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AnnoyedUser_ksBrilliant podcast about the challenges facing UX design leadershipI just finished the season finale of the Finding Our Way podcast and I absolutely loved it. Through all 25 episodes they tackled some truly important challenges facing UX design leadership. Even as a freelance researcher that has not worked internally for 15 years, I got a tremendous amount out of it. What I enjoyed most (and honestly found refreshing) was how Jesse and Peter made it clear that they did NOT have all the answers. Navigating the direction of our industry is a journey we’re all on together and I just love how they invited us to figure this out together. Through amazing discussions with admirable guests, they unpacked some juicy topics with brilliant insights. Some of my favorite episodes were with Erika Hall, Jen Cardello, Billie Mandel
newuxerGreatEpisode 22 is awesome. Listened multiple times.
glencoco11What happened to episodes 1-5?!I enjoyed episode 6, but what happened to the beginning episodes of this podcast? I feel like I missed something
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