
Podcast touching an array of topics leaving you with achiveable marching orders or a "CHECKLIST" . Featuring Discovery channels Heavy D from the hit show Diesel brothers, BIG Marcus Wing, friends and Guests.

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Recent Reviews
  • Travvy Tanninen
    Contact photo
    Why you look so manly and beautiful
  • Jeff Terry 801
    Good job
    I’m proud of you bro. I still remember you guys all having a platinum locker at skills and watching you grow from nothing to what you are! Most important you and Dave have stayed humble… I am sure proud to say I know you guys
  • Oklove25
    Love the pod cast!!
    But why is heavy d a chubby man that looks like he plays video games all day and lives in his moms basement and only eats McDonalds?
  • Roling coal
    Love the Greg Godfrey episode
    Love everything they do
  • Plwalkr
    I only recommend this Podcast if your willing to change your life for the better!
    This podcast has been changing my life with every episode. So many times in my life I’ve been told, good luck, you can’t do it, or the best one of all; I’ve tried that didn’t work don’t waist your time. The Heavy Check list is exactly that! Heavy! But what do you have to lose? Just some of your time and a few bucks if you don’t already have a few things that the guys talk about. I have so much positivity in my life and this has reflected on my marriage and life has been bliss! I’m relatively new in the company I work for and I’ve been working above and beyond to get where I want! Please try this Podcast and you’ll never think of the Diesel Bros. the same again!
  • syago22
    5 stars across the board
    This podcast has absolutely no doubt changed my life, I hardly even recognize myself!!! I couldn’t be more thankful for this podcast because I was definitely headed down for he wrong road.
  • 6 generation farmer
    I love the podcast but I have a question.
    Can I ask why HeavyD’s host picture looks like some chubby middle - eastern dude?
  • Mega_broke
    I’m not a podcast person…BUT
    I’ve been following heavy for quite some time now but really started watching his stuff once he got the YouTube channel up and going. Im a small business owner in my second year in business and wish I had friends like heavy to rub shoulders with, but listening to the podcast helps me stay focused on pushing forward, bettering my business, and bettering myself. Keep it up!
  • Emeraldboy05
    Heavy D is awesome
    Love heavy d because of how motivating he is
  • Getusom
    Heavy D you should meet Jim Stovll he was an Olympic weightlifter, a stock trader, written 30 bestselling books 3-4 have been made into movies, created a TV network, a motivational speaker, reads 3 books everyday and is completely blind. Love the pod cast.
  • backcountry19
    Awesome Podcast.
    Tons of good information and super motivating. These guys are funny and insightful and they bring in people with all kinds of quality experience and information on different topics. Highly recommend. Only complaint is the inconsistency with how often they post new podcasts. Looking forward to more!
  • Blake SSS1
    Love it!!
    Thank you for helping me be and want to be a better person ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • crazylorenzo
    Love it
    I love this pod cast. Made me think a lot about my stress and how I handle it. Have sent this to several people.
  • mxsuave
    I’m glad you guys decided to make another episode of the podcast , I love it
  • Cg trainer Shane
    Meat and potatoes is the Teaser that all podcast should follow.
    I want to save time and the title ( or the guest’s names I do not know ) make me move on to the next one. Keep doing the M&P now I’m going back ep2 to listen to one! Great great show and the drops of God makes it a 100!!
  • Idahomiez
    Best Podcast out there
    Used to not be a fan of podcasts, Heavy Checklist changed that!
  • Bristove22
    I’m addicted!
    My boyfriend and I watch your show and I LOVE it! He told me to check out your podcast and that it would change my life. At first I was skeptical because I was never a podcast listener. BUT, I listen to you guys everyday at work and I am so addicted. Keep it up! I appreciate you taking the time to do this.
  • Noizyboy10
    They have gone down hill
    Update: where is the checklist?! It’s feb 2020 and no update since September 2019. Ive loved these podcasts but they have started to go down hill after the two last ones. Very misleading, like not effort has been put into them.
  • Ryan Reitz
    Real Guys In A World Of Fakes
    This podcast is absolutely worth every minute of time you spend listening. I started listening because I love the TV show and I thought I’d be listening to people talk about diesel trucks all day (what could be better). But instead, I started learning so much about life, family, and personal growth in a way no other celebrity could ever make as relatable as these guys do. They explain how hard they had to grind to get to where they are now and offer some amazing tips and life changes to help the average Joe step out of their comfort zone and start knocking down walls. I used just a few of the inspirational “check list items” they gave in each episode and within a year I have strengthen my relationships, stepped FAR beyond my comfort zone, and made big career moves that have allowed me to start making my small dreams a reality. I can’t wait for the next episode guys!
