The Megyn Kelly Show


The Megyn Kelly Show is your home for open, honest and provocative conversations with the most interesting and important political, legal and cultural figures today. No BS. No agenda. And no fear.

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Recent Reviews
  • TeeMick
    Complete trash
    What the title says: this podcast is complete trash.
  • From Another Great Admirer
    Black Face Santa’s White Racist Lady
    That wimpy guy on your show said the n word and you know it.! That’s probably one of your favorite words. Racist always say they’re not Listening and taking it out of context. Liars. I watch and listen to Racist like you so can show others how Horrible you are. When you came on Mr. Martin’s Show, you Appeared to be Humbled But Obviously Not. Maybe trump was Right saying You had Blood coming from Everywhere. And now your right back with The #1 Racist Today. I guess you’re really proud of that. I really wish Racism would go away one day, but with people like on the Earth still, it will linger on. What do you get out of being that way. Is it money or you’re parents taught you to be this way? Very Very Sad.! I really feel sorry for your children and circle. They maybe just as Racist as you.!Try to be better
  • PrissKat
    Love Megan
    Megan is inspiring, a wonderful role model for young women who want to be a true journalist, strong and never backs down. Megan has no reason to be jealous especially of Tay the brat who forgets who put her where she is today not all of her fans are from the left. Megan you keep up the good work! I literally shed tears when you left Fox I thought wow I’m not a big news watcher but you captured my attention. I found your podcast and I’m delighted to have you back in my life. Thank goodness! 🥰
  • Csg1982bloom
    You have to be naive or dumb to believe any of this garbage
    It is just hateful garbage not based in reality. You have to be naive and pretty stupid to believe any information on this podcast.
  • lovingparler
    Great job, Megyn
    Thank you for this special episode. You are on it and I appreciate it..I listen nearly everyday. I was surprised (but shouldn’t have been) to see this special episode. You could have waited until Monday but instead, you went right to work. It shows your passion and your amazing work ethic.. W.Kuhel
  • #dogwalker
    Swift vs cats
    Thanks for keeping me sane with your common sense and honesty. Loved you on Tucker Carson as well as every episode!
  • EAS124
    Great Podcast
    Always a favorite podcast. Interesting, fun and news. Coverage of what is now 2 assassination attempts was very well done. Careful not to present speculation as fact. Correct to call out the media.
  • harharhar1234
    Just a blonde bimbo getting by on her looks. No actual substance.
  • AshleySt0ne
    Ha ha - you’re such a has been
    Get help psycho
  • Crabbait
    You speak truth and this is what we need
  • dougs778
    Dream women
  • Thomas Anonymous
    Great role model
    Great role model for young women! Kelly has never let her pride or self respect get in the way of her ambition! Her total submission and capitulation to Donald Trump is inspired! Every woman should follow suit. Soon Amerika will fulfill prophesy and become fully great nation and anti globalist super power unlike weak Ukrainian… perpetual proletariat! LOL I’m super glad to see how many people are listening to this. There’s so much to learn from this top tier journalist.
  • ThePete22
    MK American Hero
    You adeptly highlighted the bias in mainstream media and the coordinated efforts aimed at swaying the election. As mainstream media gallop polls reveal approval ratings akin to those of Congress, it's no surprise that independent media outlets are gaining traction.
  • jkbrks
    Get help
    Jealous of Taylor Swift?
  • Ahtiggep
    Real, Raw & Riveting
    Megyn is and always has been my fave journalist. Even as she took heat over her questions to Trump during the debate before he was first elected (I say first because I’m hoping he will be again), I said, “Yes!! This is what a journalist is supposed to do.” Now that she’s gone independent, her material and guests are all long-form interviews and really get into the nitty gritty of the subject matter. Add all that to her soothing voice and quick wit, and her shows are not only thought-provoking and entertaining, but easy to listen to. I never miss a show.
  • Mr Natty Boh
    Trump was correct
    You get pretty petty and rude when you have “blood coming out of your whatever”.
  • L Christine
    Love Megyn but…
    I love this show and Megyn’s always super smart and insightful comments. She is the perfect blend of saucy and smart. She is an incredible interviewer—keeps guests on track and doesn’t let them ramble. I admire her evolution in the issue of women’s identity and protecting biological women from trans imposters in their spaces. However, I am deeply disappointed by her (and other conservatives) support of Tucker Carlson. He is a pseudo intellectual at best. His recent interview with a pseudo historian was laughable and calling this man one of the greatest historians of his generation really calls into question his judgment.
