Mission Log: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast

TV & Film #220TV Reviews #20

Mission Log is a Roddenberry Entertainment podcast with the sole purpose of exploring the Star Trek universe one episode at a time. That’s right, this podcast will cover six different series and 30 seasons of television by journeying into every one of the 726 episodes with a single mission: to explore, debate and discuss one of the largest science fiction phenomena of all time, Star Trek. Starting with The Original Series’ initial pilot and continuing chronologically until we reach the last episode of Star Trek: Enterprise, each week our hosts will tackle a single episode, delving into the most historical and hysterical science fiction that Star Trek has to offer. Along with a variety of guests and interviews, Mission Log will attempt to reach Star Trek’s ethical subtext, understand it’s complex metaphors and finally figure out what was the trouble with those tribbles.Explore strange new details. Seek out new perspectives; deeper understandings. Boldly go where so many of us love to go, again and again. Join us for Mission Log!

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  • Darth Kahless
    The Hosts…
    Jesus Christ. This Ken Ray guy is right about everything! Just ask him! Be prepared for a lot of “Well akshullys…” the type of liberal that makes you hate being a liberal. Every TOS ep is “anti-woman” according to him. I guess a woman like him would know! Insufferable!
  • baron_neutron
    The best Star Trek podcast...
    Star Trek The Next Conversation is the best podcast ever in the history of all podcasts, up to and including podcasts that may run much smoother than this one with hosts who know exactly what order their show goes in; they're still better than that...FIVE STARS!!!
  • tbobr83
    Great show
    I spent most of my time at the more comedy oriented star trek pods but i checked out mission log when adam guest hosted and i am really glad to see the star trek pods crossing over and collaborating. Mission log is a detailed and informative review of episodes and i look forward to working my way through their back catalog
  • Alex_541
    Is Yao Gone Already?
    I was just getting used to Norman Yao and know he’s gone as well?
  • treblocj
    Do they even like Star Trek?
    I truly do not know if the hosts actually like Star Trek. I listened to all the TNG episodes when I first started listening to podcasts. The trivia was always interesting. As they started reviewing DS9 they never had anything nice to say. I did not listen for a few years until I started rewatching Voyager and DS9 recently. I did not even make it through one show. They just had negative comments on everything. The podcast with the actors from Voyager is much better. They point out the flaws with the show but they also show that they still love the show. Mission Log makes you feel like you’re an idiot if you actually enjoy Star Trek.
  • The S.K.P. Machine
    Liars & the Lie They Tell
    It would be great if the hosts discussed what actually happened in the episode they are reviewing, instead of commenting upon their own inserted narrative that doesn’t actually happen in the episode they are meant to be discussing. “The First Duty” (T.N.G.) taught us that the first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth. Apparently, the first duty of “Star Trek” podcasters is to the lie.
  • Otherlleft
    Diversity is all that's missing
    There is some insightful analysis of the episodes which provokes some excellent thinking and discussion. What's missing is theological diversity. Gene Roddenberry was a strident atheist, and since the co-hosts are of a similar mind that the any discussion about faith, belief, and religion in Star Trek quickly falls into a self-congratulatory echo chamber. Short of evangelicals, no one gets preachier than atheists, and since they will never let it go the only alternative to stopping the yammering is to make it into an actual discussion.
  • Egotist vaper
    Arguing with your past selves
    I just discovered this show - out of the sea of Next Generation shows - and decided on this podcast first. That places me in the unique position of arguing points aloud to people who drew these positions almost ten years ago. I’m constantly reminded to write in to the show - and I very badly want to (every ten minutes), only to remember that I’m so far behind, no one will even know what I’m on about. Regardless, I’ve started my journey with you and settled in on discovering the various series’ with your recaps and discussions. I meld with the sensibilities of this program … even when nine years ago you made ridiculous statements about Utopianism being the central reason for striving and misunderstood why the tng crew rejected “Q” powered Riker’s gifts. I appreciate the huge leaps this show was making in 2014 to feel like a “program” especially at a time when podcasting was still very lawless. You did an excellent job of recognizing the audience of your future by keeping the show informative, on subject and using metrics of analysis that wouldn’t be antiquated in the upcoming days. I appreciate all the hard work that went into preventing this entertainment from feel anything less than fresh - and I look forward to your continued presence in my fandom, as I strike out into the supplemental features, documentaries, books, sites and more. I’m not sure that I’ll ever catch up - but if I’m lucky, I’ll be arguing with “five years ago” you rather quickly.