  • Bobby bones fan
    Must listen
  • Sand tourS
  • ThBusiness315
    Heavy D, and the Crew
    I have and been a not so great person and not so great dad or husband. And I’ve been found somethings to decide to change my life around.! And even tho my situation is not the greatest, I’ve been listing to the podcast and this is my second time around because all the stuff you implement in life is so true.! I look up and have mad respect for all that you guys do. I’ve implemented stuff into my life this go around. Like rocks and an affirmation vids. And going to the gym and eating healthy. Thank you guys for all you say, do and apply to this world one day I will do it be awesome like you guys. Thanks for being a role model to me.!
  • Erik Rrr
    Life changing
    Was referred this podcast by a friend, first off the sounds quality is spot on, no ads. Solid to the point info, with just enough idle chatter to let your brain process the info. Wasn’t sure about it at first but then I was immediately hooked. I love the checklist takeaways at the end and a ton of episodes I can really relate to. I’m in the aviation industry and used to ride moto/quads, so that hit me without knowing it was coming. Making a list everyday so far for 2 weeks has helped me more than you can imagine. I’ve gotten more things done in that time than I have in months. Made some decisions that I’ve been stewing on for years. Keep it up and just do it already. Thanks for everything!
  • RBfee
    Life Changer
    I’m a podcast virgin an after the first episode I was hooked in two days I listened to 10 episodes and still going! I’ve started implementing the checklist and can’t wait to see what difference it makes in my life! Keep up the great work guys, plan on sharing this podcast with everyone I can.
  • biglovebig
    So helpful
    The best thing about listening to this podcast is everything can apply to my life. I am a stay at home mom of 3 kids and I thought I wouldn’t have anything in common or hardly anything that relates with you guys, but it turns out everything that has been discussed is something I can use in mine and my kids lives. I really enjoyed the episode with the muscle talking about confidence. I am able to talk to my kids and help them be confident in the things they are doing. We live in a crazy world and it seems like there is an attack on families and specifically men and I want my boys to know it’s okay to be men. It’s important to be respectful, but it’s okay to be confident in who you are. Thank you!
  • Mayortodd
    By far my favorite podcast! I introduced this podcast to my wife and she loves it also! #winning
  • mailmanlife
    I’ve been struggling with PTSD and depression for about a year now. The first episode I decided to listen to was #11. It was very uplifting and opened my eyes to a lot of things. I’m hooked now. I love hearing about the trucks and all, but the fact that you guys can talk about things that everyone can relate to in everyday life that we tend to look past, that’s awesome. Keep it up guys!
  • generation z farmer
    Flippin awesome
    Guys I love listening to this podcast hearing about trucks and some good laughs along the way keep it up guys
  • Suggerr
    I’ve never listened to a podcast ever before. I happen to be in my husbands truck when he was listening and I was hooked. Over the next 2 days I binged 12 episodes 😳 with my 3 of my boys. They say they weren’t listening, but now my 14 year old follows heavy D on insta! I can’t stop listening. I have such a better outlook on life. My husband and I own our own business and this podcast has created so much momentum for us! Starting with the basics and creating my vision board. Go big or go home!! I love how simple the checklist items are. Makes me feel like I can accomplish some goals. Plus I love having a made bed every day!!
  • Russellwhite87
    New Job!!
    After graduating from Utah State University I've been looking for a job in my chosen field. I currently work in it but I've been wanting to get more pay, more responsibility, learn more. After having a bunch of interview and second interviews I changed the way I've been going about it. After listening to this podcast my life has changed for the better and I have gotten to the point where a new job is finally happening! I owe you guys everything for helping me learn to help myself and feel confident about everything in life... THANK YOU!
  • Jcsingle21
    Need this once a week...where you been?
    Love listening to you guys. Been going through a hard breakup and you guys have guided me in so many new directions. But we miss the weekly shows. You guys need to get back so we have some new content. I listen to you all more than music anymore since music brings memories. COME BACK SOON
  • Solis2791
    Not good
    One of the worst podcasts
  • Beckenholdt
    Great business plan on the giveaways, why can’t you make it a little easier to find out who the winner are? I had typed this before you announced Abel winning! Love the positivity and the tips. I’m giving her hell trying to keep up with these items and it’s definitely helping.
  • Tna8083
    Life changing
    My husband asked me to listen to your podcast at first I just shrugged it off 🙄 but now that I’ve listened to it I listen while I’m working out. I even have other motivational podcasts on my phone. I I have made a vision Bored which I am proud to say that I have knocked off at least three of the things on my vision board so it’s time to work on a new one. I’ve been writing my affirmations so I can record my affirmations the music I choose for my background is the theme song from Rocky. Thank you for motivating me. I am going places in life and I am successful with all that I do.
