching. On this journey, you will meet an elf who translates an ancient language spoken by overloads who constructed the airspace we are so privileged to enjoy. After listening to this podcast, I was able to pass an instrument check ride with ease in just 2 1/2 months and cannot thank RH and AG enough for their contributions to my iceberg. -AB from the forever crosswind delta, under the mile high bravo
  • Oznola38
    It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a Penguin?
    Patron JAC from the untowered colorful pole airport just outside (but under the TRSA) of the soaring capital of America delta. I came across this podcast in December of 2022 as a low time student and have been listening ever since. The docile tones of AG and RH will quickly draw you in for more; somehow they hypnotized me into removing most of my other podcast subscriptions. Based on the early episodes I listened to, starting around 257, I was led to believe Penguins played an integral role in this Podcast from the beginning, I was bamboozled. I ignored their advice and decided to start back at episode 1 in the hunt for the genesis of the Penguins. In the hunt I crammed so many penguins on the iceberg that the “genesis of ice water chickens” penguin had slipped off the berg and was flailing in the icy water for its life (he had been on the berg so long he must have forgotten how to swim - or fly - they are technically birds, right?). I was suddenly alert when I heard AG mention penguins falling of his iceberg in episode 92. But that was it - no elaboration, no comment by RH, nothing. I was sure the next episode would have a question or feedback about the penguins… but alas, nothing. It was not until episode 198 that the Penguins reappeared on the show and we got a full explanation from AG. A few notes: -I don’t understand how anyone can listen in 1.5 speed. I also don’t want to rush running out of episodes to listen to -I don’t think I can go back to listening to the radio during my commute. -The early patron horn was, well… let's just say that was the awkward teenage years. My wife overheard the horn go off several times in quick succession and immediately asked me “what the PENGUIN are you listening to?” (Highlight in BLUE? too late AG read this anyhow… Substitute penguin for any colorful word of your choosing). -When watching a live you will be too distracted by the chat room and BINGO to actually comprehend anything they are talking about. -I recommend watching a video of AG and RH before forming a picture of them in your head based only on their voices…. They will be significantly younger and thinner than what you picture. In all seriousness this show has been great. It has taught me a lot, helped me improve my radio communications and not be afraid of the radio, and kept me thinking about aviation during several months long flying lapses. Keep up the great work and I hope to meet you both someday.
  • Flying Scott
    Seriously Helpful
    I don’t subscribe to podcasts, I don’t do Patreon, I’m a casual listener to many shows… EXCEPT Opposing Bases. I both subscribe and pay for this show because it’s that good and important to me. If you are serious about flying (and you should be if you are purposely leaving the surface of the earth), this is a fantastic listen every week. It’s a shame that the first couple hundred hours of my flying was shrouded in mystery regarding ATC as I had not discovered this show. The next couple hundred hours were so much better having them on board, practicing what they teach. I do consider them pseudo instructors, maybe virtual mentors is better. In any event, they are the only show I have ever felt compelled to electively pay because the value is that good.
  • gfd212
    An invaluable resource for the weekend warrior student
    Gentlemen, I’m a near-checkride student pilot based at a Delta airport under the western shelves of the Big Apple Bravo. Once the proverbial “stick-wiggling” phase of my training gave way to mainly procedures, regulations, navigation and communication, I noticed that much like learning a language, there is no substitute for immersion. Since I can only fly at most a couple of days a week, OB has been an invaluable way for me to keep living in aviation world, hearing the locals speak the dialect, even when family and work demand my return to earth. It’s smoothed my training immensely, and helped my interaction with ATC. For both simple things like “what on earth is a ‘local’ controller” or more, shall we say, empathetic ones like “why am I still hurtling downwind in the pattern and about to run into this hill? I wonder if this trainee controller has forgotten I’m here”, OB has been terrific. Thanks for the podcast and all the best for the new year. I look forward to reporting my successful checkride very soon. -GFHD
  • Patron Tango Kilo
    A must listen
    I am a non-pilot aviation afficionado who learned of Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk from another long-established aviation podcast. The two hosts, seasoned air traffic controllers and commercial pilots, bring the perfect balance of wit and wisdom to the show. Ignoring the fact that they have funny names ( who names their kids Alpha Golf and Romeo Hotel?), these guys provide a cornucopia of information to pilots of all experience levels and non-pilot av geeks like myself. Whilst I wouldn’t endorse them as vocabulary tutors, their knowledge of, and contribution to, the National Air Space is invaluable. They end every show with some with a discussion of how to keep your junk free off gunk and funk using your sack or something like that. Listen and you’ll figure it our. Five stars, keep up the great work.
