Timcast IRL


Timcast IRL features Tim Pool and guests discussing issues in culture, news, and politics.Featuring Ian Crossland as co-host and Serge Dotcom as live producer.

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  • corylash
    Buddy’s going to prison soon
    Tim pool is a traitor bought and paid for he sold his country out for a few rubles a real life Judas enjoy prison pal don’t drop the soap
  • Janice Fahy
    Get all the latest American news straight from Russia
    If you can stomach his weird, girly voice. #russkie
  • Dorfkent
    More Lies from Harris.
    She said Trump wants use race. But their side always use race in every chance they get. They blame Trump for theur failure. Border Policy Economy Gas Prices Crime Rates Afghanistan Inflation These are not Trump fault. They are Biden and Harris fault. But she only takes credit for Biden’s Policy she thinks are good. But bad wasn’t on her.
  • Nerd 4Ever
    Russian Asset Traitor Idiot
    Accepted money to betray our country for Russia. Hope he gets imprisoned for espionage.
  • Shredder203
    Tenet Media — who produce this show have allegedly paid Tim Pool extra amounts of money to promote and support views of the Kremlin in an effort to subvert the 2024 US presidential election and help Donald Trump win. Notice how your views have changed since listening to Tim Pool and other Tenet Media shows? It is the very definition of “influence” — and the opinions stated are EXTREMELY UNAMERICAN, pro autocracy and very unpatriotic— disguised as being “patriotic” to fool you. It’s worked. They did a great job at it — as he sounds so confident to fool you — and he’s made A LOT of money off of this unlawful act. Even if he claims “he didn’t know” — then in some ways that makes it even worse, and shows why his words should not be listened to in the first place. I highly recommend people research this topic from a REAL source and watch the unedited video of the indictment on Tenet Media. I also recommend APPLE drop all Tenet shows for the distribution of misinformation.
  • m.t.majeski
    The Best Russian Propaganda Money Can buy
    Want to get the news straight from Putins lips right to your ears? For a cool $100K our buddy Timmy will tell you exactly what Russia wants you to think about such broad topics as the 2024 election, the War in Ukraine, and NATO. Some would call that selling out or better yet, treason. Tim calls it “doing your own research”.
  • im at the comedy club
    Keep It Up
    Thank you for a fair and unbiased view. The guests and you bring a much wanted middle ground for us (the public) to make informed decisions.
  • bbbruce0
    While I do think that Libby often has great content, every time she interrupts with - what I consider to be an irrelevant comment, I instinctively say out loud, “moo!” (referencing the Interrupting Cow meme - not that I think she’s a cow, that’s just what I respond with). By my estimation, I have this response 2 to 6 times per episode in which she appears.
  • rmoutard
    Thank You ❤️
  • Kem2070
    You’re an idiot 😂
    You’re clearly not as smart as you think you are. Seems like there’s three options here. Unwillingly took money from an obvious Russian ploy, you knew and didn’t care, or you were okay with being a tool for the Kremlin. Any of those still make you look like a fool.
  • John oatin
    Paid Russian asset
    Literally came out he’s being paid by Russia to spread miss information. Traitor to American people
  • djc425
    Isn’t this that Russian funded show?
    Also what’s under the beanie?
  • Eyesac
    Literal Russian Propaganda
    Dude has been getting paid by Moscow.
  • GEFtheMongoose
    A Russian asset spreading unAmerican propaganda trying to undermine our system.
  • Smoothiefreak
    Russian Asset
    He ought to be thrown under the jail
  • Ken Dahl
    It’s time
    It’s time to lose the beanie.
  • 80'sVillager
    Tim lies when he says Obama had started more wars than Trump and Trump had more troop withdrawals than Biden. Liar!
  • a5:'is618?$&/
    Great conversation
    Great convo with different perspectives all covering societal issues of today. Thank you!
  • FroBeast5693
    Tim is a lilpus
    If you love grifters, and folks who have never actually “worked” or contribute to the society they criticize, this for you. Out of all the grifter Tim is king lilpus
  • @KingHenry14
    Extremely stupid
    Tim’s takes on everything are extremely stupid.
  • ceasarnavarrete
    He endorsed RFK Jr… walked it back after getting hate and said it was a mistake. All in a span of a few hours. Such a spineless coward.
  • groovy squirrel
    Walz is “far left”??? 🤣🤣
    As buffoonish as your dear leader. You’re scraping and reaching and still—nothing. 🤏🤷‍♂️
  • tomshairpiece
  • Victoria cell phone
    Families supporting families
    I love this show yet Tim’s comment on getting rid of social security is a crazy idea! I like all of his talking points but does “that train has left the station” mean anything? I worked all my life. Just retired, raised 3 children who all went to college, married professional women and have 2 grandchildren. It is not the expectation for baby boomers that our children will support us. I am not a women’s libber having lived a traditional life but what is a person to do if we need that income? This economy is crazy. 2 of my children cannot afford a home and neither can I, having downsized and now living a very modest life, looking for work and struggling to make ends meet. I hope Tim’s generation will not rely on social security (my children are of that ilk) but hope they will vote to put the right people in congress who can shore up these programs. I have never had a hand out in my life and do not view this as one. Come on Tim, you have a lot of influence!
  • Laura🏳️‍🌈✨
    I tried
    I tried to listen to this podcast and be open minded. But I rather try somebody else instead.
    To many women
    From the shrill, manic energy Hannah (you only get one first name, your not special ) to Libby who spews thoughts like air uncontrollably escaping from a ballon regardless of who is speaking. Oh and I almost forgot about the androgynous nitwit “actor” graphene fiend Ian on its very late midlife crisis.
  • kmck1!
