Brian Windhorst & The Hoop Collective

Sports #42

Brian Windhorst and a team of ESPN's Insiders sort out life in and around the NBA world.

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Recent Reviews
  • HuntMan 23
    Great show!!
    One of the best podcasts- they are smart, fun, and talk good basketball!
  • Daniel B Swartz
    Thanks for the adjustments
    I’m someone who appreciates the insights and information on this pod above all else and I’ve been critical of some of the harsh talking over. It’s been so much better over the past few months and I really appreciate it. This pod is a part of my life.
  • Fly Caps Fly
    Be mindful of your sound levels
    Hey guys, think for a second about the listener’s experience. Really loud booming thuds after a statement makes me want to rip my headphones out and delete the show. Try listening to it before you release the podcast. Also, the ad reads are crap. Your not a story teller, it’s ad copy, read it like a pro and move on.
  • Hhj82827281&)hhsksjqixh8
    Always a must listen
    Some reviewers are clearly too sensitive. I love listening to these guys even when I vehemently disagree.
  • jrondojrondojrondo
    Not bad - skibidi ohio rizzlers
    I left a bad review before but continued listening. I’ve changed my mind. I like the Tim’s a lot and I like Windy (Vindy?). Thanks and sorry for the rude review.
  • cfi1938
    Dumb sound effects
    To the producers: I’m just trying to have a chill morning listening to three dudes talk about basketball. Why are you setting off explosions into my earbuds? Are you stupid?
  • bcchuck
    Stop talking over each other
    I love Windy, but he’s no podcast host. Is there a producer?
  • Guy who tells it like it is
    Misery loves company
    Three miserable human beings
  • big_nick
    Stop interrupting each other, please!
    For the love of God, please stop talking over each other constantly. I am a big fan of the show, but this is basic broadcasting stuff and sometimes it makes the show unlistenable.
  • Brother Imhotep
    Favorite NBA podcast
    NBA basketball junkie here who loves the game. Hoop collective is a must listen for me. Love, the banter, the speculation, and the humor of the three.
  • RKEJr
    Lose bontemps…
    “Again”… Man so condescending. Shame he takes away from an otherwise solid program.
  • MK2817
    Very little structure or agenda to this podcast. Some decent basketball insights but Windhorst isn’t made for the host’s chair and there are no fun or creative segments. Fine to have on in the background but not something I get excited to listen to.
  • BontempsForehead
    Live to hate on the Lakers
    Hilarious to see how Bontemps’ gets all worked up every time the lakers get mentioned. They’re never going to say anything objective about the Lakers let alone be positive about them and so I stopped listening to them.
  • Chi Town Shawn
    5 stars when bontemps isn’t on
    OMG espn, please give bontemps his walking papers. Usually when i listen to this pod, i just forward past the parts when he speaks. Which, unfortunately, may be 75% of the show. He is just plain awful. Not to mention his analyzing of players is completely incorrect and atrocious. I think i’m done with this altogether.
  • Hoosierdaddy34
    These guys…
    Keep McMahon but lose Bontemps. He requires too high of a horse.
  • Sdart0
    Brian Windhorst: Ball Hog “Ya Know”
    He is running a heliocentric offense with atrocious efficiency. “Ya know,” is every third word out of his blabbering gaping mouth hole. He talks over his guests and interrupts then goes on MINUTES long monologues, essentially rambling without throwing the topic to his guest. He doesn’t have conversations: he talks AT people. It’s rude and bad hosting, and if he didn’t use his guests last name 5 times an episode to direct a “question” at them, we wouldn’t dare call him a host. His ego is INSATIABLE & INSUFFERABLE.
  • Trevorffegj
    5 when bontemps isn’t on
    0 when that goofball is on. Buddy just loves to hear himself talk. F uckn annoying
  • UKBlue72
    Good but Windhorst ego a bit much
    I like this podcast but sometimes there’s too much of Windhorst ego and he talks over people and interrupts them, which is not a great listen. Lots of good guests and info and I like the interplay with him, Bontemps, & McMahon
  • jjonjonas
    Good info, Bontemps insufferable
    Get good perspective on NBA but it is so tiring listening to Bontemps picking fights needlessly with cohosts. Wish he’d learn to be a bit gracious.
  • CapreeClassic
    Good podcast
    It's a really good podcast if you can get passed them over talking each other most of the episode.
  • josueswizel
    Bontemps makes me not want to listen
    I love windy and McMahon but Bontemps just bring the show down. He always sounds angry he wants to take over the show not let anyone talk. Get him off this show!!!!!!
  • epmoreno
    3 great minds
    These guys are probably the best minds in basketball, 2 of them travel with teams, they are always there & bring us unbiased, subjective content & Windy is such a great mind doing the national work, love you guys!!!
  • WyntonJelly
    The Tim’s
    Both Tim’s are insufferable
  • Just another mol Eliza
    Beta males
