The Power In Us: The Podcast


The Power In Us: The Podcast is based all around the topics and themes of my debut album, ‘The Power In Us’. Over the next few weeks and months I will be talking to a host of incredible people about their views and their experiences in the realms of feminism, mental health, politics, social change, empowerment and so much more. We will use each song of the album as a catalyst to dig into these themes more deeply than I could with the lyrics of each song. I really believe our power is in our voices, our ability to share experiences and learn from each other when we do so, and that’s why I started this podcast. I’m really interested in how our individual power creates collective power, and ultimately social change for the better, I think that if we can recognise what unique traits we all have that make us individually incredible, we stand a much better chance in seeing that greatness in others and working together.

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