How Did We Get Weird with Vanessa Bayer and Jonah Bayer


Before sibling duo Vanessa Bayer and Jonah Bayer took the comedy, music and general world by storm, they were just some lil weirdo kids. Joined by exciting guests who also started out this way, they reminisce about everything from toys to trends on How Did We Get Weird? Unless you’re a monster, you’ll want to listen to this nostalgia-filled, hilarious and surprisingly sweet podcast where they discuss how those formative years that shaped them into who they are today.

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Recent Reviews
  • Podcast Guy 12345
    More Vanessa. Less Jonah.
    One star is a hilarious tv star. The other is her brother. The sibling dynamics are at play as Vanessa, the clear star, allows her less funny and less talented brother take the lead. I love the show but let Vanessa have some more time!
  • wallybeara
    Please come back!!!
    This is one of my all time favorite podcasts. Never thought I’d be into a show with this focused but of course Vanessa and Jonah could talk about anything and make it interesting and funny. I’ve combed through the internet to see if there’s any info on whether this show is on hiatus or not coming back. Hopefully they are just on break. Please come back!!!
  • Limbusa
    My favorite!!
    Mondays haven’t been the same since you went on break. Please come back!!!!! I need to hear when all of the future guests inevitably share anecdotes that are reminiscent of Vanessa’s all female scratch comedy troupe, “Bloomers”.
  • carlylistens
    Love this podcast!
    This pod is so funny! I start my work week listening to these cuties!
  • jeowprvdmeo
    Love this podcast! Vanessa and Jonah should make a movie about their childhood because it’s so funny and relatable. Easier said than done, I get it. Vanessa keep singing and Jonah keep being a punk therapist! Thanks for all the laughs and making smile when a new episode pops up. Hap, Ryan in Richmond, VA
  • electric_sheep23
    We get it, Jonah. You’re punk rock.
    Love love love everything Vanessa has done but I can’t listen to this podcast anymore because of Jonah. We get it bro. You were in a punk band and wrote for a music publication. Sorry, but I feel like the conversations screech to a halt when Jonah pipes in.
  • Camarie1085
    More Gwen!
    My favorite episodes are the ones with people they knew when they were kids. Vanessa’s and Jonah’s sibling relationship is really sweet, and this podcast is such an lol cute way to spent an hour.
  • - mb -
    My favorite podcast
    This is my favorite podcast. Even if I don’t recognize the guest, the episodes are always fun to listen to. The comedy and nostalgia is real with this podcast. Keep up the great work Bayers!
  • 3253631434631
    Audio issue
    Hey there’s some issue with Jessica and Vanessa’s audio tracks overlapping a bit in the last 10 minutes, I think Jonah’s was fine
  • TheChaffeur
    The most relatable
    Coming from the same era of 80s and 90s upbringing as Vanessa and Jonah, I find myself nodding along and laughing with their memories, and seeing the connection to who I am today. Like Jonah, I cut my teeth on punk and hardcore music in high school. And like Vanessa, I had some pretty fabulous dresses ready for an array of Bar and Bat Mitzvahs (who’s to say a 12 year old can’t sport a business casual shoulder padded look, as I often did). The guests are well-curated, the topics are smart and hilarious, and honestly, the minute I heard Carrie Brownstein talk about those Juicy Fruit commercials, I was transported back to those halcyon days of people in shorts on ski slopes. Love this podcast, makes my day every time I listen.
  • Jessbelle1118
    I used to love this podcast
    I was super into this show in the beginning but lately I can’t keep making excuses for Vanessa and Jonah and the stuff they don’t seem to know about from 80s and 90s pop culture. They get so many facts wrong and/or have no memory of stuff that was pretty popular. It’s getting frustrating. And why does Jason Schwartzman’s episode go on forever and he doesn’t have a topic to talk about??
  • Gay Gay Talese
    Very easy listening
    They are so funny and sweet and smart. Like a warm blanket to sink into 😍
  • gheyberry
    Tomato soup cake!
    Grace on Passions (soap opera) made tomato soup every Thanksgiving and I have carried on that tradition since I’ve heard of it.
  • Trixie’s Dad
    Love the two hosts’ dynamic. They’re so close; it’s almost like they’re brother and sister.