  • Barbi April 1975
    It’s Misson Log Not Gene Roddenberry Log!
    What the heck mission log people? I thought the sag strike was over please for the love of God no more Gene Roddenberry other stuff. I thought it was mission log as in Star Trek mission log not his other shows. I am confused please stop playing the not Star Trek stuff. Love love love Star Trek I’ve watched every single episode that has been made several times as well as all the movies. I even love mission log I also have listened to all your Star Trek mission logs more than once. It’s what I play when I do chores at home and all my crafting stuff. My husband and I also play it on long car rides. At this point, we’re never gonna get to the show Enterprise. I have sooooo many questions about that one! I do enjoy your show so much. I don’t agree with all the stuff you guys talk about. But I do love hearing different points of view. Thank you anyway for all your hard work.
  • Unsubscribed!!!!
    I have unsubscribed.
    Please make a genealogy feed on its own. Im here for Star Trek. I love mission log. I can’t imagine I’m alone here
  • Mom and Pop Bowz
    Absurdity and pretentiousness
    Isn’t it a bit absurd that you think it’s okay to talk about the other things Gene Roddenberry wrote but not about Star Trek episodes that aired a couple decades ago? You do you. Me, I’ll move on to other podcasts. When you come back, maybe I will too. Maybe not. We’ll see. I can be pretentious, too.
  • 21871138
    Sci fi scientists hard at work
    I look forward to this podcast every week. It’s helped with my PTSD and it definitely helped me get through COVID. Seven years ago I was biking to band practice, and I would listen to the the audio of old TOS episodes to pass the long bike ride. Another band member told me about a podcast that is going through every episode of Star Trek in order. They watch the ep recap it and then they discuss. All these years later and finally they ML crew is plowing through the mighty VOY. Also they encourage continuing the conversation, and are very giving of their time on the mission log discord page, which I am also very grateful for, to have safe intelligent and creative discourse. I’ve made some amazing friends and we all look forward to the deep dive and dissection of the week’s episode. Can’t say enough good about my favorite podcast. It fun to think of the hosts in an MST3K type situation, just plugging away in space watching our favorite sci fi shows and exploring the deep meanings within.
  • kevi 89
    So hard to sit through
    There are some good episodes and discussions, however my goodness these guys love the smell of their own farts. So smug and pompous. They miss the point of so many episodes and character arcs and motivations. And then they interject with their 20-30 year future hindsight acting like they’re gods gift to the literary world. And talk about the nit picking yuck! I sometimes wonder if they are even SCI-fi fans or Star Trek fans even……I tried to like it but I can’t
  • Federation Council
    The Absolute Best Podcast
    Star Trek or otherwise, this is it. Mission Log took me on a fantastic journey through TOS, TNG and now DS9. I recommend watching the episode of the series prior to listening to the podcast as it really seems to help bring the points that John and Norman are discussing better into focus. Thanks for your hard work, men.
  • henrycoates
    Norm makes this podcast insufferable
    Man, has this podcast declined over the years, and you can pinpoint exactly when the show began to get awful—when Norm joined. A man who loves his own voice, who considers his opinions superior to all others, and is dismissive of things he clearly doesn’t have the intellectual capacity to understand. It is sad to consider how insufferable this podcast has become, but it is what it is. What was a must listen for me has over time become a complete miss.
  • It's alright; I'm a doctor.
    Too smug
    I tried listening to their TOS discussions, and I did like the behind the scenes research and the humorous use of the text-to-speech voice between sections. But it did require putting up with the attitude of one of the hosts - the one with the higher, thinner, more nasally voice. He aims this smugness not only at Star Trek but also at the other host. When he talked in circles endlessly about religion during the discussions of Who Mourns... simply to hear the sound of his own voice, I realized I could not take anymore of his virtue signaling.
