The Victor Davis Hanson Show

News #37Politics #12

This is the Victor Davis Hanson Show. Victor is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Wayne & Marcia Buske Distinguished Fellow in History at Hillsdale College. Victor's co-host for 2 podcasts is Jack Fowler. He is the Director for the Center for Civil Society at American Philanthropic. Victor and Jack discuss current political and social events and ideas, and current and past cultural trends. Victor also is joined by Sami Winc on 2 podcasts as they discuss current national news, what's trending in California, and how history repeats itself.

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  • MrMike1967
    Are we losing it? Movie about a great Minnesota bank raid that Jesse Jackson took part in ?? LOL Jesse James family would be appalled. Stay with us Victor we need you! stay sharp! I’m just kidding you are doing a great job. Also would you ever consider just devoting an entire podcast to movie discussions I really enjoy the classic films you discuss
  • EverettB
    Jack stop cursing. Thank you
    I try to have my grandsons. Listen to this program because I want them to hear what VDH is saying so, I request again, “Jack stop cursing”.
  • Timsgal
    Trump on “Eating the Pets”
    Realizing that ABC and Harris tried to make President Trump seem crazy, his comments shed a bright light on the migrant crisis. Living 45 minutes from Springfield, it’s true that Ohio seems to be “a border state”. People are waking up to the government and corporations flying Haitians and migrants of all origins in and giving them a 2 year pass. They get housing, government money and benefits and jobs at corporations like Honda and Dole. Landlords upping rents as they are living 20 to a 3 bed 1 bath home and can bring 5-6 non working relatives. Hospitals and schools are overloaded and auto insurance rates have doubled in Springfield. Citizens there have been killed because the migrants are driving without training. I hope you will do a talk on the details that have emerged. The people of Ohio are not backing down. The Governor is suspicious as well having a Haitian NGO and school there named after his deceased daughter. He did nothing to defend Ohio residents from being over run until pushed by the Lieutenant Governor. Also ABC let Kamala slide on the Marxist accusation and she posed and made faces and never responded. More should be said about that so democrats understand her dangerous communist idealogy.
  • hdgwhhdhduwjhsjskahdjdihsvajag
    Slight correction
    “Wolfe.” With an L. Not, “Woof.” Please. I love your podcasts.
  • Lindsay Orange Grower
    Trump’s Plan & Taking Sides
    Thank-you Victor for your wisdom. I (like you) was raised in a farming community in the San Joaquin Valley. As an orange grower, it seems like our livelihood and liberties are being stripped. You are a reminder of all that is good in our country. Thank-you!
  • Evanston realtor
    Society needs more deep conversations about reality, thanks Victor
    I enjoy very much the conversations with Victor Davis Hansen and both of his co-hosts and when Victor does the interviews with authors. There is a incredible depth of knowledge and understanding of the world from farming, universities, history, military, movies to politics. I would love to have a personal conversation with Victor and no I’m not a woman over 70 lol. But I’m very happy to engage the ideas reading his commentary on x, on his website, and interviews on Fox or other media interviews like the morning show in Chicago and of course his podcast. I’ve been a regular podcast listener for years, sorry just getting around to writing a review. I studied political science and history at Loyola University of Chicago in the late 1980s so I enjoy the rigor that Victor brings to all of us through the mass media without having to go back and pay tuition again! Thanks for the podcast! Society needs deep conversations about politics and life from well educated people who are also uniquely grounded in the real world like a farmer.
  • Jose 135
    Afghanistan withdrawl
    Could you comment on the Democrats recent reply to Republicans assessment of the withdrawl Chris
  • Shmuel Klatzkin
    I appreciate your proper placement of the newest revisionist that Tucker featured
    Like your article in Free Press, this is first class. A minor correction — Earl Warren was the governor of California for three terms, not FDR’s AG. There was another SCOTUS Justice who had been AG under FDR — Robert Jackson, also chief American Nuremberg prosecutor. No time to check when doing a podcast so understandable.
