Grim & Mild Presents

History #41

An ongoing exploration of history’s most unusual and the macabre themes. Each 13-episode season unpacks a new topic in fresh format and style. Presented and executive produced by Aaron Mahnke.Season 1: "Sideshow", is all about the history behind one of America's most bizarre institutions, the traveling sideshow.

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Recent Reviews
  • AngiRose86
    Grim and Mild Everything
    Though sometimes the message and story presented is difficult to hear, I haven’t heard something from Grim and Mild that I dislike. Well researched. Well written. Grim and Mild presents history’s stories that should not be forgotten because we need the lessons they provide. I highly recommend this show, American Shadows, and Noble Blood.
  • catgirlgreekgeeksoutherngirl
    ❤️ the shows!!!!!!! But…….
    OK I absolutely love his shows, but I feel like Robin Minter on her parts of the show. She mostly talks about like politics and other kind of stuff like that and it’s always a bit of a stretch can to connect it to the episode like for example when they did the episode on lobotomies, she went straight into something entirely else it was just, yeah. Otherwise love love love love love shows
  • Aveeno Active Natural
    Kinda felt really biased
    It sounded like a cool show but it really is at the heart of it hating on white people. Another thing is in the Wild West Gender episode where Aaron is talking about this native dude and his place in society, at first he explains that the native was referred to by she her pronouns and he him pronouns and that the Spanish were confused by this, but then Aaron Menke proceeds to put our understanding of gender on something that is not our culture and that even the historian said that’s not what that is. So I don’t think I really enjoyed the show. I liked Lore but I did not enjoy this one with the very blatant disregard of white people and then they judging of someone else’s gender that you did not personally know and then place your cultures expectations of gender on their cultures expectations of gender. I preferred it when the shows were unbiased, and not leaning on entirely one isle of the politics in history whenever everyone has done something bad.
  • ClarksArt
    Love ALL His Podcasts!
    Aaron is an awesome vocal presence and storyteller!
  • LeoFlash
    Informative and Entertaining
    Aaron Mahnke always does an amazing job on his productions, and Grim and Mild is no exception. Bite-sized, highly detailed, and full of interesting information about many different areas of our history, you won’t be disappointed with this podcast. I’m just sad I’ve finished the series!
  • Ronnie Shu
    Grim and Mild Presents
    Hi👋🏻 I love all the shows produced by you! Please keep creating! I'll keep listening and spreading the word!
  • meamouse564
    Facets of history
    Excellent storytelling with backing research, translating information into a narrative. At times heart wrenching and eye opening without ever trying to make the listener feel personally attacked. Sad that some listeners (or former listeners I guess) feel otherwise.
  • Jeff & Amy
    LGBTQ & Trans activist propaganda
    Most of Aaron’s shows are great, but the Wild West Series is just LGBTQ & Trans activist propaganda. All the buzz words, assigned at birth etc. Just a bunch of woke virtue signaling garbage.
  • grneies
    One of the most interesting podcasts
    Variety with in depth storytelling of different historical events the gentlemans Soothing voice is enjoyable to hear. . Especially enjoy western takes, I intend to savor each story. as I said earlier, great voice on this podcast. This has become one of my favorites. Looking forward to more soothing voiced adventures and tales of history.
  • 86chel
    Interesting but sad history
    I always enjoy Aaron’s podcasts, and walk away learning things that I didn’t know. This has been a very difficult series to listen to, albeit an important one. History often isn’t pretty. One comment about the delivery of the “one more story” at the end of each episode—please have her listen to herself before publishing. The emphasis on specific words is unnecessary and distracting, to the point where I can’t finish listening.
  • Jayalexn
    Historical fact?
    Not even close. Laughably inaccurate and lacking nuance.
  • Stickers16
    Didn’t care for narrative. Seemed heavy handed to one side .
    Mountain Meadows Massacre
    I tried to find a way to reach out via email, but I couldn’t find any so I’m here in the comments. I enjoy the many shows you produce, but anytime “Mormons” are mentioned their history and beliefs are grossly misrepresented. I’d love to help clarify several things, but for the sake of space all I ask is that you refer the religion using its correct name. Mormon”ism” was a nickname given to the church and the members because of their belief in the Book of Mormon, but the church is called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and continues to go by that name today. Members are referred to as Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or simply as Latter Day Saints. I’d love to answer any questions about the religion, but using the correct name of the church would be greatly appreciated.
  • Roh-Roh
    Mountain Meadow Massacre
    Very disappointed to hear an ad that was blatantly political. I expected better.
