Bad Dates

Comedy #62

Everybody’s had them, everybody can relate to them, and now we’re back with more of the wildest you’ve ever heard, on BAD DATES! Join new guest host Joel Kim Booster (Loot, Fire Island, Netflix) as he invites his favorite funny friends to share their most iconic dating fiascos. From the team behind the hit podcast SmartLess, BAD DATES will make you laugh a lot, cry a little, and cringe just enough. Because as we all know - the worst dates make the best stories. It’s a new host, but the same old mess!Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free new episodes.

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Recent Reviews
  • 123@;$:$2$$:$.
    Back Again
    I was not happy when they got rid of the great Jameela. I was considering not listening anymore. Then Joel came in and I’m back. Not only hilarious and smart, but incredibly charming also. Great podcast once again.
  • attiudeofgratitude
    Love it
    Yay Joel!!
  • Rushmmmore
    LOVE everything about it
    Loved every host, past and present! Look forward to it every week! Hilarious, wild, and a joy to commiserate with! I just wish they made MORE content 🥲
  • lidia___011
    Not the same
    Not funny with the new host, he’s quite off putting and genuinely unkind. I used to write this podcast with five stars but because of Joel, it’s now 2 star. bring back literally any of the other hosts plz
  • Royce1629
    Hilarious! Love the new host!
    Thanks to The fantastic new host, I am a loyal follower again! I still miss Jamila, but Joel is a good replacement. he is snarky, clever, and has no problem sharing his hilarious experiences with the audience! And he always does a great job of playing off the energies of his guests.
  • RobbyZander
    Great listen
    Joel is hilarious and a fantastic host.
  • K. E. 718
    Please bring back Marie and or Jameela!
    This show WAS laugh out loud funny…. It’s not anymore. Simple.
  • oakboundbooks
    Joel Kim booster is an unhinged snarky f**
    yet I find him refreshing for his sharp, pointedly delivered commentary and occasionally insightful observations, hopefully the guests won’t all be drab and dreary
  • Hilly Bails
    Love the new episodes!
    Joel Kim Booster is a great choice for this. His first couple of episodes are hilarious!
  • Roll Camera CG
    Loving the new host!
    This podcast is hysterical and reminds me we are all human! It is very humbling LOL The new host is so much better!! Loving him!
  • AaliyahOk
    Where’s Jameela???
    Here for Jameela been listening since day 1
  • LunaTuna00123
    A mess of a show
    It was so good with Jameela and as soon as she left this show fell apart. How this podcast is still going is beyond me.
  • kerenleigh
    Yes chef!
    Very excited for Joel Kim booster to host this podcast. He is the funniest.
  • tdotnyc
    Marie Faustin is the funniest
    I began listening to this pod because of Marie. Her quick wit and gentle mocking of the guests never fails to make me laugh.
  • Nido Colibri
    Bring Jameela back!
    My title says it all. Unfortunately it’s not a 5 star anymore.
  • Yasmeena206
    Why is everyone on this show a Zionist?
    !everyone is a Zionis. How does humor and anti humanitarianism connected?! Sad for our world and society.
  • iiiiiiiiii76543
    Where’s Jameela?
    I loved this with Jameela, but now they seem to have replaced her with no warning or explanation. Now every time I listen I find myself trying to figure out when she’s coming back. The new host is OK, but there’s something missing that it had before.
  • [steve k]
    No Jameela Jamil, no Bad Dates. I’m out.
  • rosytoesy
    It was great. Now it’s not.
    This show used to have wild, hilarious stories about the worst dates imaginable from well-known, truly funny comedians. I don’t hate the new host, although I do miss Jameela, but the guests truly leave something to be desired. I want up and coming comedians to get work, but at least throw in some people who have some name recognition. Right now it’s all guests who I’ve never heard of and after hearing them I hope I don’t hear more of them.
  • Jewelwhory
    Bring Jameela back!!!
    Only giving five stars because the first season was so great. I can’t even listen to a full episode with this new host and guests. There are no more complete stories of bad dates. Everyone on the show interrupts and talks over the other guests. There has not been one complete bad date. So horrible. I can’t follow any longer. Find a better host or bring Jameela back. If you do nothing else try to make it tolerable to listen to. Guests and hosts are not funny at all. So disappointed.
  • Cpope1402
    What happened?
    This show was so funny with Jameela. I’m not sure if she’s the one who drew in the guests, but the most recent season has some of the most mundane stories. Such a bummer. I was fully invested last season and now I feel like people are just telling stories like “I had a bad cocktail on a date. Can you believe it!?”