  • Keeper2015
    Calling it quits after hundreds of episodes
    Changing my 5 Star to a 1 star as this show has completely forgotten its mission. I loved the tng and tos in depth discussions. Now the format is like every other tv review show out there. Mission log gave up on timelessness when norm flopped onto the show. Can he actually go a single episode without talking about Star Wars? It’s now shallow careful discussions with grandstanding monologues. It’s a waste to listen to this show review voyager when Delta Flyers is doing a better job and has hosts Tom Paris and Harry Kim that are actually connected to the show. It’s a sad goodbye to a podcast that I enjoyed many hours of but I’m just too disappointed in the shallow shift in content.
  • FRDNDRRocker
    I have listened to this podcast since the very first. I look forward to Thursday when it comes out . The guys have covered each successive iteration of Star Trek and every episode now midway through Voyager. I appreciate info on guest stars and the backstories. John and Ken are a good pairing, and complement each other. I’m thankful for the team and Roddenberry enterprises for bringing it to us weekly.
  • Mr_World
    I'm not really enjoying it anymore
    It's time to get new hosts who actually like Star Trek . Nitpicking has completly put me off this show.
  • RobEastID
    You Need to Follow This
    I first experienced Star Trek with the original 60s episodes. Blew my mind as a teenager. Having dated myself (not Data’d) I have seen every episode of every iteration since. Often many times. That said, this podcast is the panacea for Trek info, personnel, staff, actors and all memorabilia. Don’t venture where others have gone before to other imposter reviewers of Trek knowledge. This is the end all and be all, Alpha and Omega for Trek fans. They will take you to all the universes.
  • Puerto Rican Demon
    The Best Podcast on the Original Series
    Was always curious about the original series and finally started watching it. This podcast is the perfect companion. They recap the episode, give out some behind the scenes trivia, and go into analysis. The hosts are amazing. Couldn’t of asked for a better podcast.
  • dldnh
    An excellent podcast, always very interesting. I love the recaps and discussions.
  • Mlekonaukowe
    Join these two seasoned epicureans as they journey through a galaxy scintillating delights. I will never tire listening to John and Norm argue about bacon and bacon-adjascent foods! Can’t wait for a crossover episode with Factory Seconds.
  • Kleinhausfrau
    Great way to rewatch or watch for the first time
    I appreciate the thoughtful way the various series are treated without being too precious.
  • Fingolfin120
    Norm’s Marxism
    I’ve been listening to this show since the beginning. And I had no significant issues when Norm first joined. But of late, he has made it very evident that he is enamored with Marxism. I’m always happy to listen to discussions of a variety of ideas, but I have to draw the line at the obvious thrill that goes up Norm’s leg when discussing the ideology that resulted in the death over 100 million globally in the last century. And it isn’t the conversation itself, but the lack of conversation, as John offers no pushback. When two hosts apparently share an admiration for such an extreme authoritarian and deadly idea, it sours my perception of everything else they discuss. I’ve enjoyed the show until now, and I regret my leaving, but it is just no longer fun or insightful.
  • WS697
    Old episodes gone
    What happened to all the old episodes? It got cut down to just 100 episodes on here? At least it’s on their website but I’d be easier if it was all in one spot.
  • Bbblllgghhh
    Fun and interesting
    I started listening when they were about halfway through TOS. There is interesting commentary and analysis. It is an enjoyable way to spend an hour each week.
  • Kris I R
    Often frustrating.
    This show is usually full of thoughtful and nuanced analysis, but that all goes out the window when the question of a character’s faith. Star Trek is always about big things, and Deep Space Nine is about many things itself. One of those things is an exploration of faith and religion, and what their place in the world of Trek would be. But whenever it comes up, the reaction of John and Norman (and Ken before) always seems to be an exasperated “None. None whatsoever. Why are we still talking about these childish things?”. It’s really frustrating.
