Science Rules! with Bill Nye

Science #109

Bill Nye is on a mission to change the world — one voicemail at a time. Bill and science writer Corey S. Powell take your burning questions and put them to the world's leading experts on just about every topic in the universe. Should you stop eating cheeseburgers to combat climate change? Could alien life be swimming inside the moons of Jupiter and Saturn? Does your pet parakeet learn to sing the way that you learned to speak? Bill, Corey, and their special guests will answer those questions and convince you that... science rules!

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Recent Reviews
  • AV Exists
    Bill bill bill bill bill
    Bill Nye the science guy!! Oh man this pod is the best. You know it's a good day when the science teacher doesn't feel like teaching and they put this on. Absolute FIRE 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
  • KTweezy619
    Wish for More
    Forever grateful for this phenomenal podcast with Bill Nye. It definitely kept me informed, interested, and calm through the pandemic. Thank you! I know Space is where your focus is at now, but I do miss the way you explain the world we live in.
  • 14411r
    I’m tough to impress
  • NTJ08
    How’s it feel knowing all the crap you spewed out about Covid was all lies? You’re such a puppet.
  • tophcov
  • tinyMonkey248
    Absolutely love this podcast
    I so grateful i came across this podcast, I can listen to it all day, learn something new every episode. I also think the hosts are very funny, with how they get there topic heard. Keep you the good work
  • So incredibly beautiful shows
    I mean he is the guy
  • tamichawk84
    Wish this would come back
    Live the topics this need to continue
  • Tia Tori
    So great
    This is fabulous and wonderful
  • nmastrom
    Sad to see this great podcast go
    This podcast was always such a wealth of information, hope it comes back!
  • Greg Potter
    Idiot see, idiot do.
  • Toybox712
    Bill Nye is our Guy
    We all or most of us to understand science if we all want to successfully fight climate change and COVID. Like Bill Nye truly said Science rules.
  • me1777
    Bill bye
    Click bait political propaganda
  • chdhfd
    Ok so
    I agree with animallover95
  • mtnFitness
    Great Info in a Fun Way
    Love the podcast, great topics generally and Bill always makes it interesting. No new episodes in quite some time, is it still running?
  • didieicjdieid
    I need more material to nag my wife with after I nerd out with Bill and Cory!!
  • reviewthis?
    Turn it up LOUD!
    Billy Nye remains one of the top science guys. Highly recommend. Interesting topics, guests, and great listener questions. Science does, in fact, rule!
  • Thru-Way Nick
    Hello? Is this thing on?
  • AshStrange
    Bill is the best!
    From watching Bill Nye the Science Guy growing up to listening to Bill’s podcast as an adult is just simply awesome. You’re the best, Bill! Thanks for always teaching us and raising awareness about science 💪🏻
  • E Williams
    Bill, Bill, Bill!!!
    Bill you are the best and this is my favorite podcast!!
  • wducator
    I mean…’s Bill Nye… can’t be bad!
  • op 👾
    Hi bill
  • vee dub nut
    Where’s bill?
    Ever go to a movie and after you sit down they decide to play a different movie? Ya, me neither. That’s kinda how I feel right now lol
  • megbundynobody
    Grew up with bill nye but he became a payed off agenda driven shill
  • Kitty cat Claire
    I love this
    I love this and I only have heard one of them!😀 Bill Nye is AMAZING 🤩!!!,
  • business bobby
    As usual, Bill inspires and playfully bullies us into understanding ourselves and the world around us. So happy I finally found this podcast. Thanks!
  • Groucho the man
    Great source for pseudoscience
    Nothing but agenda driven junk...
  • NMZia
    Science misinformation! with Bye Nye
    So I also grew up on Bill, and he encouraged my love of science. The April 20 episode about cannabis shows he’s just abandoned being accurate. Getting a single person who did ZERO research outside of her limited experience is not just lazy, it’s dangerous. The three of them cracking jokes and taking misinformation as straight fact was disgusting. For example, not a single one of them looked into any state testing program, they just dismissed it out of hand as untrustworthy. (There’s a lot of civil servants working hard on this daily for years you just blew off.) For another example, no explanation of the chemical difference in delta-8 and delta-9 plus a wrong explanation of its creation and use. Cannabis isn’t a harm-free substance, but this podcast is so off that it makes a listener question why you’d lend your ear to this drivel. Bill, you wouldn’t be ok with podcast about the science of abortion with your only guest as a catholic priest, so why is this ok with you? Examine your biases buddy. Bye Nye
  • Tb0254
    Bill Nye Rocks!
    I have been following Bill since the TV show, “Bill Nye the Science Guy”. He explained science in a funny and easy to understand way. He hasn’t changed. He still makes science easy to understand and very approachable. Wonderful show for anyone who is curious.
  • purpleoceanofsky
    Bill is the best!
    I love this podcast :) It’s always fun to learn new different things.
  • Hdgggggggg
    Love it!
    Bill Nye was my favorite growing up, and now I’m in my 30s and he’s still teaching me new things all the time. This podcast does a great job at incorporating new science news and current events. I listen to every episode!
  • Flerk69
    The mind boggles
    And I think that is the intent here, because as we all know when it comes to life or other processes in the universe, macro to micro, it’s important that you understand two things. Firstly you need to know the science rules. Secondly you need to know that science rules. And with our good friend Bill Nye & Co., it’s all tied together, elegantly, in the pod “Science Rules”, a pod for children of all ages, any human with a question, and with the common elements enjoyed by all sentient beings; a thirst for knowledge and a sense of wonder.
  • BriannaDeLaCruz
    Thank you Bill Nye
    In a world of pandemics, climate change, pollution, and the exponential growth of the population of idiots, Bill Nye will make your day at least a little bit better. Thank god there is someone here to make this overpopulated world of humans that are spreading disease and pollution like it’s their job... a little bit better. Thank you Bill Nye.
