Uncontrolled Airspace: General Aviation Podcast

Aviation #92

News and conversation about the world of General Aviation flying.

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Recent Reviews
  • ATLav8r
    Proper Hangar Flying
    Jack, Jeb and Dave are as informative as they are entertaining. Sometimes corny but always enjoyable—this is not a highly produced program but that’s one reason why I like it. I has a genuineness that makes the podcast approachable and authentic. It really is like sticking your head in an open hangar door and joining a chat with a few to old friends that share a love of flying. They discuss current aviation events and developments without trying to be a news program. They bring their professional and personal experience to the mix: Jack is a private pilot, Jeb and Dave have more credentials and have written about aviation for decades. A refreshing note on the series is they don’t pretend to know everything—I know, hard to believe they’re pilots! “That’s enough talking, let’s go flying.”
  • Smackly
    Time to unsubscribe
    Why all the political nonsense.? This is an aviation podcast. We all know you three are very liberal, and proud of it. But stop being so condescending! It’s not becoming and it turns people off. I can handle political discourse and debate but your “holier than thou” attitude is disgusting.
  • flyboy313LC
    Great podcast, can’t hear Jeb
    My favorite podcast, but almost unlistenable due to volume levels. If I turn up the volume to hear Jeb, Jack is overpowering. I stopped listening for now, hope it gets corrected.
  • imunwired
    Verbal fillers...
    The content is great. But, somewhat challenging to ignore the frequency of verbal fillers, “uh, um.” I have had to unsubscribe for now. Will try again some other time.
  • Dugfred
    It’s okay
    I guess it’s supposed to be like “shootin’ the bull” around a beer with your buddies. But if you want to get something more out of your listening time, there are other podcasts where the hosts at least put some effort in.
  • SiestaTeas
    Always a good listen
    This is the podcast version of Saturday afternoon hanger discussion that centers on aviation but ranges around a variety of other subjects. Like any group of well-informed people the discussion can hit on the various topics of the day. Generally I like to hear the takes that Jack, Dave, and Jeb have on things. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don’t. But their approach to the topics are useful to hear and can be informative. They’re never dismissive. Dave and Jeb are particularly solid in their background in aviation, and Jack’s up on current tech. Jack also keeps the discussion moving too. You can hear the friendship in these three guys. It’s always a good listen and I generally learn something.
  • GCIDpilot
    Good listen during the commute.
    This podcast is generally entertaining and often informative. At times it’s the podcast that I love to hate. I usually find myself yelling at the iPhone as one of the three displays some kind of buffoonery at least once per episode, generally the host. Dave and Jeb are up to speed and experienced flyers. Not certain of Jacks real flying experience, but in some ways he appears to be the glue keeping it all together. They can’t seem to resist displaying their political views, generally veiled poorly which I find annoying. That being said, I have listened to each and every episode since the beginning and look forward to each.
  • PJ123rw
    Too Political
    Unsubscribed a year ago because of all the presidential hate speech from the guys. Re-sub’d today to try it again and the first topic I hear is global warming...fellas- you’d be much better to many if you left politics out of the show and focused on Aviation. After all, that’s why I come to listen.
  • Reed Spaulding
    “I digress”
    If you can sit through a seemingly endless podcast of a conversation about things in general, with aviation in in the center be their guest. Lots of time spent on “l’m searching the web about that now”. Really? Do your perpetration, then record. Next, learn how an auto controlled audio level screws with the audio quality. And turn off those notifications!!! Sorry, I couldn’t make it through the first episode I tried.
  • twodollarsbike
    Fun pod, a few issues
    I am no longer a GA pilot (once was) but still very interested in aviation. The pod has guys with diverse interests & experiences talking a variety of aviation topics, both GA and commercial, rare military. Overall I enjoy it. The problem is understanding the guys voices. A couple of them tend to kind of mumble & are hard to understand. Jeb in particular (and nothing against him personally) has kind of a deep voice that is just not clear on the radio in my car. I can only listen on quiet roads if theres too much road or traffic noise i cant listen to this pod.
  • ForWhatItsWorthImAnnoyed
    Mixed Review
    Uncontrolled Airspace contains pretty good information from people who seem to know what they’re talking about, but the production is about as amateur as it gets. One guy in particular had me yelling “STOP SAYING ‘UH!’” Kind of frustrating to listen to, so I won’t be subscribing. Too bad because, as I said, the content is good.
  • cjschroth
    Always fun
    3 guys worth listening to.
  • GaryRudolph
    Knowledgeable "Oldtimers"
    Less and less people talk to each other at the airport or hangout. This podcast has that feel of hanging around the airport when I was a kid with my father.
  • Mike - TN
    My favorite aviation podcast! I've listened to every episode. Great job - keep it up!