  • Stardrifter001
    Good analysis but can’t listen to the end anymore
    Big fan of the podcast. Been listening since the beginning of TNG. I like the hosts and enjoy the back and forth, even when I disagree, sometimes vehemently, with their opinions. I do have one big gripe. I like the natural back and forth, but it’s gotten to the point that every episode ends with Norman reading a pre-written essay. You can tell it’s pre-written because he’s either not trying to or not capable of making the reading sound natural. It’s gotten to the point that I just turn off the episode when it starts. Even if I agree with what he’s saying, I’m not interested in listening to someone read off a blog post about an episode. It’s the natural conversation I’m interested in.
  • DouglasxTaylor
    Stick with it. The mission has a purpose!
    Been listening since it was Ken and John, still loving it with Norm and and John. I started listening to this podcast right when the team got started with Deep Space Nine. I am a Niner fanatic, so I’m already super defensive and protective of “my precious”. It’s okay if DS9 isn’t your favorite Trek, it’s just hard for me accept, that’s all. As such, I was skeptical at first, but have grown to accept the divergences of opinion and enjoy the concurring analysis as it comes. I can appreciate that the team hasn’t been that impressed with Section 31, but I am cynical enough to believe that any major governmental power, galactic or otherwise, will never be so utopian to not have subterfuge and dirty deeds done dirt cheap. To paraphrase the great Howard Zinn, “the first lesson of history is that governments lie”. While you may say that Section 31 cannot be a part of Gene’s vision, I find that contending with darker elements of humanity, and overcoming them when possible, is to be the very essence of Trek. I don’t think you’re supposed to like Section 31, but I think it would be naive to assume they wouldn’t exist. Better gauges to see how “Mission Log” might align with your fandom, in regards to DS9: Episode 337, covering “The Visitor”. Norm’s emotional coverage of this episode had me crying, as does this episode every single time. Worth experiencing for yourself without further description. Episode 404, covering “In the Pale Moonlight”. I disagree with their coverage, in that I really enjoyed this episode, and they did not. I don’t always think being compromised is something that can be avoided, but it is interesting to see what a person or organization might be able to do in spite of this. I don’t necessarily think you’re supposed to sympathize with Sisko’s dark decisions so much as ponder on the ancient truth that “Truth is the first casualty of war”. Of course, the mounting casualties were the catalyst for Sisko’s decisions, but the deceits and deceptions do have a way of mounting up. Mission Log’s critique is valid here, even if I disagreed with it. Episode 398, covering “Far Beyond the Stars”. Another fan favorite episode, Mission Log does not disappoint with a beautiful review of an intricate and wonderful piece of science fiction. A great standalone episode, and perhaps worthwhile to view as a primer episode for Star Trek or DS9 in its entirety. Norm really hit it with the morals, meanings, and messages. Perfect episode of DS9 and the Mission Log podcast. No matter how I feel, at this point I am in it to win it with Mission Log. I am listening to all of the backlog episodes and will be in tandem in a year or so. Don’t sleep on this show, even if your favorite episodes get dissed. That’s life. Moreover, this is an excellent podcast for Trekkies to spend time looking at every single episodic iteration of Trek, if that’s your thing. This has increased my appreciation of my own fandom, as well broadened my perspectives on parts I do not often consider. It’s like listening to two old friends at this point, and Mission Log is always welcome on my podcast rotations.
  • Amber Joan
    So good
    These guys love trek and I love learning so much background information. Fun, informative, and super well done.
  • Donutlorian
    The is one of the best podcasts, in any genre. If you are a Star Trek fan, begin listening immediately with your favorite episode/series. They haven’t gotten to Voyager yet, but hopefully do continue and cover that series as well. If you are involved with podcast production, check this out for excellent structure, research, and host charisma and chemistry. I honestly wish that John and Ken had done podcasts of The Xfiles, Breaking Bad, Sopranos, all my favorite shows… they, and the format, are just that good. Get ready to invite two new friends into your world. They will make you smile and sometimes laugh, sometimes ponder. This podcast has simply become part of my life. All that said… I sincerely miss Ken so much. Norman is fine… Ken was special.
