All The Asians On Star Trek


The podcast in which we interview all the Asians on Star Trek. Hosted by Phil Yu.

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Recent Reviews
  • raw vegan food!e
    Great show!
    Such amazing deep dives! Thank you so much!!!
  • 'tastia
    Relaxing, interesting, enlightening, informative
    Credit to this show for introducing me to so many interesting people with curious career paths. It has been so helpful to hear about all the different ways people have gotten to the Star Trek franchise as an illustration of how there are many ways to reach a goal. I’m ready for just hearing about all the asians in the film & adjacent industries! I enjoy hearing about how people have navigated around assumptions and stereotypes to do what they want to do. It gives me some inspiration for how to do that in my own life, too. Also, it is cool to have a whole bunch of new-to-me folks to look for in the credits of all kinds of projects. Thanks for letting us all listen in to these congenial chats!
  • Dr Erin
    One of the best Star Trek podcasts out there
    This review is FAR overdue since I’ve listened to every episode and get excited every time I see a new one. Phil is a fantastic interviewer with a true love for the franchise. Hearing all the different stories and lives of people involved with Star Trek however big or small is wonderful. This is not a show to miss.
  • Adpaulr
    A Fantastic Perspective on the World of Star Trek
    I love this podcast. The guests span the spectrum from obscure to high-profile roles, and are always interesting. Highly recommended to learn more about the world behind-the-scenes of Star Trek!
  • Pickle Birdy
    Incredible Star Trek show!!
    I am a white lifelong trek fan so this show lets me see the franchise in an entirely new way that I deeply appreciate. The insights of the host and guests related to Star Trek, fandom, and Hollywood in general are both fantastically entertaining and phenomenally educational. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is a fan of any of the trek shows!!!
  • Mlekonaukowe
    Trek as a jumping-off point
    I am always excited when a new episode drops because I know the conversation between host and guest will lead in rich and surprising directions. Highly reccommended for those who enjoy Trek minutia as a window into lives and stories. The Away Team episodes are also a revelation—inviting a guest to talk about a favorite episode always makes that episode come alive again through a new personal lens. Can’t wait for episodes with Brian Tochi, Elizabeth Lindsey and Mike Okuda (who appears in the background in several remastered TOS effects shots).
  • Chuckie the Trekkie
    More than a trek pod!
    Phil is a passionate, genuine, and deeply entertaining host who always seems to ask the question on the tip of your tongue. He invites guests of every tier from actors who had one line, to recurring characters. My favorite episode was with Andrew Phung as an “away mission” where Phil invites a Trekkie on the show to nerd out. I have learned so much about Asian American and Asian Canadian culture and experience. I have gained so much insight into the issues of the acting world compounded with the struggle minorities face in that sphere. This podcast is a blast from start to finish! I laugh, I cry, and I feel the urge to re-watch trek as soon as the interview ends! Thanks for all your hard work Phil. Peace and Long Life 🖖
  • KlendorFang
    Re-freshed eyes for a Re-watch of Trek
    I found All The Asians on Star Trek via NPR, and as is often the case, they lead me to a wonderful place. I have watched, and re-watched, and re-re-watched every episode of Star Trek, but now I have been given new insight and perspective on the show because of this podcast. I am looking forward to a re-re-re-watching, coming to it with fresh - or if you will, re-freshed — eyes. Thank you Mr. Yu, and thanks to all your guests.
  • superdaisy
    Always worthwhile
    I might not remember every character played by the actors Phil Yu features, but I remember the interviews. He builds a great rapport with each one, and the collective love for the franchise shines brightly. Every interview and guest rewatch is worth your time.
  • drdroo
    One of my favorite Trek Pods!
    There’s lots of pods with nerdy white dudes talking trek (which is fine), but what I love about this show is that’s it exposes a side of Trek you don’t get to hear about in other pods. As a nerdy white dude, I appreciate learning about how Trek is viewed from a different perspective than the one i know. I also love how the guest span the long history of Trek and how we get to hear about the struggles and achievements of the old guard of asian Trek actors and how things are changing for the better with some of the new class of actors. Keep making great pod Phil, I think the premise of this show is totally great and it’s got me making my own mental list when I see asians on Trek, hoping to hear their stories on this show! 🖖
  • A Bruski
    A Great Listen!
    The highest praise I can give a podcast is that I learned something and that I laughed. This checks both boxes. These are the conversations we need to be having if we are ever to get to the future that Star Trek envisions.
  • vinceham
    Best of Both Worlds
    This podcast is a must listen for any Asian (or Asian loving) Star Trek fan! You will discover things about Trek that you never knew that you would relate to. Also really nice to hear from some of the smaller Trek stars. We’ve heard the stories from the big actors many times over the decades, these are the Trek stories that we’ve never heard before...
  • Richard KL
    Heartfelt and Informative
    In case you can't tell from the title of the show, it's interviews with... all the Asians on Star Trek. There are a few interesting detours but in general that's the heartfelt mission of the show. The host brings a sincere enthusaism and energy to the show that is one of its greatest strengths. It's enlightening to hear about the experiences of Asian actors working in Hollywood. Beyond all the expected discussions about those challenges and working on Star Trek, the people behind the stories are just fun, cool folks! You'll get some cool Star Trek knowledge, but the heart of the show is just... talking to really interesting people who've done lots of interesting things.
  • Dengar the Hunter
    As Spock would say, :Fascinating"
    Really great, lively discussion with true insights into the franchise.
  • Verde;
    I love Phil’s incredible sincerity, and of course the glimpse behind various Star Trek curtains.
  • Bookmonger
    My new favorite!!
    Love this podcast! Great host and topic and though I don’t know that much about pop culture/film/tv, I am fascinated by these conversations.
  • trubloo2
    My life is complete
    Never knew this was something I needed in my life. God bless you.
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