  • Rochelle tagger
    Science definitely rules
    Bill nye never fails to inform and make interesting.
  • Iagoinside
    Fun and informative
    I always learn something and laugh too.
  • Rabib499
    Enough with the Trump bashing
    Just listened to the latest podcast on the Corona virus, and within 15 minutes the guest made 3 negative references to President Trump. I listen to be entertained and maybe actually learn something, if I want Trump bashing, I can listen to CNN
  • K Pro32
    Started strong, but…
    I grew up looking to Bill Nye to learn about general science. He always made it fun and interesting. He is arguably one of the reasons I studied engineering. Understandably I was very excited about this podcast when it came out. It started out very strong and covered a wide array of interesting science. The guest were interesting to listen to as well. However, overtime the time of the podcast changed. The podcast now is more concerned with political activism and critique. Seemingly, about half of the guest over the past year proudly present their political beliefs alongside the science. There are even times where their beliefs are more front and center than the science itself. These are the reasons for my two stars. Let the science influence politics, but not the other way around. I’m deeply disappointed in the direction of this show. If you want a similar show that leaves politics and feelings out, I would recommend Startalk. After all, Bill Nye cut his teeth in podcasting on that show while being one of their All Stars.
  • WaltDisneyArtLover
    Science made accessible to everyone
    This is a continuation of Bills great work on his show a couple decades ago that I grew up with. The guests have a passion for their areas of expertise and with the combination of their excitement and Bill/Corey’s genuine curiosity you can’t help but get engrossed in these complicated topics made easy. I never thought listening about topics related to science could be so fun, funny, and interesting (I just figured it would go over my head) but that’s what you get with this podcast!
  • Jara222
    Great work
    I appreciate how the guests interact with the cast and that they dumb down the topics just enough to make the show enjoyable without needing to be a Harvard graduate. Please add more dad jokes.
  • milky way lori
    Science made real
    Bill asks the questions that all of us want to know the answer to. He has great expert guests who help deep in our understanding of the world. It’s my go to podcast every week.
  • LG122@
    Love how diverse the topics are each week- so cool!
  • beccagarges
    Great podcast but needs work
    I really like this podcast. The topics are interesting, and I appreciate Bill and Cory’s enthusiasm. However, they are constantly interrupting guests. It gets hard to listen to and follow when they ask a question and don’t let the guest finish answering. And it’s not once or twice, they interrupt at almost every question.
  • Running for weightless
    Women in science
    Bill is an excellent scientist, skeptical, logical, and understands science is provisional. But I especially appreciate his support of girls and women in science. Educate the entire population, not just the male 1/2.
  • Animallove95
    Interruptions galore & disrespectful at times
    I thought I was the only one who noticed him interrupting like crazy! He seriously interrupts all throughout every podcast episode. I feel like the guests have to speak fast just so they can get in what they want to say. Also, in one episode with Mayim Bialik, Bill ante asked if she “still has” her OCD. Sir...OCD is not something that goes away. In other episodes it seems like he doesn’t do his research and asks where to buy someone’s book when it’s still in the process of being written. I understood he’s a busy man but, come on, if you’re going to interview someone for an hour on a podcast and make MONEY, at least do some easy research beforehand about the questions you’re going to ask. &, with these things, if he apologized then it’d be okay. Whenever he is met with “criticism,” like “well, I still have OCD!” he just shrugs it off and moves on. “Actually, I’m still writing my book,” *completely ignores it.* I hope he reads these reviews and changes some things. The topics are interesting but I can’t listen because of the condescending attitude, interruptions, and what SEEMS (I could be wrong, but it does seem that way) like lack of effort. Ps I grew up with Bill Nye so I really tried to force myself to get past these things.
  • rebecca749294759
    Too Many Interruptions
    I really enjoy most of the topics presented but no longer have any patience for the constant interruptions by Bill and Corey. There are so many knowledgeable speakers with specialized expertise and yet the hosts won’t even let them finish their sentences half the time. I end up just turning it off 1/2 way because I’m too frustrated by the highly distracting, jerky pacing. There’s a difference between guiding an interview’s direction and just hijacking it completely. What could be a wonderful educational podcast just feels like typical ADD banter by Americans that are too oblivious to realize their own rudeness.
  • Persian Love machine
    Science rules makes my day-lifelong learner feeling better and better about studying all things including Science. Love everything on here from why bear scat is important to all updates on solutions to the pandemic. Thanks everyone
  • Chris_Lakers
    Amazing podcast! Bill has a wonderful ability to explain complex things in simple ways, and his guests are very interesting and informative!
    Science rules
    Bill and Cory, can I call you Bill andCory? Ha Ha That’s what they say to each guest. The show is allway up to date and very informative. Bill knows how to ask his guest questions that Bill seems to know the answers too and this helps the guest present their information. Bill and his co host, Cory are off the scale in intelligence with out being smarmy. They really live up to the name of the show, “science Rules”. I have learned so much from their show
  • John vexx
    Brilliant, honest, intelligent. Who said being smart is lame? This is science and science rules! A+++
  • Md713
    Need more science, Less fake news
    Listen to this podcast and learn something. These days there’s too much noise and not enough substance.
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