  • ccoff864
    My Favorite Podcast!
    I LOVE your show & I love how you directly address the issues women/morhers worry about on a daily basis
  • siouxo
    Toxic person
    Toxic show.
  • schz
    Angry much?
    So glad you found your following in your MAGA fans. Unfollowing you-why so angry?
  • JustAnotherDavid
    Losing her mind
    I've been an occasional listener for about a year, and I enjoyed her coverage of the Fanni Willis situation, but she has been losing her mind this election season. I just listened to her post-debate coverage following the Trump v Kamala debate, and she was close to having a mental breakdown on air. First she blamed everyone except Trump for his bad debate performance, then was set off by Taylor Swift's endorsement, then went into an even crazier rant about the vaccine and all the young men being harmed by Myocarditis. I really can't take her seriously after this. Time to delete and move on.
  • 1029TJ
    Stop talking over your guests please
    I really enjoy listening to Megyn’s podcast but lately she’s been interrupting and talking over her guests. It’s really annoying to listen to both people talk at the same time. Please let them speak Megyn.
  • Bobakral
    The incomparable Megyn Kelly
    Always honest, entertaining, hilarious, feisty and above all kind. Very appropriate use of curse words, expert crew doing research. Always a great show. Steve Deace is always my favorite guest, dude is brilliant. The show deserves 100 stars.
  • Edr2-83
    Will make you dumb
    Don’t waste your time on idiotic-biased political commentary from people like this. So many good podcasts on history, true crime, hobbies, and so forth. Move on to something that will actually make you interesting to talk to and not annoy your family members.
  • Log off go outside
    Echo chamber garbage
    Cry some more about the media. It’s never Trump’s fault. He was undisciplined, unprepared, and weak. But let’s twist ourselves into pretzels to make excuses and blame the media. How “conservative.” I thought you were supposed to take responsibility for your failures?
  • Christiecbad2012
    I love your podcasts and even more after the 3+ hour interview you did with Shawn Ryan. You are authentic and raw and speak for so many of us with your outrage. Please keep up this great work.
  • Eltekon
    Debate - need to understand trump
    Megyn, love the show. Your guests are still missing it. Trump talked about cats and dogs because it creates a real image and makes it real for voters and makes them look it up. Otherwise it is just another boring stat to which they can’t relate.
  • meowmeowgrrr
    Female misogynist
    Man, tried an episode of her show and was quite repulsed by her. Can’t believe these are real “takes” from a grown woman in the USA
  • brymoo72
    The right alternative
    So glad Megyn is back!! I refuse to listen to mainstream media…and shows like this and Shawn Ryan’s show are the only way to go!!
  • 503Dozer
    Journalisms at its finest !!!
    She’s Pretty and smart…..
  • glittergirly60
    Excellent podcast
    This podcast is excellent. Your views are on point.
  • donaldtrumphatesamerica
    The quiet part out loud
    This show is a gross exposition of out and out bigotry, racism, and right wing extremism. It consists almost exclusively of white supremacy, Trumpism, and far-right domestic terror apologetics.
  • Conservative-54
    Just a thought
    In general, your show is well researched and executed. I’m no prim-&-proper listener however, I would enjoy less profanity, especially when your expansive vocabulary can easily make the same point elegantly. As an aside, it’s irritating when guests inject their appearances-books-shows-podcasts… into every answer or comment. Some of us are old enough to remember when a guest would be vilified for hawking their products at every turn. Be Well
  • 1st year cca
    Great review can you investigate Kamala’s earrings plz
  • Boilingrug
    Losers blame the refs. Megan’s preformed outrage is hilarious. Edit: Host goes petty/personal attacks towards any media or critics she doesn’t like…it screams High School. Also Important to always remember she has a strong opinion on the race of Santa 🎅🏿🎅🏽🎅🏻 Show is terrible, you will learn nothing. It’s just spleen venting.
  • Mbayjay
    About the Larry Elder segment
    1. Never start a land war in Asia. 2. Never go against Larry Elder when statistics are on the line.
  • BadgerJer1999
    Spot on debate analysis!
    Great job breaking down the debate. An anecdote about the moderators to illustrate their bias: my 19-year-old daughter watched the debate last night, her first. Ten minutes in, she texted me and asked “is ABC news liberal?” My daughter doesn’t follow politics and picked up on it right away.