  • Anolar
    5 stars, naturally.
    I have been listening to Opposing Bases since the beginning (at 1x speed) and can say that it is the most informative and entertaining podcast you’ll find in the National Airspace System. OB’s hosts, codenamed AG and RH, answer our questions about Air Traffic Control, flying, procedures, incidents, confusing situations, and more. You name a subject in aviation, you can either find an episode where it was discussed or ask yourself! Be the change you want to see in the world! Some suggestions on where to start: - Episode 1. RH will tell you to start later than this because of some audio reasons that he’s already fixed. So why not get a chuckle as our hosts say they can cover all of air traffic in 10 episodes while you watch the Penguin Saga unfold from the beginning. Priceless. - Obstacle Departures (Two Bonus Episodes near OB160) Even if you don’t fly in the mountains or aren’t an instrument pilot (try both, it’s fun!), the breakdown into these sometimes complicated procedures is great knowledge to have. - Lost Comms (OB278) A scenario based (the FAA loves those) dive into lost communications in IMC conditions. I won’t spoil it, you’ll have to listen for yourself. A quick plug for Patreon and the live chat room too. The live show is a fantastic time where we occasionally play a game that I can’t name or the Rules Committee will yell at me.
  • Patron Romeo Victor
    A must listen 5 stars
    Your instructor, pilot examiner, favorite comedian, neighbor, spouse or cat don’t hold a candle to this podcast’s ability to translate the endless books of aviation regulation to practical application. The humble hosts go out of their way not to sensationalize events. OB has attracted a thoughtful and good natured group of listeners that provide profound insight into the interworking of the aviation world. Prepare to laugh and learn. Leave your pretense at the door and start listening today – you won’t be sorry.
  • romeomikelima
    Unable to deny your request for a 5 star review!
    Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedules to make this much needed podcast!! I left the regional airlines in 2012 to change sides of the radar scope as a center controller and it didn't take long to realize there was a large disconnect about what goes happens on both sides of the radar. This podcast is exactly what is needed to bridge that disconnect! RH and AG do an excellent job at explaining what goes on in the background in the atc world through real world examples sent in by listeners. Each episode is full of valuable knowledge and every listener should be able to walk away from having learned something, no matter if you have 10 hours or 10,000. Even though they like to poke fun at us center guys (no offense taken 🤣) they are a huge asset to aviation safety and I wish this podcast had been around when I started my flight training over 20 years ago! Congrats on over 300 episodes!
  • SKS man
    This is definitely my new favorite podcast.
    As a student pilot, I am always looking for aviation podcasts to listen to, whether that be the a PG show, or the squawk ident podcast cast this one is definitely my favorite. I very much enjoy that the information even from the first episode is still relevant today. (Unless there is a rule change) this podcast is funny, and very informative. Even if you are not a pilot, this is something that will make your day a lot more enjoyable, and grow your knowledge in the NAS. Also for some reason people are penguins… or penguins are people… I haven’t quite figured it out yet. stay safe. SJS
  • MikeJulietBravo
    License to Learn (with The Best!)
    Two years ago when I earned my Private Pilot Certificate, I thought I was being given a license to fly. As my DPE signed the certificate and handed it to me, though, he told me that I was now in possession of a “license to learn.” In that moment I didn’t fully comprehend how right he was! All it took to convince me was starting IFR training a few months later, and thankfully that was about the time I discovered this brilliant podcast! The hosts, RH and AG, both controllers and pilots themselves, make this ongoing learning both practical and enjoyable! Every week they skillfully peel back the many layers of complexity of the NAS, helping pilots of every stripe more fully understand how all the pieces fit together and making us better, safer participants in the use of our nation’s airspace in the process. The best part? We get to laugh along with the hosts and become part of a community they’ve built called Opposing Bases as they invite and respond to questions and feedback from all of us. This podcast should be listed in the FAR/AIM as required listening to maintain currency and competence for all pilots and controllers! Who knew it could be this fun?!? Give it a try… we’ll ALL be better for it! — Mike Juliet Bravo
  • iPhoneworldtravguy
    Insight’s from ATC Controllers (turns out they are human!)