  • Antonius ager
    New to the show! But a long time listener
    Would love to hear your thoughts on John Dos Passos! (I feel my intellectual journey has paralleled his in someways) I am a new fan to the show but I recall your appearances on ancient history channel documentaries and it brought me back in later life to your work which I thoroughly enjoyed you’re book on WWII & the end of everything. Thanks for your thoughts on politics every week cutting thru the Orwellian state-media we live with
  • Honeybadger Dave
    Wisdom of farmer, philosopher, historian without equal
    Victor Davis Hansen message sends an Armada of truths against leftist propaganda and the evil motives behind atheistic naturalism globally. I am a California Almond farmer who resonates with Mr. Hansen and also sees things that apparently the majority of my fellow Californians fail to see or foolishly want. I pray for Victor daily and others like him that our petitions to God and our fellow Americans are not in vain and may stultify the nefarious plan of the globalists. Thank you, Victor, I truly appreciate you and your courageous voice.
  • safeAgain
    Cooper=Negative Attention
    Cooper can’t produce the excellent books that you’ve written so if you can’t receive positive reviews you resort to negative attention. The public is being bombarded by a list of people that depend on the attention they receive by publishing what they know will get everyone in an uproar . They also know that they’ll be hard to ignore. Cooper joins the incompetent list (the 1619 project) of those who can only hope to get negative attention. Appreciate your support for honest research.
  • belliott77
    A gift
    Dear Mr. Hanson, There are few people that I consider a gift from God, some teachers, pastors and family members. I would add you to the list, your clarity of thought and knowledge of history along with your ability to communicate effectively are truly a gift and I look forward to listening to you every chance I get. I especially enjoy your conversations with Megyn Kelly. I am reading the end of everything right now, sobering. I wish I would have had the chance to study with someone like you when I was young. I know it is hard getting old, I am a little younger than you, but I hope you work well into your eighties. Thank you for your work. Bret Elliott Greeley, Co
  • Beartooth Cowboy
    Doctor Knowledge and Jack The Commie Slayer
    Love this Podcast! Please, someone who has connections, recommend VDH for a Cabinet position with President Trump.
  • valeriahax
    Absolutely OUTSTANDING!!!
    Thank God for this show; I’m so glad I found it (and the amazing content).
  • outdoorpainterGwen
    Savoring the Saturday shows
    I have to agree with Sami can’t wait to read more about Sherman and Grant. Victor brought the men to life. Any news from the farm this summer? Thank you both for yet another great podcast!!
  • Anonymous8091
    Pure Excellence!
    Dr. Hanson, I had the privilege to hear you speak in person two years ago. Your clear articulation of the facts in your calm and measured way has made me a life long fan. Dr. Hanson, your voice reinforces my pride in being a conservative. Thank you sir for sharing your intellect!
  • klbfan
    I learn so much
    I’m only 60, and I love listening to Victor! I didn’t find him until a couple of years ago, so I probably missed a lot. He’s just reasonable and explains things clearly.
  • talpajam
    Bob Woodson
    Dr. VDH, You are the Gran Poobah of conservative intellectual discourse, and thank you for your wisdom. Can you comment on Dr. Bob Woodson and his approach in and with the black community ? We never hear you mention Dr. Woodson. Thank You , Scott
  • Ct86
    Hardball and softball politics
    As a nearly 40 year old woman… don’t count my age group out! I would love to meet or attend a VDH talk at Hillsdale or really anywhere, I just have children and a full time job. So I just read all the books and buy them for my family to read. It is true that another 30 years will bring more experience. But I think VDH has added to my (now) well rounded life experience/education to date. CT
  • The weakly objective
    Philosopher King
    The influence you are having is hard to measure but not hard to imagine .
  • Foshin
    Comeuppance ahead!
    What an absolute pleasure to hear this has-been academic melt down as he sees the inevitability of a Trump defeat coming in November. Professor, you have earned everything you have coming to you for playing lapdog to one of the worst leaders our country has ever suffered. I hope it will be as unpleasant for you as his term in office was for honest, truly patriotic Americans.
