Dr. Shawn Baker Podcast

Nutrition #26

We share carnivore diet success stories that are truly inspirational and life-changing!www.carnivore.diet

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  • clbrittqueen
    Audio is awful. Substance is great
    The guests have great info to share. Dr. Brown may also have great info to share, but his audio is so bad I can’t understand what he’s saying. Would be 5 stars if I could hear what the host of the show was saying.
  • Iphone6plusguy
    Logical, Honest, and Caring
    He does a great job at sharing his medical background and athletic background with health and nutrition information.
  • Unique Name Goes Here
    Fix the Audio Please
    The content is great but the audio quality is on par with a zoom call in a public bathroom. Very hard to understand.
  • The prof 468
    Good content, terrible audio
    I can understand the guests really well most of the time, but Shawn Baker mumbles into his presumably terrible quality microphone and I can’t understand what he’s saying half the time. Seems like it should be an easy fix.
  • cole1592
    Shawn please listen to your audio quality
    I would give this podcast 5 stars but it’s the most annoying to listen to. It’s constantly breaking in and out and I can barely focus or retain any info because of this. Just update your audio so we can understand and hear it. Thank you.
  • SimplySenta
    I’ll leave 2 stars because the podcast is full of vital information for using carnivore to turn your metabolic health around and even save your life; however, Dr. Baker consistently degrades fat women by putting down the body positivity “movement” (he’s too self absorbed to realize it’s a human right to love oneself, and not a fad). On the latest episode he quoted someone he admires that said “I don’t care about sedentary people; nobody should be sedentary” (insert laugh). Then the woman he was interviewing said she liked that line (at least she added helpful information for sedentary people after that). They forgot they weren’t in the gym & that we (fat people) were listening so we could get support. We’ve normalized this kind of degradation of others. I will buy this woman’s book despite her lack of courage to correct her friend (most people with the power to do so choose not to correct Baker). I’ll read it because I don’t want to be fat & sick another day. Dr. Baker is the epitome of how many in the medical profession see us (fat women). They don’t care about us. We’re mere objects to project shame onto. They blame, shame and kick us while we’re down, and will allow us to die over these arrogant biases. The irony is the carnivore diet will save me from this subconscious hatred as I grow older, so thanks for the info doc. But there has to be safer spaces for me (us), and this is not one of them. Dr. Baker forgets his oath to do no harm and I hope his peers help him correct his behavior, because my words won’t move the needle. 7/10/24 And now we have Shawn interviewing Ian Weeks, a man who says we should follow the 10 Commandments, yet supports a presidential candidate who’s broken almost all of them. Shawn allowed him to debase American families and ask for money several times and threaten the lives of women who’s bodily autonomy has been stripped away by evangelizing for an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon. He mentioned carnivore for a second, but mostly this was a political campaign stop and now Shawn’s disgrace runs deeper than fat shaming. Do better doc. 1 star Bro.
  • Kholybee
    Covid Vaccine
    As a military member, I was forced to get the Covid Vaccine. Right after my 2nd dose, my menstrual cycle went from normal to very NOT normal. I went from a 31 day cycle to a 54 day cycle. I had blood clots the size of golf balls and quarters. I was experiencing 30-50 blood clots each cycle. This lasted until I went Carnivore. After 3 months of Carnivore my cycle shortened back to 31 days and my blood clots disappeared. Also, my incision from getting a C-Section would not heal. 8 months it kept getting infected and would re-open. Carnivore healed my C-Section incision after rounds of antibiotics that would not help. Finally, my diagnosed PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder disappeared when I went Carnivore. I’m finally happy.
  • Sairah Svahtee
    Pretty good, huh?
