HBO Girls Rewatch


Just over a decade after the original release of HBO’s Girls, Gen Z, Brooklyn-based comedians, Amelia Ritthaler (@ameliaplease) and Evan Lazarus (@elazie), are taking it upon themselves to revisit the show that made them the insufferable people they are today. Follow along as they rewatch each episode of Lena Dunham’s illustrious show about navigating your 20’s in Brooklyn. New episodes every Tuesday, follow us @hbogirlsrewatch on Instagram for updates!

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Recent Reviews
  • drunk3nsailor
    I can’t anymore
    I tried really hard to like this show because I love Girls. But there’s no structure, they ramble on about things that have nothing to do with the show & they don’t understand the characters. I think they should’ve done more research on the show & what the writers said about the characters before they started this podcast.
  • swbery
    The boy host needs to fix his lisp
    I watched this show live in college/early 20s and it was great. The Gen z hosts are funny and I like their takes for the most part tho they make me so thankful that I am not Gen z. Pls tho @ boy host your lisp is insane! From context of him talking about his schooling/upbringing he is clearly wealthy and can afford to see an speech therapist. this is a very easy issue to fix.
  • Maddi DB
    Evan and Amelia are funny!!!!
    This is a funny, lighthearted show! It’s fun! It’s silly! It’s a good time!
  • kavila1111
    Not bad
    I do enjoy this podcast to go with my girls rewatch but it could be a little more organized and I don’t think the male host likes the female host very much. It’s distracting lol he is always making little side comments or undercutting what she says and the whole “OUR podcast “ in the return episode like oh god you know what she meant. I thought it was just me but I saw another review that mentioned it so I know I’m not crazy. If he can get it together and they can slow down and let each other talk more (and the guests) it’d be a smoother listen but overall not bad. I’m also still on season one so hope it gets better.
  • Yelowburd
    Was an original Girls watcher and was the age of the characters as this show unfolded. The hosts are too young to talk about this era and the whole “you’d only understand if you live in NYC” is getting very tired. One host hates nearly every character and relates to Marnie (need I say anymore on this?). It’s giving Gen Z Millenial tiktok discourse.
  • proverbialwaste
    1 star for the bad reviews
    People don’t even know what vocal fry means anymore..they just love to call something vocal fry
  • toddyvirginia
    I would love to hear a girls recap but I am so distracted by the way the hosts parrot podcasts like seek treatment and straightiolab. I wish this podcast was hosted by different people.
  • mrrp1998
    Don’t bother
    If you have never lived in New York thank you will not understand almost anything they’re talking about. Not a podcast for regular people who like film and TV at all.
  • marym112
    Not it
    If only they’d talk more about the show. All over the place in structure
  • Pothos Marm
    I tried
    Clips of this podcast on TikTok ar what inspired me to rewatch Girls, but the poor production quality and professionalism of the hosts are a disappointment. The audio mix is terrible; the hosts and guests are constantly talking over each other at different volumes; and there’s wayyyyy too much meandering filler full of extreme vocal fry.
  • jotaylordim
    Evan and Amelia make me feel less alone 🫶🏻
    I love the GIRLS content, but even more than that, Amelia and Evan help this little 25 year old mess, feel less like a mess ❤️ It’s comforting to hear other people my age talk about how weird being 25 is, because lemme tell y'all it’s WEIRD. Anyway keep on keeping on bbys 🫶🏻❤️🫶🏻❤️
  • CornerPeace
    Good show—vocal fry is a lot.
    The vocal fry is way intense. But it is a fun take on one of my favorite shows.
  • Dooadear_
    I tried so hard to love this because I love girls so much. I don’t think the hosts understand the characters well. Which is okay they are very young. Also I’m so sorry to say but one of the hosts is insufferable to listen to. They are constantly shooing on the other host and taking this whole podcast too seriously. The fact that one host is screaming into the mic while the other you can hardly hear is uncomfortable to listen. I also do not think they are funny. A lot of the jokes are very sheltered you can tell they come from money and have very little life experience. Again all of this is fine, however they shouldn’t make jokes trying to relate to things and characters they do not understand.
  • AJSJA821
    Gen Z garbage
    I was really excited to listen to a rewatch podcast of one of my favorite shows Girls however was very disappointed when I tuned into this podcast. I only made it about 4 episodes in when I couldn’t bare to listen anymore. I was expecting was in-depth discussion of the series with attention to the nuanced topics it covers but instead, the hosts turn every episode into discussion about themselves and their ideologies. Yes I understand that some introductions are in order when beginning a podcast but the focus continued to stay on the hosts themselves rather than the Girls series, even several episodes in. I don’t think this should be called a rewatch podcast and anyone looking for that should look elsewhere.