  • SCN1047
    H.R. McMaster interview
    VDH, I thought your interview with H. R. McMaster was very good except for one thing. You interrupted and talked over General McMaster way too often. Remember when you are interviewing someone, listeners want to hear what the guest has to say. That’s the reason for the interview, after all. You, VDH, have way, way too much of a tendency to cut off your guest with your own thoughts. We can hear your thoughts at length on your non-interview podcasts, so please, please, please let your guest speak!
  • Ivanseods
    The DeSantis interview was a flop. RDS is a talking head who is primarily funded by the Never Trump ilk. Why no questions about his voting record as a Congressman? Why no questions about RDS precipitous drop in primary polls? Even VDH cant save him.
  • MCB24
    It’s a great podcast with incredible insights. One minor quibble though - Sami often seems to be rushing Victor along when he finishes a thought. A lot of “Yea that is interesting…anyway…” kind of vibes. Understandable that there is time constraint, but it makes the host sound disinterested in his explanation and more interested in having to get to a break or read an ad.
  • Dr. JBK
    Dr. JBK
    An invaluable source of information and analysis with truth & honesty it’s guiding principles!
  • Papa G48
    My VDH story
    I’ve been wanting to write this for quite a while now so here goes: Probably a couple years ago I started to notice Victor appearing on Fox News and the more I saw him, I the more curious I became of his background. I had also never listened to a Podcast in my life so when I discovered he did multiple Podcasts per week, I waded in. The more I listened the more consumed I became with his factual intellect. Lots of people have persuasive oratory skills and convincing arguments but few have the factual information to back up their theory or opinion. That’s what I love about Victor. His insights are fact based albeit from contemporary experiences or from ancient history. I recently heard Jack reading one of Victor’s reviews and albeit, the writer identified Victor as a national treasure (I agree by the way), he was softly complaining that Victor has become a little redundant by repeating some of the same thoughts (and sometimes rants by his admission) when it comes to certain political figures. That’s where I disagree though. I love his passion to want to make this country the best it can be and isn’t afraid to express his concerns and discontent with some of the politicians and their crazy ideas. There is so much more I would like to say but suffice it to say, I admire Victor and value his insights about what is best for our country. I just hope the people that count are listening too! With deepest respect, Papa_G48
  • Thorium9000
    One reviewer gave it one star for putting them to sleep but I’m giving it 5 stars for being my favorite bedtime podcast 😴
  • csmatteson
    Gun “buy backs”
    How does the government buy back guns they never owned and never sold? They use this dishonest term to mask that they are trying to unconstitutionally confiscate our guns and repeal the second amendment with an actual repeal process. We cannot allow this to happen.
  • Jokynn
    Work in progress
    Hello Victor, Could the irrationally of the wars going on be about religion? I am reminded about how Germany towards the end of the war, rerouted trains from the war fronts to ship just one more car load of Jews to the camps. Russia is Christian and Israel is Jewish, Islam hates both. Enemy of my enemy. Defeat Russia with woke dei Ukraine and hold back Israel from victory. I know I am rambling but I have a kernel of an idea forming here. The radical left hates the Jews, us and religion. What will they not do to achieve victory? Again sorry Victor, I had something working out in my head. Mitch
  • Perdi’s Mom
    VDH please stay home and write your book.
    This podcast is a treasure trove of memories and knowledge that is hard to come by. I haven't missed a single episode since January 2022 after hearing my 90 year old aunt mention that she would like to have dinner with VDH because she finds him so interesting. I've been meaning to rate his podcast but out of sheer laziness I have failed to. Not today! Today he mentioned he is tiring of travel and working on a book about animals from his childhood, etc. I implore VDH to stop traveling and stay home and finish that book. I pledge to buy a copy for myself and my aunt whether or not he takes my advice. I doubt I will ever make it to one of his talks but I do buy his books. Mexifornia is my favorite.
  • KlaussZvvvv
    I enjoy his analysis of history and farming but why are there so many Israel first neocons on the right?? Niki Haley should get a cabinet post in a future trump administration? Is he serious?
  • reneeimage
    Best of the Best!