    Update: take the science and leave the garbage Update: Kudos to you Shawn and your team. This podcast has really improved. Better editing, better microphone ( hallelujah!), improved interviewing skills!! I really appreciate hearing your guests. Edit: what’s going on with this podcast? “Where do YOU draw the line?” Half an hour in and nothing about the carnivore diet. Description provides no context. What is this episode about? It’s bad enough to have to sit through the ramblings of Shawn Baker ( who, btw rivals the Sleepy Joe persona with his verbal stumbling) but now it’s an interview that has nothing to do with carnivore. I’m here for the carnivore experiences, not for overt “covert” political stuff. Get it together, people aren’t here for this, no matter which end you are on. Lots of good info however quite a few of the interviewers need to learn to not interrupt the guests constantly, lots of rambling. Makes it tough to listen to at times. Also, somebody please buy Shawn Baker a proper microphone and some diction/elocution lessons. PS, covid is still out there and it’s not just for the obese, a long time ultramarathoner I know just got it (April 2022). Plenty of people out there are “skinny” yet unhealthy and/or diabetic, etc. I’ve taken many health histories over the past 18 years and I can assure you that the way someone looks doesn’t mean that they don’t have myriad health problems.
  • Sabot6
    Audio quality is poor, show execution is poor. There is a lot of rambling around the topic. Please be more crisp, on point and improve the audio. It’s like reading a book with good information but it’s only 5 pages worth out of a 100 page book!
  • ggggggtttttyyyy
    Wide variety of guests
    I love hearing from so many different people who have such a wide range of experiences but they share success on carnivore for so many conditions.
  • jedixie
    Vegan debate
    I could hardly take listening to Nick and James. The reasoning behind their beliefs are so completely inconsistent and unfounded. I can’t believe the irregularities in their thinking. And the arrogance of Nick just about did me in. He couldn’t take Shawn coming back at him with logic. He would get aggravated. Shawn kept cool and kept coming back with logic.
  • Macandmall
    Great success stories
    The real world success stories have me convinced that the health studies put out by the food industry and pharmaceutical industries are fraudulent. I have my own success story too
  • Pepper Scout
    Really enjoyed this podcast lots of interesting information thanks for doing this.
  • SAnaylor
    So inspirational!
    Each show has a different guest interview with an inspirational story about how the Carnivore Diet has changed and saved their life. Convinced this is the right way to eat. Try it!
  • Bambootim
    Well balanced
    Your show is a model for how informative radio shows should go.. your approach as an m.d. is evidential during the interview process. There are many side bars in conversation that I learn from. You are not condescending or trying to sell a gimmick. Your simple way to try 30 day test run with water meat salt (black coffee for me) with another reset day. Sugar is my challenge i am willing to face this w abstinance. Your podcasts are very helpful. This pod is very exciting to listen to Thanks again
  • Dossbossfitness
    The word powerful is an understatement for this podcast. If you are wanting to change not only your body but your whole life for the better start listening.
  • Patpat 3
    Love hearing the positive testimonies of health improvements of those following the carnivore diet.
  • JCMarmalade
    Excellent podcast
    I listen to Dr. Baker just about every day. Had to turn it off today when the lady started talking about “climate change” though.
  • cynthia612
    Love every episode! Can someone get Shawn a good mic? He sounds like he’s under water every episode.
  • ETrain7273
    Great Content
    If you're searching for ways to heal your body, you've got to listen to the Revero podcast.
  • Staciecro
    Love the topics. Shawn Baker asks good questions and knows how to interview guests without interrupting them.
  • William Croghan
    Very knowledgeable podcast
  • weezerchick
    Great interviews
    I’ve known about the carnivore diet and listened to this podcast for awhile now. All the interviews are done so well. The interviewers do an excellent job of letting their guests speak.
  • pattyleah
    Great show but terrible sound quality
    I really enjoy this show. Interesting guests, great success stories and informative topics. Unfortunately, the voices, instructions to housekeeper and sounds in the background are very distracting and off putting. I’d like to keep tuning in but it’s like those cable shows where everyone is yelling over each other.
  • alicea107
    I love hearing from other carnivores. I see it as community because no one around me is carnivore. Constructive criticism- Shawn needs a private office space for his work. Very distracting with dogs, wife and kids playing, eating and talking in the background. Coaches doing interviews may want to ask different questions at times. Some sound very unsure and not prepared.
