WEAPONIZED with Jeremy Corbell & George Knapp

Science #16

In WEAPONIZED, Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp pull back the veil on the world of the known, to explore the unexplained. This multi-platform investigative series features exclusive interviews, never-before-seen footage, previously-suppressed documents, original audio and video recordings, and hard evidence related to UFOs, the paranormal, cutting-edge science, cover-ups, conspiracies, and big-time crimes. Original, groundbreaking conversations with government whistleblowers, spies, spooks, scientists, military officials, muckraking journalists, filmmakers, historians, artists, musicians, and major celebrities will cast a wide shadow through the other-world… and detail the human experiences that inform these extraordinary phenomena. Your curiosity will be WEAPONIZED. WEAPONIZED is a presentation of Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp.

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Recent Reviews
  • Topper414
    Quality Podcast
    Can’t get enough of this podcast. Quality work reporting and great connections to the truth. Appreciate the hard work and dedication to the subject.
  • Amgreenbean
    Enjoy the podcasts. Keep up the great work!
  • goscgal
    Trump? Luna?
    Pleeze. He has no clue about anything that doesn’t enrich him. So stop the fanboy memes. Luna is a joke in congress known for crazy conspiracies…it’s important to have credible voices who have the respect of their peers in order to get any legitimate legislation passed.
  • @Kimrichards.npc
    Best UFO Pidcast
    This podcast provides the best information on the topic! Jeremy and George are easy to understand and eloquent.
  • The Lizzy Bear
    A whole bunch of nothing. Cornell’s voice and way of speaking is so grating. And it was so dumb when Knapp briefly said “Israeli satellites over Area 51”… lol he just made that up on the fly and it propagates misinformation and racist stereotypes. So dumb. They contract with American companies, so iit would be American companies with satellites in the sky. Is ALL of this misinformation and an active PsyOps campaign? There really isn’t any proof at all. Just stories. As a PhD psychologist, I know how the mind works, and it very easily misinterprets stimuli from the environment, specially based on priming (ie id you are obsessed with aliens then see a weird cloud, you will jump to the conclusion it’s aliens instead of a cloud). We already know that both the US , USSR, and Germany have airways uses prolific alien PsyOps campaigns . Seems like this is just another big distraction to make American citizens distracted from REAL issues, like the Chinese fentanyl trade and homelessness. Why don’t people actually do productive things for the people dying right in front of them on the street instead of drifting off into delusional fantasy Land?
  • Top NATE
    3 Decades
    Great podcast, followed George for many decades covering the Bob Lazar saga. Great to know we have ears and eyes on the UFO topic congress is trying to uncover for the public’s knowledge and right to know issues on UAP. Thanks for your efforts guys….. hope we have season 2 soon and episode 51 coming out.
  • jfknb
    Mostly Bait
    First few episodes were all right. But honestly… there a specific format to each episode… and that format is, “we (George & Jeremy) know this and that to be true and have evidence, but we can’t talk about or reveal any of it, nor give you any evidence to support what we know”. Unless you are a complete believer… you will see how by episode 5 or 6, all they divulge is speculation and conjecture. Rather disappointing in that aspect. It’s the podcast version of Ancient Aliens… with a modern perspective. However… that being said… the episodes are entertaining if you want to just shut off your brain and not have to think too much.
  • James WB
    Excellent podcast!!
  • SarahSarah21
    The UFO Champions
    Thank you for the work you do! It’s very important. Thank you for brining us what you learn. I want to be part of the movement so becoming a mufon investigator is what I can contribute. Thank you for using your knowledge, skills and tenacity to fight for disclosure. George and Jeremy are my heroes.
  • Fmaggio1984
    Maybe summarize the show at the beginning
    Some constructive criticism….maybe just a quick summary of the topic before getting into all the details. It’s almost like y’all start in the weeds and work your way towards the topic 🤷🏻‍♂️. Also maybe it’s time to just spill all the beans….these protected sources aren’t letting you guys break the news!!!!