  • եհíտ íտ ʍվ ղíϲƙղɑʍҽ
    how do I say this. I am so sorry
    Evan and Amelia… babes… I’ve never felt so strongly about a podcast as to leave a review, but I had to. I know you mean well but this podcast is not what it could be, and not what you think it is… I think maybe it’s because neither of you can generate unique thoughts while speaking into the microphone?? which sounds terrible? but every time I try to listen to this podcast I sink into misery, 1) because I’m actively losing precious brain cells and time on this planet, and 2) because I fear for a future (and present) in which this show is an acceptable form of entertainment and / or review… i can only listen to about four minutes before the dread sinks in… i know the pod is supposed to be funny, but this is so serious to me. The vocal fry + dumb dumb convos + transplant gorilla grip on the fraction of nyc you inhabit is just not working for me. and I say this as a veteran transplant myself. Living in bushwick as thirty-somethings does not entitle you to run a podcast, especially about THIS particular show — it should in fact deter you from the very venture… please, you can’t keep doing this. it’s literally ruining my life. But I do have to say, I like the instagram content, and I love both of your dead-eyed stares in the video clips. I’m so sorry but it had to be said, it would eat away at me otherwise. I truly wish the best of luck to you both and blessings as well 🫠
  • Beccasiren91
    Gen Z will save us all
    This pod is hosted by two incredibly smart incredibly funny incredibly beautiful members of Generation Z who are rewatching a show about Millennials. Millennials, we blew it, we owe Lena a thousand apologies and we need to listen to Amelia and Evan forever.
  • JadeMija
    GIRRRRL what a great podcast
    Amelia and Evan are hilarious and witty in this incredibly unique pod where the dichotomy of Gen z and Millennial is beautifully explored (and at times dissolved) by their banter on rediscovering GIRLS. In the name of nostalgia, femmehood, and queerness, I love this freaking pod! To the reviews complaining about sound quality / the hosts’ voices: respectfully grow up <3 this is a free podcast and I for one appreciate a pod that isn’t hosted by some robotic, monotone, emotionless, whispering straight. There, I said it <3
  • AndreaMarie937
    Please PLEASE improve the audio
    I want to love this podcast but the audio is a mess. Evan always sounds too quiet so I end up turning the podcast up and down constantly and it really affects the listening experience. You have so much good stuff to say! Please make it a better listening experience.
  • Bogeyluvr
    I tried
    I love the show Girls and was excited to follow along. And then…..the way they talk with the drawn out words and vocal fry. Immediate ick. Sorry but if they decide to speak like humans I’ll try again.
  • AR23ar
    Get your Glock
    Congrats on being gay Evan, had no clue. Love this pod plz never stop
  • OkCarooooo
    Great Pod
    Big fan! Evan and Amelia you are such a funny peek into genZ Brooklyn culture, and your takes on the GIRLS and how they represent 2012 culture are so interesting. HOWEVER, the Iris Apatow episode really illustrates how a (very) boring, unfunny guest who clearly didn’t take the time to analyze the episode can ruin the weekly ep. Pls keep booking comedic guests who are GIRLS diehards and who deserve a spot on this fun show :)) Also thank you for your cultural updates - without you I wouldn’t know Cha cha matcha is cringe.
  • Bob(creative, right?)
    5 stars
    Such great hosts & comedians! Love the Girls nostalgia
  • bnt222
    Thank you for singlehandedly curing our “Girls” withdrawals <3
  • Lo 222_
    Every time they speak, I’m like, “they’re both just like me fr.” I love this podcast and it’s so comforting to hear people that love Lena and Girls as much as I do. This podcast makes traffic enjoyable <3 10/10 recommend!
  • adultgarbage
    Love listening to these two dissect Girls - they’re the fun queer Gen Z younger siblings everyone wishes they had. Love the Tulane references too since I went and taught there briefly but forever live in fear Evan will know someone who took my class and hated it/me and will say it out loud on the pod lol
  • Lou Lu 27
    They’re a good time
    I love their chemistry. Very funny and sweet. Great guests!