  • Hangar6
    True Hangar Flying
    When I can't fly, for whatever reason, listening to the UCAP Gang is the next best thing. These guys have an infectious love and passion for aviation. This podcast strikes the right balance of news, technique, humor, and "There I was" story telling. Best aviation podcast.
  • SaientzG
    Didn't like it
    I have listened for a couple of episodes. I was expecting to learn something out of these hangar talks, but did not find what I was looking for. Sorry guys.
  • Rcrdnixon
    My Right Seaters
    Funny. Informative. Entertaining. And sometimes inappropriate. Love these guys! You're welcome to come fly with me anytime you want.
  • Bushcaddy
    It's addicting and am always looking for the next one
    Keep it up guy's Great job and can never be to long. Just to let you know I'm still listening to your podcast and have listened to them all. Bushcaddy
  • Mombo-Man
    Like sitting in a lawn chair at the airpark
    This is just a loose friendly discussion about everything airplane. Jack, Jeb, Dave are long time friends and very knowledgeable about aviation. I grab a beer and relax for a little slice of my on line time where I just sit back and be entertained.
  • buggsy2
    Worse and worse...
    Was your favorite tv show 'Beavis and Butthead'? Do you still long for high school parties or the days of frat house fun in college? If so, this podcast is for you! Thrill to the sound of Dave's nasal snorts as he tries to impress with his absurd pronouncements. Laugh at Jeb's joining in with Dave's attempts at bathroom humor. And groan as Jack tries to be the adult in the room. No serious talk here! Let other aviation podcasts hit the high notes, this one captures the low end.
  • grdavis53
    Uncontrolled Airspace: General Aviation Podcast
    This is a great podcast if you want a personalized view of general aviation. It is like listening in in on a conversation between three friends talking about their favorite subject. I really enjoy their conversational style. I’m a retired military pilot and the podcast is really giving me an itch to start flying again. I think that is what is they’re trying to do!
  • Appamaticpopo
    GI John from Colorado
    I came across the podcast between Halloween and Thanksgiving. After just a few episodes I was hooked. I started listening from the beginning and I'm around #60. I hope to start lessons in the Spring towards a Sport Certificate to fly LSAs. I find the show informative and humorous.
  • sean b sean b
    Must have if you love general aviation.
    Have been listening to these guys since I started working on my Private Pilot license/cert. They talk about all the stuff your instructor won't necessarily talk about, and they imply and allude to the stuff pilots shouldn't be doing. Great cultural introduction to aviation, especially general aviation (vs. military and commercial), with enough discussion about both of those that you're aware of them. Have attended a couple of their parties and panels at Oshkosh, and you couldn't meet three more generous and gracious guys. They being aviation writers by vocation or avocation, they tend to have strong opinions, and they tend to be a bit quirky. If their podcast isn't quite to your tastes, there are others out there, but few so regular and mostly reliable. It might be an acquired taste, but once you do acquire it, it's tough to shake. Always the first podcast I add when I rebuild a machine or iTunes.
  • panhandler1956
    The best aviation podcast - period!
    These guys are really fun to listen to. They have the right balance of info, news, and opinion. Their chemistry is infectious. A must listen for any aviator.
  • cfianpron
    all in general
    Very little information, they talk about the same things all the time. More opinion then facts
  • Plane less pilot.
    Best podcast out there
    I have listened to every episode keep up the great content.
  • Warmkessel
    What a great podcast
    As a podcaster myself, I am amazed as to the amount of effort and work it takes just to make a podcast. UCAP is one of the best of the best. Thanks Jack, Jeb and Dave.
  • Mr Flixer
    Thank You!
    Hanger flying the way it should be! Jack, Jeb and Dave bring their vast experience to us in an entertaining and informative podcast that this aviator can't live without! Reading their words is one thing but this podcast brings them to life and you really get a new respect for their talents. It's been great getting to know the guys over the years! Keep up the great work and see YOU at OSH and Sun N Fun!
  • JesterXXXXII
    A comfortable chat with friends about all things flying. I look forward to the show every week and I'm never disappointed with the content.
  • Homeboys
    Great podcast!
    Always entertaining...keep up the good work!
  • Hesprus.
    There are few things I like more than a good conversation about aviation. Also, don't go flying in a plane that was on fire a few minutes ago!
  • Habu71
    Hangar Talk
    This is one of the best aviation podcasts out there. If you enjoy just hanging around w/ old friends talking aviation this one is for you.
  • Chris Scott
    Great discussions
    After a hiatus, listening to UCAP got me excited about flying again. I recently passed my ppl check ride and have been enjoying exploring the skies of SoCal.
  • KASW
    Capt Ron, loosen up for Gods Sake!!