  • aaasdfsfh
    I miss Jameela! The first season actually had funny stories. The second season leaves a lot to be desired.
  • MindyBeringsmith
    Not Funny Anymore
    This used to be my all time favorite podcast, but season 2 has tanked. The stories are not even funny anymore or even true bad dates. I miss Jameela too! So disappointed!
  • sadierivera2
    Rip to this podcast
    With Jameela this was like my favorite podcast. So when the new season dropped and it was someone else I was like hmmm okaaaay, I’ll try it. Then in like the second or third episode there was a guest talking about her “titty show is only for 3 year olds” … instant ick.
  • A55H0L3
    Gone down hill, but listen to 1st season
    If you’re new… start at the beginning… stop after Jameela leaves. I had to unsubscribe after that. I was a RELIGIOUS listener at the beginning. Jameela was an AMAZING force on the topic of sex & dating. She made everyone feel welcome and safe. She fostered a sex positive, all inclusive, never mean, always humble environment for the guests and listeners to explore the depths of human nature & relationships… allowing everyone to be open and hilarious. This new host and cadre of “guests” (her insta-friends) … are catty, mean, dispensers of shame… so cringy to listen to. Jameela confirmed on Insta she’s not coming back… so bye 🤚🏼
  • aizee🐬🦄🦢🕊❄️
    What Happened Jameela?
    Please at least tell us if Jameela is coming back or not! I used to be a religious listener, now with the new host I only tune in every few weeks to see what I missed. The new host is mid, and kinda blends in with the guests. 5 stars with Jameela, and four with the new host.
  • sendhelptotheproducer
    Jameela or bust!
    I love a good roast but Marie is mean spirited and annoying. It feels like she’s always trying to get a laugh and she just repeats her guest’s jokes. Jameela had much better chemistry with her guests and seemed earnestly invested in their stories. Jameela was just a far superior host who actually had empathy and great comedic timing.
  • Gefiltepez
    As a long time listener to Bad Dates, I’m extremely disappointed with Wondery’s Decision decision to have Kate Willett on as a guest. While she’s free to her opinions about the conflict in Israel and Gaza, she has shown zero capability of engaging in critical thought, or understanding the issues with nuance; and has evinced an utter lack of historical understanding or interest in developing one. As a result, she has been a font of misinformation by sharing and parroting easily and consistently debunked Hamas propaganda. It is her absolute right to be unequivocally wrong and misinformed on this issue, but it is not her right to engage in behavior, whether intended or not, that contributes to the ongoing rise in antisemitism. To be clear, I don’t expect Wondery to pick and choose their guests based on their beliefs, but I do expect you guys to filter your guests through the lens of responsible behavior.
  • CharlotteD86
    Bring back Jameela!
    As a sad lonely singleton, I listen to so many business and personal podcasts, then I got into true crime…I was looking for a lighthearted podcast to balance things out when I stumbled upon this absolute gem. I have always enjoyed Jameela’s humor on TV…I love the honest take on what it’s like to be flailing around in this cesspool that is the modern dating world….I just wish there were more episodes! UNTIL TODAY: not many things will get me out from the shower to skip or turn off a podcast, unfortunately the latest episode did just that. BRING BACK JAMEELA!!
  • lohrb
    These new guests are almost as bad as the new host
    May be the biggest drop off from one host to the second I’ve ever experienced. Also, the new guests aren’t describing bad dates. They’re describing mildly weird or uncomfortable situations they’ve seen or been loosely associated with. Swing and a miss with the new host and booked guests.
  • Babsw73
    4 stars for when the show was hosted by Jameela. If I based my review on the current host and guests for that matter, it would be 2 stars. The current host isn’t a good fit. It all feels very forced and awkward, and her constant interruptions/interjections are really annoying. A great podcast that’s now fallen flat for me.
  • Taco’sMom
    Bring back Jameela!
    Not loving the show anymore but loved it last season.
  • fryyyy1232
    I love the new host
    And think the recent episodes have been great -
  • &;;&;3?&&&?:/;$&?;;
    Massively disappointed
    Man, this used to be the funniest podcast out there. Literally had me in tears! This new season is just painful to listen to. Sad to say I'm giving up on it after the latest episode. Bring back Jamila and I'll happily return.
  • DeFiend
    Went from awesome to unlistenable
    Bring back Jameela. I cannot listen to guest host. Unfunny. Unfollowed. Sorry.