  • Steve the Teach
    Additional Sources
    As always, Aaron does a nice job of story telling. I do love all the products of Grim and Mild. Seeing the past helps us shape our future. Another reviewer,, asked for more sources. This particularly dark chapter of American and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has always been of interest to me and I will offer a few recommendations here. These are academic historian level texts, but good reads. “Vengeance is Mine: The Mountain Meadows Massacre and its Aftermath” by Turley and Jones-Brown was just released. Another work by Turley with Walker and Leonard is “Massacre at Mountain Meadows” published in 2009. Both are very detailed taking primary sources and presenting them in a more prosaic form than one would expect from an academic work. The third source is published by the Church and is a also along the same lines but is on the overall history of the Church. “Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days” is a four volume series, the final volume due out next year, that covers the beginnings to modern times in great detail. The MMM is in Volume 2, but is not covered in as great a detail as with the other two. But it does give an excellent picture of the times to help the reader better understand how such a horrible crime could occur.
  • Copperspaz
    Gross misrepresentation
    Whoever did your fact checking and writing for the Mountain Meadows Massacre episode should be ashamed. What a gross misrepresentation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Forgot to mention the numerous times that they were forced out of their homes in the middle of the winter. Had their homes and property that they legally owned stolen from them. Had their houses of worship burned to the ground. Were literally legal to kill at will because of the order from Governor Boggs of Missouri. Might want to mention that the LDS people only sought to be left alone and had every right to defend themselves from violent mobs who hunted them and harassed them at every turn.
  • Avampirebyday
    Interesting but
    Interesting but would be even better if you just told the story with actual facts and leave the opinion out of it. There’s alotnof “I assume” “I imagine” “probaly” Did you even research some of these subjects or just assume facts based on your woke opinion? I hope listeners don’t just believe everything Aaron says, because in quite a few episodes, his story telling is completely inaccurate.
    Mountain Meadows Massacre
    I grew up with many Mormons. They are nice people but their history is suspect. Where can I find the citations for you episode on the Mountain Meadows Massacre?
  • Outcast on the inside
    No real research or fact checking
    They really don’t seem to be concerned with telling the truth. I have listened to a few episodes with blatant lies being told. It seems like there is an effort to revise and rewrite history to tell the story that they want. If you do very shallow dives into some of the topics shared here, you can see that they are just making things up. Or maybe using conspiracy theory sources? Either way, a lot this can’t be considered historical facts.
  • rdcameron
    Wild West
    I almost punched my phone when you pronounced Pierre, South Dakota the French way.
  • clawdooku
    Always worth the listen
    I’ve heard a few of the grim and mild produced shows and they’ve all been interesting. They’re great topics with that extra background that just brings everything to life. For deep dive history on some of the stuff we think we know about this is the place.
  • MiniVan MegaFun
    Good but…
    His name was Almanzo!
  • tammylynk
    One of the best
    Hi……I listen to all of the Grim and Mild shows. Just love all the work you do. It is very informative and makes your mind think. I listen to the show on my way to and from work and while cleaning the house. Great job.
  • Willniccolls
    Horrible AI Voice, Too Bad Because Content is Decent
    The narration is brutal, it's either a highly edited voice or artificial computer generated voice, but either way it is characterless, flat, and unlistenable. The actual content seems decent but the overall tone is way too lifeless. Don't bother.
  • Daly_stoner
    Wyatt Earp
    I enjoyed this podcast A lot especially the new season Wyatt Earp who was involved in the Gunfight at O.K. Corral is buried at Hills of Eternity Memorial in Colma, California it’s a 8 min drive from my house or 40 mins walk from my house. I highly recommend it to coworkers, friends or family
  • BarbDSF
    All Aaron’s podcasts
    Love all your podcast’s. They are always full of wonderful content! Good job. Keep up the entertainment!
  • Rusty Greensboro Citizen
    Awesome Insight to Human Minds & Human Story
    I absolutely love and support all of these Grim & Mild publications! One concern: Episode 9 of Grim & Mild shades negativity to desperate parents of children with deep mental difficulties -at least the Kennedys. While politics was likely a significant consideration for the father, there were others which were larger and glossed over. Dear Rose had been increasingly violent in episodes and you indicated a significant amount of fear over her escaping. My wife and I have a dear daughter who has violent episodes. We’ve lived for years in true fear that we will be killed in our sleep. Because our daughter tells us she will. And she will kill her siblings. Her reason is clear and true: our daughter lives in deep fear of her “voices” (auditory, visual, & tactile hallucinations) will kill her if she does not kill us. No medication has been effective, the doctors have tried over 30 pharmaceutical options and told us the hallucinations are her baseline and will not go away. She is less than 12 years old and very intelligent and creative. She has tried to kill herself and many others -even when she is in a psychiatric facility. Please do not assign negative motivation to the people in history. Reality is that nearly all humans are doing the best they can with the circumstances they are given.
  • Duthddyxebeeb
    Clickbait and Ableism
    Title really says all you need to know. Every episode about disabled people is just disgusting inspiration p*rn and taking advantage of the victims. Not to mention all the episode descriptions are vague and inaccurate.
  • DC from CW
    Way too woke
    History is not always pleasant but it’s truly offensive to recast everything through today’s politicized lens.