    Capt Ron, if you ever been to a FBO. You would know this is what Pilots do at the Airport. We talk about Aviation stuff, ergo "hanger talk". Fortunately for me podcast came along and I was able to listen to the guys since episode 36 I believe. When I was a student I would sit in the FBO hoping some Pilot full of knowledge and enthusiasm would sit and spew all theWisdom and adventure that I could absorb. For the most part most Pilots were friendly. I never found anyone with the embarrassing enthusiasm I had until I found the podcast by Stephen Force and then the guys from UCAP. I think you should lighten up. And if you don't agree with what's being said in this Air Space. You should stay clear of this Air Space. Thats it. I'm done. Jeb, I'll stick a fork in it. Thanks Jack, Jeb, and Dave for all you've done for Aviation. And it was free for anyone who wanted to listen. R. Kent KFPR formerly of KGSH
  • Kaptain Ron
    Used to be more enjoyable
    I have been a listener for awhile and I find myself enjoying this podcast less and less. One of the commentators enjoys dominating the discussion and frequently interrupts and condescends to the other participants without adding value to the discussion. He also pontificates using words and phrases that real people do not use such as "ergo", "notwithstanding" and so forth. I find that quite annoying. Lately they all sound more like college pals going out for drinks and pepper their podcast with too many inside jokes to appeal to the serious enthusiast. Good content if you can tolerate the delivery.
  • QuixoteAg
    Crack for the aviation enthusiast
    Episodes can't come out fast enough once you listen to a few you are addicted.
  • Crewdawg
    I have worked in Aviation for 10 years in roles ranging from mechanic to production controller and now finally as a student pilot. The show is highly entertaining and informative. Its a shame it took me so long to find it.
  • Nicolas Jackson
    Wonder Way Into GA
    I have been listening to UCAP for years and really enjoy it. If you have Evan a passive interest in aviation this show will act as a consistent inspiration to find your local flight school and go flying
  • BePositive!
    Slightly Annoying Delivery, Good Show
    The one aspect of the show that makes it very tedious is the constant, perpetual, endless, consistent deliver of "umms and ahhhs" from one of the commentators. Sometimes this exceeds three or four per sentence" There is a hint of condescension here and there, but overall, it is a decent show for keeping up with the latest issues surrounding General Aviation. Worth a download to see for yourself. Sometimes I have to fast forward when the ummer is speaking, but the rest is often interesting.
  • Jackywangg
    I would like to try this podcast
    I'm now commercial with instrument rating
  • The_Messenjah
    Got me started
    I love this podcast. I'm a podcast addict and this is by far my favorite. They provide a healthy balance of humor, news, and advice. They're the reason I started taking flying lessons. Thanks, guys!
  • whatevrworks
    excellent podcast
    Fantastic podcast keep up the good work! Makes sitting in DC traffic a lot more entertaining!
  • NitroRoo
    Entertaining and educational
    As a student pilot I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to these podcasts. I've gone back and listened to many of the archived 'casts as well. I've always been entertained by these guys ad usually come away with some great aviation knowledge or fun facts.
  • iwow
    Enjoy these podcasts! 
  • LU Flyer
    A well deserved recent review: GREAT!!!
    I've been listening for only a few weeks and I love this podcast. They keep a great light atmosphere (that usually keeps me laughing for the first 15 minutes), then they get down and dirty with interesting facts, tips, new aircraft and equipment, and good events I otherwise may never have known about. Excellent Podcast, and at over 170 episodes you know they love doing it! Thanks guys, keep it up!
    Make this a regular stop
    You'll need to listen to several episodes to appreciate the depth of their conversations and how subjects intertwine. Jack is a great moderator.
  • Just Fly
    Not so much anymore
    I used to really enjoy this podcast. However, recently Dave has started to "flavor" many of his conversations with his own personal political opinions. I'd rather just listen to them talk about aviation without the subtle political jabs. I've unsubscribed for now. Maybe I'll pick it up again later on.
  • RPittman
    Birmingham, AL
    The best aviation podcast.
  • Jim-from-Texas
    The best general aviation podcast - by far.
    Every week or so, Jack, Dave, and Jeb get together in the virtual hanger to just hang out and talk about flying and aviation-related topics. OK, so when I first heard about this, I thought "Big deal - who would listen to that?" But it really works! Jack does a good job of moderating the discussions, while Jeb and Dave contribute from their vast aviation lore. (Sometimes I wonder if there is anyone in the aviation field that one of these three guys doesn't know...) Their hanger flying sessions are always entertaining, usually educational, often irreverent, and if you're like most of us, you will really grow attached to "the voices in your head" and wish that they published the podcast even more often. Listening to this podcast turns my lengthy commute into the highlight of my day!
  • Pmk1225
    My favorite podcast!
    Aviation nuts for an aviation nut!
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