  • onekanmar
    Meat RX
    Love Dr. Baker’s serious, precision approach to the human nutrition, but please find a quiet space to conduct interviews. The kitchen noises were overwhelmingly distracting.
  • mikeandgraham
    Blown away, absolutely blown away.
    I have gone back through and listen to every single podcast and it’s taking me quite some time. The information packed into this podcast is amazing I’m not necessarily a big fan of all the testimonials most of them are very short and not that informative however the longer episodes over an hour usually are very interesting and informative. Absolutely amazing guests doctors physicians and the lake. I highly highly recommend this podcast if you want to know more about your health and how your body works. The more information we have about our lives the better off we are in the long run.
  • DPC1002
    Awesome podcast!!!
    Awesome podcast!!!
  • Steve_in_Raleigh
    Mixed bag
    I respect Dr Baker’s intellectual curiosity and his scientific level of questioning of his guests but I‘lol take a hard pass on his interviews with the crackpots and the pseudo experts who are doing their version of a make money quick scheme (you’ll know them when you hear them). Too many podcast guests across all podcasts are only on to self promote what they are selling. I hope over time that guests will tend to be more scientists and researchers. The “success stories” helped me when I first began a carnivore diet but after a few dozen, they became tiresome. Most of these individuals are not the best speakers and the umms, ahss and ya’knows in every sentence get me to skip their interviews. Still, this is the best carnivore podcast I’ve found so far. I’d like to hear more of Baker.
  • Lia kass
    GOD, that was good!!
  • Ao131
    Amazing Success stories and guests
    Dr. Shawn Baker is an amazing interviewer with an amazingly huge passion for helping folks regain their health. Literally hundreds of success stories of self healing. They never get old. Every Guest he has interviewed has taught me something. This is awesome!
  • Kr8peace
    Get vocal coaching, you sound sick...
    This COULD be a great channel. With a voice as horrendous as Alex Jones, it’s simply too offputting… For someone in the optimal health arena, your voice is like the hypocritical obese Doctor.. All the worst traits: monotone, vocal fry, scratchy, gravelly, run on thoughts, parched like you have throat cancer, seriously. Dude you are making a living with your voice; have some respect for your listeners… It presents as either incredibly inconsiderate or unaware - neither which instill confidence...
  • User569
    I am just starting my journey exploring this way of eating. Found this podcast has variety and great info.
  • Ruffdog113
    Great podcast!!
    I love this show!
  • Bonnie's Randomness
    Very informative!
  • Mcrew5451
    Love it
    Great Podcast. I was curious about the carnivore diet after listening to different doctors and people tout the amazing results on other podcasts. After typing “carnivore diet” in the podcast search bar, I found MeatRx and started listening and was amazed. I was already doing Keto, and I decided to switch to carnivore only after a week of listening and learning. I’ve been on it for 2 months now, and have virtually eliminated my hidradenitis suppurativa after dealing with flare-ups for the last 25 years, along with esophagitis, shoulder pain, plantar fasciitis, and lost 30 pounds in 3 weeks. I feel amazing too!
  • Knolldan9856
    Meatrx is Great! 🥩
    I love being a coach on Meatrx and hosting podcasts! It’s great to hear so many success stories from people all over the world! The best lifestyle ever! Thank you Dr. Baker!
  • muniz.guitar
    Meat is all you need!
    …and throw in some organs, eggs, and fish for good measure :) Mainstream nutrition advice is to harming people. Once you step away from it, you start to think what other “advice" is complete and utter b.s.?
  • Twin mom 1654087
    Love to listen to these success stories! Keeps me motivated!! The ones hosted by Shawn are the best though. Been skipping some of the others because they are kind of awkward.
  • JjjjjjJjjijjHjhh
    Wow! This podcast is so entertaining, and informative! I’ve been carnivore for almost a year. This podcast is my favorite thing to listen to while I’m on my morning jog! Thank you Sean!!!!!
  • mac_hine82
    Listing to these amazing stories about how animal foods improved these peoples lives is truly incredible. Definitely food for thought about what constitutes a healthy diet.
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