  • Freelancer 170
    Podcast collapsing on the weight of its mission
    I used to love this podcast and listened to it religiously, that is until they started reviewing Deep Space Nine. I get it, John, Ken and now, Norman don’t see as much of Gene’s vision in DS9 and have more issues with it. That’s fine to have a differing opinions and at first I welcomed the different perspectives. But along the way, episode after episode, the podcast devolved into John and Norman wishing the DS9 was different, lamenting what could have been (with their rewrite discussions) in the scripts and just overall have created a feeling of disappointment with Star Trek. It’s gotten so bad that it’s all but certain that John and Norman are going to struggle to find much that is redeeming about a DS9 episode. The thing is, I’ve listened to plenty of other Star Trek podcasts that don’t have such a hard time with these same episodes of Deep Space Nine. They don’t struggle as much to find morals and messages. Sure, they have issues with certain aspects of the show’s darker nature, but it’s not so bad that it makes listening to the podcast unenjoyable. It makes me wonder if John and Norman are so tied to their vision of what they think Star Trek should be, they can’t really appreciate DS9 and it’s unique merits. At the end of the day, podcasts are entertainment, and this podcast has become a chore to listen to.
  • Bottled Roger
    It has declined
    Since Norm has arrived we now have analysis that is nothing but bad impressions and weak fan fiction. Neither John nor Norm focus on the story as written. Just what they wish it could have been. Occasionally they still make good assessments so I still try to listen but, seriously, it’s turning into two geeks gushing over each other about their own in-jokes and, as noted, weak fan fiction aspirations. And, really, REALLY, you had to throw ‘woke culture’ into your DS9 love? Really? (Valiant, episode 407). Disappointing. That’s just my criticisms. I do mostly like the show. We’ll produce. And, occasionally now, there are some good insights. Nothing to make me reconsider an episode, as we had with TOS and TNG, but somewhat interesting. Maybe it’s my own dim view of DS9 (though I have like it better upon rewatch this third time). I am trying to remove such prejudice, cuz I agree with John’s comments on IDIC. I’m trying! I still support … but enough with the fan fiction!
  • kevbayer
    In the culture we live in now, are Norman's oft references to the attractiveness and `assets' of the female cast members really appropriate? That never would have flown with Ken. Come on, Roddenberry - make some managerial decisions on these kinds of things. I miss Ken - he brought so much to the show in terms of professionalism and not letting the show devolve into fanboy commentary. Norman is the epitomy of the term "fan boi" as a derogatory. It often sounds like John is just humoring him and his comments, but sometimes falls prey and joins in. It's sad. The discussions are repetitive during the episodes and you can tell because the length of the episodes since Norman joined has gotten longer than they used to be with Ken - by around 20 minutes. Ken and John kept it right around an hour unless they were covering a two-parter. The editing has dropped since Ken left too. I don't know if Ken was the audio editor before, or if that's Earl, but the show doesn't seem as tight as it used to. When it was Ken and John, I would have given the show 5 stars. Now it's a three - average.
  • Groucho the man
    Stumbled onto this podcast
    I have been subscribed to many other ST podcasts, but never knew of this one. Noticed the suggestion on iTunes and decided to give it a try. By far the best out there. I love the structure, many others seem to just wing it, and ramble on. Made it 240 episodes so far. Myself I am a lifelong fan of Trek. Watched since TOS was originally broadcast, seem literally every episode up until Discovery. Hoot this continues forever with great content.
  • Gregger123456
  • Bcad47
    Great Show For All Your Star Trek Music Crossover References
    Obviously a great show about Trek. Really a great show about obscure musical references relating to Trek and sci-fi band names that have never been. Great show made by great people. I’d rate it to 11 if I could.
  • mfs4
    Enhanced Star Trek experience
    Have watched trek a bunch and finally did a rewatch of trek following each episode with the accompanying mission log pod cast. Over the pandemic I have finally caught up to current episodes! Made me appreciate and understand Star Trek more than ever!
  • Elliott E.
    Room for Improvement
    I’m not writing Norman off yet, but please, I’m begging you guys, give John more air time. Norman—I love your Shatner impressions, but you don’t have to have the last word on every topic.
  • -A-L-C-
    The chemistry is still off...
