

The witch has held a place firmly in our imagination for centuries - from whispered warnings in folklore to pop-culture driven heights. But what does it mean to be a witch now?

Presenter India Rakusen, creator of the podcast 28ish Days Later, is on a journey to find out.

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Recent Reviews
  • alico
    Fantastic podcast FULL of history and mystery!
    This one is definitely worth listening to no matter what your beliefs and practices may be. This journalist crafted a deep, thoughtful and introspective dialogue on the wild and wonderful history of witchcraft. You will fall right down the rabbit hole with a hearty blend of expert sources and personal stories.
  • milo1202
    Thank you.
    This podcast was somehow an opening for me when it comes to witches. I call myself a green witch but I think I'm more a kitchen witch because I know how to play and mix herbs when I cook to make delicious meals. Anyway thank you again for the history you put together.
  • ggddhiug
    Phenomenal Show
    I absolutely loved this podcast. Ive now found her 28-ish Days podcast from a few years back and it’s just as incredible. Can’t say enough about it! I keep sending links to friends.
  • elisayogi
    Outstanding and Intriguing
    India Rakusen's podcast is a captivating and enlightening experience. Each episode keeps me thoroughly engaged. It offers a profound exploration into the world of witches and the craft, challenging preconceived notions with thoughtful insights. This podcast has the potential to reshape perspectives, encouraging listeners to approach the subject with the same openness and respect afforded to any other belief system or lifestyle.
  • Tslldaa
    Y'all 💞👍💞
    More, more, more PLEASE!I love this podcast! As a witch it's a wonderful way to hear stories of our ancestors in a new way. My heart is yearning for more!! Please give us another season!!!
  • kabess77
    So much history, and realization of how women has been scorned
    I have loved hearing the history, it has made so many things clear as to why women got to where we are. This series challenged me as well, and I took in information that I still don’t fully agree on. I wish that some of the story lines could be explored further/deeper, it is a mere scratch on the surface. I was torn on number of stars, as I gained so much. The last 3 episodes bothered me, which is why I would drop another star, but feel that what I gained overall can gain back the star. In the last episode there is a speech from a Native American woman who talks about for all of history women have been prosecuted. Listening to talks about ‘trans women’ or nonbinary (they) in this series provoked me to defend women as women. Yet another way for women to be wiped away for the gift and life we bring. Celebrate being a women, don’t cower the rest of us by pushing that away. And as for men, stay in your lane.
  • TheWeaverOfWords
    Such an amazing series
    Thank you for this wonderful podcast! It was so incredibly brilliant; I listened to the entire series in two days. Regarding the search for the “definition” of a “witch” I’d say that witches should come up with their own unique definition of what it means to them; The toxic Patriarchy has defined witches and women for many millennia many times in demonic and demeaning ways. Each woman should always be able to define themselves as they choose.
  • nononymous6281
    A Magical Tribute to Witchcraft
    I absolutely love this podcast. The concept of the witch is, as India notes early on, nebulous; “witch” is such a small yet expansive word. This podcast does a wonderful job delving into the nooks and crannies of the term from a variety of perspectives and includes insightful interviews with practitioners, academics, and others who are part of the circle. I also appreciate hearing her elegantly articulated journey while making the podcast - her questions, introspection, and personal connections to witchcraft.
  • lobe iy
    This podcast is one of the most well made podcasts I’ve ever listened to (and I listen to a lot!). I wish there were more! Going on my 3rd time of listening!
  • Chesca.
    A work of art.
    I listen to absurd amounts of podcasts/audiobooks/radio - I always have, I grew up with at least one radio being on somewhere in the house at all times - and this is one of the best pieces of audio art and learning I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. It’s also reached far - I had 4 different people send it to me, and most others I’ve mentioned it to have also already listened to it and adored it. (This is also the first written review I’ve ever given a podcast, I just felt it was worth it.) Thank you for all the love and magic put into this, we can feel it.
  • fabularisa
    I love podcasts and have listened to thousands over the last few years. This series is the best I’ve heard yet.
  • emaheg
    More please 🌙
    A real gem of a series. Highly recommend. My only complaint is that it’s done and that the atmospheric sounds were at times intense. I didn’t feel like the background noise of witches chanting or breathing added anything but increasing stereotypes. And it made listening a bit overwhelming. Otherwise, loved it. Would listen to anything India puts out. Would listen to another seasons. Etc. More please!
  • KelseyCurrent
    Truly riveting
    This podcast shook me to my core in the best way. I was intrigued the entire time between the facts and the interviews. India was an incredible guide through it all. I’ll listen to anything she’s involved with!
  • w1tc2
    Wow. Just wow.
    This was amazing podcast please make more!
  • Runner4953
    This was an amazing series
    More more please!!!!
  • Shf_7
    This is the only podcast that I will listen to at least a second time.
  • OddNotions
    Powerful and poignant
    It’s obvious this podcast was crafted with heaps of curiosity and respect. The emotion comes through so genuinely and the research is meaningful and fascinating. I definitely learned new and unexpected things and will be re-listening to be sure.
  • DesertHen
    Great podcast
    I highly recommend
  • Sarahcarlyle
    Left me shook and inspired
