Re: Dracula

Fiction #123Drama #48

Re: Dracula takes the famous horror tale, breaks it up chronologically (every entry of this epistolary novel has a date), and sends the story directly to your podcatcher as it happens. Every time something happens to the characters, Re: Dracula will publish an episode, in as close to real time as it happens. Some entries will be brief, and others will be long and intense.

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Recent Reviews
  • Being Good is Work
    Most Elegant Horror
    I am enthralled by a horror story told in an elegant language read so well. I’ve taken to quoting selections of Dracula’s personal accounts gleefully apply them to toady.
  • Great chemistry, great sound
    Spectacular Interpretation
    Can't complain about the writing, obviously. Everything else does the writing justice. I highly recommend checking this out and finding a new show to spend your quiet time with.
  • ThatCrazyIrishChick
    My absolute favorite
    One of the best Dracula Adaptations out there IMO. I’m such a Dracula fan and this really captures the feeling of reading the book for the first time for me!
  • Sheshellssheashells
    Just as enjoyable the second time!
    I loved listening to this last year! The voice acting is phenomenal and it was my absolute favorite thing to listen to while gardening. Having it show up in my feed all over again feels like getting a text from a friend! Specifically from my friends Jonathan, Mina, Lucy, and Lucy’s polycule.
  • fourtwohsix
    Thee best Dracula adaptation out there
    Do you like the novel Dracula? Have you maybe only seen a film version? Give yourself a gift and listen to this, it will make your day, every time you listen
  • Ploskd
    Great but ad ratio to show is a deal breaker
    Episodes that are on minute long with 30 seconds of ads. This is obscene! I really like the show and team but can't keep going. I support ads but not like this.
  • rosa manzo
    I just love it
    This series is so good, I cannot wait their Carmilla adaptation.
  • qwerghjkmnbvalsk
    Every part of this has been amazing!
    This is the third time I’ve read Dracula, and the second year in a row I’ve subscribed to Dracula Daily. That’s to say, I was already familiar with the story and wasn’t sure I saw the need for a podcast… until I started listening. Re: Dracula added such a new dimension to the story that I’ve been HOOKED in a way I’ve never been before. The voice acting, music, and sound design are all so thoughtfully and impressively done, and I have gotten attached to the characters in a whole new way. I’ve convinced several friends to listen with me (some of whom were familiar with Dracula and some not), and now that we’re coming to the end of the story, it’s all we talk about. Thanks for a great show, y’all.
  • See Arcane
    The best adaptation of Dracula. Period.
    There is no series, no creative endeavor, no ANYTHING that remotely compares to the amount of love, talent, and understanding of the actual story and characters of Dracula than this podcast. It’s not just rote recitals of the lines, not just an audiobook with an angle. This cast and crew dedicated itself to finally giving this novel the overdue justice it deserves.
  • Snow on the trees
    Not a horror genre fan but loved this podcast
    I had never read Dracula and I’m grateful that this was my first experience. The voice actors are amazing. Thank you for making this a free (with ads) experience. I’m brimming with anticipation and predictions for the ending!! Thank you all again.
  • Gejeifbdje
    Very short episodes
    Well acted and fun to listen to, but episodes are so short! Some are only a couple of minutes or even shorter. And longer ones (9 minutes is long for this show) there are several minutes of ads and a very long outro that results in only a few minutes of actual show. Frustrating
  • hohohmo
    absolutely loving this podcast so far! so many great moments. the acting and sound design and just the everything about it is so incredible.
  • jude176479
    My favorite book, beautifully realized
    The voice cast is perfection and beyond perfection in their performances. My particular favorites are Renfield, Mina, and of course, Dracula himself.
  • smrcooper
    This has quickly become one of my favourite podcasts!
  • JasmineBaggins
    Great job despite some silly nitpicking
    I feel I have to even out these very silly negative comments. The critique of the bonus episodes seem to be from listeners who do not know they can choose to skip things or that classic books often have analytical essays as part of the publication. The critique of content/trigger warnings seem to be from some who feel very triggered by anyone being warned of content. Luckily they know upfront and can skip it. The critique of feed drops for other podcasts seem to be from those who have never listened to podcasts before and have no idea of the reality of the industry. Seriously, though. This is a lovely project. Keep up the good work.
  • Dead Write
    Trigger Warnings? Seriously?
    This “real time” production of Dracula is excellent. But “trigger warnings” in this genre is absurdity itself.
  • Rusty Chill
    A perfect beginning, and more!
    And I look forward to the rest from this amazing cast! Edit: And now that we’re a few months in, this might be the best iteration of Dracula in any medium. Just fantastic.
  • Alantie
    Good Voice Acting but Other Reservations