  • chief2603
    Love from a fellow weirdo
    As someone from Cleveland who grew up in approximately the same timeframe as Vanessa and Jonah, this podcast is a hilarious walk down memory lane. This is the definition of “feel good” entertainment…funny and relatable discussions from two really cool people.
  • Costanzafan25
    You don’t need to “re-release” episodes…
    They’re still there, people can still go back and listen, it’s not some limited time thing. These “TBT” episodes just make it harder to navigate the feed and leads to more confusion. Just seems like a desperate money grab
  • Sean Brierty
  • AdamfromEarth
    Guster is still around. (Revised)
    Guster is still around. I’m sorry I left a one star review. But I just want everyone to know Guster is as relevant now as they were 20 years ago. Mildly successful and fervently supported. Here’s 5 stars
  • jlivdahl
    So joyful and fun. Nostalgic topics create unexpected conversations
  • Jesus F. Christo
    Hilarious, Informational, and Sweet!
    Love Vanessa and Jonah! They’re both so funny and kind and are both naturals at interviewing guests.
  • frillyhell
    Spot on for Gen X/Early Millennials
    Great reminders of cool/ridiculous things from the 80s/90s that I had forgotten about. Please bring Corin and Carrie back to do an episode on the Doublemint sexed up twin commercials. Or for any reason whatsoever.
  • Trisha White Priebe
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO A “remember portal?” The video game!
  • Bribrebre
    Feel good
    This is one of my favorite podcasts, very easy to listen to. If I’m ever feeling down and need to distract myself I can count on Vanessa and Jonah to make me feel better.
  • ‘99grad
    Clever, Nostalgic, Hilarious
    Would love to hear if anyone else watched Nickelodeon’s “You Can’t Do That on Television”
  • Nessa624
    I got really excited to hear their take on The Blair Witch Project. It was a lot of complaining paired with unfinished thoughts and questions suggesting they didn’t pay attention when watching it. There were also way too many uses of the word, “like”. It was painful to listen to comments on a movie and genre that you have no interest in. Boring.
  • Wiresound
    My Favorite Podcast (Do hosts read these?)
    How Did We Get Weird is definitely my favorite podcast. It's exactly like having a conversation with your closest childhood pals. If you grew up any time between the late 80s and early 2000s you will relate immediately to 99% of what is discussed on the podcast. Even though I grew up in a different part of the U.S., I was also a suburban kid doing almost the same things at the same time as the Bayer siblings. The podcast is also sort of a running story of growing up in the Bayer household, living crazy times in the Cleveland suburbs. The sibling hosts, Vanessa Bayer (UPenn musical
  • Sean Ryan Brierty
    As in legs a sea
  • brandsheph
    Shut up about your cousin
    I have enjoyed this podcast so much but if the two of you mention your “cousin” Riki Rachtman one more time, I’m going to scream. As folks with writing and comedy experience, you should know when a joke has run its course and this one is way past its expiration date now.
  • Cuban Podcaster
    This quickly became my fave podcast. It’s so much joy. Thanks both for making me laugh loudly a lot.
  • Bethsodas
    Love it!
    And please have Amber and Lacey back again - I think this one might have been my favorite of all time, and I didn’t even know who they were before. Now I’m a huge fan!
  • nickname: dontHave1
    Vanessa’s right, they ARE pretty cool.
  • Comixboy
    Unsupervised Brilliance!
    The Bayer siblings let loose without parental guidance and its sweet. I can’t say enough about how much I enjoy this podcast. I found it by accident (or perhaps providence) and have no idea how or why…but I am so glad I did. It’s part nostalgia, part life lesson, part interview, part comedy, and wholly enjoyable. The warmth of caring you hear between brother and sister is wonderful. The respect for their guests is wonderful. The memories it pulls out of the gray matter wrinkles is wonderful. It’s just wonderful. Anyone that was raised in the 80’s or 90’s will adore this. Great job!
  • Coopd8
    The Bayer Duo Rocks and Rolls and Remembers Things in a Fun Funny Manner That I Enjoy
    I’ve been on a #HDWGW (yeah) rampage for the last month or so and it has really been my support system I fear the approaching day that I catch up to the latest episode. My Monday moaning is: I’m nearing the end of the binge. Just two of the coolest funniest people around I like hanging out thank you guys.
  • Koeoadditherre
    I was TODAY years old when I learned Kokomo is not a real place.