  • Pod0323
    Amazing podcast with a lot of information
    Very informational podcast with great guys who know what they are doing
  • Brockha
    Not a podcast guy..until now!
    Up until this point, I never found a podcast I enjoyed. When I listens the episode one of Heavy Checklist, I was hooked, I’m talking within just a few minutes. I’ve binged through the series and started to implement these words into my life. I have loved the positive outlook it has given me. After returning bitter from a year deployment this podcast has helped me just keep moving my life in my direction! Give it a listen, you won’t be disappointed.
  • Dmp#84
    Re download!
    I spend a lot of time in the car during my daily commute and for work in general. I have listened to multiple podcasts over the past couple of years and this is the only podcast I have been willing to re download and listen to again. The checklists have given me things to consider, try, and break down my personal comfort zones. Love the TV show and what you guys do. Keep up the good work!!
  • tallred7
    Just regular dudes they work hard and share their failures and successes with you. Great advice, delivered in a digestible and appealing way. Thanks guys!
  • Thad S.
    Knowing the truth behind the theory that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, I cannot stress enough how much I wish I could sit down and have these conversations with these guys every single day. I’ve caught myself actually verbally responding to a question or comment on the show as if I’m a part of the conversation. I started listening and quickly realized these guys are more like myself than I ever imagined. I’m only 8 or 9 episodes in but my jaw drops constantly. There have been many times already I’ve heard an insight that is identical to my own thoughts. Knowing the success of these men, the show has just been one BIG affirmation to me that its perfectly okay to be who I am, where I am. Believing in my own capabilities 100% is a tough thing to hold on to when the people closest to me are constantly telling me to give it up. Virtually surrounding myself with these 4-5 people has in the last 24 hours been more relieving than anything. I’ve stumbled around trying to put my thoughts into words and they translate it perfectly while also providing a lot of new insights that I can honestly use immediately. I had an impression that I needed to leave some form of feedback, there is so much I could say it’s been difficult trying to summarize it. I truly believe in these guys and what they believe.
  • Sammm8495
    I LOVE this show! Every episode they help you improve your life in EVERY aspect! My life has improved so much since listening to them! Cold showers and all!
  • English Ryan
    Expanding my horizons
    Love this pod cast, I listen while I work nights in a front loader in a sand mine, I have listened to episodes multiple times, each time I pick up on a little something I missed the first time. Heavy D and friends have obviously experienced a lot even though they are young because of what they have accomplished in life, they have gotten further than me, so I am open to any kind of new advice, you can learn something new every day
  • westbrookp3
    OMG!! Sooo much good things in this episode. This is right down my alley. I’m motivated to become a mortgage broker. Helping people purchase a home or property!! I’m all over it!!
  • The truth-1
    Trash podcast
  • Cowboy 123456
    I can't even describe how glad I am to have found this podcast. It has made me realize how much more I can do with my life! My favorite podcast so far is definitely the interview with Tanner Godfrey.
  • DeSoto 79
    True inspiration!!
    I have found something in each ep. that has connected with me or is something that i can implement in my life! Thank you for all of the great content!!
  • Brew Hoppy Hoppy Hoppy
    Simply amazing 💪🏻🔥🎯!! Just listened to the first episode and can’t wait to listen to the rest. Thank you for being normal dudes and explaining how you all have become extraordinary men. Being a local Utahan has caused me to connect with what you guys are saying and I love it. Keep up the amazing work!!
  • BigzHooking browns
    Great listen
    This is a awesome listen on my way to work can’t wait to listen to more after listening to this the past few weeks now I’m working these check list items into my daily life and learning a lot and taking a lot of it to heart. Cold showers, phones off when I get up and before bed just an all around great podcast going to get money together and going to do the heavy academy at some point keep them coming and I will keep listening and adding to my checklist everyday
  • Mr. Psychedelic
    Thoughts On Notes
    Hey guys, I love the podcast! The positive healthy message is awesome. I would love to see a list of books you and your team recommend. I just bought “ How to get someone to like you in 90 seconds or less” If I could add some criticism. I do find the sound fillers a bit annoying. The clapping, air horn and booing effects are bit too much. Overall the podcast is amazing keep it up. I love listening while at work. Cheers
  • Brooke Craven
    Awesome Podcast!!
    Dave, Kenny & Marcus, hosts of the HEAVY CHECKLIST podcast, highlights all aspects of business, success and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • kemartha
    My own check list
    Since I’ve been listing to this podcast, I have since starting making my own check lists. I make a weekly one that are just little things and long term ones that are things I want to check off my list that may or may not take longer.
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