  • antler kween
    They are the voice of a generation
    The hosts are beyond hilarious and the guests are some of my fave NYC comedians :) also so fun even if you aren’t currently watching the show
  • bwickmcnal
    cuties, love
    Amelia and Evan are the Gen Z little siblings you need in your life. As our hosts navigate the chaos of their 20s, the pod has this beautiful meta quality while they discuss the still relevant masterpiece of identity formation and culture that is Girls. They approach Lena’s work with sincerity and wit. TY from a New Yorker in sf : ) Great to have company on the revisit, and to discover a work of artful interview and critique in its own right. The Algorithm serves. P.S. my take on ppl hating the last season: they’re confronting a resistance to change w/in themselves// they don’t want Hannah to grow up?…it’s still v good
  • Breegz
    I stop everything I’m doing…
    to dance to the snippet of “Who’s That Girl?” Two Gen-Z Brooklynites examine ~the~ voice of the generation above them
  • Jamie.Hannah
    I’m so glad this podcast exists!
    I started watching Girls in 2015 and I couldn’t believe how amazing the writing was, how incredible the acting was, and not to mention the beautiful soundtrack. I just remember sobbing after each episode because of how touched I was. Finding this podcast a few months ago, has made me relieve and feel all of the feelings like I was watching the show for the very first time. This podcast makes me so extremely happy.
  • BradleyGoodine
    Regular Listener
    Love the premise of today’s Brooklyn 20somethings reacting to Girls. Love the window into their world. And love that this magnificent television program is being celebrated. Thank you for your service.
  • VampireGirl98
    Really beautiful
    Engaging but droning enough to do laundry to, a fine line they trapeze beautifully
  • ImAGilmoreGirl
    I’m old but this podcast is good
    I think if this podcast existed when I was watching Girls live in college I would have understood it WAY more. Also no offense but if you complain about vocal fry?? Extremely 2010 core! Grow up!
  • Phoenix Quinoa
    Good Soup
    Binging this along with my yearly GIRLS viewing. I’ve been waiting for this kind of commentary! Thank you!
  • TC Luvr
    Perfect podcast
    I don’t even need seek treatment any more, this cured my addiction!
  • drewa.444
    slayful podcast
    PLEASE get binchtopia on the show
  • JuliaReisman
    So funny and uplighting!
    I love listening to HBO Girls Rewatch! I LOVE Evan, he makes me laugh!
  • richieem
    I listen religiously and highly rec
  • beaubobowe
    such a fun podcast with the best hosts
    If you’re a diehard fan or still making your way through the show for the first time, this podcast is the go-to guide to looking back on Girls. such a fun silly time to kick back and listen with two hosts that feel like your immediate best friends and talk about such a fun silly show
  • abcdefinitely
    a slay and a half
    their guest curation is everything and they make me laugh, what more can i say💖
  • solieber
    Great guests and hosts
    Makes me cackle and they always have the most interesting guests + great chemistry with them!!! I think a lot of the negative reviews aren’t really getting the degree of performance that the hosts put into this. They clearly know the show well and are ready to analyze it, but don’t take themselves to seriously which makes it more fun and interesting ((Also if you complain about evan’s diction I feel like you’re being a little homophobic…))
  • JamesWendt
    Best pod about the best show
    If HBO “Girls” defined my late-teens and early-20s, HBO “Girls” Rewatch Podcast defines my mid-20s. It is so nice to revisit this show with two people who seem to think that they too, are the voices of their generation.
  • Gov hook
    Finally something funny
    Such a great podcast. Really takes a show that shows it’s age and makes it funnier for a newer generation. Everyone in these reviews hating is old and ugly.
  • will7944
    Amazing creators
    These two are so consistently funny and genuine. This podcast popped up on my social media and entirely convinced me to watch Girls for the first time (thank god) Give it a listen.
  • Madituner
    I love them
    Love these girls. So fun to revisit with them 💖
  • Princess Peach 411
    10/10 Must Listen
    Evan and Amelia will have me rewatching Girls til the day I die. Their hilarious yet insightful take on one for the best shows on television had me hooked from the start- I can listen to them talk all day. 10/10 must.
  • hb_flynn
    Don’t even like Girls but could listen to Evan and Amelia talk about it for years…decades even. So funny, stupid, and perfect <3
  • Ituned78
    Love these Girls
    Rally loving this pod! Appreciate your takes on Girls (as someone who also is in their early 20s living in Brooklyn) and think it’s great to get to hear from a different guest’s perspective each week. Also one of my favorite follows on Instagram hahahahaha
  • Youtth
    Love this podcast and listening to it
  • leaveitpodcast fan
    I tried. I was 22 in 2012..not sure if they quite understand these characters and no to the wokeness. Although this podcast isn’t for me I do love their passion and hope they continue to push through.
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