    Always looking forward to professor Hanson’s powerful podcasts in all areas! I specially enjoy listening to history of the world and how is effecting our cultures and society today. I want to thank the professor for bringing up the issue of unemployment and what’s happening with our young adults today! Personally I’m tired of the news constantly reporting how many jobs are available and no one is taking it! I personally I know few people one being a member of my family who have gone through the nightmare of sending over 100 applications and going through interviews , although they were qualified never hear back or if they just got a rejection letter send to them in the late evening! I believe DEI is one reason for companies not hiring qualified people and most Americans not being bilingual is going against them! That’s why there are many foreigners being hired and English speaking are being left behind! Lots at tribalism is going on, Moreover many jobs is outsourced and never came back. I think it’s time to bring jobs back and stop discrimination with DEI. I also hear older people not going back to work it’s simple the companies don’t hire older workers. Also everyone need to read the conversations in Reddit who are looking for jobs and despite having all qualifications they won’t get hired. On the happy notes , thank you Dr Hanson for the fun stories specially your daughters tomato paste making, it brought back my childhood memories. I actually helped making tomato paste the old fashion way. I specially want to thank you for the free courses you offered at Hillsdale college I took two of them and got my certificate.🇺🇸❤️ Thank you Jack, for reminding Catholics to go to church for Assumption of Mary the day of obligation. I need to go now I hope you get the spiritual credit for it. 🤍🕊️
  • 2bRoger
    Fowler too-garrulous
    Otherwise a worthwhile podcast.
  • SunshineShe7
    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ **A Must-Listen for All, Regardless of Your Usual Preferences**
    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ **A Must-Listen for All, Regardless of Your Usual Preferences** As someone who wouldn’t typically consider myself the target audience for this kind of content, I’m genuinely surprised by how much I connect with this podcast. (I am ~40 yo black professional woman who was born and raised in the Bay Area and went to top undergrad and graduate universities outside of CA.) Victor Davis Hanson’s show is highly intellectual, deeply fascinating, and offers fresh perspectives that keep me coming back every week - multiple times in a week lately (as of Summer 2024). The host’s ability to engage VDH and listeners on complex topics in such an accessible and thought-provoking way is truly impressive. This is more than just a podcast—it’s a journey of discovery that challenges your thinking and enriches your understanding. Highly recommend for anyone seeking something refreshingly different. Fellow CA native/perhaps not your typical listener - Sunshine She
  • theperilousgard
    On poetic truths
    I understand what Shelby Steele means by this term, but I think such propaganda would be more aptly called poetic fictions or poetic falsehoods. They ought not to be confused with the penetrating insights of truth expressed in poetry.
  • ulster94
    Sleep inducing drivel
    what an incredible soporific power this man has. i highly recommend this podcast if u are struck by insomnia. never mind the ridiculously trite political analysis & the style of a late 1980s local pbs , this rubbish is completely sleep inducing
  • Greaper22
    Where do we go from here?
    5 stars! Victor is a badly needed voice of reason. What would we need to do to get a Victor+Jack+Sami crossover episode? Also, it feels like we are Jews in 1926 Germany. Where is the safest country to emigrate to from the US, before the genocides begin?
    Harris “ Collective”
    Prof Hanson Kamala recently cited power comes from the “ Collective” rather than the individual. Please site for me all the innovations the Collective have discovered compared to the individual. Aside: my father was a premature birth in the UP of Michigan. Spent his early weeks in a shoe box a top the wood burning stove. He claims he grew strength as a boy by use of a Sauna. His advice to you would be to build a sauna and use daily . Sweat the bad out. God bless Bruce from Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • EttuZeke
    Listen carefully.
    VDH is the voice of one crying into the wilderness.
  • Menzapaul
    VDH - Walz, Iran and Progressive
    we love Victor but criticizing DJT’s criticism of Kemp & Raffensperger is il informed assuming it is because he doesn’t like him. DJT is smarter & know he needs their unified support to win a fair election. However, he knows they’re currently not fair in GA. He is encouraging them to support the current efforts to fix, kinda like what Youngkin just did in VA.