    How many careers can RH and AG juggle? I've lost count after their... third, fourth endeavor? On the funnier side of things, I'm convinced they're playing a voice-swap prank on us; it feels like they've sneakily exchanged vocal cords. But jokes aside, I've absorbed so much wisdom from these two. Thanks to them, I'm now a slightly above-average pilot soaring over LaLa land, expertly executing DME arcs and transitioning from a VOR approach to an ILS landing in IMC conditions, all without ruffling SoCal approach's feathers more than once a day. Crushing it! So, tune in, kick back, and prepare for a few laughs while learning something on every episode (maybe). 👍🏻
  • Findford
    Problem: A Lot of New Penguins on a Small Iceberg
    As a relatively new pilot and current instrument student, I have gotten so much from the wisdom (and good humor) of hosts AG and RH. Using their metaphor of penguin brain cells exiting iceberg gray matter, I think my sadly small-and-shrinking iceberg has seen a penguin population explosion from the podcast’s great insights (from controllers and pilots alike) into the plumbing of the NAS. It seems that controllers are people, too! Whether a newbie or a grizzled veteran of the skies, you will benefit greatly from listening to this podcast. And you’ll have fun while learning. Delta Romeo Foxtrot
  • Delta Juliet Sierra
    The Most Expensive Free Thing on the Internet
    I stopped flying GA in 1985 but never lost the bug. In 2018 I discovered this podcast and became a regular listener. One day I realized that all my non-flying penguins had left the iceberg--replaced with ones that could fly, and I began to wonder if I could do the same. Two years ago I got current, and a few days ago passed my instrument checkride. This podcast is *the* place to learn because these guys have the perspective of both controller and pilot. So if you're flying curious, whether as a hobby, profession, or passenger, this podcast should be at the absolute top of your list. Take a listen but be prepared to want to go to the airport and start flying, and then over to Patreon to support these guys. It's the best deal out there.
  • Steve Garrity
    Must comply with 14 CFR 91.123
    I’m a pilot (little known provision of the Federal Aviation Regulations, all pilots are required to inform people around them within 30 seconds of their status as a pilot … is it the same for controllers?), and I’ve been listening to Opposing Bases for a few months now, mostly in the hope that my pilot friends will think I’m extra cool, and also for the laughs and the inside baseball (inside TRACON?) stories. However I have been troubled by my non-compliance with one particular part of the FARs, namely 14 CFR 91.123, which states that pilots (did I mention I’m a pilot?) must always comply with the instructions of wand-waving air traffic controllers, who in this case make it clear on every episode that all listeners must submit a written report of their five-star rating. So, after filing an ASRS to obtain forgiveness from the FAA, I am finally submitting my five star review. In all seriousness, cannot say enough good things about AG & RH’s musings on this podcast. There’s something to learn for every level of aviation enthusiast, they weave in enough humor to keep it entertaining and not dry, and maybe most importantly, they clearly have a good time putting it together. Keep it up guys, we love ATC.
  • TerriGriff
    My happy place while training for my Instrument Flight Rules rating
    Smiling as I think back to the first few episodes I listened to. It was January 2022 and I didn’t understand the intro, why they were talking about their kid’s art projects (no glitter in the house is a good rule), or just how far I would fall into this amazing show…. RH and AG are both pilots and Air Traffic Controllers. They have general aviation, military, helicopter, little fixed wing, and big jet airliner experience from flight instruction through training newbie air traffic controllers. They are also humans. Their expertise and humanity were the reason I’d switch from formal IFR training audio to this podcast when the going got tough. I finished my IFR rating this summer and am almost through working through the back catalog of this amazing show. Start with the most current, but know that you’ll be heading back to episode 1 in no time, looking for an excuse to take an hour walk or a long drive.
  • Kilo Alpha Alpha
    Checks ALL the boxes!