    Thanks, pals (but also- said with my whole chest- thank you so much because I could see myself legitimately referencing it in conversation 🫠)
  • NerdyInNE
    Lots of fun.
    Just listened to the episode with Gillian Jacobs and really enjoyed it. Great banter and behind the scenes stories from Ibiza. We need more celebration of all things Marlo Thomas, so good job on that front. I’d argue that Gillian is way too smart to be a dork, so she’s really a nerd. Nerd Pride! And yes, hot drinks DO cool you off on a hot day.
  • Former Enjoyer
    Absolute best!
    Great scroll down memory lane with great chemistry
  • Raquel R from Chicago
    So much to love
    This podcast works for me on so many levels. I love the sibling dynamic between the hosts, the quality and variety of their guests, and mostly, how it triggers my nostalgia for my childhood and young adulthood. Thank you, Jonah and Vanessa, for making me laugh and helping me recall the good old days.
  • SystemError99
    This is a 5-star-hot-coffee-in-the-summer review.
  • Eilah Wood
    Love it
    I’m a longtime listener of this fun and funny pod. Highly recommend! Was wondering why VB and Mark Procksh didn’t mention WWDITS?? I was dying to get insight got on VBs arc as an emotional vampire on the show.
  • Average Woman Adult Human
    Yes Nostalgia- Bring back Popsicle creamsicle with the cherry, grape, and orange! They were my favorite ♥️
  • Scholasticbookfair
    A happy little podcast
    This is so charming!! They are so sweet and Vanessa is hilarious. She and Jonah have a great rapport. They have great guests. ‘I said no gifts’ brought me to them and I’m only 4 episodes in, but it is such a nice reprieve from the dark podcasts I typically listen to; definitely one of my faves. The bonus is all the nostalgia!
  • ElizaJane17
    STOP overusing “Like” and “You know”
    ***I heard these two on I SAID NO GIFTS and decided to try this pod again. They’ve made huge improvements and I’m here for it! 👏🏻 I find this podcast really delightful in most ways but Vanessa needs to stop overusing the word “like.” I could hardly get through the Bridger episode. And Jonah with the Thanksgiving episode and the use of “you know” is unbearable.
  • McKee1650
    Great podcast that always makes me laugh!
  • MeganLauren814
    This show is an absolute delight. I love Vanessa and Jonah’s relationship and shared childhood memories. They are hilarious and have great guests. I look forward to this show each week.
  • Zheyayok
    Nostalgia partners with comedy
    Not to brag, but I’ve been listening to this podcast since the beginning and I am an absolutely stan. The sibling dynamic fills me with joy. Vanessa is the funniest person currently in comedy, imo. Jonah only adds to the inevitable laughter. In fact, if laughter is the best medicine, as they say, then I receive a weekly dose of the best each Monday. It is so sweet that they seem to take turns inviting people they know onto the show that they know/want to talk to or have their listeners find out more about. Even if it’s not how this works, I will most likely continue to self-delude to keep this notion alive. I don’t always know the guests, but whether it’s more Jonah or Vanessa leaning guest, I find each episode a true delight. Vanessa, please continue to mention Bloomers as you always do “my all female sketch comedy and musical parody troupe.” Jonah & Vanessa, never stop reaching for that perfect GenZ sentence and turning up comedy gold.
  • hotrodchrisP
    What a fun show!
    Just to hear Vanessa sing and Jonah do his Kermit impersonation is enough to keep you in stitches! This show is incredibly funny and a nice look back into nostalgic topics!
  • Mimsymeanie
    Fun and sweet
    I love this podcast, loved vb on snl and was happy to find this podcast. Wanted to write a review because I especially loved the tony hale episode, I hope he comes back!
  • gMOUSAs
    Just don’t?
    It’s another example of people with lots of words but nothing to say. I’m exhausted
  • Sha Lo
    Cool, dude
    I love the hosts. Super cool and funny. I love the 80s and nostalgia f it all. Fun to see that we were were all doing the same funny things, too.
  • ckefisher
    It’s like hanging out in grandma’s basement in Ohio with your cousins
    I look forward to this podcast every Monday, it is the best hour of the day and a great way to start the week. My cousins & I now have a group chat to go down memory lane after listening - it’s been a ton of fun! I cannot recommend it more - It would be impossible!
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