  • Rlb1973-1
    Common Sense Awakens
    Dr. Hanson provides a detailed and concise overview of what’s happening in the American psyche of social, political, and real world life. For too long, too many Americans have become complacent with everyday life so long as what’s going on doesn’t impact them. You provide the practical vantage point of just how much we need to be more aware of the damage being perpetrated upon our way of life. As a conservative American, I’m concerned about the world around me and the detrimental impact upon my children and grandchildren. There must be some type of awakening that’s never been achieved before, even compared to the American revolution or the Civil War. In my opinion, it’s become that serious and threatening to the future of our country and society as a whole. Thank you for your timely analysis and insight into what is happening around us. I am posting this response on 8/8/24 and hope you have an opportunity to sit down with President Trump to enlighten and educate him on the disaster that is coming if his campaign fails to stay on message. I agree that the record of the Biden-Harris-Walz administrations, if properly understood and placed in strategic political ads, would be devastating to them. That would result in a winning election campaign message for President Trump and JD Vance. This country will not be sustainable under the current administration. Heaven help this nation if we are subjected to 4 more years of disastrous policies that are destroying this great nation.
  • loving&living
    Victor Hanson
    Enjoy Victor Hanson show so much. I learn so much ch from this. Thank you for the information and all you do. We need more like this!!!!! Woodbury Tennessee
  • Pamela7644
    Your podcast
    Excellent show Victor. I hope President Trump will get your message. Sound advice Sir. Thank you.
  • llanos0369
    Great knowledge and expert teaching on critical thinking. Im currently finishing my Masters and I routinely have discussions on current and past events. Many of VDH discussions points come up and I enjoyed his thorough coverage of the topics. The manner in which he explains topics help the understanding of the events past, present, and possibly future. Thank you
  • Stake's are High
    Crazy upside down woke eyes
    Two of my grandsons went to a scout camp this summer. The 12 year old told me that one of his buddies got in trouble at camp because he broke a rule-he kissed a girl camper! What did they expect would happen when they throw these preteen kids together? Ludicrous! This must not have been covered in the DEI handbook.
  • PastorBudW
    Content good, ads … meh
    Knowledgeable presenter, love his columns. But….. Long, back to back advertisements, leading with ED treatments. Yikes 🙄
  • @Lester57
    Always clear and insightful.
    Does VDH speak to Trump directly to offer his sage advice for how to approach the next few months leading up to the election?
  • TheThinket
    Thank you
    Victor, what are your thoughts on the death penalty and when and if it should be used…thank you for knowledge. Ed
  • stevind33
    Race baiting
    Trump used a persuasion technique called "Entering Your Illusion" when he questioned Harris' racial identity at the NABJ, and you can already see how well it worked. I've described this technique to my audience over the years. I learned it when training to be a hypnotist. And I've used it successfully a number of times. It's a powerful tool. The method involves ACCEPTING the illusion you are trying to defeat and showing its absurdity by taking it to its obvious conclusion. Trump ACCEPTED the Democrat worldview that identity is the key variable, then casually discussed the incongruity of Harris in terms of her identity. And he did it in front of an audience organized by their identity. This particular persuasion will continue to sink in, to marinate, and to get more powerful over time.
  • been called Superman
    Student loans
    I forgot to sign the post below which you read on the Dec 21 show. My name is Jeff Franzwa. I’ve lived in Lexington, KY for 37 years. I was born and raised in Wisconsin, and my mostly Norwegian parents grew up on dairy farms. After serving most of my Army service at Fort Riley, KS, I went to Kansas State University. I worked in sales and manufacturing until I retired 3 years ago. Thank you for your show. You clarify things that many of us feel but don’t have the words for. Regarding student loans, I never got one when I was in college from 1978-82 because I used the GI BILL and my part time job as a janitor to pay as I went. I remember fellow students going to banks for their loans, so did the banks then back the loans and make sure that the students were making progress towards a marketable degree? Please keep up the good work of speaking truth to leftist power.
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