    The requirements for an awesome podcast: 1. Information MUST be presented in a memorable and entertaining way. 2. The hosts MUST NOT be so full of themselves that they think they are the point of the show. 3. The hosts TOGETHER must have an honest and genuine chemistry that draws the listener in and leads him or her to listen that much more closely. Oppositing Bases easily checks all three of these boxes. Pilots, from students to ATP's are guaranteed to find something in each episode that makes them a better and safer aviator (or double your money back). As far as hosts RH and AG are concerned: Each of them is a total ROCK STAR, but has no idea that he is, which is so refreshing in today's "influencer," "look-at-me, social media wasteland. Together, they care so much about their listeners that they always tell us the truth, but are never sarcastic or condescending. And in doing all of this, it is obvious that they are also having a really good time themselves in creating each well-presented episode. Just listen to one example, and my experienced guess is that you will absolutlely love it, and will want more and more Opposing Bases instruction and fun.
  • bkeel
    5 stars all the way!
    By far the most entertaining podcast about aviation and ATC interactions, and is my favorite podcast of all time. I am currently finishing up my private and my brother (IFR rated pilot) turned me on to it and said it is a must listen. AG and RH keep it fresh and give informative and entertaining insights to the mystical world of ATC while demystifying the boogy man in the tower. Keep up the great work and congrats on the 300 episode mark! BK
  • benjh1
    Penguins, Home Repairs, and Planes
    Absolutely fantastic show. You will learn about the strange habits of migrating mind-penguins, AG’s home repairs, and oh yeah air traffic! For anyone with even the slightest bent towards aviation I highly recommend. You will learn so much more about how the National Airspace System (NAS) works than anywhere else. And become a better citizen of the NAS if you apply the concepts discussed. The guys and gals in your headset are there to help, not hurt. While they are certainly not a replacement for a good CFI, RH and AG are a very beneficial supplement. Like fiber in your diet. Or prune juice. Except without the messy side effects. Hit subscribe to be graced by the sultry tones of the Click and Clack of aviation. Keep up the good work guys!
  • Gudder Gammr
    Gonna need a bigger iceberg
    This is my favorite podcast to relax with while squawking 1200 five hundred feet above my closest Bravo’s airspace and between practicing for my Wookie audition on the guard frequency. Five stars, and a Brasher warning for anyone who disagrees! RH and AG have joined the ranks of history’s great duos: Penn and Teller, Siskel and Ebert, Hillary and Norgay, Watson and Crick, Click and Clack, Johnny and June, Bert and Ernie - the list can go longer but I’m trying to keep this review shorter than my airport’s list of NOTAMs for unlit towers. A must listen for pilots who want to be better citizens of the NAS, and for controllers who spend precious ATIS time to inform me that there are birds, yes, BIRDS in the vicinity of the airport. Lima Charlie
  • dead presidenrs ru
    I love your podcast!
  • Confusedninja
    Incredible podcast
    This podcast is amazing. As a very recent CPC at a fairly busy level 6 delta this podcast has helped me keep pushing through. This is my 4th facility, 3rd tower, 1st FAA facility. Wow does FAA training hit different. AG and RH do such a great job speaking to both sides of the pilot/controller relationship. This podcast has helped me transition from my slow east contract life to the FAA life. Thanks for all you do guys.
  • Bravo Hotel Bravo
    Unable……..to give less than 5 star review
    As a (current) student pilot I developed an insatiable craving for aviation content, both informative and entertaining (separate categories). This podcast has ended up being both. I kept hearing references to OB from other pilots and from other aviation media sources and honestly, I procrastinated in listening because frankly, I assumed that it would be a bit over my head as a student, and as a result boring. I tuned into an episode about a month ago and now am totally hooked. As a VFR student, I would say 95% of the subject matter I understand, and the remaining 5% I am glad to have exposure to, to expand the boundaries of my awareness. Within the first week of listening, I changed some simple radio procedures I had been doing, and now am way more confident and willing to speak with ATC. Pilots, controllers and av aficionados of all types will benefit from listening. It is also quite entertaining, although I don’t get the people that listen at faster speeds, I personally find the smooth sound of the robots speaking to be quite delightful. Keep up the great work. Bravo Hotel Bravo
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