Be Reasonable: with Your Moderator, Chris Paul


A fiery, but mostly peaceful podcast.

I'm your moderator, Chris Paul. Let's Be Reasonable.

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Recent Reviews
  • Sizemore24
    Love the new logo Chris great job
  • Fad Flub
    While “Chris Paul” likes to speak condescendingly about “standard-issue villagers” on the Uniparty Right ( and by the way, the condescension is well merited); and while his routine use of phrases like “Controlled Opposition” and “Kayfabe”, along with his far more ( compared to the typical “Con. Inc.” marionette at least) sophisticated understanding of geopolitical dynamics suggest that he is worth listening to, I nonetheless have my doubts. My skepticism proceeds from the fact that he just ASSUMES, as a matter of course, that Donald J. Trump is exactly who he is portrayed to be by the “MAGA” Right (roughly everyone from the standard-issue villager Newsmax & AM Talk Radio Kosher-Plantation dwelling, Israel-First Con. Inc. halfwits, to the scarcely less half-witted Q-Anon followers) : A lionhearted, Anti-Globalist, Deep State-fighting champion of the American People. Well, forgive me for uttering this heresy, but what makes you think that Trump’s (supposed) Battle with the Globalists, Deep State, etc. isn’t itself just a load of Kayfabe? That they’re just pretending to be sooooo at odds with him (and he with them), that they feel sooooo mortally threatened by him, etc.?That DJT, is, in brief, Controlled Opposition, albeit an extraordinarily and extravagantly cultivated species thereof? Oh, I can already hear the likely answer: “ Are you kidding me?! They’ve been hitting the man with everything they’ve got and they even tried to ASSASSINATE him!” To which I’d reply, yes, and in the same way, a film production company employs all manner of thrilling and spectacular devices to make their productions APPEAR realistic and convincing! Anyway, this review already being overlong, I will leave “Chris Paul” and his earnest (but in my opinion fooled) listeners with a little challenge: Do yourselves a real service and, for starters, carefully read the article titled “Welcome to Kayfabe” on the website coronacircus dot com ( I can’t post links here, but try to find it). This is the best primer on how political Kayfabe really works. Then, with regard to Trump’s supposed assassination attempt, along with the larger question of Is-Trump-Controlled-Opposition, check out the recent article and accompanying videos by Tim Brown with the title “Terrible Acting: Trump Allegedly Shot - Trump Picks Up His Gun Confiscation Mantra In 3, 2, 1 (Video)” on SonsofLibertyMedia dot com. And finally, read the article titled “Was It a Staged Head Wound” on Renegade Tribune dot com ( when they’re not busy censoring that site). One more piece of Food for Thought: All over the Mainstream Media yesterday and today, I noticed the curious spectacle of every normie-Norm news outlet condemning any suggestion that the shooting was in any way “staged”, and one of them, NBC News, presented the stunningly idiotic non sequitur that “There is no evidence to support any claims that the shooting was staged—Trump was visibly injured, and a spectator was killed, while another was injured.” (Because you know, in False Flag events no one ACTUALLY gets hurt or killed, no, no, no, the evil tyrants who rule over us would never hurt or kill us! No way! Why are supposedly anti-Trump news agencies who are forever ranting about Orange-Man-Bad! so eager to impress upon Americans that no, no, as much as we (supposedly) execrate Orange-Man-Bad! this was the Real Deal! Anyway, chew on all that and please refute it all if you can. Maybe then your show will be worth a listen!
  • Ashes715
    Legit Narrative Warrior
    I’ve been listening to CP for a couple years. The insight and thought provoking stimulation he provides is unmatched. He’s not just touting opinions, he’s effectively re-wiring brains HOW to think critically, instead of programming brains WHAT to think.
  • newseamus
    Chris Paul knows
    CP is a clear head thinker and has the truth on his side. I trust him 100% more than the rest of “conservative media”. His insights into popular culture are bone fide. Listen at your own risk cuz you won’t come out the same in the end.
  • thinking person222345
    Best critical thinker in podcast land today.
    Chris Paul is the best critical thinker in podcast land. His contributions to Badlands media are also fantastic. I wish they had a podcast.
  • Badger 10
    The Endgame
    Chris Paul (I’m your moderator) delivers thought provoking analysis on what is the motivation behind the scripted mainstream media and manufactured cultural narrative that otherwise sway public perception and opinion on issues effecting society. Chris Paul is able to dismantle biased news reports, law fair, geopolitical hypocrisy, expose cultural influencers methods and tactics used to manipulate public opinion away from reality and the truth. Chris Paul makes a mockery of those who consume the fake media narrative and those who promote it.
  • Stranger than a total stranger
    Bad faith, fallacious “reasoning” for people who can’t think
    He will go through the motions of constructing an argument, but he is really only ever defending a point. That’s fine, if there were actually rules for that defense. There aren’t. This is all play acting by a man with a reasonable voice and unwavering faith that he is right. He moves from A to B in circles, dodging every reasonable counter argument along the way- so he always arrives where he started. No growth here - just all of us becoming more stunted. Sad right - since people tune in because they think he sounds smart and some of that will rub off on them. No, that’s just the sloughing off of your brain cells so he can scratch an itch. Listener- you are his narcissistic supply.
  • devin lucien
    this is not it
    this guy pretends to be the smartest guy in the room. and he’s not. it’s not unique to be racist and believe in conspiracies.
  • HeyMrs.Wilson!
    Chris is genius-level intelligent, formally educated in logic and debate, he digs, reasons things out to the end, has stellar insight into current events and solid theories about what’s possibly going on below the surface (but all based in fact, humble admissions, and no grandiose claims)… He’s the real deal. I’ve learned an enormous amount from this podcast— and his being very funny is icing on the cake.
  • Arizona Painter
    Insightful Commentary
    I really enjoy listening to Chris Paul’s take on the events of our world. Thoughtful and refreshing perspective. If I wake in the middle of the night during an episode of insomnia, I often listen to Be Reasonable to help focus my mind on something worthy of thought—instead of the unproductive worries that come into my brain at 2am.
  • Shaggiee55
    New favorite Podcast
    Chris has a great perspective with a chill demeanor that makes for an awesome listening experience. New favorite podcast!
  • DixxieBelle
    Such a Smart Guy!
    I would prolly never have found Chris if not for PP. Chris is cool, calm & collected, yet his passion comes thru. How blessed are we to have had him switch sides. Thank you, Chris, keep spreading the truth.
  • dhshadle01
    Chris Rocks it every day!
  • WillPC1030
    Antidote to gaslighting
    I really appreciate the clear and unapologetic perspective. Chris does not always come to the same conclusions that Chris does but I thoroughly enjoy the intellectual journey. You need to like ideas to enjoy the show.
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