  • JCastilloGarcia
    Among the best
    Love George Knapp’s input, extensive knowledge and experience but have a hard time with Jeremy’s breathy, spasmodic interruptions and frequent F word exclamations. He makes the show look shoddy and amateurish. Sounds like a hyperbolic teenager instead of a season ned professional. No need to hype the show with overly dramatic expressions from Jeremy. The content itself is compelling.
  • MandaPants2
    Informative and fascinating
    I find this podcast so intriguing, especially in light of the recent leaked videos from our military. I appreciate how professional and thoughtful George and Jeremy are. George’s dedication to this topic, his history and groundness makes me really reconsider everything I have thought on this topic.
  • Drnen
    Distracting sound effects
    Please remove the overly produced highlighter sound effects from the audio-only version of the podcast. They are distracting and add nothing to the exp of listening to the podcast.
  • J Frick 99
    Thank you!
    Just wanted to say thank you guys for what you do even though you are constantly at risk, your actions are very important in keeping the movement alive and thriving! Love you guys and thank you!
  • Hidden fb
    First class investigators and news makers
    George Knapp and Jeremy Cobell are phenomenal reporters and their stories are breaking news on the UAP phenomenon. I witnessed a ufo in 2001 and that memory was burned into my memory which brought me to this podcast. People are seeing these objects all over the world and there are those trying to cover the phenomenon but George and Jeremy keep shining light on the truth and the stories of those who have encountered this phenomenon.
  • Z71polarbear
    Objection your honor: Leading
    This podcast is the real reason no one take this stuff seriously. I’m interested in these topics but field is so full of people who already have their mind made up, no science. Like religion, when you try make a logical reason they call you names say your wrong. Host ask the questions, and when he doesn't get answer he wants he then rephrases it while answering they way he wants and has guest agree. Does it time and time again. And I have only listened to 1 episode.
  • tignig
    Hi Jeremy 👋
    The notion that Corbell doesn’t read comments is almost funnier than the notion that he’s a journalist.
  • ffghjiig
    Great Hosts
    George is so professional and articulate and Jeremy brings good energy and is very good at keeping it engaging. You can really tell Jeremy looks up to George and they are just so good together. There wasnt really any good podcasts on this subject but these guys filled the void. Love it
  • jerichofamm
    You guys are awesome.
    I also love your podcast. I support you! Keep up the good work. PS Jeremy don’t stop being you. Even the F bombs. That guy needs to know it’s just Jeremy being passionate about what he’s doing. We are adults. Hooah
  • tsartin575
    Controlled Opposition
    I’m nearly certain that Jeremy Corbell is a controlled opposition actor. Good podcast though. Make up your own mind.
  • billbates40
    Love it
    I know you guys are busy I just wish y’all had daily podcasts, although I’ll just wait for the next one. Keep it up
  • Bradley coops
    Jeremy be u swear all you want 7 dirty words carlin
    Jeremy be you do you big ups to your co host
  • Zero G Cart
    Great Information
    I really love the information here. It doesn’t get any better. But Jeremy, can you ease up on the f word. Im already through half of this episode and you have peppered it 5 times at least. Your smart. No need to use it. Thank you for the work you both do.
  • Ponca boy
    Tell some old ufo stories, what you’re spitting out is terrible. I had really high hopes for these guys, about ready to ditch them, no more mentioning David Grusch if you can’t get him on the show, show gets less interesting every week
  • Perattzi
    Well presented for the most part. Some great guests and interviews that can appeal to skeptics and believers. However, the one episode that really turned me off was with Dave Foley. Dave is an extremely smart and funny person, no fault with him as a guest. It’s the story he and Jeremy tell about seeing a UFO. So here you are, THEE UFO media guy… who has never seen a ufo personally finally sees one and decides “I’m not going to film this bc my iPhone video might not look great”. Instead Dave is going to draw a picture of it the next day. Compelling guys. Are you kidding me? You had ONE JOB! Hilarious.
  • R0ccoP
    I found Weaponized Podcast after listening to George Knapp, an award winning journalist and my favorite host on Coast to Coast am. George has deep history, knowledge, credibility, and a well-earned reputation of fair investigation on this topic. I love Jeremy’s enthusiasm, artsy personality, and deep sources. Together George and Jeremy make a great team and wonderful podcast. I look forward to it every week. I do wonder if we will see the “goodies” in my lifetime though….