  • freakazoid4807
    Love it
    This show is great, especially season 3. These are just as good as “Lore”
  • TiffanySill
    Only One Con…
    The narrator’s voice is so soothing I tune it out and fall asleep, great podcast though
  • MGP Terps
    Good Show. Great job
  • livnoir
    Never too much Aaron Mahnke
    I love anything Aaron Mahnke puts his hard work and love into, this podcast included!! If you like history, and the unusual you will love !! Thank you Once again Aaron Mahnke Lisa Kay
  • YoullThankMeLater
    What a draaaag
    I love deep dives into topics. The more details, the better, so the concept of one season per topic was appealing. I could hardly get through even a few episodes though. The story is delivered in such a flat, low-energy tone that my mind kept drifting away. No humor. No character. And the slow, plinking piano music in the background gives a lonely, despondent vibe. What should have been a fun story just bummed the the F out.
  • oysterman69
    Aaron can do no wrong
    Everything this guy does is incredible.
  • rjc (the dude)
    Good for the most part
    The meat of the episodes are very good. Well-researched, interesting, and Aaron Mahnke is a good presenter. Towards the very end of the podcast, Allie Steed presents a short story. I have to fast forward through this part because I can’t stand her affected speaking style. Would be a higher rating if she were off the show or if she developed a better speaking voice. I would stick with Aaron by himself!
  • 6thtrymakinganickname
    Well done podcast
    I absolutely love history podcasts but there are too many silly ones that have lots of banter and silly laughter. This is not one of those. With researched writing and articulate hosts, this does offer some speculative stories but makes sure to stay close to historical accuracy. I appreciate the straightforward reading and the fact that it is not dry like a lecture. I started following because of the pirates series but I am looking forward to whatever they put out. You will not regret giving this show a listen.
  • Stjensen
    Pirates - New Voices
    As always Aaron’s voice is so soothing and entertaining as he tells these amazing stories. There is so much more to pirates then I have ever known! Allie’s voice is so well suited for this series and in particular on episode 6 Rebels with a Cause her French is impeccable. As a fluent French-American speaker hearing her pronunciation of names, places and the like was a breath of fresh air. Also she has the voice to tell this kind of history! Keep up the great work G&M team the hard work does not go unnoticed!
  • Yakatoy
    Here you hear Aaron and not anyone else
    I love this podcast but cannot give it five stars as the guest speakers at the end are not good at all. Please give them their own podcasts so those who do like them can listen to them and those who don’t, don’t have to be forced to hear them or skip the end of the podcast, which is what I usually do. Please!!!
  • pnitgjotrcvdegj
    I’ve really enjoyed G&M podcasts, but the episode I just listened to pulled me up short. In describing an attack on Grainne O’Malley, Aaron said it happened “off the coast of the Iberian peninsula, in the Middle East.” Record scratch! I actually rewound and listened again, because I thought I’d mis-heard it. But nope — that’s what he said. (For those who don’t know, the IP = Spain and Portugal, i.e., nowhere close to the Middle East.) So, the fact that they got this basic geography wrong — in a scripted show* — makes me wonder what else they’ve gotten wrong that I’ve accepted as fact. This kind of sloppiness is a cardinal sin for a history pod. * I’m really forgiving when podcasters make mistakes like this when they’re making off-the-cuff remarks
  • Oilgeologist1972
    Great podcast series as expected!
    Grim & Mild have several great podcast series and this is another in a long list. A great collection of stories that are well researched and fun. They are all interesting from both a historic and entertaining point of view. The stories range from the Ohio River to the Caribbean and many stops in between. Long enough to capture your attention but not so long you can’t listen in one sitting. I don’t do many reviews but wanted to support this great series and Aaron Mahnke for all their hard work and research creating these fun podcasts and hope you will check them out! Enjoy!
    Aaron does amazing storytelling!
    Exactly, what I expect from Aaron M. From well researched to calm and interesting storytelling! Using history to tell Macabre stories that you’ll absolutely love, if that’s your thing and maybe if it’s not.
  • thermosprotection1
    A pirate’s life for us!
    We love the Grim and Mild world of podcasts, and we are thoroughly enjoying this deep dive into all things pirate!
  • Alamance Gal
    I loved the season “Sideshow”, and Aaron is an incredible narrator and host. I gave two stars because the narration by Robin Miniter and Taylor Hagerdorn is terrible. TERRIBLE. Ms. Miniter and Ms. Hagerdorn are great producers and researchers! But until they have more training in voice, articulation and interpretation, they need to stay off the air and leave the speaking to Mr. Mehnke.
  • Bachcath
    Great podcast for the darker side !
    Aaron produced some great podcasts! Very well done and interesting. It’s hard to wait for the new episodes! A++
  • Ponca boy
    Great like everything Aaron does
  • brayferg
    Another amazing podcast with great content from Aaron!
  • wencruella
  • AHobbs513
    Spoiler Alerts Below!
    First, I love all shows from Grim and Mild but I am super excited for… Pirates! I love the idea of learning about pirates. Thank you to the team for creating such fun content. I learn so many new things in a fun and interesting way. Keep up the good work!
  • meganabc21
    Aaron Mahnke is my favorite podcast creator. This show is just as engaging and interesting as Lore.
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