    Since Ken left, the podcast has turned into lots of unwarranted writers-hat “story fixing”, literal dictionary quotes of common words on a very frequent basis, and really uncomfortable scripted jokes to start off episodes. This kind of stuff used to feel like two friends just riffing about a weird sci-fi show, and now it just feels cringy. Ken was the goofy humor that bounced off John, and John was the straight man to keep Ken sane. But Norman and John together are just too rigid with the jokes, and too loose about balancing topics. John will just let Norman go on and on until he’s repeating points over again, to where John doesn’t get a word in and has to “Keep it brief” (a frequent quote John’s had to use too many times now in recent episodes) Sure, the hosts both still check all the boxes of the fantastic formula used since day one. But I’m not sure if it helps or hinders the show these days. It’s just not clicking for me like it used to in the TOS/TNG days. DS9 is so great! So why does the podcast feel like it’s at its worst? It’s been about a year since Ken was replaced now, and I’ve gotten tired of holding out to see if things improved with Norman.
  • Seanestro
    Very detailed
    Just wanted to thank Mission Log for putting out a high quality, researched, and well thought out podcast on such a niche subject for so many years. I especially like hearing observations and interpretations that I hadn't thought about! Great job!
  • Jay_L_K
    This is the most fun Trek pod I’ve found. Ken and John are extremely knowledgeable Trekkers, and more importantly, have a great conversational rapport, filled with equal parts information and humor. If you’re a fan of “every episode of _____” pods, or simply want to check out individual shows about Trek episodes or films you remember, Mission Log is the podcast to check out.
  • JaySunSee
    All Good Things
    I really enjoyed listening to this podcast from the start, and I know nothing lasts forever. I knew hosts would come and go, but I never realized how the dynamic for me changed. I am going to miss listening but after a year + I am just not feeling Norman, the new host. I miss the snark factor Ken brought. Best wishes on a continued successful run. There is a lot of Trek still to go.
  • Praxis25
    Fascinating and insightful
    I’ve been listening to this show for several years. They know their stuff and have some inside information since it’s produced by Rod Roddenberry (who pops on from time to time.). So they have access to info no one else does. They review each episode and movie in air date order. Both John and Norman (formerly Ken was there) have a great sense of humor and insightful viewpoints as they discuss different aspects. Including the morals meanings & messages as well as does it still hold up today years after being created. They are easy to listen to and fun to get to know. If you’re familiar with Trek intimately or just getting started these guys are the ones to listen to. They enhance it all and make you see things you missed or will catch watching each one.
  • Bravedott
    Trek Holes
    I’ve been filling holes since quarantine started. Star Trek holes. That’s when I discovered Mission Log. I filled in holes of TOS, TAS, and now DS9. For every hole, I listened to the corresponding podcast. Mission Log enhanced the now-filled holes in amazing ways. The commentary offered was out of this world (pun intended). I’ll never watch an episode of Trek again without listening to the corresponding Mission Log.
  • S2lvoJ
    Thoughtful takes
    I came to this podcast from a recommendation by The Greatest Generation and found it to be a good, serious compliment to their comedic take on Star Trek.
  • TStewart
    God, I miss Ken
    Current review: Still listening ... but it can be a hell of a slog sometimes. Original review: This podcast keeps reminding me why I have been, and ever shall be, a Trekkie. Thanks, guys.
  • Jazz489
    Must listen
    Must listen for the hardcore Trek fan. I think John and Ken were great at the beginning. Norm has been different but just as wonderful on the air. Do o agree with everything the hosts say? No. But what they say is thought provoking and interesting. They put time and effort into each episode and make a great product. Some people have dropped stars because they don’t all agree with those hosts, if you just want to hear your own thoughts start your own podcast!! Keep it up guys and we’ll keep listening.
  • dsm25
    Unbeatable Star Trek Podcast
    John Champion and Ken Ray have nothing short of a complete winner here. I love going back through all the old episodes and movies. On Thursday morning, this podcast goes to the front of the queue for listening. Update 2020. I was so dismayed when Ken decided to leave the show. I don’t think there is anyone who can replace his spontaneous wit. Norman is a wonderful new addition. He likes to interact with the listeners. The Patreon is finally active. In my fantasy life, Ken still listens weekly and will be a guest on a supplemental. I didn’t always agree with him, but he always made me think. Mission Log is still at the top of the queue on Thursday mornings.
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