  • girlfromkansas
    Its honestly a tough listen with the guest host, recent guests, and content of the stories. Its just kind of awkward now and doesn’t seem like there’s any chemistry between anyone. I actually had to to stop in the middle of the last episode because it’s such a tough listen. I don’t want to be unkind, I’m so sure the guest host is talented but I don’t think this is the right podcast for her. Giving five stars because that’s what the podcast has the potential to be if you bring back Jameela and screen the stories.
  • Jo Stephen
    huge dip in quality
    tell me why I just listened to a grown man talk for 10 minutes about a woman’s “haunches” and how her outie belly button grossed him out so much during sex only for him to end his story by saying that he has a “dad bod” that he knows not everyone is into. and then have that followed by another guest talking about her bad date with a man who commented on her body so much it made her uncomfortable. when jameela hosted there were genuinely wild and entertaining stories and a sense of camaraderie among the guests (and they weren’t afraid to acknowledge when THEY were the bad date!) but now it’s just full of disrespectful, vapid stories.
  • agunsolus
    Not the Same
    Just not the same with the new season/updates. Used to be SO funny & one of my faves. 😢
  • Couponomics
    Used to be good
    I was a big fan but now with the new host- the guests are mediocre at best. They aren’t funny and the stories are boring. Even the host isn’t that funny. If Jameela is coming back then maybe it’s time to end this podcast.
  • Sorry*not*sorry
    I hate to be so negative…
    I know it’s not easy to produce engaging content but this formula is easy. Jameela Jamil was amazing at letting the stories flourish and punctuating them with her unassuming humor. And now the host and guests just step on each other and there is absolutely no room for any amusement or humor to unfold. It’s just vapid. Unsubscribe.
  • KZ0289
    Used to be funny
    I don’t have a problem with having a new host but barely any of the new stories are actually stories or even funny. I feel like there needs to be better screening.
  • Mattarama1000
    No Longer Good
    I’m done with this podcast. I loved the earlier ones with Jameela Jamil. But the new host is simply not as charming. But the greater sin is that the stories that the guests are telling lately are really stupid. On the last one that I listened to, the first story was about not liking their date’s pubic hair because it reminded them of Hitler’s mustache, the second one was complaining their date was shorter than their profile had claimed, and the third was a complaint that in high school they had taken their date to a big Broadway show where they had to (Gasp! The horror!) Sit through Rent with the original cast. So many of the earlier stories were crazy adventures. Now they’ve just got drivel.
  • alexvoz
    Mildly entertaining - significant dip in quality from season 1
    A new host should not affect the quality of the stories told by the guests, but now several episodes in on the new season, it’s clear that the stories are less interesting and less funny. Some of the stories are literally “I went up. It felt off. I left.” First season had charm and surprises. Jamila Jamil is engaging - doesn’t matter to me if she’s 100% sincere or not. The new host is fine, but the magic is gone.
  • Lhill7
    Not the same since host changed
    So like the other reviews before me, this show has definitely lost its hilarity and my interest. The host isn’t funny and does this odd thing where she’ll go “I’m dying” or some other emotion/action but she’s not laughing she’s just deadpan. Its so weird. It’s just not enjoyable anymore. The guests are hit or miss. I’ve unfollowed, will look for something else to listen to ☹️
  • Gia0612
    C’mon people
    Y’all really had to spend the first 20 minutes of an episode body shaming a woman for having an outie belly button? Disappointing.
  • Evadeeee
    Wow, body shaming?
    I liked the new host, mostly. But todays guest told a story about how a woman’s “outie” belly button made him gag. He went on at length about how gross her belly button was. I was waiting for the host to call him out on that, but she never did! Why is shaming a woman’s body okay? Especially on a show that used to be hosted by activist Jameela Jamil? Ugh. Not cool.
  • Dan_G
    Used to be one of my favorite shows
    Unlike some other reviews, I actually don’t mind the new host. For me, it’s the quality of the guests that feels underwhelming. I understand that not every person is going to be a famous or seasoned comedian, but a lot of the guests just don’t know the art of telling a good story. Then everyone tries to be the funniest person in the room, interrupting and trying to punch up the humor, prolonging a story that’s already a slog. Mostly the recent episodes feel like a beginners improv class at a community college.
  • Kayla19902
    This is obnoxious since Jameela left. It’s raunchy without ANY comedy.
    Was one of may favorites…
    I used to laugh until I cried. Then came the weeks and weeks of “encores.” Now, finally, new episodes and no Jameela. Just not loving the show and have unfollowed
  • YackieBbbbbb
    Where is Jameela?
    I loved listening to this podcast when Jameela was hosting! The new host is just too blasé about it all, not enough inflection in her voice or something. The guests have been funny, but it’s just not the same vibe or energy anymore.
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