    These dude are so noodle armed chinless and untoned. Nothing worse than complete non-competitors doing their little sideline jibber jabber as real men compete. They say things like "in the games that matter ..." All games matter. This is how dudes like this categorize their life. Some days matter some experiences dont. It all matters, never give up or you end up being a sideline beta The idea that Brian Windhorst has the gall to critique anything but the service he got in a fast food drive thru is mindblowing to me.
  • YungDabDaddy
    Stop begging for interviews
    Tim Bontempts needs to stop begging for interviews with the Celtics players and FO. It is very transparent does the show a disservice
  • Kody41
    Windhorst is unserious
    Windhorst is a clown. Either doesn’t know anything about basketball or doesn’t care. Either way it’s disqualifying as as an analyst.
  • Ql893i
    I love Tim Bontemps
    I love Tim Bontemps! He doesn’t speak to much, the show works because Bontemps is the foil to Brian and Banned Macmahon. That’s literally the show. I am surprised at so much Bontemps hate. He provides the realistic perspective while Brian gives the optimistic respective while Macmahon is the comic relief as well as the every man take on what’s going on. Love the show. Best basketball pod out there
  • DennyGalehouse
    Love this podcast
    I love this podcast. Windhorst, Bontemps and McMahon appear to have a great personal relationship which manifests itself in the actual podcast. They’re funny, plugged in and knowledgeable. If you’re an NBA fan, this is a must listen
  • bridgeseller
    Just admit it.
    Bontemps…just admit you love being negative. Tell the truth. You are the living embodiment of “Well actually…” Yawn. You are physically unable to say something nice about one person without taking potshots at another. The absolute antithesis of good time. Also, the movie in question is “Say Anything” not “High Fidelity.” Now I have heard it all. Bontemps complaining that other people won’t let him talk. That is a totlal lack of self awareness. Yuck. Zach Lowe. Get ready for “No one is talking about…” Yuck.
  • Redsoxthrilla
    Love this pod! But CANNOT stand to listen to Tim Bontemps! So boring and one sided! Very biased
  • BrettLucy
    Let Windy Talk
    Holy moly. Can y’all let Windy speak! His name is on the podcast!
  • Telepod Jr
    Can you stop calling him Karl Towns. His name has a dash. Karl-Anthony Towns
  • Bramblin' Man
    Tetchy though.
  • BWFreese
    Windy⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Bontemps…quit interrupting Show⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️, except as noted above
  • Mrmochi
    Can’t do it anymore
    Will resume listening when Bontemps is replaced 🙏🏼
  • Pbgiytrd
    Bontempts must go
    I love hearing Windy talk. I like hearing Bam talk. But Bontempts will not shut up long enough for me to hear them talk. Get him out of here, he’s a poor podcaster. Let the good guys speak
  • Durham PG
    Is Bontemps someone’s nephew?
    I love listening to Windy and McMahon but Bontemps ruins this whole podcast. With his constant whining, negativity, and interrupting of the others he makes this unlistenable. I’m done. I’ll check back in when Bontemps is replaced.
  • Ron M A
    Joker out? Now what?
    All Tim Mac talks about is Joker. Joker.... and hate on Lakers! Now what?!
    message for nba reviewer 12345
    Um 4.0 is a B-
  • Ggrampus
    Windy is the man
    Go windy go
  • SeattleHoopsWillRiseAgain
    Love the banter
    5 stars for the Bontemps “oh god” to end the latest episode.
  • Albatron1987
    It’s okay
    I was going to leave this a 5 star but Chris Bontemps interrupted me. This guy could never have his own show because no one would want to go on a podcast just to be interrupted constantly.
  • nba reviewer 12345
    Awful, so many better shows out there
    Why do people listen to this guy? Averaging a 4.0/5 says it all. That’s basically like having a C- grade. He’s an obese, typical ESPN figurehead who won’t do any analysis isn’t obvious. Has this guy ever touched a basketball in his life?
  • JimOC2
    I can’t do it anymore
    I love the NBA and grew to love Windy from his appearances on ESPN and other shows, so I started listening to his show. I still like Windy, but Tim Bontemps is so negative, which makes the show hard to enjoy. His bickering with Windy has become like nails on a chalkboard to me, and I had to stop listening.
  • t.sr95
    Do y’all even like basketball???
    Been listening for awhile and Windy these dudes don’t sound like they like basketball. All these digs and slights on players. Go cover something else cause it’s clear you are hate watching these games.
  • Highsociety johnson
    I see nothing
    Under 40 and I got it Windy. Go Spurs Go
  • Hue b
    keep ‘em coming(no diddy) please!!!
    Always love the show , listening since ‘18
  • Raj Fan
    Since when is DPOY a team award? Wemby causes more lane U turns than LA rush hour. Those are blocked shots. Ask Draymond.
  • reissydee
    To windhorst
    Get windy off the show. Can’t stay objective, always fan-boying over Wemby. Has a huge head, thinks he’s an all time basketball analyst or something. He’s been carried by lebron and the two Tims his whole career. Hope he keeps struggling to sleep.
  • cpurtjunkiefan
    If you took McMahon off, I’d listen to every episode. He is so annoying.
    If you took McMahon off, I’d listen to every episode. He is so annoying.
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