    The deeply researched and well presented history was a stunner for me. As a US citizen, the only witch hunts I’d really known were the Salem Witch Trials. The facts and figures about the extensive murders throughout Europe gripped my heart and shook it. The information about the women today pressing the issue and leveraging governments to issue pardons and apologies is inspiring and gives me hope. Though I don’t fully identify as a witch, this series is making me wonder if I *really* don’t or if I’ve just been too afraid to, at a cellular, generational, survival level. Has the word itself been so perverted and demeaned from its original meaning? I am deeply hopeful there will be a season two of this!! She mentioned all the material on the cutting room floor—I’d love to hear that, too! Well done Witch production team and thank you.
  • Co.Naturegirl
    I’ve just finished the last episode. I wish it could go on for 13 more. What a gentle and lovely way to approach this topic. Thank you!🖤✨
  • AllLoansAllTheTime
    Wrecked me in the best way possible.
    Brilliantly researched, personal and universal, thoughtful and emotional, and fantastically produced…I listened to the whole series -definitely cried - and now I don’t know what to do with myself. So grateful for everyone’s work on this series.
  • nicoroseyy
    What a beautiful, magical podcast! I hope it will come back for another season. 🖤
  • Pygarluvsbarbarella
    I cried when it ended
    Raised Catholic and currently non-denominational Christian, I WISH there was a second series of This. It was full of wisdom and the ancient knowledge I never knew I needed 🥲
  • Asdfthvfjnhfdd
    A truly beautiful podcast
    I have tears in my eyes everything I’ve heard it’s just so much and pure magic
  • s.o.bailey
    I wish this wasn’t a limited series! Wonderfully produced and presented, and I hope the show will continue beyond these 13 episodes.
  • TKey73
    This podcast is absolutely fantastic. What surprised me most about the podcast is that it goes into such depth about the history of the witch hunts and all the pieces of human / political behavior that went into the creation of the atrocities towards (mostly) women. Fascinating stuff and I can’t stop listening to it!
  • Lisad413
    Excellent Series!
    A serious subject taken seriously but not dry or boring. It is engaging and empowering. I am grateful I found this podcast. It is well researched, and thoughtfully presented by India Rakusen. It illustrates the power of women. I loved every episode but as a Hag, the poem read by Sarah MacGillivray in episode eight was particularly touching to me. Thank you for this content.
  • Harlene 25
    Car ride podcast
    I was traveling 3 hours back from the shore where I was blessed by the full moon. Since October is tomorrow I knew my ancestors were and are calling me. I can’t remember where I found this podcast but I am so grateful I did. On episode 5 and can’t wait to listen to more. Thank you all to the witches out there showing up and shining bright ☀️
  • KellyRichIntuitive
    A beautiful show, informative and needed.
  • Txakgigi
    So good!
    This is very addictive! I loved everything about it, the history, the modern witches, and the possibility. I hope this series continues. Please say there will be more!
  • just a ranch hand
    Mediocre start and finish. Some really great content, also alas, lots of woo-woo. Episodes 5, and 10 especially seemed silly. A scientist not recognizing that unknown things aren't necessarily magic, and giving a stage to a con woman were too much for me. That being said, the treatment of humans for not taking part in the Abrahamic faiths is abominable, and am glad some light was shed on the topic.
  • Mandyleighrtp
    I loved this podcast so much. It takes away all the preconceived notions about witchcraft and it’s modern form. Great host and guests! I love Ronald Hutton!! Please go and read his books!!!
  • Mamaneedsherapp
    I cannot begin to tell you how much I enjoyed this podcast—I didn’t want it to end. The thought put into it and the history and the talent and the pure unadulterated desire to want to understand and know the people behind the witch was above and beyond for me. I could listen to India’s voice all day, so soothing. Thank you for this. I hope it’s a topic you choose to revisit again.
  • pcostanh
    Thank you for such an incredible podcast. I’m a cisgender male listener from the US and your podcast validated for me the absolute tyranny that males and religion have wrought on women and the disenfranchised for centuries. I have shared this podcast with all my male and female “witchy” friends…and I use the term “witchy” with the highest admiration and respect. Simply an incredibly educational, reflective, and entertaining listen!
  • cinderelochka
    So glad this series exists - from a practicing Wiccan
    Thank you for producing such a thorough, well researched and thoughtful podcast series on the origins of the Witch, in all her incarnates and legendary ways! I myself am a practicing Wiccan and identify as a witch and often am discouraged by content that’s partially false or bias, not researched well etc. This series is extraordinary!! So well done. This is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to really dive deep into our origins - both in the real world and within folklore. Lots of knowledge to aquire from this series! Bravo!!!
  • WendyHarbath
    Love this series!
    Absolutely love this series India!! I would this podcast thread to continue. I’ve listened to all 13, and would continue to listen if you had more. Plus I’m already a huge fan of Pam Grossman, Dr Sharon Blackie. I heard a few others I will look for. Thank you and your Magikal team for your perspective, research, and personal shares.
  • Katvish
    History and Magic in One
    I rarely binge a podcast but I couldn’t put this one down. The content is well researched and presented and the author is just so magical and charming, you can’t help but be drawn in. I will probably listen to this one multiple times because there’s more than can be absorbed in just one listen.
  • Richardsonaut
    Speaking to the Wild in all Women
    Absolutely phenomenal ~ thank you for shining such a wholesome light on the witch within us all. So powerful.
  • Kelly Schuerman
    Loved this podcast: informative & binge-able
    A really important podcast about the history and suppression of women and reclaiming power.
  • Love it like a love song
    Beautifully done series!
    This is a wonderfully informative and thought provoking series. Each episode incorporates history with modern views of the particular topic being discussed. I look forward to seeing what India Rakusen does next!
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