  • SCADA_Guy
    Larry Elder discussion
    Your discussion with Mr Elder was excellent. Regarding abortion, I wonder if it would ever have become such an issue if the “pro-choice” folks had not also demanded tax dollars to pay for it. That’s where the real debate began, and the topic was hardly an issue over the years until the Dems finally did an end run around the legislation, allowing tax dollars again to be applied to abortions (Planned Parenthood gets federal $$). I could find it in my heart to detest abortion but keep it legal if the costs were actually born by individuals involved.
  • Megan639
    Becoming too partisan
    Megyn says she’s voted 4x for a Democrat and 4x for a Republican. Let me guess: 2x for Clinton when Megyn was still in her 20s and liberal. 1x for Obama because he was black and it made her feel progressive. 1x for Hillary because she had personal beef with Trump in 2016. That doesn’t make her an independent, regardless of what her voter registration says. Make no mistake— Megyn Kelly is a conservative and this is a right wing podcast with a hardline agenda to re-elect President Trump. Normally, I enjoy Megyn’s show and have listened for a long time, however, the recent “stolen valor” attacks against Tim Walz have become annoying, bordering on obsessive. It’s reminiscent of the ridiculous “swift boat” attacks against John Kerry, another honorable veteran who was wrongly maligned by the Republican Party. Not a good look for Conservatives imo. Coming from a military family, I can tell you that veterans in their 40s with 20+ year tenures choose to retire instead of deploying all the time. You can feel it’s immoral, however that is a personal opinion and one not shared by many Americans, including veterans. In fact, many men who served with Walz have defended him, including republicans who say they will not vote for him but he still served honorably. Megyn will never have them on the show or even acknowledge them. Where has Megyn’s journalistic integrity gone? I guess it went out the window as soon as her preferred candidate started slipping in the polls.
  • caroline's gma
    Favorite podcast!
    Love the show! Larry Elder is a great guest! Have him on more!
  • WeatheredPoolBug
    Gold Standard of Polls ( no such thing )
    Election polls are executed to shape public opinion- Not reflect it. Internal ( never seen by the riffraff) are the closest polls to “ Truth” Megyn, we love you but you have been taught by liberal leftist from the NorthEast…. This includes your loving mother. Progressive values are in the Mothers Milk in the NE of the US. Again, we love your show. Listen almost everyday
  • arsocairo
    Great Show
    Smart, concise, and funny.
  • iohnsvduknf1246
    Thank you, Megyn!
    Thank you for your commitment to truth and integrity!
  • Kiki MG
    So relieved to have you!
    Such a big fan for years. I never miss an episode.
  • Dorfkent
    Dave Aronberg
    Your such a lier Dave Aronberg. Why did you act like Tim Pool has anything to do with Russia Propaganda on Ukraine! Dave you should be sued for your lies. You’re such Democrat with no evidence about Tim Pool. He just doesn’t think we should helping Ukraine because it might lead to WW III. Dave, do you know the show he had on this media had nothing to do with politics. So you need to do little research before you say Tim was helping Russia because of his paid. And he hasn’t changed his view on Ukraine. Dave this Tim Pool Trolling. You such a fool. An your agenda has been find out. His X statement: (great trolll Tim) Upon reflection I now understand that Ukraine is our Greatest ally As the breadbasket of Europe and a peace loving people we cannot allow the Fascist Russians to continue their crimes against humanity We must redouble our efforts and provide an additional $200b at once
  • Murrsy
    Love it except…Glenn
    Dear god please no more Glenn Greenwald, he’s painful and annoying at best. Immediate delete. More 5th column!
  • psmcdee
    Megyn’s podcast
    Thank you for giving us such fact filled details! Thank you for being honest! Thank you for covering events so thoroughly! I watch every episode!!!!
  • ginmar426
  • Create nicks
    Best when solo
    Megyn’s brilliant analysis of the Harris CNN interview showed once again that she’s at her best without guests. I imagine it much be tough to fill that much time every day so maybe get a cohost like Stern did with Robin. But she’s too good to share so much time with lesser podcasters every day.
  • Joe's View
    Trump apologist
    I posted a five star review of this podcast back during COVID when she had an impressive array of guests and fun segments like Kelly’s Court. Now Megyn has become a Trump advocate, after announcing that she will vote for him, which really marks an end to her days as a journalist. So sad.
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