    Episode 1163, rethinking my listening content
    I’ve been listening to this show since I found it…seems like since before the last presidential election. A caller asked about help researching candidates which has been something that I have been struggling with as well in my state of Arizona. I’ve been reading on the candidates and trying to do my homework but it’s not easy and when you don’t trust what you’re reading and you’re skeptical it becomes even more difficult. I have literally been having the same questions as the caller and felt your answers were condescending and unhelpful. I don’t know if this podcast is something that is beneficial if honest and sincere questions are met with condescending and unhelpful answers. The caller had a legitimate question and it’s a legitimate problem, it should be taken seriously and addressed because people want to make good decisions and need help from people that can trust.
  • Southsiderichie
    Episode 1071
    Guest is a shill for government
  • Jogunz5
    Great show
    Libby needs to stop talking over every one. She sounds like NPR. It’s annoying
  • piclklypoo
    You need to apologize to Joe Biden. He has promised to flabble the gree schmeghoggin vops. That’s the only issue that matters.
  • McTag2
    You and this show are such a JOKE! Proof why tRump loves the uneducated. Keep wear your lil head warmer! Your 7th grade personality and mental state is definitely shining through 😆😆😆😆
  • Dj007 WRX
    Problem getting episodes to download or play
    It seems that for some reason the episodes won’t play on my podcasts in iTunes anymore. I don’t know what’s going on.
  • cadler11
    Biden won the past debates against Trump
    If I were you I would be e extremely worried about Trump’s cognitive decline. He is slurring words, dragging his right leg, saying the wrong names. The projection from the right when their candidate is the one actually demented, a criminal, had a higher deficit, lower stock market, higher crime, drilled less oil—and caused inflation with his handling of Covid—is blatantly obvious to the majority. Trump—like Desantis and Haley tried to tell you— has lost for the republicans in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. Also, Biden won the other debates against Trump. 🤷‍♀️
  • Zara Teen
    Tim Pool headache
    You have a guest like Mike Benz there and the only thing I hear are Tim Pool’s rants. Unbelievable
  • p0pprypr
    Too Funny!
    We loved Friday’s show when Tim had to actually explain what a nitwit is to the nitwit co-host!!!
  • xgbjk
    Milk toast show that’s not worth listening to.
  • Kris the conservative
    Awesome show
    Congratulations on your interview with President Trump! Great job!
  • Lvsima
    Greatest President
    Loved your interview with President Trump
  • Battle Ship is Awesome
    Great Show
    I enjoy listing to Tim, Hannah and Phil, but Ian I could do without. Saying that, that is part of what makes the show as good as it is, since Tim has all kinds of view points on his show. But yes Ian over the last few weeks left me speechless. Ian is absolutely clueless.
  • Jannandavid
    Loved the Show at first …
    Loved the show at first, but like Ben Shapiro and others, it always comes back to SELLING themselves far more than providing their views and opinions about current events … they may think they are being subtle, they are not … I just don’t like salespeople… I understand the need for ads … and a mention at the end about becoming a member but they talk about it too much… respect their opinions and agree with them but ADS upon ADS plus Tim pushing membership is too much. I bought membership but it did not allow me to listen on my podcasts ad free, so I cancelled. Fix that and stop overselling yourselves - you do not need to - you have a great show.
  • BitaBea
    So good.
    I listen almost daily. I can agree, disagree, laugh, and get fired up. I love the regulars and all the guests. Give it a listen!
  • Climbtosafety
    Just another Israeli shill.
  • Robbie’s Reviews
    Shut it down
    Just shut it down! You don’t even want to do it. We will move on and find someone else to watch at night.
  • Joe Paol.,
    The new Rush ?
    Always a good take from Tim
  • stfuximshelli495
    Hannah is insufferable
    My job requires me to drive a lot so I am able to listen to every podcast every day, and I’m sorry, but Hannah is so annoying (I’m purposely not using her full name because she has to point it out every few episodes that she has a double first name…we get it, dude). Whenever I hear her in the introductions now, I just click off. She’s either saying the same ten things over and over, or making a stupid joke that people just sympathy laugh at, or interrupting someone to make a point that someone already made. I have literally yelled out loud in my car, ”Oh my god, shut the f up!”, while she was making a godawful point and have changed to something else to listen to. PLEASE have her on less and PLEASE don’t put her on the show y’all are making that’s like The View with an all female cast. I really look forward to that, but if she’s in it, it’ll be unlistenable for me. Also, in general, the religious rants/talking points get super tiresome. So many assumptions and judgments on people who aren’t subscribed to a religion, but some people talk as if they have absolute authority to be making these claims about nonreligious people.
    Just stumbled on this podcast and couldn’t be happier
  • ginmar426
    Good Show
    I enjoy this show, but Ian and Hannah Claire tend to dominate and interrupt Tim and the guests constantly. It is extremely annoying as a listener. This isn’t the Ian and Hannah Claire Show. I’m sure they are nice people. I know if I were a guest on the show, and especially if I had to take 2 days out of my week to travel there and back home, and I didn’t ever get to speak I wouldn’t be on the show again.
  • showbiz2
    Right Direction
    I like Tim and his regulars. I try not to miss a broadcast. I do disagree with some of his views, but I’m good with that. He’s moving this new generation in the right direction. I’m a 70 yr old grandmother of 6 and i have my grandchildren watching too. Keep it up Tim !
  • Jpankratz
    Best political commentary.
    You will not find a better political show anywhere. I’m personally a libertarian so have many disagreements with Tim and some guests but it still couldn’t be better and entertaining.
  • Crazybagman
    if you dont want to use your brain for real things or true important things its great. 1488 right guys?
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