  • KukSoolMuncie
    Agree with others except…
    Yeah, buy George a better mic. Seriously. And Jeremy is learning to shut up a little. I think. Maybe. But I’m not going to stop listening. The material, most of it, is too important. But fire your audio editor, or hire a pro it’s annoying to hear bits of conversation repeated and then have the guest cut off in mid sentence because the editor couldn’t be bothered to finish. And yeah, get George a better setup.
  • Sweerus
    George needs better audio please
    Love the show though
  • Floobus Johnson
    Hiding in plain sight 🛸
    Amazing, fascinating, intriguing, leapin’ lizards, I can’t recommend this podcast enuff. You’ve got two of the leading UAP investigators as hosts combined with marvelous guests who tell it like it is. What a great show!!!
  • ediw lemac
    Made it half way through first season. So far the only thing I don’t like. Is Jeremy repeating everything that is said to him. I’m not sure why he feels this is needed. But pleas!! If the guess is speaking English ! Don’t repeat what they have spoken.
  • Norma Mendoza PhD
    Good pod, fix audio - tin can sound
    Knapp’s is really bad
  • NWA 4Ever
    Needs a little Tune Up - but close
    Listeners: Outstanding UAP reporting and discussion. Here it from the story breakers who know all the players. Love the back stories. Jeremy - read the reviews Clean up your language. Set a 1 F bomb per show limit - even zero. Distracts too much from your Podcast. George - you are Fabulous - keep it up young man.
  • Zed_55
    Better than Coast to Coast,
    George Knapp has been a favorite credible reporter who happens to have an open mind when reporting on the investigations of UFO/UAP, and phenomena such as Skinwalker Ranch. Mr. Corbel is an expert researcher and investigator who has serious connections to the covert world of government agency whistleblowers and rare film of actual UFO events. The difference between these two experienced reporters are the ultra credible and well respected reputations for the truth. And honestly to say if there is any doubt of the story.
  • CharlesWesley
    Five Stars for Animal Rights
    George and Jeremy out here elevating our collective consciousness. Thank you, gentlemen. These are the times that try the souls of mankind.
  • slokat!
    Off Base
    When Richard Dolan’s podcast fired up around 2014 it was fire!! He quickly ran out of UFO material though and started getting political and downright crazy. Please don’t do the same here. Take a Hiatus. Come back when you have some Fresh UAP content. As much as I love Animals, this is not the forum for That content.
  • Memaw Walrus
    Raising consciousness for UFOs and Animals!
    Thank you for the most recent episode on animal welfare! Shedding light where others have not been willing to look or able to see is an important step for animal welfare and the UFO subject. Who knows, perhaps these things are all interrelated.
  • GolfBuddyYep
    The importance of this topic is unfortunately overshadowed by the enthusiastic lack of seriousness and substance exhibited by one of the co-hosts who, to the detriment of this podcast and UAP researchers, investigators, whistleblowers and journalists generally, spends the majority of the podcast’s time churning through one half-baked theory or personal anecdote after another.
  • XHimpx
    Grow up
    I love the subject. George Knapp is fantastic, professional & entertaining to listen to. The other guy is disappointing. Terrible language. Here is another podcast he is involved with that I have to ignore.
  • Co52Bob
    Please remove the F word from Jeremy’s vocabulary
    A reasonably good podcast, but I’m very disappointed that Jeremy is so unprofessional and throws the F word out so often. Gutter language!
  • Velobear
    Jeremy Clean Up the Language
    It’s not a sign of passion but rather a lack of discipline. It’s getting more and more difficult to listen to the show given the unnecessary vulgarity. And it’s too bad, I love this important topic.