    The voice acting and sounds are all excellent and presented well, but I have some problems with other elements of this podcast. Having a repeated ‘content warning’ at the start of nearly every episode is unnecessary. A blanket statement on the first episode and on the landing page for this should have been sufficient. I’m also not a fan of editing a book’s content from the original text to something some consider more appropriate. Hearing statements that parts have been changed for that purpose at the start of an episode was a major turn off for me. The ‘bonus’ episodes and promotions are not something I expected or wanted and it’s tiresome to have to see the alert for a new episode only to find it’s a bonus episode. After the first one I’ve been skipping all the others as the subjects and content of those are not interesting for me. It would be better to make a separate book club podcast or study group type of thing and keep this one purely focused on the text of the book. I picked this podcast over an audiobook for the full cast experience and the convenience of it releasing on the corresponding day of the story, but I’m considering just going with an audiobook that’s interested in conveying the story in its original format without edits, constant warnings, or unwanted bonus episodes. I’m disappointed because the cast is very talented but the podcast is clearly interested in using the popularity of Dracula Daily as a staring point or boost for their own original projects and interests and sadly it’s not what I’m interested in.
  • acmill14
    Dracula’s great, don’t care for other random content
    I love the actual Dracula audio and think it’s great, but get annoyed at the other stuff in the feed, like the “we think fans would like this short story!”. I want it to just be Dracula so I don’t have to go through and mark those as played just so they’ll disappear from the up next section so I can make sure I’m on track
  • Mellifer Bird
    Gorgeous and Spine-Chilling!
    I had a hard time keeping up with Dracula Daily last year (my disability makes reading hard). I was glad to find out it was happening in podcast form this year, simply because I figured it would be more accessible to me. But I didn’t expect it to be so incredibly well done!! The voice acting is perfect and the soundscaping adds deliciously to the horror feel without crossing the line into silliness. It’s not even June and I’ve found myself relistening to episodes just for the pleasure of hearing them again. I applaud everyone involved in the production—this is just delightful.
  • real_dr._frankenstei
    Amazing experience
    I had trouble keeping up with Dracula Daily last year because I have dyslexia and have trouble reading. This audio has an amazing cast and great background affects. Really excited to continue to follow the story. I'm interested in what other things they will produce too
  • CTXYZ2015
    They’ve actually managed to make Dracula boring.
  • ThePopWitch
    High quality
    Such a great quality, well-read full cast audio
  • sprdalilsunshin
    Beautifully Done
    One fantastically polished production team plus one stupendously talented voice acting cast brings together what I would have to call the single most gripping reimagining of a well-loved if dusty classic story. To rave about the episodes which have come out this far (chronologically in the fashion of Dracula Daily) would mean writing a Dracula-length novel myself. My friends and family are sick to un-death of hearing my recommendation of starting Re: Dracula. Please do yourself a favor and give it a try. Spooky and fun and clearly made with love, Id give this one 10 stars if I could.
  • NoveBabyStar
    Amazing all around
    I’m absolutely loving this. The voice actors are perfect, the sound design is awesome and very creepy. Looking forward to finishing the Dracula Daily experience this year with these creators!
  • treytatum
    Chills it’s so good…
    Not only is this podcast premise such a fun and immersive way to experience this story, but every aspect of the production is top notch - the haunting music, the electric performances, the eerie sound design, all of it. Checking this feed for updates is now part of my morning ritual!!
  • Mme. SL
    This is perfect! The acting the casting the direction the production, everything is spot on and it’s bringing this now-familiar story to life for a new audience! This is also a really accessible way forto enjoy this classic novel with very little free time!
  • Mostmacie
    Re: Podcast
    This podcast is spectacular! The sound design in particular is stunning, making me feel truly immersed, and chilling me to my bones. The casting is SPECTACULAR as well, absolutely top notch.
  • idylliumfields
    perfect- just hit play already!
    i was gonna wait to give full marks until more of this show came out but i literally don’t need to- it’s already stellar. was i always gonna love it because of dracula daily, yes, however, these first few episodes have blown my mind!! ben galpin as jonathan harker is perfection, and karin kromfli is simply the dracula of all time. like he’s THE dracula. not to mention the incredible ensemble in this show! [(EPISODE 3 SPOILERS) the moment in the coach when the other passengers urge on the driver ugh its perfect] and! the soundscaping is delightful. so eerie, yet also so cozy in a certain way? like a thunderstorm. the score is also incredible, and adds the perfect touch. so so impatient to meet more characters (sorry for being basic but i need jack and mina and quincy in my life immediately) i know this show is gonna be a great ride 💕🧛
  • Slovakia Sunflower
    It Has Arrived!!!
    I’ve been eagerly waiting for this podcast to come out again and I’m so excited to listen along to my dear friend Jonathan Harker’s Victorian journal entries! The trailer features a great voice cast, Jonathan already sounds wonderful talking about chicken paprika, and I cannot wait for the next episode!
  • Ethan, Anguirus Stan/Kaiju Fan
    Absolutely Incredible
    While a real-time telling of the epistolary story that is Dracula is not necessarily a brand new idea, the idea to turn it into an audio presentation that includes atmospheric music, top-notch voice acting, and incredible production absolutely is. Re: Dracula delivers all of this and, if the April 1 bonus episode is any indication, much more. I'm so excited to go on this journey with this podcast, and will eagerly await every missive until Novermber!
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