  • RainingH
    Good info but for gods sake
    Knapp is Professional and has a lifetime of credibility. Corbell is Not. I deeply support the movement but I’m sorry.. Jeremy’s attitude and attention seeking behavior makes this really hard to listen to. He’s repetitive and obnoxious and I feel damages the push for truth on the public front. Tone it down and make me want to listen again because I just can’t do it
  • Ehmsoleil
    Corbell LOVES to hear himself talk
    JFC he is insufferable but George Knapp is a hero. GET TO IT, Corbell. Why does he even bother having guests on the show to ask them questions if he's just going to interrupt every time they try answer one of his rambling questions? He LOVES to hear himself talk and wants everyone to know how great he thinks he is, but we are listening to get info, not just listen to him go ON AND ON about his cool points. Does he REALLY need to mention having beers with someone EVERY episode? He has good information, but GD does he make you suffer to hear it. Please just let George do the talking or learn from him how to be a good inteviewer. I don't know why I keep trying to listen to this podcast. I want the info, but I cannot pay the Corbell toll. He is insufferable.
  • Stick34523
    UFOs used to be fun
    I wanted to like this but it’s exhausting for me. I like to hear witnesses talk about their experiences. This podcast doesn’t do that but is more interested in who was first to report some thing or who gets credit for certain disclosures or who the main players are in this strange subject. I find myself zoning out until the F bomb count get so high that I can’t listen anymore. I gave it three stars because I’m sure it’s a good podcast for people who are interested in all the politics and don’t mind some foul mouthed ranting.
  • Sid The Frog
    Excessive potty mouth makes show less serious.
  • K GoAwayThx
    Jeremy only wants to talk about himself
    I love George, long time listener of him and love his content. However, I’m so sick of listening to Jeremy say “I did this, I did that, people tell ME this, BECAUSE of ME, I was the one that blah blah blah”. It always just him talking about his favorite subject, himself. “This is the deal man, it’s all about me, me, and more ME.” He is always bragging on what he’s done and who he knows and it’s all about him. I fast forward through him, which leaves barely any of the shows to listen to when he’s constantly bragging about himself. George, you can do better. Get a better sidekick, one that doesn’t want all the attention and glory and who cares about the content more than themselves.
  • BHut
    My new favorite podcast
    I love both Corbell and Knapp! I’ve wanted a podcast like this for a very long time. Subscribed.
  • Yorker67
    Less Jeremy Would Equal More Stars
    Serious UFOlogists have longed for a show like this. And enthusiast of investigative journalism in general have shared that same longing. After all,one of the two hosts is the fascinating, eloquent, and always interesting George Knapp. When he has the microphone, the show is constantly at 5 full stars. Unfortunately, cohost Jeremy Corbell frequently brings things to a crashing halt bu constantly inserting himself into the story. I know that’s part of ‘Gonzao journalism’ but Hunter S. Thompson he’s not. He interrupts and talks over guests, goes on frequent tangents that derail the topic and information being presented, and often sounds stoned. It’s like if James Lipton and “Ted” from the Bill
  • Pinecone150
    Great podcast
    These guys know their stuff. They do their homework and present factual information. Can’t wait for more.
  • Chuckles Big Belt Buckles
    Love the show!
    I first off just want to say how much I enjoy the show, I listen to it as soon as I can. I always look forward to Tuesday for that reason. George Knapp is THE MAN!! I have a deep respect for you and all the hard work you’ve done in legitimately reporting on UFOs. You are definitely a class act. And also a big thank you to Mr Corbell for his dedication and ceaseless pursuit of the truth in the UFO world. I know it’s supposed to be UAP, but I prefer the old school vibe of UFO. The truth is out there and we might just find it thanks to this dynamic duo. Keep fighting the good fight. Love you guys, all the best!!! P.S. I am VERY interested to know why Burchett and Luna were refused a SCIF. Seems like obstruction of justice and the obfuscation of evidence.
  • preachertony.com
    Wish I could listen but can’t stand the language
    Would really love to listen to George Knapp. I think he should be the main host for Coast to Coast. However, the language used on this show is not needed, and sometimes goes beyond childish to offensive. Unfortunately will unsubscribe. Emailed the show a while back to see if I would get a reply, but I didn’t. I know I am in the minority, but when the talk sounds like a middle school boy it makes the journalism immature.
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